How I Met Your Mother A-Z

inespinto posted on Mar 28, 2008 at 08:04PM
The typical game: Stuff related to How I Met Your Mother from A to Z

A-Awesome =P

How I Met Your Mother 283 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 283

over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
U - U scream truck... Barney's top 10 list of moving trucks if Ted hadn't been a jerk and given it back.
over a year ago germany123 said…
yay 3rd page...

V- Vazquez....Dr. Aurelia Birnholz-Vazquez! the author of the book about her life among the gorillas
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
W - What uuuuup!?

Your remember that name?! I'm impressed...
over a year ago germany123 said…
oh im stuck with x again...i only remembered vazquez... so i admit: credit goes to google(dr aurelia birnholz) and my selective memory(vazques) but inespinto never said that we couldnt cheat on this forum :P

X- xshapedhung dude swords over the piano and before you ask me: xshapedhung is a word!!!!

over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Y-Yellow Umbrella.....does that really need an explanation? =D
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Z - Zitch dog... however this is spelled...

Germany, I ask you anyway. How is 'xshapedhung' a word : P ? What dictionary do you use and what is it in German : D ?
over a year ago germany123 said…
xförmiggehangen...if heidi klum can invent words so can i :) seriously..ach du meine güte nichts geht mehr bla bla bla is not something i learned in biology class..

A-alphabet..lily tries to say it backwards while marshall talks..also its a cool HIMYM game that is played on the internet :)

over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
B - Brunch... There's nothing girly about a horn, there's nothing girly about a horse... put them together and you got a unicorn : D
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
C- Chad (Ted's Hanging Chad :))
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
D - Doogie-style... Barney was blogging doogie-style : D still awesome
over a year ago germany123 said…
E- oh Im stuck with E again...Enrique Iglesias..played GAYLE/KYLE Robins summer crush
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
F - Folliculaphilia... That's what Stella can't get rid of. According to Robin an inability to date a man that doesn’t have a mustache and she has it too
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
G-Games. Marshall is awesome at every single game =)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
H - Horny devil... Barney's pick up line in 'Slutty Pumpkin'
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over a year ago germany123 said…
I-inespinto creator of the cool A-Z on HIMYM
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
J - Jeu (Barney's French words! parce que j'ai le jeu, mes chiennes :)) I love that scene haha!
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over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
K - Kyle... That's one of the names the gang understands by hearing Gael
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over a year ago germany123 said…
L- lawyered!!!!!
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Nice one germany123 :)! Marshall is so cute!

M- MacLaren's (the bar they're always at)
over a year ago germany123 said…
he is..but i feel another "do you think ....needs a haircut" pick coming along- is he growing it for a role!?
N-NotMoby..who isnt called Tony either
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over a year ago inespinto said…
O- Oh Moment!! 'I used to be a dude' 'oh..'
over a year ago germany123 said…
oh it!!
P- a P in the gutter
over a year ago inespinto said…
Wow I just found out Neil Patrick Harris' boyfriend is the guy who plays Scooter, I had no idea!
over a year ago germany123 said…
I KNOW!! Did you really recognize him in that link ?
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over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Q - Quiz... the one from old yellow legal pad magazine Robin and Ted were forced to take by Barney when the were moving in together
over a year ago germany123 said…
R-Rivers, Sandy aka Helmet Hair aka Alysons husband aka the one who made page 4
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over a year ago inespinto said…
S-Sensory Deprivator 5000! HAHAHAH
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Oh, I was too late...

T - tube shaped rat... Marsahll referring to ferrets
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over a year ago germany123 said…
u- urinate... publicly!!
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
V - Victoria's Secret party... where Barney got the yips
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
R-Rolinski. Monica Rolinski, One of Barney's nicknames for Robin =D
over a year ago germany123 said…
uhmm sualey!? are you ok!? if we were doing this backwards..but sweetie whats that letter that follows V in the alphabet?
Heres a clue german car,volkswagen short: VW
over a year ago inespinto said…
I think he just went to page 3, it has happened to me more than once ( I'm not that bright...)
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Since Monica Rolinski is such a great nickname Sualey should have the honor to say it in the next round again ; D
over a year ago germany123 said…
it not meant to be mean btw..i know she can handle my mockery.. if tried it before and she almost never cries ;)
W- wedding dress camp out
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
Stuck on X again! I have nothing AGAIN :( X is hard!
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
I was trying, too. First I had Xbox. Lily played a game when she was having second thoughts in the 'Milk' episode. Maybe she played it on an Xbox. Since the gang has a Wii, it could be possible. But I don't really remember. Maybe you guys can tell me : )...

Yep, it's going to get harder...
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over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
HAH sorry, I thought there was only 3 pages, it never came up with a fourth. Ok so were are on Y. X works as xbox, you could say Xbox-The gang might have had an xbox before they got a wii =)
Ok Y. I will be back with a Y one =D
P.s. I can handle it =D
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
In honour of me trying to do the alphabet backwards ...Y-Barney and Lily's name both end in Y =D
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
Z - Zoe... This one has only to a certain extent to do with the show. Zoe was a role Cobie once played in the rather unsuccessful 'Special Unit 2'. So, we finally can start... what's it? Round 4?!
over a year ago germany123 said…
lol Jennifer..I was on the verge of putting Zoe myself..but just with this lame explanation like: No one on the show is called zoe..this is much better :)

A- ass of the other words for teds tramp stamp
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
I was desperately searching for a reference to the show ha ha...

B - Bachelor Party
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
C- Crazy Eyes
over a year ago germany123 said…
D- Dean. Marshall thought ted was the dean on their first day of college
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
E - Escaped convict... one of Barney's first impression costumes... It takes 8.3 seconds for a girl to decide whether she sleeps with a guy or not. Barney makes in his blog suggestions how men can make a good first impression, so they're definatley gonna get laid.
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over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
F-All I can think of is Fiero and evil Germany already said that the first round.
F-Funeral. They all had to go to a funeral and miss the superbowl =D Barney doesn't wear suits at funerals =D
over a year ago germany123 said…
EVIL? MOI? since when..?
G- girlfriend... its lilys stomach talking "girlfriend, we dont always get along..
over a year ago Jennifer1985 said…
H - How I Met Your Mother aka HIMYM... I know, this is so lame to say the title of the show. I'll come up with a better one next time ; )
over a year ago germany123 said…
I- ira ungerleider co executive producer/writer and if my memory serves me correctly the guy who plays a teacher on prom night
over a year ago JulieL44 said…
J - James Stinson :) wow.. 100 replies!
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