Hogwarts House Rivalry! The Hogwarts Wizengamot

Ninja-Kitten posted on Mar 03, 2011 at 01:48AM
You heave open the heavy wooden door and look around the large room. It looks very formal...the walls are made of polished dark wood and are hung with banners and crests from all the Hogwarts houses, as well as a large Hogwarts crest on the far wall. A low, circular table sits in the middle of the room, looking very important for such as small table.

The formality is broken by the sound of laughter, you look up and see 3 people sitting on beanbags around the table, eating chocolate frogs and giggling. The fourth person is sitting with her legs crossed on a green beanbag, delicately nibbling on a pastry, observing the conversation, and calmly scolding everyone from time to time.

If you're looking for help, you've come to the right place, welcome to the Wizengamot!

Slytherin - link
Gryffindor - link
Hufflepuff - link
Ravenclaw - link

We're a council of elected prefects representing our houses. If you have any problems or concerns, feel free to join us around the table and discuss your issues :)

Don't have a house yet? Contact link
You heave open the heavy wooden door and look around the large room. It looks very formal...the walls
last edited on Mar 26, 2011 at 09:08PM

Hogwarts House Rivalry! 182 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 182

over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
BTW guys, I can't see any of you online...so yeah... :(
over a year ago simpleplan said…
More Rules :(
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
Lexa, I wasn't talking about just you when I said a Slytherin. I meant any Slytherin! What would make you think otherwise?

I obviously don't like 3. That's how it was going already, that's why I brought up this up. I personally like #4, it makes the houses seem more equal.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Okay...well which other Slytherins are you talking about? Kadaj? She's a Hufflepuff now.

I don't think it's fair to force all the houses to standardize on rules. Obviously we Slytherins are fine with no one being allowed in our common room, but what if another house (like Gryffindor) lieks having their visitors?
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
All Slyherins because all Slytherins have access to the other Common Rooms!

Okay, that's your opinion, and mine is that it's not fair for some houses to have more restrictions than others do! I'm still voting for #4, maybe we should start keeping track of the votes.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
OKAY I understand now. It's that the other houses allow visitors, but we don't?

I think it's not fair to make 3 houses standardize on the way we Slytherins do things if they're perfectly happy with their current format.

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3: II
Option 4: III

Speshul option 3/4: II

over a year ago LinaHarrow said…
I'm voting for #4. I see LG's point here, and I agree with it.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3: II
Option 4: IIII

Speshul option 3/4: II
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
I'm going with option #3!
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
How do we decide when to cut off the voting?
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
hmmm...good question...
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3: III
Option 4: IIII

Speshul option 3/4: II

I figured when we get all the active people or there's a huge lull in votes.

over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Just saying, I like Option 4 as well, I'm perfectly happy to disallow any visitors but prefects on official business, but I think forcing all the houses to have the same rules is a bit awkward.

Do I sound like a hypocrite....?
over a year ago simpleplan said…
Well do i have to follow the rules XD
i hope not
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Everyone SHOULD follow the rules.

We can't force you, but I can certainly scold you :P
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
I like #4, but can non-prefects but just good sports go into another house's common room to congratulate them on Quidditch matches.
over a year ago terhenetar said…
Option 3 sounds best.
over a year ago TheDon0603 said…
I like option 3 with option 4 as a provision to the rule. It seems to be the fairest for everyone.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3: IIII
Option 4: IIII

Speshul option 3/4: III

No Poseidon, I think Option 4 means that it's a hard and fast EVERYBODY OUT kinda thing.
over a year ago simpleplan said…
what are we voteing about XD
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Oh Simple :P We're voting on the rules for Common Rooms.

1. No one is allowed in other common rooms
2. Everyone is allowed in any common room
3. Houses make up their own rules about who can enter
4. Prefects can visit other common rooms for business such as Wizengamot, quidditch congratulations on behalf of their house, a request for help of some sort, etc.

Shpeshul option 3/4: Option 3 is the main rule, but prefects can go into any house for business.

over a year ago TheDon0603 said…
I think number three should be changed to - each house can decide for themselves whether or not to allow visitors. I don't think they should be able to single people out.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
That's what I meant...guess I wasn't clear enough :P
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Come on guys...I want to get this over with.

over a year ago simpleplan said…
I vote for 6
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Thanks simple...
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ha ha, good old simple! Always ready to make people laugh!
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
I think we got all the votes we're gonna get, but I'll go tell the other 'Puffs to vote...
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
You should be only allowed in YOUR common room. And if you SWITCH houses (I don't see how you could but...) than you can only be in the ONE you are in. It's not fair. Why do Slytherin's get into everyone's... YOUR HOUSE, YOUR ROOM... nobody else's...

If I had to choose: #4... If it's the Ravenclaw Common Room why should other people be there CONSTANTLY. I mean, for me, it's okay sometimes but not CONSTANTLY.

But 3 is okay, but people may not agree, and that can lead to MORE fighting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HecateA said…
3/4! We allow people to visit. Not stay permanently but visit, so yeah.

And if you switch houses (?) you have to stay in one common room, and you cant go in Ravenclaw and Slytherin because you're a Slytherclaw or whatnot. That's my two cents if someone cares :)
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Yep. No mixed houses allowed.

I think you guys are being strange about the "Slytherins are allowed everywhere" thing. The way we've been doing it so far, each house is allowed to set rules. Slytherin doesn't let any guests in, the other houses do. If you don't want guests, just say so and we won't visit!

@Emily, number 3 is what we've been operating on right now. Each house makes their own decision. Gryffindor allows visitors, I think Hufflepuff does, and I'm not sure about Ravenclaw. Slytherin doesn't allow guests. What I don't understand is this: If you don't like having guests, Slytherin or otherwise, why don't you just say so? If you ask us to stay out, we're not going to barge in and hang Slytherin banners everywhere *cough*simple*cough*...

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3: IIII
Option 4: IIIII

Speshul option 3/4: IIII

I'm fine with option 4, I honestly don't care, it doesn't change anything for Slytherin. But I think it's taking things a bit far. Especially if even 1 house wants to have guests, they should be allowed to.

over a year ago 11Anime_Fool said…
I like your 3&4 combination idea best, actually
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Option 3: IIII
Option 4: IIIII

Speshul option 3/4: IIIII

That brings 3/4 and 4 to a tie with 3 behind by one. I'm closing votes on 1 and 2 because no one likes them
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
Lexa, I brought this up because I want the houses to all be on equal footing. I just think all the houses should have the same rules applied to them. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
I want them to be equal too, but I don't think that this is something that needs to be done.

I think I see the problem. You are thinking of it as Slytherin having the right to go into everyone else's common room. I see it as the other houses deciding whether or not to let people in.

Slytherin isn't barging in because we're better than everyone, the other houses are choosing to allow guests! Gryffindor allows visitors of all sorts. Puffs can visit. So can Claws.

From this point, I'm assuming no one's allowed in the Puff or Claw room.

And I see nothing wrong with any of that.
over a year ago Roxas1314 said…
I vote 3/4. ^_^
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
No, people are allowed in our Common Room until the vote is done, then we'll operate on whatever wins.
over a year ago TheDon0603 said…
I honestly don't see why anyone would want to come in our common room but I guess we'll vote on it too.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Option 3: IIII
Option 4: IIIII

Speshul option 3/4: IIIIII

Don, your vote is individual, not as a house :)
over a year ago TheDon0603 said…
I know. I meant if we decide each house chooses, we would vote whether or not to allow visitors.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Have you already voted here?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…

Let's give thsi vote 2 more days and then accept the results, okay?

We need to start thinking about what to do when Quidditch ends!
over a year ago simpleplan said…
6 means simple can watch HP all day :P
over a year ago LUNAFAN said…
Option 3 - says that houses set up rules - whether they want visitors or not.I would like people frm the other houses coming into the Gryffindor Common Room, but not all the time.Not for chatting or saying something to someone.

If option 3 is being implemented, then my house - Gryffindor - will set up one rule, and without knowing what that would be, I cannot go with that one.

Option 4 - says that prefects can go into other common rooms for announcements n congratulating on Quidditch wins.Why is it only prefects? Can't it be everyone?

I prefer Option 3 over Option 4 because the houses can ask all their members and come to a decision and that would be better than only prefects going to other houses.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
It's not that prefects can visit for any reason. It's that prefects can go to other houses for business such as inquiring about official house stuff and congratulating them on behalf of their house for winning something.

If I may inquire, if you like people visiting Gryffindor, but not to chat...what do you like them visiting for...?

Option 3: IIII
Option 4: IIIIII

Speshul option 3/4: IIIIII

over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
She has a point, Luna. What do you want them visiting our common room for?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Regardless of what rule we use, CURRENT RULES STILL APPLY.

That means NO ONE is allowed in the Slytherin Common Room except for Slytherins. Please respect that until we choose another rule, at which point either we will keep our current rules, or prefects will be grudgingly accepted on official business.

If I catch anyone in our common room I will be most upset.
over a year ago Kadaj said…

Did simple do something bad, again?
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
She and best came into our common room. Actually, best pretended to take a Polyjuice Potion of me and pretended to scold simple -_-
over a year ago Kadaj said…
^ Those two need to behave...