Total Drama Island Fancharacters Wall

Displaying wall entries 111-120 of 1451

RainbowOtakuX3 said …
I.. may not finish that halloween yaoi fic..
Yeah, sucks, I know.. I'm sowwy..
Though, I may.. We'll see..
Sorry for being a disappointment.. Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Again.. xD;; *OTL* over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
....OnO...But..but..DD: over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Sowwy. Dx I might finish it~ over a year ago
smartone123 said …
i have gotten in alot of trouble that is alll my fault,so i will be gone for awhile.My advise is to play my charactors in my rps and try not to forget me,good bye everyone :( Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
wen will u b bak?? over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
sometimes on and off till january over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
okiez! well talk 2 chu then :333 over a year ago
halobunny619 said …
@ colecutegirl it really hard to draw so what ppl do that to so you like to make my drawing ugly Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
no thats not what i ment i was only asking i liked ur pic i didnt mean to offend you and im sorry that i did because honestly i really do like tht pic i was just asking over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 said …
I'm so sowwy I haven't uploaded the rest of the Yaoi Halloween-thingy fanfic~! D:
I've been.. Busy n' all.. and Writer's block is a bitch.. ;n; Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Yeah, you better be sorry! D< Leavin' meh hanging like that...=3= over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
I'm so sowwy. ;n; over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
It's okie =3=...xD over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey everyone. :3
I guess I should tell you alittle bit about Chey's life...

Well, She's pregnant!~ And her brother, Father, and Bioliogic sister were supprised and happy for her!

She's also getting married~ Of course to the same person that got her pregnant. xDD Here's the picture of him: link :3

Chey has a biologic sister named Reiko Mishima. :3

Yup... So that's Chey's life so far! x3

No one probable cares though.... xDDDD Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
That is surprising news! Congratulations though ^^ I hope everything goes smoothly :) I want to see baby pictures when she/he is born xD over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
... Wait, are you talking about Chey as in yourself, or Chey as in your character? Sorry, I'm an idiot and get confused really easily ^^; over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
Lol that's ok! XD Chey as in the Character. X3 over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Please join today! link Posted over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
I've posted my application now, I put the link in the comment box of the blank one. over a year ago
colecutegirl said …
wow this place is getting kinda unactive DXX Posted over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
i know right over a year ago
nocofangirl218 said …
Man..................I spent HOURS re-doing my charecter Bio, and NO ONES commented on it! e.o I really wish at least one person would comment on it so I know my hard work is noticed. (just so you know; it's the story titled: "My re-done charecter bio! ;D"

Just so you guys know... o3o (I'm seriously not trying to sound like I'm trying to force you to read it) Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Duuude.. No one comments on character bios anymore.. ^^; over a year ago
nocofangirl218 commented…
OHHHH.................alright then. o3o over a year ago
GeekGirl said …
Ok this has nothing to do with the club but
in school today we had to right down 10 things we wanted to do before we die and I put stand up for gay rights, because I think they should have more rights, my mum read it, and now she probaly thinks I'm gay! But I'm not Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
.. Oh boohoo~ xD;; ..But seriously.. That's nothing to be upset about.. (Not to be mean) over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
ok thnx over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Worrying about people thinking you're gay because you support equal rights is one of the things that's setting the movement back -.- Seriously, why the hell would I care if someone thought I was a lesbian. I know my sexuality and it's not like it's offensive or anything :P People deserve to be with who they love, if people make stupid assumptions about me because I believe that, it's their problem. over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
i was just a little emmbarast over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
My mom's getting me an audition for Nickolodeon & or Disney since they're coming to Puerto Rico -_-'

Like I wanna be anywhere -near- that Selena Gomez, BLAGH.

P.S. I'm aware this has nothing to do with the club. x) Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Selena Gomez seems like a nice enough person :P I'm not going to judge someone who I know nothing about. At least she's not filming herself getting high and pole dancing on ice cream trucks like some former Disney stars xD over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
^ agreed xD. Aww, You should really go for it! 8D Good luck >w< over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
it's just since she's been dating that Justin Bieber T_T over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
and yes, it's true xD over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
hi guys
hi guys
hi guys
hi guys
I have some more art for you
isn't that great
no one even cares (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
OH YAY! 8'D (xD;<3) over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
D'aww, you guys. over a year ago
Courtneyfan214 said …
Everyone i'm not gonna be on fanpop
because i'm being called nasty and disgusting words.
good be everyone, you been good to me, and bye my friends (you've been very nice) i hate to say good bye!!!! Posted over a year ago
Seastar4374 commented…
:( who's calling you this? over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
im glad youre staying dont woorry about what pinkkatluv says its stupid and immature. youre epic ! over a year ago
Courtneyfan214 commented…
ok over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
hey for everyone that signed up for Total Drama Underground over the summer... I'm thinking about giving it another shot! Should be posted very soon! =D Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
yay over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
^^; I didn't feel like writing it at first, but now it's too boring here. XD over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
i cat wait for haloween though :)) over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Total Drama Wilderness has been ended. I practically got no response on the second part, and on the first part I only got responses from whoever was in it. I need reviews from other people. So, I'm sorry to say that Total Drama Wilderness is ended. Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
... I don't really think that's it's abnormal for people ago aren't in the story not to read it. Usually it's the person's character that holds their interest in the story to begin with. over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
It's not just that... my life has been a lot busier too and I don't know if I have time to write it anymore over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
^Possibly... I don't know. over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
*Is currently in a HORRIBLE mood*

Hey guys. :)
I might be on more than ever now that my account od DeviantART got Banned... But... I still have Chey's RP account on there. link Posted over a year ago
nocofangirl218 said …
I'm FINALLY writing a story for my OC! :D
Posted over a year ago
casacada1007 commented…
me to for my oc i already posted part 1 called saving you can you read and say what you think about it??? and good luck with your story :D over a year ago
nocofangirl218 commented…
I read it, and LOVED it! >w< over a year ago
nocofangirl218 commented…
MY stories up! :D over a year ago
MrShota said …
Woaaah o3o
I haven't been on here for...forever o3o
...It seems so different...
..Eh,whatever C: I might bring myself to post again,I don't feel like letting this AWESOME account go to waste (lolno)
So,bai for now :D
....Geez,excuse my attention-whoring xD; Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
OhHaiAy :D over a year ago
MrShota commented…
Fah,I forgot that I posted this,I REALLY need to start remembering things xD; Hai :D over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
New RP! (japan <3 RP) Posted over a year ago
smartone123 said …
back! Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
OhHey! :D over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
hey :3 over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
:p over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
I wish this spot was more active. It's so boring lately Dx
Posted over a year ago
dxarmy423 commented…
blame school, wait until TD4 comes out, then there will be tons of people here over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
i know its like people actually have something to do! dang it im so bored DXX over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
@Dxarmy: You're right. Not only will people from this spot will come back, but new users will sign on too. Hopefully new users doesn't lead to new drama either... over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
I blame time, I'm on more than what's healthy for me, but most of you guys can't be on before 10 pm here ^^; over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
WHY IS IT SO BORING ALL OF A SUDDEN? Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
School, maybe. over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
UGH! CURSE YOU LITERACY! Dx *burns text books* Muahaha... >:D* over a year ago
angelbell619 commented…
lol well maybe you will get excited to see my story link over a year ago
Seastar4374 said …
Do we even have any baby OCs on this spot? I notice a lot of adults and teens maybe a few kids but like no little little kids. Posted over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
Ikr? over a year ago
Seastar4374 commented…
I'm gonna start drawin baby OCs soon over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 commented…
i wonder what kyle and davids kids wil look like over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
._. Hai. Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
ohaithar :3 over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
OhHey :3 over a year ago
angelbell619 commented…
hi over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 said …
Hey everybody im back iv'e been helping injured people Posted over a year ago
Jackifrost commented…
Yay! they're ok now right? over a year ago
19BTR95 commented…
Courtneyfan214 I care Stupid little girl!! over a year ago
dxarmy423 said …
*does the awesome dance* IM BACK ON MY REGULAR ACCOUNT!! WOOT!!! Posted over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
>_> (Is he seriously dancing, is that even dancing at all?) XD jk jk over a year ago
Strawberry0020 said …
Art trade anyone? I'm bored DX Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
me? over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
Ok! =D what do you want me to draw? over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
sure over a year ago
TDROTIfan said …
Please Join:

link Posted over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Hmm & btw.

Lots of newbees.
Lots of artists in...progress.

It's like they're taking over. .-. Posted over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
lolzz over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
--Completely off topic, just felt to spam--


Best day of my life <3 far as I remember at the moment at least. xD Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
Anyone else notice how much this spot has slowed down in the last little while? It seSMS like all the RPs have dies for the most part... I blame school Dx Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, school has started for most of the users here, so I guess that's that problem.. Dx over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
I totally agree with what you're saying. This spot got pretty boring since school started. .__. over a year ago
Boomerxbubbles said …
Guys should I add my oc's Elle and Jimmy to the club? Posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
sure thats cool over a year ago
Boomerxbubbles commented…
Yay! over a year ago
Freaxxx said …

Hai :3


Of course, not like anyone noticed I was gone. xP Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Hiiiii~ C8 over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
lolWelcomeback over a year ago
Freaxxx commented…
lawwwlz, thank thank yew x3 over a year ago
GeekGirl said …
ok so this has nothing to do with tdi oc's but my mum just court me sing lyrics to a killers song that was "Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his—chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, let me go." I do think she will let me listen to that agein. Posted over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
XD That sounds akward. over a year ago
thecodebreaker commented…
XD that is uber hilarious over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ya thats bad over a year ago
thecodebreaker said …
Please join my fanfict

link Posted over a year ago
GeekGirl said …
I need 2 more boys for my total drama freaks please enter Posted over a year ago
thecodebreaker commented…
I joined over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
yey over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
hai you guise c: Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Ohaithar :3 over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Haithar. :D over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD I'll try it sometime. over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …

The next part of Total Drama Wilderness is up. :)
Again, super sorry for the delay, my computer crashed and all my stuff went with it... :/ Posted over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said …
I miss the days where it was easier to draw and post your art. Now we have to tag it and everything... DX Posted over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl commented…
Agreed over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
It's not making me tag things when I upload images... over a year ago
colecutegirl commented…
i dont have to tag over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Neither do I! over a year ago
NoahxCourtney77 said …
I was ata store today and I saw a dress that was totally JuJu dres!!! xD Posted over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey guys... ^^
I know I haven't been on in a while but... Ehhhhh...
Anyway... I found two new theme songs for Chey. :3
Should I post 'Em? Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
yes :D over a year ago
iloveduncan6 commented…
Okaa!!!! over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Hey, I was thinking of bringing back my former OC, Kirby back in non-color over form. Do you guys think it s a good idea? Posted over a year ago
Strawberry0020 commented…
go for it! over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
yeah totally over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
ya over a year ago
smartone123 said …
hey back! :3 Posted over a year ago
thecodebreaker said …
Hey guys its me dxarmy423, for some reason my other account is broken. I have sent a message to fanpop but it looks like its gonna take a while so Im using my back up account. so if you see this on the rps or what ever just remember its me. Posted over a year ago
aprilacne commented…
*gives you the peoples eyebrow*So that's why you haven't been repliing? over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
thecodebreaker?..Man..xDDD' over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 commented…
Nice backup username over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 commented…
Why havent you been on td stranded my oc derek found chilly's girlfriemd clair for you over a year ago
mindy890 said …
I have not been on fanpop in a long time
Posted over a year ago
FireFly113 said …
I have decided to change my OCs names :3
Ashley: Nicole
Alex: Priscilla
Jared: Dominic or Logan Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
I think you should go with Dominic ^^ over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 commented…
Logan cause thats a name from btr <3 over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl commented…
BTR FTW!!!!!! over a year ago
FireFly113 said …
Hola :3 Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Hai :D how are you? over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Omg~! Heeeey Jared! :D *t'is Ky/DS* over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
*LE-GASP* Lookit who it is! 8D over a year ago
big smile
angelbell619 said …
I love totlly drama chacter Posted over a year ago
angelbell619 said …
join this club Posted over a year ago
angelbell619 commented…
and please join my club link over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Yeyz! my baby cousin turns 2 today! :D I can't wait till tomarrow I get cake XD Posted over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 said …

Does anyone remember my twin OCs Remy and Finni? :3
I totally forgot about them! D: I be a horrible mother. ;n; Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
I remember .w. *Is still loving them in an unhealthy amount >w<* You're not! D: over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
At least someone still remembers and loves them. x3 ..Yesh I am. D: ..Well, at least I'm bringing them back~ >w> over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
I remember theeeeeeeem~ X3 <3 Remy was my favorite =w= <33 Chur not a horrible mommeh! D< over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Uh huh. :3 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Dad: Sofia, neither your brother nor your sister want to name their son Peter, so I'm counting on you to.
Dad: But Sof--
Me: AAHHHH *commences running up stairs and smacks into door*

My life -u- Posted over a year ago
DxCFan123 commented…
Will Sebastian be able to throw knives? (Kuroshitsuji FTW!) over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
...Dora? xDD;; over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Okay, I can do long as it's the ghetto version. =w= over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
I want to make a new RP, but I don't know what to make it about DX ...It seems like everything has been done before. I was thinking maybe a party RP? It's over done, but they're always entertaining ^^; I don't know -faaaiiils- Posted over a year ago
T-RP-A commented…
ooooh, that sounds fun >w< <333 over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
I'll probably make the RP tomorrow because I'm lazy right now and about to sleep ^^; over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
That'd be great! :D over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
You should make one~ :D'...Party RPs are where people get drunk...>w< <33333 YOU SHOULD DO A PARTY RP! :D Do iiiiiit~ owo over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Yesterday, I caught my sister sexting, so I tackled her in an attempt to grab her phone and see the damage. Well, she elbowed me in the mouth with the strength of Hercules, and now my lip is cut open T_T Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
DDDD: I'm so sorry, Sofie-Chaaaan~!! Dx Feel better ono..and now I have Sexting by BOTDF stuck in my head..=3= over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
DD: Feel better! u^u over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 commented…
You my friend are one good big sis over a year ago
smartone123 said …
gtg for now Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
now i do over a year ago
smartone123 said …
ya fanpop your 5,you can ride a big boy bike now,YAY >3< Posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
As strange as it may seem, I'm writing a legit children's book.
I had to share it here because no one likes me on my spot kthxbai Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
OMG That's amazing, Sofie~ :DDDDD' And awwwwwwe~ D: Dun say that! over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
I have not seen you on in a while over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
@Addrey Aaw, thank you xD @mindy I know @_@ over a year ago
mindy890 said …
I wanna start a story. Not a TD whatever. A story but it needs to have other peoples OCs. So I am basicly saying...if you let me put your OC in my story you may help out with the story. Not sure what it should be about though. If you wanna help message me. And I am not putting this in answers because I am afraid no one will respondXD
Posted over a year ago
Courtneyfan785 commented…
you can put one of my OCs in your story :3 over a year ago
RavenRox2 commented…
you can use mine :3 over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
Any one who wants to help send me a message with a link to your characters bio over a year ago
jadore_renard said …
... I kind of want to put Meera into a relationship, but I dunno. She doesn't pair up well with any of my current OCs... I don't know if anyone else's ocs are interested in her :P if not, I guess I'll have to make a new OC for her LI. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Well, she's very welcome to have Adaan if she want him ^-^ I don't think Frank would be any good for her, really xD over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
But we all loved that you did make that picture! .w. over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
Pfffft, guuurl, that Ceddy pic is a life sized poster in mah bedroom [shot] joking joking xD *ahem. chants* DRAW IT DRAW IT DRAW IT! jk xD... unless you want to? owO *is a freak xD* over a year ago
big smile
smartone123 said …
omg im a dedicated fan!! 83 Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
Congrats :3 over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
thank you :3 its just i didn't think id get one you know over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
thx X3 over a year ago
big smile
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Hey artists! Wanna know how to make your characters looks better and more original!? Use! It totally free and east to use! Use torpedo to figure out how to use it! Posted over a year ago
xRainbowNinjax commented…
There goes me making my OC look better, I have Paint,net allready over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
k thx :3 over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl commented…
It start out as a line so there should be no problem :) over a year ago
dxarmy423 said …
The Next Episode of Total Drama Money in the Bank will be out on Friday Afternoon around 4 or 5. Then I wont have another episode until August 5th because I'm going to camp for a week. Sorry for the Delay Posted over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
I'll miss u over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
Also can't wait for the next ep over a year ago
aprilacne commented…
We'll miss you. over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 said …
if your doing an oc on a tdi base dose that count as color overing??? Posted over a year ago
aprilacne commented…
no. over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
ok i was just makeing sure cuz i did an tdi base for my oc and someone said that was color over over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl commented…
Well then there dumb. over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
haha lol over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
I want to apologize yet again for how late part 2 of Total Drama Wilderness is >.< my co-writer finally got back to me and gave me some ideas, but my computer crashed... making me lose ALL my data and having to rewrite. I feel terrible Dx I'll try my hardest to make it worth the long wait. Posted over a year ago
Pinkkatluv32 said …
Hey everybody join my total drama dawn of the dead Posted over a year ago
Courtneyfan214 commented…
no over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
.... Anyone read The Hunger Games? .w. Geh, I've gotten kind of obsessed with them. ^^;; (Alarm, alarm, she's got a new obsession.... Not that it doesn't happen every flippin' month....)

*Ahem ahem*

.... And I'm back again... OhYey .w. Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
I'm positive I've said this before but..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAA-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~ <333 I missed chuuuuu~ ^w^ over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
i read them all i like peeta and katnis too best :3 over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
I have not seen you on in a while. I'm used to seeing you post lots of stuff. then suddenly you dissapeared over a year ago
smartone123 said …
ok each person for each team on TDO

Nina-toxic cats

Jade-flaming oars

Drew-toxic cats

Nikki-flaming oars

Brittney-toxic cats

Mike-flaming oars

Jesse-toxic cats

Rae-flaming oars

Martial-toxic cats

Jamie-flaming oars

Olivia-toxic cats

Avery-flaming oars

Layah-toxic cats

any problems with this,comment k thx :3 Posted over a year ago
xRainbowNinjax commented…
Mkay over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
:3 over a year ago
LadySpaz said …
Guys.. I'm sorry, but.. I'm going to be quitting fanpop for awhile..
I know this is spammy, but.. yeah..

When I come back, I'll post that Keita's Past fanfic I'm currently writing..
(Bye Hika-Chan(Dannie) and Kao-Chan(Danni) I'll miss you guys~) Posted over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
DDDB Awww, I'll miss you 3'B over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
...DDDD: W-what..? DX No! OnO...*sniff*...O-okie, Haru-Chan...I'll miss you.. over a year ago
RainbowOtakuX3 commented…
Dun worry~~~ I'm on my OC Lisa's rp account.. My LadySpaz account got deleted.. I'm just taking a break for 2-3 weeks!!! I shall be back. I was just very upset the other day.. over a year ago
xRainbowNinjax said …
Could someone make a family for me?! If you could ill tell you who and what to make or something! i have a family to make or you to make, because i can only do sorta color overs. Ill give you props!!! Posted over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
I could. Just send me a message of what exaclty you want. over a year ago
xRainbowNinjax commented…
Ok :D over a year ago
dpcmable commented…
yupi the fan caracters over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
Just finished two fanarts including Odran, and one with Ami.
Funnn c: Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
You should post them :D over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
Haha I will as soon as I can xD Unlike my other artwork I would consider these complete shit .u. over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD;; Ami fangirls? I had no idea >w> over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
I have my new character 8D
His name is Odran, and thats all I'll say for now. I have this character design and stuff, with I'll work on a little more right now and try to get it on paper. Not like anyone cares >_> Posted over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
I can't wait to see him! :3' over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Aw~ =w=..Odran..I wanna see him! :D <3 :3 over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
xD I drew a picture of him but it's really crappy. I'll take a picture in a minute, but if I get no comments I will be a sad camper TwT over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Bai bai people! :D I'm leaving for 2 weeks of vacation soon, just thought I'd tell so no one went like "Holy shit is she dead!?" or something xD Posted over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
Aw, alright Hunny-Chan. I hope you have fun. :3 over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
Bye, Anna-chaaan T^T We'll miss you *sniffs and waves white handkerchief* over a year ago
UnicornNinja commented…
Aw, bye bye Anna. :3 Hope you have fuuuun~ over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
D: Bai Anna~ 33: </3 Hurry home from the war! D: *lol..wut? .3.* over a year ago
beepboop said …
How do u put ur drawings online on your laptop? Posted over a year ago
beepboop commented…
i found it out never mind over a year ago
aprilacne said …
SOMEBODY STOLE MY OC AND MADE IT HER/HIS OWN!link base&order=9&offset=456#/d2075ul

If you have a deviantart pleas comment and say it is not theirs.

How do I know this? link

I'M.PISSED.OFF..... Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
I'm sorry, but that picture has been up on DA since 2009. Could you possibly submit a link to your OC because I haven't found anything in your images or articles... It's kind of hard to accuse someone when you haven't shown evidence, not that I think you're lying, I just want to play it on the safe side because it's happened before. over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
How can you prove that the OC on dA wasn't made before your OC? I'm just curious, I don't think you're lying! over a year ago
aprilacne commented…
^It's taken care of.I just had a short burst of rage...Thats all. over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
OMG! I was watching Jeopardy(ages 10+) and one of the questions where "Brunch of Discuss was an episode in the first ever cartoon 'reality' show." I was like "TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!" it took forever for one of the Tweens to get it. I couldnt believe it! Posted over a year ago
GeekGirl commented…
omg that would be my perfect question over a year ago
sonicluver101 commented…
That's like, the best question EVER xD over a year ago
Courtneyfan785 said …
Contest for yew!(it won't let me upload it in the "Answers" part)
can you draw my OC's Hunter and Erin Kissing?I suck at it -_- heres the pic of them link
1st-10 props
2nd-5 props
3rd-2 props
please please please! Posted over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 said …
Sorry to all that are waiting on the second part of episode 1 of Total Drama Wilderness. I'm now writing with tdiCxTlova18 but we're having some delays. :/ really sorry for the inconvenience.
I swear one of us will have it up ASAP though. <3
Posted over a year ago
....So.....what do you guys think of a Transgender OC? .3. No like? Yes like? IDK if I like? .3. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
That would be epic! :D Then I wouldn't be the only one on the spot with a male with boobs XD Or with a female with, eh, ya' know... Okay, Frank's just a cross dresser, but, STILL! :DD Chu should do it, Dannie-San, or mah epic skillz would come and get yew >w> over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
YES!!! :D Please make one! over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said …
fff still trying to come up with designs for my newest character (male). Anything articles of clothing you'd like to see? Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
DISCO BITCH! :DDDDD"...JK...sorta...>w> over a year ago
Lolly4me2 commented…
x'D over a year ago
princess2109 said …
Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEE! happy birthday to me Posted over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
I hope you enjoyed my crappeh spammy! over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Oh happy birthdaaaaay!!! ^^ :3 over a year ago
princess2109 commented…
I ISH SO HAPPY! :D I GOT A PHONE! over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 said …
U BROKE MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
LadySpaz commented…
._____. over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
K no one cares, bye. over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Haha, thanks xDD over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 said …
im a liar!!!!! *sobs*
Posted over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 commented…
checks answers to see wat im talkin about over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
..Kthxbai. over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
Quit puttin up spammy wall posts. over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Hey join the new club, TDI Makeovers :)! If you love to draw TDI characters in costumes and/or With makeup on, then this spot is the place for you!
link Posted over a year ago
iloveduncan6 said …
Hey everyone!~ I know you hardley ever see me... I might post something to show that I'M STILL ALIVE! But it might not be good... I used a base off of DeviantART... Posted over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
I bet it will be good :) over a year ago
nymph_tonks said …
im going to make another oc. a guy. but i cant decide what he'll look like. Posted over a year ago
nymph_tonks commented…
never mind, i decided. over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
lol over a year ago
big smile
obssesedTDIgirl said …

Hey people I just wanted to let everyone know that all request will be submitted (at least in traditional/drawn form) before July 13 since I'll be going to Panama for 2 weeks. So if I've promised to do a request for you know need to worry! It will soon be done. Posted over a year ago
mindy890 said …
For a while all I got on was fanpop. Then I got grounded. I stopped going on as much but now I get on a lot. Posted over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
kthnxbai over a year ago
mindy890 commented…
wat? over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
Nicely said Sumer...kthxbai. over a year ago
imani_baby said …
ONE photo makes a big argument for no reason smh! Posted over a year ago
jadore_renard commented…
I hardly see how that could be considered a big argument... It was an unnecessary overreaction to a comment that didn't even involve said person and was in no way offensive. over a year ago
imani_baby commented…
ik she and I acted off teh wrong way and ik now dat ur not da type of person for drama ur really niice and 4 my 3rd tiime im srry over a year ago
DxCFan123 commented…
I don't mean to judge but your spelling like a texting freak. over a year ago
TDIlover226 said …
So I spent hours and hours at my grandmother's house, attempting to draw some things that I could put on this spot, because I'm lazy and I haven't submitted anything here in forever.
The only decent thing I got drawn?
A crappy Bryanna rotation -.-
Bahhh >.< Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
But, that's a good thing! :D I acn't draw rotations >////< over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
I can't, either xD I got the side and front views done, but that's it. ...I'm still going to color it and submit it, though 8D over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
Ohyey 8D ... Those are the two I fail the most at T^T over a year ago
TDIlover226 commented…
Pffft *Bryana. ...Actually, I have no idea on how I originally spelt her name anymore .n. over a year ago
gothemo1234 said …
im back ppl so what happen when i was gone feel like a year
Posted over a year ago
NoahxCourtney77 commented…
Welcome Back! :D I've been gone too, so I dnt really know whats been going on :P over a year ago
gothemo1234 commented…
thanxs over a year ago
sugarsweet076 commented…
welcome back!!! over a year ago
obssesedTDIgirl said …
Who's in TDINTM?
colecutegirl______Ray Evernite
tdafan121________Imae Maki
colecutegirl_______Haylie Thompson

TOO ENTER CLICK THIS! link Posted over a year ago
tdigirl commented…
is the vid up yet? over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
i am over a year ago
crazytdi21 commented…
i'm almost done with the video over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
k over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 said …
hi dudes and dudettes!! since i finally found out how to a club i need people to join it!!! its called tdi oc profiles!!!!!!!!!!! i am not trying to copy this site just to be clear!!! peace out!!-me Posted over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 said …
wow i haven't been on here in a while. does anybody know how to start a club? i will give a prize to whoever answers!!!!! peace out!-me Posted over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
press fanpop,then go down,it has a button at the bottom,it acually says"start a club over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 commented…
wow thanks! ;^) over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
I've thought about the whole color over stuff, and I was thinking; why don't we just stop it? start fresh without color overs? I bet the club would be a great place then! :D Then, if we see a color over, we just report it, and that should be the end of it. :) no big ass drama. :D Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
....God. over a year ago
sonicluver101 commented…
That would be nice, but there's no need to report people for coloring over the screencaps. As annoying as it may be, a LOT of people color over screencaps. But that's not report-worthy. Lecture-worthy, but not report. I think just asking people politely and explaining to them that practicing drawing is better than coloring over, and giving advice to them not to color over would be a better idea. The only time we should report them is if they took art from Deviantart/SheezyArt and colored over it. Not saying that screencap recolors are good, but i hope you understand what i mean >_< over a year ago
NoahxCourtney77 commented…
No problem(: I actully took down my colorover of the Courtney 6teen thing D: That caused some problems :P And thank you :D over a year ago
sonicluver101 said …
Gyy...Answering all the pop-quiz questions is taking up a lot of my time. I'm VERY picky about leaving pop-quiz questions unanswered. And once that's done, i have to go answer the polls/fan picks, too.
Gosh, it might be a while before i do stuff on here. @___@'
Darn my picky-ness >:I"
For now i'll just have to stare at (some) color-overs. Grrr <:I" Posted over a year ago
GWENxTRENT commented…
..Ew. xD over a year ago
sonicluver101 commented…
....Ew? D: over a year ago
NoahxCourtney77 commented…
Your quite the busy person, darling (I like calling people darling, sorry if i creeped you out xD) over a year ago
sumerjoy11 said …
Thats it! I am sick of this! queenamifan, the colorovers/spam has got to stop! Not only that, but you have stolen pictures from other users, including me. You are making people upset. Either take down your "pictures" and try to draw your own or we'll just report you. Though I already did but others will start to and that will cause you to be banned. So please do us all a favor and stop with the crappy colorovers. Posted over a year ago
sonicluver101 commented…
I can understand your frusteration ^_^" But i doubt she'll read this. She'll have to learn the hard way >3<" over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
I reported ALL her color-overs yesterday... I hope they'll vanish soon over a year ago
i_love_music commented…
She colored over izzyfan119's fan art over a year ago
Freaxxx said …
Umm, whoever's spamming this freaking spot with stupid color-overs, please, do us all a favor and get some help.

Thank you. Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
You got it hun ^^ over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 commented…
':^( over a year ago
All the colorovers are coming back...and it makes me wanna just quit this whole spot >m<....I think I will.... Posted over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
U r not alone, I was informed by jadore_renard that someone colored over one of my pictures. -_- over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
awe, stay with me! I'll fight the color-overs >:3 I've told every owner I could find of the art that she colored over, about what happened. CITPrincess wasn't happy about it! over a year ago
tdiCxTlova18 commented…
wats color overs? over a year ago
Lollipop97 said …
Hey guys! Just doing some No-one-cares-to-read-this wall spam! :D

I'm just gonna rant a little, feeling like doing it c:
As many of you probably have noticed, there has been about 40 pieces of spam today by a certain queenamifan ^^ Okay, this is not nice of me to do, but I'm a bitch, so I don't give a shit, m'kay?

So if you're readin this, queenamifan, STOP you color-overing reign of terror! NO ONE likes it!

~ A pissed off Anna c: Posted over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
Rant all u want hun. People have to no how sick we r of colorovers! over a year ago
sonicluver101 said …
B'aww. I plan on becomming more active on this spot. But there seems to be a lot of color-overs, and i'm a liittle nervous about art theft >3<"
But i totally wanna get a medal for this spot, like i have on the TDI Spot :'D Posted over a year ago
Lollipop97 commented…
:D Nice to hear you'll (hopefully) be more active here :D Believe me, we REALLY need all the great artists we can get! I haven't seen any of my work colored-over (so far), so don't let that scare you c: over a year ago
smartone123 commented…
hope you stay over a year ago
sumerjoy11 commented…
I got one of my pictures traced over. I hope ur not next. over a year ago
LadySpaz said …
Holy shit! I come on and there's tons of color overs on this spot. OnO
Ky no likey.. >n< Posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 commented…
Oh noes! over a year ago
Pocky-Otaku333 commented…
I knooow! D: over a year ago
sonicluver101 commented…
Haha. Yes, plan B IS an awesome idea >:U over a year ago