How I Met Your Mother A-Z

inespinto posted on Mar 28, 2008 at 08:04PM
The typical game: Stuff related to How I Met Your Mother from A to Z

A-Awesome =P

How I Met Your Mother 283 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 283

over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
W - Wedding chapel... LAME were looking for one when the eloped
over a year ago germany123 said…
X..yeah great..Xtra..i wanna be an xtra on random girl in bar that barney seduces on the table :D
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Y - Year 2030 (the year Old Ted tells the story to his kids)
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Z-zzzzzzzz. Barney fell asleep halfway through his legendary...wait for it....comment.
Yeah it's kame but it's Z and we are running out of options =D
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
A - All the way... Robin wanted to go all the way with Simon. Also kinda lame. I had a good one for A though, but I can't remember...
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
B- Brad... Had a better one too but I forgot! I should write them down!
over a year ago inespinto said…
Oh I was going to say 'Barnabus Stinson' (should've checked Fanpop earlier)

OK C - Constitution (Barnabus wrote the Bro Code on the back of the Constitution)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
D - Device... Lily wanted to know how the sex with Barney was and asked Robin for special devices he may have had used : D
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
E - Emmitt Smith. He was a guest star in the episode "Monday Night Football"
over a year ago germany123 said…
fire ball- barneys magic- its getting too annoying to check for repeats..if we already had this please tell me :)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Nope, we didn't ; ) I made a list...

G - Garsh... Barney's expression when explaining Ted's butterfly tattoo
over a year ago inespinto said…
H - Ho Tag (another name for Ted's tattoo)
over a year ago germany123 said…
too hungover to think of one for I right now but:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
I - I... the I in How I Met Your Mother... which technically is Ted and really lame... so I bettter think of another word...
I - Internet... Barney uses the internet to search for the Robin Sparkles videos and to prove that she actually did porn : D

I told you I'm obsessed with HIMYM, Ger ; )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
J- Jackass! Barney is a huge Jackass! erm ok..lemme think of a more uhm neutral one: Joe Manganiello!?
oh am i the only one hoping its a scrapbook like the one barney keeps :P?
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over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
K-Katie. I am the bestest Himym fan ever....Doesn't count?? No? Oh wells. Hmmmm K.
Has Klum already been said? Heidi Klum? If it has then how about Miranda Kerr? She was another one of the models.
over a year ago sr5950 said…
Hey guys, hope its ok if i join in - i'm a relatively new himym fan, but its rapidly becoming one of my favourite shows... anyway for L i'm gonna say limo (don't think its a repeat) as in the limousine barney hired for teds birthday..
over a year ago inespinto said…
Welcome sr5950!!! Of course it's okay for yo to join in, the more the merrier!!! (I don't really know if it's a repeat or not because I'm a very bad forum 'owner' but I guess Jennifer will say if it is or not!)
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
M-mas. How I Met Your Mother es mas divertidas que Friends.
Yeah, I don't know what ones we have already done or not so I am just coming up with ridiculously strange ones. That sentence was "Himym is more entertaining than Friends" in Spanish.
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Haha! That's awesome! I wish I knew how to speak spanish!
N- Nerds (Lily and Robin had to go to prom with Nerds to find a band for Lily's wedding)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
We didn't have limo and Klum is also fine.
Welcome to this small group of fans, sr5950 ; )

O - Orgasm... Robin can fake orgasm in Slap Bet
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over a year ago sr5950 said…
P - Paralegal, as in mary the...
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Q - always one of the difficult letters... On this one I had to cheat, I hope you won't slap me.
Q - Qanun... It's a type of harp and LAME had a pregnant harp player at their wedding... which reminds me of Barney's awesome pick up line Wanna pluck? : D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
jennifer you are completely insane!
i will leave it at that...;D
welcome sr..couldnt be bothered with all those numbers ;)
R-erm ROBOT..which is very clever because if its a repeat i can always say i meant the other one.(barneys or robins- oh i love this it reminds me of two great lines
a- spoiler alert! the robot falls in love
b- ohh of course the robot makes an appearance )

this was very long sorry
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
S (finally, now I have a good one) - Stool... because stools are better for your posture and it's also where Marshall is sitting on in the portrait Lily painted... nude art/new dart *lol*... Hilarious, I love it : D
I've always knew, Ger ; ) And no, robot's not a repeat...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
We forgive you AnyGerm =D Ok I went back and checked and for S nobody has said Slap!! So S=Slap =)
over a year ago germany123 said…
ha! im sooo gonna use robot again!! :D
T- personal trainer in the yips
over a year ago sr5950 said…
U -Umbrella, as in the infamous yellow umbrella... or the slightly less well known pink umbrella from the scene where lily the limping/midget/humpback chases the girl (called chloe?) that marshall is dating down the
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
V - Vultures... Barney says this in one ep in referecne to something I forgot. I only remember him saying this...
over a year ago germany123 said…
W- Wax Barney says that gays start something and everyone follows in "single stamina". one example is men getting their chest waxed
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
X-Xbox controller.........Yes I know that's the same as when Jennifer said Xbox but What else are you goinna put? =D
over a year ago germany123 said…
Y- Yasmine the lebanese girl ted tried to hook up with till it turned out she was carls girlfriend
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Z - Zoo :)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
A - A game... Robin suggested Marshall to bring his A game on the 3rd date with Brad : D
over a year ago inespinto said…
B - Blah Blah, the girl Ted met online
over a year ago germany123 said…
I just saw that episode again..the one with blah blah..and thought she was really good. i didnt like blah blah before but i realised how completely insane she is the way she interacts with robin is priceless. okay..sorry no one gives. moving on..

C- cough syrup
the geeks at the prom didnt get alcohol so they brought cough syrup instead
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over a year ago JulieL44 said…
D- Drumroll :) The best part of a kiss!

Oh and I wanted to congratulate Sualey on her fanatic metal!!! We knew it was comming soon enough! You totally deserve it!
over a year ago germany123 said…
ok this seemed familiar and because i dont keep a list :D i checked.. yes- i went through the whole thing and i found this:
D- Drumroll please. an episode in season one.

is that a repeat or not!? anyway..ill continue and if you think of something else julie...

oh great EEEEEEE my favourite

E- eighty eight... the wiggles of wedding bands who were found guilty on three accounts of rocking or something like that
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Thank you JulieL44! I'm just glad that people actually like the stuff I add, I love sharing funny moments =)
It's not an episode, it;s the best part of a kiss. The oh my gosh, it's coming...oh my gosh. Brotp never got that =D
F-Oh Fu...rance. I dislike F =)
First Time In New York-Episode of season 2. I checked, it's not a duplicate. Ohh yeaah.
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
G - GFHL... Guidelines for Harmonious Living Robin invented them when Gael and his friends were staying at her apartment.
over a year ago germany123 said…
H- Harmonious living? no ok wait..half a brown crayola? wasnt that some barney line at kindergarten? you kids dont give half a brown crayola about what i do for a living!? sorry if this is not the right quote im tooooo lazy today to google
where is everyone anyway??????
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
I - I love you-slut... In First Time in N. Y. Ted's an I love you-slut because he said it at his first date with Robin.

Half a brown cryola is the exact quote, Ger ; ) I guess everyone's enjoying the great weather outside... At least here in Germany : D I'd take my computer with me but I don't have laptop.
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Oh sorry about that!
Here's a new D
D- Die Hard (Robin mentions it as a great movie... brings up the whole Field of Dreams argument)
J- Jacket. Barney burned Ted's jacket in the Pineapple Incident
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
K-Kahlúa. The slutty pumpkin mixes Kahlúa and Root Beer to make the drink known as the tootsie roll =D
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
L - Larney... Barney's evil twin
over a year ago germany123 said…
M- mini vomit. lily when marshall tells her that van smoot house is available for their wedding
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Oh and Germany, I was at a wedding for the past two days, now i have the unfortunate job of looking theough the photographs =S
Ok n. Erm. Nice!!
I have just been watching the episode where Barney says Hypothetical high five...........nice!! and it is stuck in my head!
over a year ago germany123 said…
aww sualey you cant leave us alone that long...was it nice though!? what do you have to do with the pics..retouch them? i hate choosing pictures btw- i can never decide what i want to put in my portfolio- uhm anyway
o- offense yes, offense! barney after insulting everyone in single stamina
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
If you exclude the whole people telling me I was "getting all grown up" then yeah. I had a good time =D
Yep. I am cutting out the side of somebodys head and adding a chair instead. Im also taking the spots of the grooms face, just because it's fun t odo that =D
Haha, how do you decide then? Throw a dice? =D
P-Penis. Odd, I know but Lily asks Barney to waiin the queue for her wedding dress he says "Oh Lil, I can't. I have this thing."
"What thing?"
"Uh, a penis."
over a year ago germany123 said…
Yep. I am cutting out the side of somebodys head and adding a chair instead :D

Q....queue! lily queued to go to the wedding dress sale..thanks sualey!