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Ian O'Shea Spot!!



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kitticat2 said:
He MADE the book! Stephenie even said the reason she finished it was because she was intrigued by the way Ian can love someone so unconditionally, even an alien! Go Ian!
posted over a year ago.
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I no Ian is SOOOOOOOOO loveable.
posted over a year ago.
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What a few posts for my beloved Ian! How can that be?! No way! He's so absolutely awesome! He gets it when he's wrong and does his best to fix it, he has only few prejudices (even for aliens) and has the ability to love so completely unconditionably. Even when he's not ENTIRELY loved back, he's patient, he wates for Wanda and he never ever gives up. I like him probably more than Edward and for sure like the Host better then the twilight series. It's much deeper, it's got a special meaning a message to deliver, it's something that REALLY touched me, I even cried.
posted over a year ago.
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cheergeek said:
High fives to you gracetempest!
posted over a year ago.
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I agree whole heartedly! I thought Ian was just one of the most amazing characters in The Host! He was just so...yeah! Loveable and everything that gracetempest said about him! I cried when I thought Wanda wasn't going to end up with him! I'm so glad they did though, because he deserves happiness! He sees so much, he really is my favorite character! :D
posted over a year ago.
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Jojojulia said:
Ian is SOO awesome! I lovve him soo much. I just really want to know how old he is..and how old wanda's new host is. The book was compleate with ian!
posted over a year ago.
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I love Ian!!! i mean look at my pen name!! he is such a great lovable understanding guy that to me is perfect!!! i think i might even like him better that Edward, which is saying something!!
posted over a year ago.
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I don't know if you can really compare Ian to Edward, just the fact that Edward is a flawlessly gorgeous vampire puts him on a practically unreachable end of the spectrum, but I think Ian comes close... he did tie the book together and you just can't help but to fall in love with yet another fictional character.
posted over a year ago.
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With Edward, i think the only thing is that he is almost to perfect. Ian is a more relateable character and is in love with Wanda for Wanda not just because of her blood (which isn't exactly why Edward loves Bella but it has something to do with it). Edward is amazing, But Ian is to. Why does he have to be fictional.
posted over a year ago.
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kitticat2 said:
There are Ians out there. There are very few of them, but they're out there somewhere. Maybe hiding in a cave together so we girls can't find them. I want my own Ian!
posted over a year ago.
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Mrs_OShea said:
AHHHHH IAN is my LIFE!!!!!!!! I LOVE him soo much!!!!!!!!!!!! he made the book. i would give ANYTHING for him to b real nd for him to b mine. I LOVE u IAN!!!!
posted over a year ago.