Total Drama Island Fancharacters Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 1451

DandC4evacute said …
link EC's Journal. Posted over a year ago
ApplesAndLove said …

Yep, this old lady is, XD (/._.)/

Fanpop wasn't working for.. Stupid Zmidy313 account. I guess its been activated too long and it was time to go. So I'll be using this one from now on. Idk if my brother will. He's been a poop-head lately .-.

So fill me in on the details! What has happened on my 2-4 Month "break"? I missed everyone soooo much, and glad to be back.

Also some fanfics soon I guess. XD Posted over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
HEY GIRL over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY APRIL <3 YO IS BAACK *hugs* how are you? and you didn't really miss much's been very quiet here ;-; BUT YOU'RE BAAAACKKK :DDD over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
well i made a new fanfic <3 that your in and i uh uh uh- nothing cause i'm lame XDDD over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
I wanna rp with y'alls *holds out all her ocs* Posted over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
takes them and runs away over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
me too xD over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
:D over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 said …
Hey guys so uhm most of you may kno my oc Rowan or my little brother well tomorrow is his birthday 😜 id really appreciate a little something Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Happy birthday Rowan ^^ over a year ago
Frankiestein65 commented…
Happy b-day Rowan! Have a fabulous day! (Ps today is my best friends birthday aswell! How futoritous…) over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
So, no EC's Journal this week. I'm sorry, but my school is going on a camping trip for 2 nights, and there will be no internet access. Sorry. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama said …
I just realized that Mariam needs to be in a fighting video game XD Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
link Part 4 of EC's Journal. Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
So... that Total Drama Disney I was hoping to write, didn't exactly happen.
Some things have been happening recently, some BAD things. To make the explanation as simple as possible, I'm just going to call it "family troubles."
I'm still trying to do some writing... but I can't promise any fanfics I write in the near future will be that good or that long, I'm having a lot of trouble focusing. Please just understand that.
Thanks<3 Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Aww DX poor you *hugs* over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Aww *hugs* over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
*hugs loads* it's alright, i understand. take as much time as you need bby :)) over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
*rolls around crying* I AM SO BOOOREED ;A; Posted over a year ago
NeonInfernoLord said …
Total Drama: In Space. Coming this Winter.... Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
I'm thinking I should start getting back to writing fanfics... a new Total Drama Disney in the future, perhaps? Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Okay! over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
OH YEEESSS :DDDDDDD over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
I'm hoping to do some writing this weekend, it might be hard since it's Canadian Thanksgiving, but I'll try!<3 over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
We don't even have thanksgiving here ;-; but it's all good, take yo time bby over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
link Part 3 of EC's Journal! Posted over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …

I AM SO HAPPY I COULD SCREAM.<3 :'D Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
ninjacupcake88 commented…
DandC4evacute said …
link Part 2 of EC's journal! Posted over a year ago
smartone123 said …
id like to apologize for my lack of presence i just have been so busy that i have no time to draw for here ,write or anything in general so ill do my best but i know have a project to do,an essay and a bunch of homework onto of my clubs,drivers test soon and a sport so well see,please be patient and know that your all great XD Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
Ohmygooooosh i keep saying imma be online then i'm not!!! D: i swear imma be online more! I'm working on a fanfiction now and everything will be awesome and amazing and asdfghjmk, <3 <3 <3 ily guuuuiiiiseee Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
link feedback is encouraged! Posted over a year ago
princess2109 said …
todays just been fan-fuckin'-tasic I got sick at lunch, checked out,ate pepto,slept,went to swimming, got sick at swimming AND JAMMED MY MIDDLE FINGER ON MY WRITING HAND.... I want to draw but I can't do it too well with a jammed finger ;-; Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
I'm really sorry for the lack of new fanfics and stuff... but it seems like there's no point in posting them because everyone's gone from this spot anyway. :/ Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
I still check everyday, but the club seems to have gone down hill ;-; over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Agreed. :/ over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Yeah, I mean, really. What is the point of homework? It's not like kids' brains are trapdoors that always slip information whenever you get home. over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ya its just the fact that schools around that leads to everyone being less active over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
This club seems so empty.... c'mon guys!!! Posted over a year ago
NeonInfernoLord said …
Well who can do a little Sherlock Holmes reasoning and deducting skills to see who will make it to the merge which I'm guessing will be like the final seven. Lets place the Bets Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
Whenever I see color-overs on the pop quiz, I think, "Wow, this club has gone a long way!" Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
This club seems to get dead when school starts up... :/ Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Ikr :/ over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Homework ban sounds amazing, Iv got like 7 peices of homework today D: over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ive been swamped XDX over a year ago
NeonInfernoLord said …
WOOOO! Just watched Total Drama All Stars, I can tell this season will be awesome. Although the shorter intro is a bust Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
The inteo's shorter because the episode is now 20 minutes, not 22 minutes. over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
Intro's* over a year ago
NeonInfernoLord commented…
Ah that makes sense over a year ago
janieelizebeth commented…
i saw the frist episdoe over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME said …
yes yes, im back, and i know it wasnt long but last week my laptop broke so i was stuck on an ipand thats shared with 4 other people, so i thought theres no point on going on fanpop, that and alot of people have been inactive on this club, i would have been active myself but like i said my laptop was broke so i coudlnt do anything D:
Butttt my mother is some sort of mirical worker and has fixed the laptopppp!
so im gunna do a join me and draw tye and max being all girly and shit cuz yeah c: Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
:D over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Is it still on? :O over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
nope, she finished it cause her laptop or wutevs kept freezing XDX ;-; over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
Yo,Yo,Yo!! So um i haven't post here in a while but i think i wanna change that. get the club up and running again or something X33 sooo imma be making moar pictures and more fanfics n stuff ^^ also anyone got any requests for anything to draw? i won't take alot of theeeeem but i'll take some XD so hi guise you'll be hearing alot more from me now :3 hopefully Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Will u write allokyo *eyebrow wiggle* XD Jk over a year ago
smartone123 said …
joi my first livestream i hope it works out
link Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
Okay, I'm sick with all the people leaving. Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
I thought only Nat left for a while over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Oh wait, Obsessed is leaving soon too DX over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME said …
You know what I'm just not gunna go on this club for a while because hardly anyone is doing anything and I'm getting annoyed with certain things and people :/ Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
D: We can still kik right? over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
youll stay in contact with me right over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
sorry that was rude... over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Updates: There just might be a part 3 to 'Cloudless Rain: a Parker Cross Story' I've decided to write about what happened at the funeral and what Parker did with/to herself after it.
I want to make a fan fiction about Callie,Allie and myself. The three of 'us' are one. Callie is my younger side while Allie is my older side. And um yeah :U
'After a Hurricane comes a Rainbow' this fic is going to be MY choosing of characters from MY friends.
and yeah these will keep me around xD Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Ooh rainbows. That's good over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
xD well, it's kinda about a hurricane. hence the name. So yeah over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
Hurricane by Bridgette Mendler? xD over a year ago
smartone123 said …
Sorry i've been so busy with homework and sports and other things,ill try to do a livestream tomarrow but its uncertain but ill still try Posted over a year ago
janieelizebeth said …
cheak out my club monsterhighand equestiagirlsandothers adotion that the name so cheak it out Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY!? over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
wait sorry i read that wrong do ignore the last part over a year ago
janieelizebeth commented…
ah i quit this club over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
NEW SEX AND WHITE LIES UPDATE. (this means no Total Drama Disney this week, sorry, but I want to make sure everything's perfect for you guys)
BUT I HAVE THIS. Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
SO um for those who have Oc's in Tdf that still need to be entered if i don't get your awnsers by tomorrow when i get home i will pick Ocs i know the most from you so yeah. Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
umm you know vic , billy and riley right? over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
I have no idea who to enter.. XDX over a year ago
NeonInfernoLord commented…
When is the first episode coming out? I'm so excited over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
So yes. Hopefully a Total Drama Disney update sometime before Thursday. I might not have time to write depending on how much stuff I need for school... but I will post something, either a short Total Drama Disney chapter or some other fic! :) Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
Total Drama Epicness will be updated soon, and I kind of forgot the Final Destination list since my brother deleted the file with all my stuff in it but yeah. I'll eventually figure it out and FD will be updated again.

Also, since school has started for me I'm sorry that I haven't been on and updated stories like I sort of usually did.. So yeah XDX Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
What story should I update on my Labor Day weekend? Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
•-• Hmmmmm...... Epicness? over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
NeonInfernoLord commented…
Nono I already did that one over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
SO I NEED YOU TO COMMENT WHAT SUPERPOWER YOUR CHARACTER WOULD HAVE IF THEY WERE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. (and please, nothing like immortality or godlyness, they need to be fightable)

THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU.<3 Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Um Anika would have lyke Telakensis over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
^What about Riley? over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
Oh right!! omd XD she'd probably able to see a couple of mins into le future ^^ over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Hello guys. I'm back from the funeral I went to.
So. I'm hoping to update a story sometime before I start school up again next week.
Story preferences? Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
DIsney? over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Either that or Next Generation likely. I want to update Big Brother again but no one has commented their votes T^T over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Yep. I'm thinking Disney. Probably uploaded Monday/Tuesday-ish? I have family coming out this weekend and then I go back to school next Thursday. over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Everytime I want to draw/post something, everything just dies. First, my scanner was a douche and needed ink, and like, I wsn't even printing... Then my tablet calibration was of so I had to search for 3 days for it, then my computer died. It was been awful. I'll just have a tomorrow like after school or something, since i'll be gone all weekend. K? Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ill try to go :D over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
Please enter my new fanfiction >u< link Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Save me a spot please? over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
saved over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
So I probably won't upload this week, I'm taking a surprise trip to see my dad's side of the family and attend my grandma's funeral...
Sorry guys. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
*le Hug because you need it* over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Thanks.<3 over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Thank you. <3 over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
DAFUQ HAPPENED TO. THE VIEWING IMAGES THINGY?! /is not amused. Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
What Disney movie should the next episode of Total Drama Disney be based on? :)
I like letting you guys decide.
Suggestions? Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
um um um, over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
Jungle book, Emperor's new groove, tangled, sleeping beauty, pinoccio,princess and the frog or beauty and the beast over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
*fangirls* EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVEE!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i love that movie so so so so so much XD over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on for the past week, school has started for Soo..yeah. Plus I start getting homework next week so I may not be on at all on some days, but I'll still do my best to be on, and write my fanfics :) Posted over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 said …
i feel like im being ignored AGAIN .3. Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Hi. Hello. This is Natsume. Natsume doesn't want you to feel ignored, cause that feeling sucks. over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 commented…
i knowz over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
i know too XD over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 commented…
lol XD over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
Okay, so I said that this would only be uploaded tomorrow, but I finished it tonight so HERE YOU AREEEE! :D Posted over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Sorry I haven't uploaded the Q n A video, soon as I was going to record it, my voice gave out almost completely and now I sound like a duck when I talk. Tomorrow, I'll probably upload some art junk, since I keep forgetting. Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
yay :D over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
woop!! n sorry bout your voice, hope it gets better soon :) over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ok hope you feel better X3 over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
So since i want to become active again. what do you think i should do? i plan on writing more fanfics. but like...should i start new ones. or like....Continue my old ones....cause like. so many oc's have changed and i have quite a few new i feel like Youtube is not going anywhere kon is never started. and like DBD was gonna get restarted anyways so? keep yt and kon or make new ones? Posted over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Hmmmm, if your characters act differntly i guess you should write a few new ones? over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Oh please continue death wrote dawn! :U hey Sora I think one of your dreams came true. Corpse party has an anime. over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
@twit :D IKR OMG IT SO AMAZING I ALMOST DIED AND EVERYTHING AND NFINGRMJSN @Nat true true @Storm messsaggeee meee @dand okay c: over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Now I feel sad D:
I've felt excluded from this club for a long time, and even though I've considered leaving, I don't want anyone to... and the fact that a lot of people do makes me really upset.
I just want to find a way for us to all feel a part of this club again. Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
People need to stop being anti-social and talk to people, because everyone's not going to just go up and greet you for you to talk. You talk to people yourself. over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
True true Rawr. We need to make something to get EVERBODY together again. I don't like that all the peeps are constantly debating on deleting their accounts PLZ don't do it >.< over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
i talk to many anyway but that wasnt the problem.....] over a year ago
princess2109 said …
pftftftf this makes a liar out of me xD I said I'll not on here that much because of all the stuff that clutters my weeks and today I have free! xD I don't know if I'll do anything really. Posted over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
join me? o3o over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Actually nvm xD over a year ago
_Ares2002_ said …
I'm leaving..i'm gonna be deleting my account soon so i don't come back and back all the time....i guess this is goodbye then.. Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
WHY?! D:> over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
e-e over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
He already left d: over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Heyyyy....Guess who's not going to on muchhh? Me! *gets bricked* Ugh, I know. I had to HUGE gap were I totally left fanpop and i'm kinda leaving again. I have 2 swimming clubs to swim for, Middle and HVS, Volleyball,My Religion classes, School which I'm in honors so the homework takes even longer for me. So bare with me. I will doodle and I will check in when I can. But I don't know how often you'll see me. Weekends i'll be here all day pretty much. Just don't expect much from on here Monday-Fri Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
All the people I love are leaving me!! D':> over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
smartone123 said …
Have you guys ever had a feeling of giveing up on being nice to people?i mean i feel im never really liked they just like what i do for them.I think im gonna stop doing what ive been doing since its clearly getting me no where and they arent even appreciated...maybe im overreacting i really dont know anymorr. Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
the only two i think appreciate me are prinny and twit at least id like to think so over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Heh...yup..i know the feeling...well i like you... over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
thank you! over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 said …
hi everyone im baack i know im always on and off well its really complicated recently my favorite sims 3 lper thequxxn passed away ;_; so i might feel a bit sad for the next few days Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
I know PEEPLE here been already saying dat :U I dunno dat person tho. Anyways happy you back :D over a year ago
cupcakegirl31 commented…
AWWWW THANK CHU over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
New Couples Story tomorrow and a new Total Drama Big Brother later in the week...? Does that sound good? :) Posted over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Sounds Excellent c: over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
Hi, I'm back!! :D what? You never noticed I was gone? :( Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
hhiii!! I noticeeed :333 over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Really? over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Ofcourse I noticed you weren't here so I didn't post marEC XDDD oh we RPing wanna join "A magical world where no one gives a fuck" RP XD over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
of course i noticed!!! :333 over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Um... hi...
I'm back from my week of work/vacation during the weekend.<3 Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
HAAAII BBYY!!! MISSED CHU!!!! over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
I'm baaaaaaaaaaacckkkk. C: Not that anyone cares or anything.. But yeah :) Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
WB!!!!!!! ILY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH BBYYY!! over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
hey! over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
APPYYYYY *dED* over a year ago
YuriFujiiVoc said …
Whoever is reading this may not remember me or not know me at all. I am just making this to say that I made this new account and that my old one was Terrathecat . ( I deleted it because I wanted a new username )...........And I wasnt sure where to put this so I'm putting it here..... that's all Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
I remember you c: Haiii over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
So guys, tomorrow I'm gonna be leaving for 5 days, and unlike your normal thing, I'm definitely not going to be having any Internet. It's a summer camp. So PLEASE don't leave me in the dust of confusion when I come back! Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
No one is saying bye? Ok... over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
Byeeeeeeeee. over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
baiiii over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Have fun :D over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Probably not going to update this week. I'm running a children's camp all week and then going to a concert tomorrow night (Pierce The Veil/A Day To Remember<3) and then I'm going camping all weekend.
Sorry about the delay. Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
DSFJGBJBGCHNFIGUJVDGIGRBFGHB ptv!! please take loads of videos and pics and then send them to me, i loooove ptv so much! like you don't even know, i mean kellinxvic ptv and sws <3 <3 <3 jamie and mike n tony n vic n aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *flails arms* over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
XDD COLE. Anyways have a great time :D over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
I'm definitely planning on taking pictures, my phone dies really easily on video so I might not do that, but I'll send them to you for sure :) over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
PLZ DOOOOOOOOOOoo over a year ago
princess2109 said …
First day of school, done! Just another 9 months until summer rolls around again! xD But in all fairness, school was great and I love my teachers/classmates/school. My schedule has at least one of all my friends in all my classes and my best friend and I have 4 classes together~

So yeah~ School was great and I was secretly ready for school to start again ^^ Posted over a year ago
izzie900 commented…
haha!that is so tru!gr8 finally some one who likes school! over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
'^' Psssstt... I made a new RP, called A Magic Place Where No One Gives a Fuck...

It's a sarcastic name, but forizzles. It's an epically crazy reality tv show RP that'll probs give Jersey Shore and Buckwild a run for their money. No spray tans and mudpits required. Just the imperfect person you are. :]

Check it out! Posted over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
Butts. Butts on TDIFC wall. .-.

Well for something more meaningful on this post,

Hai. How yer' Derrin'? Haven't been on this club in a while. o-o Haven't drawn in like, a year either, so my oc's are probs shit right about now. :D Butanywhore...

Hope all is good here still. :] <3 Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Oh haiiii over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Haiiii, your right, having seen you in... agessss? over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Oh hai! Haven't seen you in a while! over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
*clicks link*
-This session has ended-
*crys* Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
Ikr!!! over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
I think it's about time for me to update an older fanfic of mine...
How about a new chapter of Total Drama Big Brother!? :D Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
JA probably .0. over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
I'm hoping to have a new chapter up in the next few days. over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
woop woo!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D *happy dance* omfg, you last updated that when...rileyxdayton like ruled the club e-e over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
Uhm yeah, in a few days I will be leaving to Wisconsin and idk if the hotel or whatever will have wifi so I don't know if I'll be able to use my iPad while I'm there. I may use my phone but idk. Imma have too much fun drowning. Lolno

But yeah, I leave on the 13 so I have *counts on fingers because I'm a retard* 3 days till I leave.

So yeah.. Peace Out Bitches <3 Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
i'm backkk....ene well not tomorrow for a while so...........yeah KINDA WELCOME BACK TO ME *swirls flag in circle motion and sits in corner* Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
*le pulls you out of the corner and hugs you* WELCOME BACK, SORAAAAAAA!!!! X3 over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
This oddly reminded me of Kuzco somehow. XD over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
welcome back over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
<3 thank yu everyone' over a year ago
twitdrama said …
I'm just gonna spam a bit.... Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
Guise if i made a join me today, would you guys show up? XD I want to play ib or something Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
Sure. over a year ago
princess2109 said …
I'll just be over here silently drawing the 348739 guys that I would to catch up with all the girls I have :U Posted over a year ago
izzie900 commented…
Aw!that is so sweet! over a year ago
DandC4evacute said …
Everybody here is either a fantastic drawer, a fantastic writer, or both. Me? I'm not good at either one of those, I don't know what I'm doing. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Haha your just in the RP section .3. Idek but your cool gurl. over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Thanks. over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
I'm gonna remake the answer thing for Total Drama America, because since it's so long I think people may want to enter new OCs now, so Im going to do that.

Also, since school for me starts up in a few weeks Im going to try to update as many articles as I can so that way you guys can still read my stories while Im in school. Idk but yeah

So most likely TDE or Final Destination coming soon. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
YA :D *runs in circles of happiness* over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
You have no idea how much I fangirl over Lysji >w<
*flees* Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
YES!! Just YES!! over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
*screams* YOU DO? HOLY SHIT. and yes. Lysji needs ALL THE FANARTS over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
What's the next TDNTM challenge? ._." over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
XDD HA Y'ALL LIKE OMG LISJI FANART AND RAWR IS JUST LIKE. when is the TDNTM constest. Well actually me ad Rawr anew in the final SOO.... Yeah. over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Guysssss... I need your help for a couple story idea. (And I'm hoping to have the TeddyxMaylene chapter done soon) ;3
link Posted over a year ago
princess2109 said …
*screams* LYSANDER AND BENJI ARE A THING <3 Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 *Fangirls* over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
LET ME FANGIRL WITH YOU. over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
XDD over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
WE SHALL FANGIRL!! over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
Brand new Total Drama Disney either tonight or tomorrow.
It's gonna be interesting ;) Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
*flails arms* YAY!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD I CAN'T WAIT NAO X333 over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
link over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Well I lied about the 5 or 6 o clock part xD We ending up not going to the water park so i'm back now! :D The AC is slowly coming back on and i'm bored :I Posted over a year ago
princess2109 said …
I return tomorrow! Got ahold of a computer for maybe an hour~ I should be back by about 5 or 6 o'clock! :D See you guys then~ I'm gonna catch up on some art and stuff. But I MIGHT not comment. At least not until tomorrow Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Okay :D over a year ago
twitdrama said …
Could anyone write the link to the blank bio thing everybody uses. CUZ infeel like doing a bio of my OCs So I anyone could write me the link I'd be super happy. Posted over a year ago
Thedrawer11 said …
Excuse me but how come I only heard of Total Drama All Stars just now? I am way behind.. xD Dang. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
XD over a year ago
Liagirl123 said …
Hey everyone I am 1000% sorry that I have to say this but I do not have any internet at my house which means I cannot post TD:HSR :( I don't know when I'll get it back but hopefully I can get it back soon. So everything is either pushed back or postponed until further notice. Thanxxs guys I love you :) <3 Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Aww okay ):) over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
If you didn't have Internet, then how could you post this? over a year ago
Liagirl123 commented…
And now hearing that Im getting a new baby brother I dunno how long it will be til I get internet but I will try and post as much as I can over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
This isn't really "TDI club" related, but I just thought I'd share this.
Okay so, I was chilling, watching the anime, "Highschool Of The Dead"
It was this one scene where all these girls were bathing.
And when you watch an anime, you expect them to not show boobs or more importantly NIPPLES.
This big-tittied hoe was playing with her boobs and they showed the nipples front and center.
I defitnetly wasn't expecting it, but then again, it's not really a kid anime... Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
haha yeah...h.o.t.d is...quite the pervy anime XDX I've watched it. It's got a cool plot...just wait until the last episode of the season though. that one is...well .-. over a year ago
Thedrawer11 commented…
I am still hoping for a season two.. xD over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl commented…
Allot of animes that aren't even eechi tend to show like full tits, just like Eflen Lied. Actually...that might be subtle eechi. But like cole said, it's a nice plot, but it's REALLY out there. over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
So... new fanfiction update sometime this week? Total Drama Disney, maybe? Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
YESH. PLEASE. over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Maybe something else. What you got. Not disney or Next Generation. Maybe something else. Well if you want! over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Disney and Next Generation are just easiest for me to write, not exactly sure why. So when people what fanfics I usually give them the ones that are easiest to work on. over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Okay then :D over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Would anybody be interested in me drawing our characters in different Shane Dawson video's and songs? By our characters I mean like. EVERYBODIES OC's. I only ask because I've been watching his video's a lot more lately and I was listening to Superluv and I thought. 'Hey, maybe I should draw Lysander and some other OC's in that kissing scene~' But I didn't know if you guys would be like that. So.Would anybody be interested? c: Posted over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
I won't be interested. I don't like Shane Dawson at all, and he's depressing. Like, seriously. over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Sure c: over a year ago
_Ares2002_ commented…
aweshum idea <3 over a year ago
SuperPyngas said …
OMG i jus <3 ttl dramo isld Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
YAY we do to :D over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
We all :D over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you that on Wednesday the 1st i'll be leaving for a mini vacation in Mississippi. I think i'll be gone for a week. And I don't know if we will be bringing any laptops or if the hotel will even have wifi. Plus most of our time will be either at the beach or at the pool.

So yeah. I might be able to check DA or I might not. Not sure Posted over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
link JOIN ME AND ELKY Posted over a year ago
Elkhat-Law commented…
come listen to our sexy voices (:B *eyebrow wiggle* over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
I watched some of it ad I barely heard Rossy. D: over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
I will! we are doing one soon c: tonight so i will post the link again and Rawr i will try to make her talk louder so you can hear her cananadianness over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME said …
Im soo bored, where are you all? D: Posted over a year ago
twitdrama said …
Lol this is really awkward but which of your os would like hot Mariam. XD OMG I need it for art okay! I feel awkward now. XDDDDDD Posted over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
Hot mariam? lulwut? over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
DandC4evacute commented…
EC: hot Mariam? WHERE? over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Me: *replys on RP*
--10 seconds later--
Me: WHY HAS NO ONE REPLIED BACK?! Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
hehe XD over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
yep. yep. yep. ik dem feels. over a year ago
_Ares2002_ commented…
thats the same reason i don't join rps xD over a year ago
Courtneyfan214 said …
It's sad that people are barely Rping in the spot. People are making lots of rp's and it's not really gonna last long. The rp's in the total drama island spot are going on right now. Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
well 3 oh us have 2 going pretty strongly so far over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
Some RPs on the Total Drama Island spot last 6 MONTHS. over a year ago
jadeISmaNAME commented…
But at the same time, if your dont go on a rp for maybe a day, you loose your place and its really confusing, so i gave up roleplaying there :c over a year ago
big smile
ninjacupcake88 said …
I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. Posted over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
YAY :D hi over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
SHE'S BACCCCCCCKKKKK! over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Hello guys!<3 over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Good morning from Louisiana. It's currently 9:10....Post where you're living currently and the current time. I don't even know why. Just do it Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Good Morning from Minnesota? I'm visiting my grandparents here XD..uh.. 9:47 am over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
late but good evening here in England, South Yorkshire it's currently 19:59 here over a year ago
sorandom15 commented…
Oh its 3:30 am here #rebel and i'm in oregon over a year ago
poophead4837ext said …
Hi (: how is everyone? Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Hai! over a year ago
RawrMonster123 commented…
Hiiiiiiii. :D over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
I'd like to update Total Drama Disney when I get back from my vacation... but I don't know what Disney movie to base the next challenge on.
Ideas? Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
mulan! over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
Mulan, hercules, alladin uuum idk princess and the frog ^u^ over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
It seems either Hercules or Mulan :) over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
I'm not back from my vacation yet.
But hi... :)
I've missed you all. Posted over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Yay! How was it? over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
Oh I misread it XD, How is it? over a year ago
twitdrama commented…
Forgot to say. Halloo over a year ago
Zmidy313 said …
Oh shit Kendall's birthday was the 22nd and its the 24th XDX

I forgot his birthday, I'm a horrible admin ;n;

But yeah, his birthday was two days ago, he is officially 18 now XD Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
Riley: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHERFUCKER!! honk :o) Now you can marry serenity and have tree kitty babieeeess :DDDD over a year ago
Zmidy313 commented…
XD over a year ago
_Ares2002_ commented…
Edward: ...*slaps* over a year ago
sorandom15 said …
Happy #Quxxnday everyone :) Posted over a year ago