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Sonic Fan Characters Answers

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 Showing Sonic Fan Characters questions (1 - 33 of 33)
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Answer: Start singing! :D
Answer: Darkclaw: ur ass
Answer: Ignore Justin Bieber -w-
Answer: Why would I want to watch kissing?? •...• Mayb...
Answer: Keroke: Well, that's great, have a nice day, now :D...
Answer: If ya want killing or whatever... play new Version ...
Answer: name: mary te wolf Age: 16 is neutral Weapons: ...
Answer: Everyone who is not recolor :D
Answer: Actually, I dont know~ :/ But I like this one, s...
Answer: Estelle: Go back to the shed where the Equestria di...
Answer: The End. Go home kids.
Answer: Estelle; The whore is back to wave his cocky ass in...
Answer: 0
Answer: Shane: That's because I'm sexy. Duuuuuhhhhh...
Answer: Coroline: He's old, and an emo cunt. :D And why ...
Answer: Did I hear...faker?
Answer: Chainsaw his testies off. C:
Answer: Estelle; I don't want to deal with a whore like you...
Answer: Nope. I hate them, of course, but I long since stop...
Answer: woudnt giv a shit
Answer: "she has every single power in the world." So yo...
Answer: I know! You are Pink Poodle!
Answer: "Let me just ask you a question here. And I don't e...
Answer: I will use Rainbow Dash! And She will use Pinkie Pi...
Answer: Recoloring IS art theft. But you don't care. How wo...
Answer: I'm okay with recolorers if they... 1) Attempt t...
Answer: Buttz: Ohyus.
Answer: "What if Emma lost her brain?" "What if Coco kil...
Answer: your not going to believe it but i have 284 charact...
Answer: I would bring out a baseball bat and say "NO RECOLO...
Answer: Well, critism is always good. But just saying 'it's...