Total Drama Island Fancharacters Wall

Displaying wall entries 121-130 of 1451

Freaxxx said …
And the Best Artist Contest of Total Drama Fancharacters 2011 starts NOW! =DDD Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
I don't say U, I say You. I don't say R, I say Are. I don't say Watev, I say Whatever. I don't say Cul, I say Cool. I don't start every sentence with lower-case, I start it with a capital letter. I don't keep typing and typing without putting a period or a coma, instead I put them in the right place.

And to actually make this have anything to do with TDI OCs---

Every time I make at least 10 new OCs, I'll make them into a collage and post it here, epicness, no? =3

~Just felt like sharing n3n Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
>w< I think it's good that you shared it :D *Being a pure idiot when it comes to grammar XD* over a year ago
Rainbow0rgy commented…
Ffff-thankyou for schooling these morons,Cici :D ....But,Ima use your collage idea,kthnxbai >w< over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
hehe, why thank yew and I am so pleased that I am an inspiration to you idiots >3 lmao, not you two btw xDDD over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
yeey for not-lazy spelling and proper grammar :D *is such a hypocrite* I'm usually always on my phone or ipod so I totally throw grammar out the window because it gets so time consuming to press like 3 buttons to get a comma or capitalize a letter xDDD itrytho :3 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
So my popsicle broke in half and fell on my goddamn thigh.
Then it was like "Haha, I totes know these are your fave pants" and then it started melting and I was all
"WHAT THE HELL MR. POPSICLE" and brushed it off.
But it had already left a stain, and now my hand was sticky :C

Thought I'd share =w= Posted over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
That was a wonderful story -w- over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
xD Thanks for sharing, Sof. over a year ago
ladylyric_812 commented…
sniff sniff* poor mr pants! D'X over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Why can't you color-over people go to the Fancharacter club? Not here. OC's are YOUR OWN. Not crap covered TDI/A/WT/R characters.
I'm getting annoyed by seeing such horribly colored characters spamming this site where artists are supposed to express their creativity and obsession with DRAWING this kind of style.
Either at least TRY, or please, stop irritating some people on here.

Thank you. Posted over a year ago
UnicornNinja commented…
Preach it girl! :D over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
=^.^= tankiez over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
there is another spot. (Tdi Oc's) over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
I'm so incredibly bored right now DX I was going to finish the arttrades I was doing, but I can't because I'm sitting in my aunt's house on my iPod... I want to RP, but I can't think of any topics that haven't been done D: Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
well, you're very welcome to RP with Tay and I in the forum you created with proboards ^-^ It would be awesome :3 over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
I would, but I can't access my account DX I know I have my username and password correct, but it won't let me log in over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Awesome :D I just checked it out, it looks really cool! ^^ over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Sorry I haven't been on!! I have been playing the Sims and I am mainly on DeviantART... I was thinking about closing my account on Fanpop. Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Hai :D sims is super addicting and you shouldn't close your account Chey! D: over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
I hardly ever come on here anymore though!! over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
:3 Of course!! over a year ago
mindy890 said …
I have not been on here forever! I got grounded. Now my dad is watching me like a hawk. Its scary. lol Posted over a year ago
TDIlover4ever commented…
Lol I feel sorry for you.. X3 over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
yup...... over a year ago
tdigirl said …
hie ppl :)... i havent been on here in 4ever! well im prob gonna start making better pictures and get scerious. can any1 tell me what ive missed? thanks :) Posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I was taking back my Kuroshitsuji manga on my bike when I smashed face-first into a guy's car.
He was in it :I

LOL SHARE TIME Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
DDD8 I- I'm sorry! DX I hope you're alright.... over a year ago
LadySpaz said …
Sorreh I have been goooone~ (sorreh, spam. xD)

I'll put up the chibi requests I promised and yaoi fanfic either tomorrow or Monday..
I've been very busy this weekend. ^^; Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
So exciteeed! >w< over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
^ It's up right now. (Just so you know.) It's called "For Love? Or For Pleasure?" .. ^-^ over a year ago
This is just a formal update that Aydan,VioletSunset,has left.Not just the spot,but the entire site. She left because she was tired of all the stress this stupid website caused her,and she moved to a website she knew wouldn't bother her with anymore drama. But,since you guys don't seem to care,you didn't notice,so,I decided to be the one to show you guys that you're pretty much blind.I bet if I left,you'd all notice.You guys need to learn how to open your eyes sometimes.Kay,thanks,bai. Posted over a year ago
STALKER-TOAST commented…
Sorry if that was bitchy,I just needed to announce that ^^; over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
Aww.. I'm so sorry that happened.. I hope Ay is happier now.. (Don't know what we did wrong.. But whatever.) over a year ago
Rainbow0rgy commented…
You know,I'm sorry for sounding like a bitch,but we did have good reasons.I just got really emotional last night,and took it out on here. You guys all have good reasonings,but,sometimes it's good to just spread out. But,I noticed that if I leave Fanpop for good,I wont be able to talk to Dannie.So,Dannie,if your reading this,I'm staying on this account,but only to message you.And this time,I'll give a better goodbye. I'm sorry for acting so weird lately,maybe when this all blows over,Ay and I'll come back.Maybe ^^; I'll miss you guys,bye~ over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
JOIN TODAY! link Posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said …
I'm so bored...

Pretty sure my RP (BOTH of them) died.


Anyone wanna give me a new story idea for in between thinking of new chapters for my "Drama's Basket" story? (Yes, I'm still writing it on the TDI spot, but I forgot about it ^^) Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
o.o umm...i was sorta inspiiiired by a yaoi to do came out...a little bit -too- sexy for the site...xD Posted over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
..Post it~ Some pretty sexy shit's been on here.. xDD over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
^ Agreed XDDD Post it!!! >w< over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
o.o ok then... over a year ago
LadySpaz said …
(Sorry for the annoying spam! ^^;)

I'm FINALLY gonna post some of my chibis(good ones on paper) here!
(Well, just as long as my computer doesn't get screwed up xD)

I've already drawn Lisa and Luca.. Who else would you like to see? 83 Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
...Me. .3. =3= Show dem...I COMAND you... over a year ago
i_love_music commented…
I've a question:"How do you post the pictures drawn on the paper here? over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
^ You need either a scanner (best one) or a camera :) If camera, then take a picture of it, take the USB cable that belongs to it, stick the USB end in the USB entrance in your computer and the other in your camera and then, a little window should pop up on your PC ^^ If scanner, then connect/install the scanner to the computer, then you should've gotten a little incon or something new you can click on, click on that, then a menu should pop up or something and it'll explain the rest itself ^^ I'm not sure that is how every sacnner works, but mine does, so I couldn't explain it any other way ^^; over a year ago
LadySpaz said …
Watch out yaoi fangirls..
The YFGK is submitting another yaoi fanfic soon. >3 Posted over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
oh crap. yeeey~ =w= xD<3 over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Oh MY~! YAY! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Oh least I'll die HAPPPY!! ~<3333333 =w= over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
X3 over a year ago
tdafan121 said …

My forum's kinda dying... and I still need 9 more Zodiac members. Anyone wanna join? Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Competition time! Since not-so-many joined so far, I will now spam the wall to get attention o3o;; Yes, I'm such an attention whore TT3TT Anyway, please join! ^^

link Posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
The Epic Reasoning Behind My Procrastination and Lack of FanFic Posts:

I forget -w- Posted over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
XD over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
X3 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Rest assured, I'll get to it eventually. Just put my fanfics out of your head lol. over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
I just realized that my OC couple, TuckerxNina= Tuna XDDDD best couple name ever Posted over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
That is win. xD tucker and nina... where have I heard those before??? over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Rofl xD Aslan ish an awesome couple name. They should move to Narnia xD over a year ago
nymph_tonks commented…
tdfan121, could you give me a link to that couple name generator? over a year ago
nymph_tonks said …
schools almost out! my fancharacters are throwing a party and by that i mean i'm gonna try and find a party base and make a picture. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Okay, wohoo? I guess that's a good thing for you ^^ School don't end before late June here ^^; and we start again in the middle of August o3o;; over a year ago
nymph_tonks commented…
^haha! over a year ago
For risk of sounding like a bitch,I really have to say something.Honestly,I'm still just as disappointed as I was when I first left(No,I'm not leaving again.Yes,the colorovers are down,but,that's not the issue.It's the fact that actual good pieces of writing on this spot are being ignored,when the bios,and...with lack of terms,not so good pieces,are getting all the attention.It's just making me alittle angry,and making some really good writers feel like shit...
Sorry for the rant,guys ^^; Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
I don't think you're sounding like a bitch, I feel the same way! Well, a bit at least ^^;;; I feel sorry for all the good writers which stories doesn't get enough attention when it's really good writing! It's sad :c over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
I agree with you ei u.u It annoys me when poorly written bios that probably did not take more than 3 min. start taking up room. People don't even notice the good stories or actually well written bios 38... late comment is late OwO over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
I hear ya. I'm cutting my yaoi short because no one is going to read it... TTwTT over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
^ not truuuee DDD8 all of the people with taste will 38 over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Yes, this is spam, and I'm spamming because I'm such a happy little attention whore .3.


*Ahem ahem* Yes, that was all I had to say, I just can't help myself at the moment, I'm too happy ^^ *Cough*Whowouldbeit'smynewtablet*cough o3o;;

Spam is now over ^^ Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Yay :D tablets ftw ^^ I have a Bamboo one :3 I am happy for you Anna ^-^ over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Why thank you very much Tap ^-^ I got a Bamboo as well, Pen and Touch XD My dad wanted me to buy the most expensive one in the Bamboo family o3o;; over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
Sorry about the random wall spam, but I think it might be better than spamming the answers section ^^;

I kind of want to put Wally in a relationship... Originally I was just going to pair him with my other OC Holly, but I don't think they'd be a very good couple DX I thought I'd just ask if anyone is interested in having their OC date him... If not I guess I'll just make a new OC to be his girlfriend :/

Again, I'm sorry, I know I'm being a tool for posting this >.< Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
My OC Kotomi is single. And I've actually been wanting her to be paired up with someone. I could give you a link to her bio if you're interested..? ^^ over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Okay :3 over a year ago
DanniHomicide commented…
Oh,yey :33 over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
I was reading over some of my OC bios on this spot.
I got to Roxanne's.
And it said that her birthday was May 21st.

Me: Hey, Roxy's birthday was today :D And the world was supposed to end today..
*Instant LMAO* Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
:D Epicness itself, named Roxanne XD *World ends* over a year ago
Yeah,ok,so,I'm back,but I have been for like,a week,and no one's really noticed,so,I thought I should make a...posty....thing...saying I'm back...and...such. I won't be posting much stuff,though,but I couldn't bare to see this club die,and Ay seems to actually be happy on here,now,so,that's a plus,too..So,yey for an attention-whorey post :3 Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
You know, you guys have made my freacking life epic ^^ *Excide splodes* OMGHF >//w//< *Figgin' happeh* Chu baaaack :D over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
It's not attention-whorey, it's great that you're back :) we all missed you ^-^ over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
yep :3 over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
I've been drawing a 'lil comic with my OCs
and I've been posting on DeviantART.
And it includes most of my OCs (Not TDI style, because my TDI style looks suckish when it isn't lined and colored.)
And I didn't post it here because all of the bullshit that was going on
but now I think that it's calmed down a bit.
So, what do you think, guys? Should I post my comic here, too? :3
Posted over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
well, it's up to you, but i do wanna see some comics over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yes! I wanna see theeeeeemmm~ over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, I HAVE been mentally stalking your comics on dA, but yeah, it's good that you posted them here as well ^^ over a year ago
VioletSunset said …
How freaking happy I am right now.
and That's not sarcasm.
People actually care that I'm back :D
and I have a soccer game today,which makes me more happy.
;w; I lave you guys. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Of course I care, and I lave chu tooooo >w< and good luck with the game! :D over a year ago
VioletSunset commented…
I feel laved ;w; and Thankyou :D I shall kick ass and try not get hit in the face with ther ball uwu over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
OhYey :D over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Bios for my yaoi are posted :D
Please give me feedback ~ Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Great! ^^ over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
It would be, if I got any acknowledgment.. ;w; over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Awe, I read them :3 I just didn't have the time to comment on this wall post before now ^^; And i didn't get to answer on more than one of the bios, thanks to my busy evening DX But they're all great! ^^ over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Oh yey YwY over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Uhm... Hey guys ^^; ... I'm back.... Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
:D welcome back ^^ over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Oh yeeeeeeeeeey!!!!! >D over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Hey ^^ over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I came up with my own yaoi/characters.
I'm not sure on a title yet, but I'm sure it will come to me.
If you'd like to read my yaoi, tell me if I should post it on this club or not.
If the idea of publishing it here is opposed, it will be on my (Lolly4me2) club.

That is all! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Do iiit! >//w//< It would be epic! over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Can't wait to read it.. =) over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Okie :D I'll make the bios right now. over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Bye bye everyone ^^ I'm going to miss you guys! :3 Posted over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
Whereyougowhereyougo?! over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Have fun in Germany ^^ we'll miss you too over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
BAAAAI!!!! D: We'll miss you!! over a year ago
CHERRY111898 commented…
Bye! We'll miss you! D: over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
This spot is so much more dead than it used to be D: I miss all the awesome people who left T^T Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
IKR?! DX over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Sorry about the bitchy reply, had a tough day yesterday and shouldn't have taken it on you ^^; over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan commented…
It's fine. We all have those days... over a year ago
emoangel97 said …
hi im new here i made an oc named dawn Posted over a year ago
emoangel97 commented…
jade i mean over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
hi i'm nenna over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan commented…
I'M GABRIELLA! *says completely hyper* over a year ago
tdafan121 said …

If you didn't see, this is the group pic I made if you signed up ^^ Posted over a year ago
crazytdi21 said …
hi, i know that everyone have there own ways of drawing. thats because were all unique in our own ways. so what people color over and other people draw their own arts and other things.
if you understand please do the nice things to help other people draw their own art instead of calling each other losers and other things like that. to help you can make your own tdi bases and give it to the people who need it, and if you think my comment is funny or weird put an lol Posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 commented…
i agree with you over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
thanks over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, I partly agree with you. I don't have a problem with base users as long as they credit the artist who made the base, BUT, I don't like when people color over other's (including the people who made the TD programs.) work, I think it is a bit rude because people spend a lot of time making it... But, it's about opinions, that's for sure ^^ over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
^ Agreed u3u over a year ago
RavenRox2 said …
Helloo peoplee :) Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Haaiii :3 over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Hey :D over a year ago
RiderOfTempest commented…
Ciao!!! over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey guys!! I just drew 3 new OC's and was wondering if I should post them? I know this club is going down the drain but I want to make it alive again. You know? Posted over a year ago
gwuncanfan commented…
:D over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
:) over a year ago
gwuncanfan commented…
Yes. Post them. NOW! XP over a year ago
taytrain97 commented…
Do whatever the hell you can to help. over a year ago
taytrain97 said …
Controversy, fights, trolls, Mary-Sues, all on this stupid spot that can't handle itself. You're all acting like children.
Actual artists who know how to draw: Keep drawing, just don't turn into a cocky troll.
Colour-overers: Fuck off. Learn how to draw, simple as that.
K, so I'mma quitting. Bye. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
You're...Quitting? D8 over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
NO! Uve been here for the longest time! Fuck all these noobs! Now theyre taking away one of the best users. Fuck. >:( over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
Sorry, I have a potty mouth lol. Im glad to hear ur not quitin the site. over a year ago
hot-mess13 said …
Dear fans of total drama island fancharacters:Please stop the arguing and fighting,everyone has their opinions.
some people just can't draw and others can draw and apparently have a problem with people coloring over.i'm not trying to offend some people but please stop the arguing. Posted over a year ago
nymph_tonks commented…
i tottally agree. over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
I don't. ^-^ over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
i agree. i don't know why people are arguing over non-sense over a year ago
tdafan121 said …
Dear whoever invented the colorover,


Dear Colorover "Artists",

Learn to draw and get the chiz outta here!


Natalie, an extremely peeved Percy Jackson, Warriors, TD, and iCarly fan who wants colorovers to BURN IN TARTARUS!

Thank you :)

Dear remaning fans who have artistic capability,

Quick! Draw anything (ANYTHING) and post it! NOW!


I mean it. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
XD Chu make meh giggle Nat >w< over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
FFFFF--- Why now? I have an art block XD over a year ago
Seastar4374 commented…
Lollipop97 said …
Great. Fucking. Great .__.'

Now, 2 amazing artists have left this spot, thanks to the crap-filled-fucking-annoying-Ihatethemsofuckingmuch-color-overs >_<''

And the 2 amazing artists are... *Drumroll* STALKER-TOAST and VioletSunset! The of the most amazing artists that I've ever had the pleasure to know will not show up at this spot anymore! Thank you, people how make the crappy color-overs >.<' You've just ruined my day and this spot 3:<

Yes, that was ranting, because I have a reason! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
If you're mad at me for writing this, report me, I don't give a fucking shit now -.-'' over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
you guys do realize that the noobs here don't know anything about fanpop or how it works(lol) so we can't blame them. i know that the awsome artists are gone and i gonna miss them (more than you guys) but we still can't be mad at them. plz, i hope you guys understand me over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
don't worry sumerjoy11 your gonna be the next new best artist ( i know so) over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I found my Eiko POV sketch >w<
Wanna see it? :3 Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
FUCK. YES. <3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
There is a god =w= over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Fawking. Yush >//w//< over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …

Yes, I'm not dead, yet... Just camping, sooo... Anything super-major-fawking-Ican'tlivewithoutknowingit-amazing happened? Wanna know, 'cause tomorrow I'm going home... 83 Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Umm....Im no sure if you read it but the 1st chapter of Locked Away is up ^^; over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Cooool! I didn't I'm camping, and my dad didn't buy me ay internet before now, so I haven't been on either Fanpop nor Deviantart before now D: I'm so excited to read it! :DD over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yay! Chu is not dead! :D' How ish teh camping? X3 over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Yeyz, I ish nawt dead x3 It's pretty good, except from the Some-kind-of-weirdo-pool-party that my mom made me (forced me) to go to, which was okay, until about 4 boys (aka Scream 4 called by me ._.) began screaming and yelling... Some thought it was fun, but I just lost my sense of hearing -.-' over a year ago
zack_cut_me said …
-_- Posted over a year ago
escapethejake11 commented…
? What wrong? over a year ago
zack_cut_me commented…
I'm getting pissed off cuz of all these frickin color over oc's over a year ago
i_love_music commented…
Well...I'm leaving.BYE! over a year ago
Hey peoples ^w^ sadly facing writers block....which means the next chapter won't be out for a few days...SORREH!!!! >m< I'll start writing as SOON as I get inspired...PROMISE!!!! Posted over a year ago
dxarmy423 commented…
awwww over a year ago
tdafan121 commented…
D'aaw... I was lookin' foward to the next chappie. If you need a specific idea, an offer stands to me offering help. (I help out silentmusician202 on with her story Total Drama Fame And Fortune all the time) over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
× Shutter Island?.....Shutter Island...Shutter Island! That's PERFECT!! Thankies T!! over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
You guys!! Guess what?! She's back!! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
...Who? over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
Sonicluver101!!! over a year ago
hot-mess13 commented…
ikr???>.< over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Yeah, I just made a new (Forced transvestian) OC, and I'm not sure about his name ^^; Any suggestions? :3 Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
8D I Frank... N Furter xD lol sorry I couldn't resist. I've been listening to the Rocky Horror soundtrack too much lately and Sweet transvestite is so freaking catchy. over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
2 votes for Frank 8D I seriously like that name >3< over a year ago
yaritza3211 commented…
hii im new here over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
OKAY FUCK. My mom is so goddamn stupid, she threw out the Ami POV. I'm pissed. Oh my god. I told her I was saving that. Fuck. Her.

Luckily, I still have the Eiko one. However, it's on notebook paper. ugh. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Lolly4me2 commented…
I will remake the Ami one D: over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
That sucks major balls.. over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
You know it, gurl. over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I drew these slightly cruddy POV Sketches the other day of Eiko and Ami for my own reference, but it was in TD form. Should I post them? >_> Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Yush! >w< over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. OwO<3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ._. over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Okie -w- over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
I really want to name my new OC (angsty little guy with the scars x3) Danarius, but that's also the name of a douchebag from Dragon Age that was terrible to one of my favourite characters....
I need to decide between Oskias, Danarius and Matthias, but it's hard D: Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
LLS! Danarius, Damaris XD over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
XD lol maybe I shouldn't pick Danarius... It could get confusing xD plus I giggle when ever I see the name because Fenris from Dragon Age has a scene where he basically runs through a house screaming DANARIUS! at the top of his lungs xD over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Okay x3 ima name him Danarius Okias.... DX I don't have a last name yet over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said …

Did anyone else notice that Lisa looks naked in the banner? XD Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
.... You actually right! xDD We seriously need a new banner ._. ('Kayjustsayin'...) over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
We definitely need a new banner. Roxanne is SMILING. This is NOT acceptable! XD over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Awww but Roxy looks so cute smiling :3 So, we really do need a new banner x3 over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey you guys!
I just drew a new Oc and I was wondering if I should post him?
Yes or No? Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Yesh yush and yesh 833 over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
YES. do it! :D over a year ago
gwen1214 commented…
yea over a year ago
_Marie_ said …
Um....correct me if i am wrong, buuut....doesn't "OC" mean Original Character? I mean, cuz i see a lot of color-overs, and thats not really...Original, like u didn't make it yourself...and that ruins the fun of having an "OC". Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yes. It does mean "Original Character".. Some people are just too stubborn to draw OCs themselves.. -_- over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
You got it toatlly right, that IS what "OC" mean, some people are just either to lazy to draw their "OC"s themself, or, they think color-overs are JUST as original as when they've been drawn in hand/tablet/something you've done yorself -.-'' over a year ago
Seastar4374 said …
I finally got my dedicated medal for this spot! and sorry I haven't been on I got grounded from fanpop and anything associated with it so my meebo is gone 2 :'( Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Congrats on the medal ^^ I'm sorry you're grounded, that sucks D: over a year ago
Seastar4374 commented…
yeah. It sux and thanks over a year ago
ShionKaito said …
Hey People,Today is my birthday!:DI just turned 17!:) Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Happy birthday :D Guess what? You're legally allowed to use magic now! XD over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Happy birthday! Ya just need a few more years to drink :D over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Congratzies! :DD Sorry for the late reply, been busy the last few days ^^; over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
Spammish post is spam DX
Any way, I just want to make a lame excuse for why I haven't been on frequently as of late. I went to a digital painting workshop on Monday that completely ate my entire day, Tuesday I went to see Disturbed and Korn live in concert. It freaking blew my mind :D and yesterday I was dead tired and hardly able to function from the awesome over load.

Any way, I'm going to work on the OC bios I've been outing off forever xD Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
You've been been to a workshop ANF a concert?! Luckeh TT^TT * xDD* over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Sorreh for the typos, I'm on my phone right now DD8 Piece of crap... over a year ago
STALKER-TOAST commented…
...Korn...Concert?...Give me a minute >m< *walks off,shouting,then comes back*^w^;; G-good! I'm happy :3''' *Sorry,I've been trying to go to a KoRn concert for 2 years now,damnit XDDD* over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Awe D: I'm sorry. I hope you're able to see them soon. It took ages to get them to come to Nova Scotia, over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I kind of want another boy character. Maybe. omg. MAYBE.
And I kind of want his name to be Teddy lolololol~ Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe! such a cute name >3 over a year ago
hot-mess13 commented…
it is isn't it :3 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
No .n. I just wanted to make a cute character TwT I'm sure someone will grab him for the Uke-position, though. And how can I refuse? over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
djshfkj I still have to draw Ami. AND EIKO D8
Aaaangst. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
......You say it like it's a bad thing! over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yes you do. You need to stop being lazy and hurry it up, gurl. u3u (Just kidding.. kinda. xD) over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD It IS a bad thing! I always mess up on Ami's hair, and Eiko's hair isn't much better. But I haven't worked out all of their outfit details, so the thing I'll be posting will probably be a rough-sketch tutorial for my own reference. -jig- over a year ago
GUESS WHO HAS HER COMPUTER BACK? This girl :D Joi for spam <3333333333333 Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
OhYeyz :DD I HAS MISSED IIIIIT!!! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Your computer= Happiness and and JOY! <3 :3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Zuuuuuuucks D8 over a year ago
totaldramacale said …
I want a cat named Vector. He would be a tuxedo cat :) Posted over a year ago
lilroach said …
can someone make me a oc please and i need the best drawer in here to do it who ever dose it get 2 props Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
You should make your own.. Also you don't even need to make a picture, you can just type down her/his looks.. over a year ago
lilroach commented…
well ok ill try i havent draw my oc in the compter for a long time over a year ago
lilroach commented…
sorry dont be mean to a 12 yearold over a year ago
Hey,not that you guys really care,but I won't be able to upload any computer art for at least a week,maybe more if I get grounded.Why? My laptop finally broke,so I'm on my moms.Not that it matters,Sai expired anyways...So,no more Spam from Ei for alittle while ^^; I'll still be on and try to rp on stuff.And,because I promised both Ay and Ray,I'll still be writing fanfics.Sooo,yeah...sorry for useless news XD Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
B- but I larve your spam! DD8 It's the one kind of spam that's too loveable for words 833 Together with Ay-San's, of course >3< over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Aw, I'm sowwy about your computer Ei! D: over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
I agree with Ana-Chan! I wuffle your spams! They might be spams but good one! 3: over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said …

Making some random OC article thingy..
Title? "Jizz.. In my pants?" xD<3 Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
XD Ray William Johnson? XD over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
lolwut. over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
No shit. over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
Gah, I know that you've all forgotten about me, by now -n-
I haven't drawn anything OC-related in months. I just can't think of anything .n. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Nuuez, we haven't forgot you >w< over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
I'm a dedicated fan... How can that be? ._.

(Yush, dis ish wall spam =3= ) Posted over a year ago
CHERRY111898 commented…
Yay! XD over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
>w< over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
XD over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said …
Y'know what's super annoying?
These great artist on this spot who reject compliments they recieve for their amazing art!
I know I do that sometimes, but I'm not great... at all.
(No lying saying I am, guys. *glare*)

Sowwy, but I needed to make a short rant.. xD Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
SERIOUSLY!!!!!! They're beautiful drawings and such make me SO jealous! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
And Ky you can draw U3U over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
xD I will. over a year ago
Fucking...BULL SHIT! I thought of a new OC =3= SOMEONE FUCKING SHOOT MY CREATIVE SIDE OF MY BRAIN OUT!!! Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
I'ma OC hoe :3 over a year ago
STALKER-TOAST commented…
No,no,Ei still holds that job ^w^ But make it.Noa >333 <3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
^What is that suposed to mean? O.o over a year ago
totaldramacale said …
Can anyone help me? More info under Help 2! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …

I'm in a seriously bad mood right now ._. So therefor, I've gotten even more annoyed by the remaining OCs of mine, so now I'm deleteing 2 more... Bye bye Melissa and Jason -__-''

... Yes, I've had a seriously bad day, no wonder I'm in a bad mood >_< Posted over a year ago
TDWTfan425 said …
CAN ANYONE MAKE ME A CHARACTER FOR ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
._. over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
....... ._.* over a year ago
dxarmy423 commented…
-__- over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Sorry that I haven't published the next chapter for Spark D:
I'm working on it right now.

Ciao! ♥ Posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
***EDIT*** Published! over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
This is totally off subject!

I'm seriously bored right now, any good ideas about what to do? I have to write that play tho, but I don't want tooooo TT^TT

My rant is now over :3 Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Errrmmm.. Doodle? I have no clue. XD over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Good idea! I actually doodled something during english class .3. I guess it's time to color it in? xDD over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said …
So, I'm back. ^^
I know you guys didn't notice and probably don't even care.. XD
But, I'll be putting up chap. 2 of "Who do I love?" and Ei, I'll get your pic up too.

Sorry for wasting your lifes with this. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Duncan-superfan commented…
Yesh! I is back. xD I'm so happy chu missed meh. :3333<3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Ky! Was wondering where you were! You be missed! over a year ago
I know I can't be talking (me being a base user and all) but, color-overs are starting to piss me off a bit... Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
They're begging to do that to me too 38 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I got a medal here... how? .n. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Uuuuhhhhh.......BECAUSE YOUR AWESOME?! over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Oh, thats logical -w- over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Thank you :D over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey everyone. Sorry I wasn't on for long yesterday. Some missup happend... Posted over a year ago
sketchbysketch said …
Hii everybody
I´m new here
I´m OC is Sketchy Posted over a year ago
yasmine5568 said …
Hey guys! It's me! Iloveduncan6! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Haii :33 over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
83 Haii! over a year ago
irie_mon said …
OH MY GOD HI PPL!!!!! XD XD XD XD Posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
Why, hello there. C8 over a year ago
irie_mon commented…
hi i will fan u now. :3 over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
So, you're new, huh? 8D over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said …
I think I'm going to make my new OC and post her. She's going to look like me but act like Gabriella. ^^
-Nessi Posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
The image system is screwy. Lolly no like >:C Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Stupid System >8C Nevah helps anybody TT^TT over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Exactly -3- over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Damnit, I went to sleep ^^; Sorreh 338 Well, when you wrote that, it was about half past midnight or maybe more :33 over a year ago
iDxC said …
I wonder why colorovers and popular artists get all the attention. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Maybe because they're coloroverers(?) and popular artists? over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, I think color overs get much attention because people have lots of different opinions about them, some think they're okay, some doesn't really care about it and some doesn't like them. At all. I think the artists gets a lot of attention because they care about their every peice of art which is different from the color overs which are just traced pieces of something that someone worked hard on. But please, describe a "popular" artist for me, I'd like to know exactly what that mean. :) over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
well, I guess it's because they standing out from all the OCs :) over a year ago
totaldramacale said …
Olo to all you TDF fans! (Olo is my new greeting from now on) Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Mega Mind much? XD It's HELLO. over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said …
(This is a bad thing) Sometimes, I come here and look- All I see if colorovers and I say to myself: "The TDI spot has got to stop" Then I remember this spot is for OC's.
Way to be original.
-Nessi Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Don't be too sure about that, you should SEE how many color overs there is on this spot 33: over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan commented…
Gabriella told me it'll put me to tears. :| over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, it is sad with the color-overs 33: (Sorry, I misunderstand everything, before, I thougth you ment the color overs on the TDI spot xDD ) over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Yaaaiiii!!! I'm in wuv! Saaoooo, I'm making Elen a BoyFriend OC that looks sortof like my crush! <D Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Oh The Holy Crapple!! You're one lucky girl! :33 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Dammit, I just realized...
I need more characters for Spark xD Three "mains" isn't enough.
Ideas? I don't need names, but maybe some personalities? Posted over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
someone queit and dark maybe?or someone perverted?or someone loud mouthed?or someone perverted and loudmouthed?xD over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD I think Eiko is the quiet and dark one in THAT story .3. I'm not really looking for comedy, but I could consider it. over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
u always need a preppy girl or quiet type.idk just do X3 over a year ago
I have an idea for an OC...I'm not sure if I should do it tho.... Posted over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
what kind of oc is it? over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
That's the thing...I have no idea what personality to give her. Her name's Dee by the way :3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Hugger* over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Yesh dis has nuthing 2 do wit OCs ^^

Should I make a Freaxxx club?
I mean, I know everybody (not everybody...I think ._.) else is doing it, but I dunno...I don't wan pee.o.pel to tink I have a big ego :O Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
linkMy new club :333 but iz not about me! It's just about RaNdOm FrEaKs >D JOOOIIIIINNNN over a year ago
Ok,I NEEED to make the FACE OFF rp as soon as possible,but I need 5 more models,and a judge DX At this point,I dun need info,just say their name,and be able to rp often,and be able to give a description to whoever your partnered up with Posted over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
well i could join but could you give me a link? over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
never mind :3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
*Shakes Ei* I am WAITING in EXCITMENT! over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
I would like to join, but it would be stupid of me, i mean, when you guys are ready to rp, i'm going to bed 38 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Should there be a specific date when I post my Spark entries? @¬@ I already have chapter 5 in my drafts, and I have some great ideas for that article... but would posting two in the same week be weird? lol... Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
No it wouldn't! over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
it wouldn't seem weird :P over a year ago
V-GIRL96 commented…
not at all u.u post iiit, dammit! >BD over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
lol, okay xD over a year ago
big smile
IT'S 12:00 MIDNIGHT AND I'M HIGH ON SODA AND CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Yes this is a spam....EAT IT! over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Yeyz :DD t's almost 9:00 a.m And I've been up for 2 hours xDD over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
Yeah no duh..its a kid (teen preteen)who does not do real drugs drug. over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said …
Lisa:*singing* I got hooker boots! I got hooker boots! CX
Me:Lisa.. I think I just based your new look off Alois..
Lisa:o3o Really? What makes you-
Me:Short skirt (practically booty shorts), dark purple, and hooker boots. =.=
Lisa:... In that case.. I is now your master! *rape face*
Me:Wh-what?! O.O
Lisa:Glasses equal Claude. C8
Lisa:Now, shine my boots, bitch!
Me:Yes, young master.. =.=

Master Lisa pwns all. >D Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
My friend Lisa actually told me this...but a long time ago! O.O over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
I didn't mean too, but yeah.. I guess he was just on my mind at the time. |D' over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Aloiissss -//u//- ~<3 I love that little manwhore *Q* over a year ago
ShionKaito said …
So this is a club where you make up and draw your own characters? Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
Yep :) over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
eeeeexactly over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
Yeah make fanfics too and other stuff like that and peoples oc's can know other people's oc''s..blah blah blah over a year ago
Seastar4374 said …
Okay a little off topic but todays me and my OC's b-day Posted over a year ago
ShionKaito commented…
happy birthday! :D over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
happy birthday!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
WOOO!!! *Dances with OC* xD I'm doing that 83 over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
Happy b-day over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Eiko: *raises decretive cane*
Ami: D8 OH NOEZ!
Eiko: Do you know what this is, Ami?! >8D
Ami: Not.. not the pimp cane! D8
Ami: Do not hit me, I am begging you!
Eiko: I'LL DO MUCH WORSE THEN THAT! *creepily curly twisting tongue action*

I seriously woke up on my bathroom floor and dreamt this. Posted over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
xD Lol! over a year ago
V-GIRL96 commented…
XDDD I seriously lav eiko over a year ago
Duncan-superfan commented…
lol.. over a year ago
It's. My. BIRTHDAY!!!! Posted over a year ago
STALKER-TOAST commented…
Happee birthday,Dannie :3 over a year ago
dxarmy423 commented…
yay!!!!! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Thanks's all you guys! over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
*Sigh* Well, I'm sorry to say this to all my friends who do this and I will admit it, I used to do it too, but stop with all the crappy Color-Overs! It's not an "Oc" if you don't do it your self! And please. Don't ask other people to do it for you! Just do like I do! My drawings are not that good but I still try! And if you don't try, you'll probably get no where! You'll spend your life asking people to draw stuff for you! Posted over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
I'm sorry just for this rant... over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Hey, I agree with you! I've been one of those "color-overs" too, and I felt awful, cuz I knew it wasn't a real OC, just a faker, but I did it because I didn't believe in my artistic skills (which STILL sucks!) but I keep trying :33 You wont get anywhere if you don't try! And I've seen people on here, stealing others art, coloring it over or claiming it as their own, OR just using it without giving credit, which I think is very rude >:C over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
Me too!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ over a year ago
Tamotsu-kun said …
(sorry for spam)
I haz no LUVVVVV D:
:'( i need somebody to luvvvv,and den w-we can uhh sing magnet together D:
~Tamotsu Sakine Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
I would introduce you to Mikey...but me no know if Tamotsu-Kun knows him :3 over a year ago
VioletSunset commented…
I'LL LAVE YOU :D over a year ago
Tamotsu-kun commented…
yay i have peoples who laves meh ^^ over a year ago
Bithday tomorrow....YAY! Posted over a year ago
DanniHomicide commented…
Yey! :DD *huggles* Happy almost birthday, Dannie! ^^ over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
>3 Dannie Winchester: 14 years anc counting! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
LOL Love ya too Danni-San over a year ago