Windwakerguy430 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure New World RP

The_Real_Dio posted on May 24, 2017 at 11:52PM
New York City, 1962.
If you go down a specific alleyway and take a left you'll find yourself In the best red light district in all of The Big Apple, it's known as the Highway to hell and at the end of the street you'll find yourself at a strip club known as Crazy Bitch. This is the HQ of a Gang known as Dream Police- The most feared gang in the entire city, all the members are stand users, they quickly rose in power, but just as quickly as they rose in power, they fell. A mysterious man killed off nearly all of the gang, he was after one thing: the Bosses golden pistol.
Only two members of Dream Police remain, they have no idea who killed their gang, they just know they have to rebuild.

Characters must give...

Allies and Enemies (This may be added over time, and not immediately)

No killing other people or their Stands
No god modding. All Stands, even the OP ones, have flaws
No reviving dead characters. Once your dead, you stay dead.
No killing off threats in one hit.
Have Fun

Understanding Stands
A Stand protects its user, like a guardian. The name comes from "standing by" the user, sometimes using their powers without direct orders in order to protect the user, and by extension, themselves.

A person can have only one Stand (though their Stand may evolve).

Stands can be inherited.

A Stand is part of its user, and damage is usually reflected between the two.

Usually, if a Stand's leg is cut off, its user will lose their leg as well. Certain aspects of some Stands are immune to this effect. If the Stand is not exactly humanoid, they may reflect damage to their user's body relative to the area of the Stand that was damaged, or are an exception.

Stands may only be seen by Stand users; the exception being Stands bound to physical objects.

A Stand can only be directly damaged by another Stand.

A Stand's energy or power is inversely proportional to their operating range. The further a Stand is from its user, the weaker it becomes – Long-range Stands and/or Stands' long-range abilities are simpler in mechanism.

Stands are usually bound to their user's body, but exceptions abound

When a Stand User dies, their Stand typically disappears with them; however, exceptions do exist.

When a Stand is defeated, their user is either knocked unconscious or killed, depending on the level of injury.­or/­Sta­nd-­Gen­era­tio­n.h­tml

Windwakerguy430 163 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 163

over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: Right, whatever. I'm in a bit of a pinch so how long do you think it'll take to get rid of this creep? (she stands back a little bit behind Joseppi)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Dimitri: (He looks over at Joseppi) No, you won't. Not today, at least
Helter Skelter: (Appearing next to Dimitri, it slices his arm off, with no pain from Dimitri whatsoever)
Dimitri: This arm is no use to me any longer. I could have the bone healed in a few weeks, but I have no time to wait. I shall be on my way (He passes Tessa, ignoring her and the others as he made his way out of the alleyway)
Joseppi: W-Wait! Just where do you think you're going, you bastard!?
Dimitri: (He stops and, without turning to look at him, speaks) Do not worry. We will fight again soon, Jojo. And ma'am (He says to Tessa) You and that man Jojo are with will be next (He turned the corner and made his way out of the alley)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: *Sits down and starts stretching his hand which is cramping up do to overusing MWND* Why the hell does everyone wan't us dead?
[The police passed a while ago without noticing Tessa]
James:(to Tessa) So, why are there pigs after you? if you don't mind me asking.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: (He clenches his fists as he is forced to watch Dimitri walk away)
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: (She turns to James) It's a long story, sweetheart.
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: I see. *Turns to Joseppi don't worry Jojo you'll get your chance to kick his ass... I have a feeling he'll be back.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: That's just the thing that worries me. I want him dead as soon as possible. Just knowing that he could try something again bugs the hell out of me
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: Me too, but now's not the best time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Alright. And what should we do about her (Nods his head toward Tessa) She's obviously a Stand user
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
Jame;Ya, we have been seeing alot of stand users... It's as if were drawn to one another... and what do you mean "Do about her" are you suggesting she join us?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Well, so far, she hasn't tried to kill us, and we already have one guy wanting to join us. The more people we have on our side, the better chances we have at protecting ourselves
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: If she wants to join us I don't care *Turns to Tessa* SO. what do you say wanna be a gangster? We can get you protection from the law.
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: (She eyes them both) ...what kind of gang are you guys running, exactly?
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: You tell her Jojo.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Well, it isn't really much of a gang. Not anymore, anyway. Most of them are dead. But we did simple things, such as assassinations and such (Clearly being brutally honest with his answer)
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:*also being a little to honest* We also had a lot of men in the drug business but they're dead too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: That is also true
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: *Looks at Tessa* So what do you say?
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: Sure, I can handle it.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Alright then. Good to have you
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: Then it's official.
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:*Hands Tessa a piece of paper with an address on it* come to this address tomorrow, sixth floor.
(The next day)
James*at crazy bitch taking the stars to the sixth floor) It's good to be back...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: (Clearly showing his disinterest with the place) Yep
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:*looks back at Joeseppi* what the fucks wrong with Crazy Bitch?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Just not a fan of the whole strip club thing. I understand why we need it, but just coming here makes me feel dirty
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: Were gangsters Jojo, we ain't the cleanest.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: I know, I know, but.... it's hard to describe. Let's just hurry to the top floor where there is less of.... (Waves his hands around) This
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:OK *continues walking*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: (Continues following him)
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
(they get to the top floor)
James: *sinks into a chair* ahhhhhhhhhh...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: (Sits on one of the other chairs)
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: And now we wait *Closes his eyes* you know something been bothering me Jojo... How do you think the boss had found so many stand users for the gang?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: I don't know. Perhaps he had been searching for them. He must have had some connections
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: I don't know. Perhaps he had been searching for them. He must have had some connections
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:That is true... And what are your thoughts one the bosses gun? why was that all they took?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: I'm not sure. Bu whatever the reason is, we need to find out
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: Of course... *Sits in silence for a moment* Damn this place is quiet with just the two of us, gives me the creeps...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: It is a little disturbing, now that you bring it up
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
(James is about to say something before there's a knock at the door, James gets up and answers it. Standing in the Doorway is Brandon*
Brandon: A um g-g-girl at the spot we um met t-t-told m-me to come here.
James-BRANDON! So you decided to join after all
Brandon- Um yes.
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
(Tessa is leaning in the doorway behind Brandon)
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:And you came too Tessa, excellent!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: Nice to see you both came
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
Brandon:T-t-t-t-thank you.
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: Yeah, looks like you really need the extra company.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: You could say that.
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James: Didn't we already tell you the wrest of our gang died? *walks to a small bar across the room* Either of you wan't a drink?
Brandon: Y-yes please.
James:*Starts rummaging around under the bar.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AquaMarine6663 said…
Tessa: You told me that a lot of your gang got taken out, not that it was only you two.
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
James:well now it's four.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Joseppi: And we do hope to increase our numbers
over a year ago The_Real_Dio said…
(James suddenly yells and pulls his hand out from under the bar, clamped hard to his wrist is a large Venus fly trap like plant with sharp teeth growing out of a broken glass, James tries to pull it off but before he can it bites down lobbing of James hand and causing the plant to fall to the ground, James wastes no time covering his foot with MWND and kicks it across the room before falling to his knees and screaming curse words as he tries to stop his hand from bleeding.After that a man walks in form one of the other rooms he wears a green suit and wears his black hair slicked back, on his shoulder sits a small stand with larger arms, on each knuckle is a strange looking seed pod)

???: So the rumors are true Dream Police are down in numbers. Then I Marcus will finish you off and take the fame for being the one who stomped you out. *he Punches the wall next to him and another deadly looking plant grows out of the hole* YOU'RE NO MATCH FOR MY STAND SAVAGE GARDEN!
last edited over a year ago