Klaus & Caroline Mysterious Elegance ~ *Basak's Café*

louvreangel posted on Feb 20, 2012 at 04:47PM
Okay! So with my bestfriends Ivana, Sahar and Eleni, I decided to open a café here. I know, this may sound stupid but it's not! It's actually pretty fun because here, you can talk about anything you want to. You can talk about Klaroline, your friends, your family, your boyfriend/girlfriend and etc. as long as you want to. Because we are a huge family and this is the place where we all are going to be having a great time! I am the owner of the shop, I make the best "hot coke"s on earth :D Cakes are mostly from Ivana and the eaters are mostly Eleni and Sahar :D Does anybody want to be a waiter/waitress? That'd be so much help :D

*No money will be taken from family members <3*

You can swear, you can talk, you can do anything you want here except from trolling. Or I have a perfect gun to kill the trolls. You say something bad about Klaroline or us, you're dead dude. Don't say I didn't warn before ;)

So... Let's have some fun guys, c'mon! <3 :)

(P.S.: If you don't have a special name for yourself yet, go ahead and get it from the "Special Nicknames" forum! It makes you feel special <3 :*)


My Favourite Quotes (all of them are stalked by Sahar)

Sahar "My Klaroline family get me more than my own sister!"
Eleni "They should very well be jealous, us Klaroline fans have an unbreakable bond <3"
Ivana "We're together, always&forever"
Sahar "Ok so I realized my life would TOTALLY suck without you girls♥"
Basak "I luv my Klaroline family so much that nobody can break this bond between us ♥"

Meaningful things we said to each other...
Ivana "Also, I need to say this to you, having a thousand friends isn't a miracle. The miracle is to have a friend who will stand by you when thousands are against you. <333333"

I think this shows how amazing we are perfectly! ♥

Family Members

Basak: Mom
Ivana: The crying kid
Sahar: The naughty kid
Eleni: The quiet kid
Ivelina: The oldest kid
Okay! So with my bestfriends Ivana, Sahar and Eleni, I decided to open a café here. I know, this may
last edited on Mar 17, 2012 at 08:36PM

Klaus & Caroline 262 replies

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over a year ago sahour95 said…
stomachache? Sosorry about that Basak, I've had a horrible migraine last night that's why I haven't been here :S
Ivana I hate physics too! Can't say that about Latin becaus I don't study it (LUCKY ME :D)
BASAK YOU HAVE TO SING! THAT'S AN ORDER! You cannot waste such a chance! YOU MUST MUST SING! And singing in front of a crowd isn't that bad, I stood on a stage once to represent a project (LONG STORY) And first it was scary and my knees were buckling, but then I relaxed as soon as I started talking and I eveen made them laugh so do't worry, besides when you get off the stage you feel so good!
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
YES Sahar, lucky youu! :D That lenguage just doesn't make any sense. :D
& you're right about being confident. :)
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
Yes we are sharing a starbucks! *Grabs 2 straws*

I take Spanish, it is fairly easy-ish. But my teacher is irritating. Plus it is really awkward when the students who speak spanish at their house fail the tests...
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
I adore and speak Spanish. :)
Other than English, Spanish, Latin, and ofc my native: Serbian lenguage, we also learn Italian lenguage, and I'm not big fan of it. :/
over a year ago louvreangel said…
OMG! You can't drink that Starbucks coffee without me! *Grabs a straw* Sara, babe thanks for the coffee a lot! ;) Yummy!

Ivana, Sahar, Eleni, thanks babes. I think I'm going to sing yeah... And the song I have chosen is Adele Rolling in the Deep. Everybody wants me to sing it.

And, I am learning Russian at the moment and I will learn French too. I luv to learn languages and I'm soo into them!! <3

And thanks girls, I am way better now, no more aches anymore! I still am feeling a bit bad but I'll be okay :)) <3 luvya girls a lot <3 Then... a cup of tea for all of you girls <3 :))
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
alright Basak :) Sharing is caring after all.

I love Adele, she is such an amazing singer, when she was performing live after her surgery she still had one of the best live voices I have ever heard. I am sure you will be perfect darling :)
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Aww, Eleni thanks a lot for giving me courage! :)) I think it's time I private message you too :D (ivana, sahar, you know what I'm sending her :D)

over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
That's the perfect song Basak. <3 If you do it well, and I know you will, they will be amazed! <3 Adele is stunning! :)

I love learning lenguages too. It's fun and very useful! :)
And Basak thank youuu for that cup of tea! <3 Btw, YES I know what you're sending her! :*
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Yay Basak is going to sing one of my fav songs everrrr is there a wayyou could record or share or something??
Other than English and Arabic ( which is very difficult, and i always do better at English in tests then feel dab about that) i am taking French which is no picnic so polite and annoying and too cheesy!! Lol, but i am probably saying that because it is so difficult,and our teacher is so annoying!!! I would love to learn spanish though.
Omg Basak you are going to blow Eleni away aren't you??
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
No prob Basak and I did love that video, you have such an amazing voice. and you should find some way to record you singing Adele and send us a link to that also because I would love to hear you :)

and yes she did blow me away, I was wicked impressed by her voice

Yes Spanish is a very fun language, mainly because we have a pretty good teacher :) I have a hard time learning languages, it is such a shame. I know English, a few words in Greek and Spanish. Other than that nothing really.
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
I think that we love or not love our subjects because of our teachers. Spanish for me is one of the most emotionals lenguages on the world. It's like when they speak the speak with love and warmth. I just adore that fatc. :)
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I agree, most of the time it's the teacher who determines whether we like the subject or not... that's probably why I hate half of my subjects!
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Truee! :D that's why I hate the whole freakin school sometimes. :P
over a year ago louvreangel said…
WOW girls, thanks for the courage you gave me! :) And my friends will record it when I sing so I'll be able to send it to you girls :)) <3

And, wow, you girls learn lots of languages, I am jealous :D So... Nobody's into Russian? :/
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
True, there is a reason why I was never really a huge fan of science, all the teachers I got I didn't like their teaching style.

School is very dreadful and I don't want to go back on Monday, I was having such a wonderful vacation :(
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Oh Eleni, you had vacation? I'm jelous! :D
I had such a good time today, with my friends. :D It was a very wicked, but fun day! :)

Basak, I like Russian, and in my country there are like 30% Russian ppl, but I don't learn it. My name is btw a Russian name. :D And Ivana, means: gracious. :D
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Eleni, you had a vacation? Wow. Hope you enjoyed it babe :)

Ivana, I know your name is Russian, that's actually a name I really like too :) <3
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
Yes I did enjoy it. It was very relaxing and was exactly what I needed :)

Ivana means gracious, aww that's cute :)
My name means "Light"
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Thank you Basak. <3
Thaanks ELeni! :) WoW! Light? How amazing is thaat! <333
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Yay Basak when will u sing so I can be metally prepared to the recording??
Ivana means gracious?? So beautiful, and light?? I am sure you are full of lught Eleni!! My name means the period before dawn and according to islam it is a time when prayers are answered that is why it is so apreciated. And Arabs in old times called that period of time Sahar because it is so beautiful and Sahar means magic. Babbling, no idea why i just said all that!! What does your name mean Basak??
And yay i am just startin a vacation mwahahahahahahahaha.
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
magic? wow, that sounds: magical. :D Very beautiful! :*
Whaaat? Vacation? Oh good for youuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3 I want it too. Meheheehe. :/ *that's me crying* (not really ofc). :D
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
haha thanks, my friends joke that since my name means light that could be why I am always so optimistic ;)
aww I like that Sahar :) Your name is pretty intense and important right there
have fun on your vacation dearie

now as i said in our Klaroline family chat I better be heading off, I will talk to you all later <3
(Basak hopefully you can find someone to cover my shifts while i am out ;) )
over a year ago sahour95 said…
hahaha I'm glad you think it's magical! LOL! people make fun of it because of that sometimes, but then again they make fun of everything!
And Eleni they're probably right hun :*

Better head off too before dad rips my heart out *how violent!* because I'm running late!
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Ivana, your name's meaning is sooo sweet <3
Eleni, it means light? WOW! I really like it. And Sahar, your name means a lot, thats for sure :) And don't mind who makes fun of your name, they do that to mine too but who the hell cares? :)
You going on a vacation too? Gosh. Ivana I'll cry with you this time girl, because I need a vacation too! :\

My name means: crop missed by the reapers, gleanings. And in astrology, it's Virgo :) and guess what, my horoscope is Virgo too! So when people ask my name and horoscope at the same time, I saw "It's Başak" and they're like; o.O :D:D:D
over a year ago louvreangel said…
And Eleni, I hope I can handle the servings myself :))
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Hahaha, my mom is a virgo too. :D
So, Basak I guess it's just you and me lovee! :)
over a year ago louvreangel said…
I guess so! :)) So, how was your day sweetie? :)) <3
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Empty. :D I was studing all day, wbu? :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago louvreangel said…
I was studying the whole day too darlin, nothing different. :) can I serve you something to drink dear? :) and we still have some red velvet cupcakes in our kitchen! <3
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
big smile
I am back :)
They had red velvet cupcakes at the wedding, I was so excited!
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Did they? WOW :D And welcome back luv <3
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Basak it's too late for a cupcake, but I'd like some tea. :)
Ahahahaha, really Eleni? :D How amazing is thaaat. :P
over a year ago sahour95 said…
hehe Can I get coke? I am so thirsty!
hahahah Eleni you must have snapped right back to here in your mind!
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
Thanks dear <3
oh it did, my sister wiped the frosting of the cupcake on my face. I was like "That's a waste of a cupcake" because the rest of it fell on the floor. (random story sorry lol)
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
We're not eating and drinking anymore girls? Com'on. We should. :D
Tell me how was you day? Or is it just starting? Well anyways, have a nice day/night my loves. :)
Aaand I got this for ya'all. :P

getting fat! :D
We're not eating and drinking anymore girls? Com'on. We should. :D
Tell me how was you day? Or is it
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
well I have a long story about how my day was so be prepared.

First of all I was in pain all day because I have bruises all over my legs from when I was filming a play yesturday for school and I tripped and hurt myself (smooth, right?). Then in my History class we have this assignment which she gives us 2 weeks to do where we read a chapter and write down the definition of the terms and the historical significance. She is quizzing us on the first column on firday which only gives me tonight and tommorrow night to do it. I didn't even start it yet and I have 30 terms and it usually takes me an hour to get 5 done so I think i am basically screwed...

sorry for that long rant, how was your day lovie?
*takes a few cookies*
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Please hunny, always feel free to share your day, bad or good, with us. <3
Are you feeling better now? Are you in pain too much? Please, rest a lot. :)
Oh, I'm so sorry my dear. I wish I could help somehow. :/ But I believe that you're a very smart girl, so hard work and it will be done on time, huh? ^^

My day started very well. Not it's random. :D
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Eleni, dear never feel bad about writing your day or something, you can write as long as you want, and we will always read it <3

Gosh, you hurt yourself? Go rest! Don't think about the quiz while you're in a condition like this. And I'm sure you'll do pretty well in the quiz :))

My day was good too :)
And, Ivana, here's your tea and Sahar here's your hot coke :)) Anyone else want something? :)
over a year ago sahour95 said…
OMGOSH IVANA! You're getting me fat! I've got to stick to my diet that I'm totally ignoring! LOL

And Eleni I'm sure you'll do great on the quiz and tell us how it goes. And word for the wise girls, if you ever apologize about ranting in here I will kill you! Isn't it why we're here??!!!

My day is pretty much the same. internet, lack of editing inspiration (REALLY KILLING ME) and such :D

Thank you Basak! BTW the other day we ordered in Pizza and the coke was really hot and everyone was putting ice and sis was about to put some in mine and I was like no I want it hot! LOL!
over a year ago louvreangel said…
You're welcome Sahar and aww, you seriously thought of drinking it hot? But wait, no hot coke can be better than mine! :D And yesterday I was with my friends (we didn't go to school) and we were drinking coffee, I thought "I missed my café, I should go check it today to see what's going on" :)) I can never forget about you guys <3
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Hahaha, right now I'm ignoring my diet too Sahar. :D
Who cares? :D

Eleni I hope that you're feeling a lot better now! <3

Good for you Sahar. I need time to vid, because I hardly have any. :/

Aww, Basak, lovee! <3 I will always love you! :*
over a year ago sahour95 said…
hahaha Yes I drank hot coke because I was really missing you girls! LOL! AND you're so right it wasn't as good as yours ;P

I think none of us can forget about us! That's messed up but ...

And yes as long as you're healthy who cares about diet? And I'm lacking both time and inspiration so everything is in VERY slow process
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Same here girls, I wanna write fanfiction but I don't have any time :S Geez... I'm so tired these days and I'm lacking of inspiration, which seriously sucks.

And Sahar, no it is actually not messed up! That's normal because we are a family <3 And thanks, I'm glad you didn't like that coke as much as you liked mine!! :D
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
We all have too much work sometimes, and that truly sucks, but hey, we should always come here and relax, at least for couple of minutes. :)

I'm in a lack of inspiration too Basak, and I think it's because there's no TVD now. :/ But 3 more weeks. ^^
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Yeah, this is an awesome place to relax, to forget about everything for some time :))

And yeah, not watching TVD sucks but... 3 more weeks? Let's make it 4. I don't think we will get any Klaroline scenes in 3x16 because it will be an all "flashback" episode... :\
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
i think you're right about that!
HEY! I'm not gonna agree with you! I'm optimistic! I BELIEVE! LOL. :P
over a year ago MusicOfTheNigt said…
I am better... not as sore. Thanks for your concern dearies <3

I will keep that in mind Sahar, don't want to be murdered for apologizing. According to a lot of people I apologize way too much and I am too nice for my own good. Apparently I need to grow a backbone.

I will join in the optimism Ivana. THERE WILL BE KLAROLINE! but probably not. Because I am pretty sure it is just a flashback episode but who knows, maybe there could be a scene where Klaus has a conversation and she gets brought up for a second?
over a year ago louvreangel said…
Oh cmon girls, let's be REALISTIC! Not optimistic, not pessimistic. 3x16 is going to be flashback episode, even the name of the episode says it itself. So, it's certain that we won't have Klaroline scenes. I am not pessimistic, I always think realistic :D

...see? Now you all think what I think and... you all feel negative, don't you? HAHA! :D
over a year ago IvanaDyP said…
Ok, being realistic. It is flashback. :/ No Klaroline. :D

You're veeery pressimistic Basak, the funny thing is that sometimes it comes true, but that ain't making you realisit love. :D You're our pessimistic rock girl, and not changing that now. :D

No negative feelings tho. :D Aahahaha, okey, I'm bitchy tonight. :P I guess I need to sleep. :)
Kisses&hugs. <3
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Ok so Bassie it turned out you are right. Klaus will barely appear in 3X16 :(