Hetalia Would you Rather

vampiressJazz posted on Jan 26, 2012 at 04:10AM
Just a fun little game(I got this idea from tinierme again XD)okay so what you do is one person says would you rather

Eat England's scones or Clean Austria's house for a month. And so on.

Now would you rather
Live with Russia and Belarus for a year or be stuck in a small room with France?

Hetalia 195 replies

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Showing Replies 151-195 of 195

over a year ago Golden_Flame said…
I would recognize Sealand :)

Would you rather spend a year with a chain attaching you to Italy or a year with a chain attaching you to France?
codyfan77 commented…
France...Italy was close, but I can't deal with another younger sibling for a year! over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
To France. I'll get to learn a lot of things in that 1 year span.

Be a member of Axis or Allies in the Hetalia universe?
(overwrote question, I know.)
last edited over a year ago
codyfan77 commented…
Allies. over a year ago
over a year ago kakukun said…
The Allies seem fun! :3

Would you rather play a prank on Italy or Romano?
over a year ago animeismalife said…
Romano. I might make Italy sad! :3

Would you rather go eat McDonald's with America or go eat fish and chips with England?
codyfan77 commented…
Fish and chips. 1. Because I get to spend time with IGGY! ^-^ 2. Fish and chips also mean pinapple fritters, and I really enjoy those.3I hate americas rants, can't put up with that 4 I've seen what Maccas DOES to people...Not good over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Fish and chips is not common here in our place. I'd like to try that.

Turn Germany into a woman
or make him wear a cutesy dirndl?
over a year ago T045tToastToAsT said…
I'd make him into a woman, because he's kinda hot as a woman... XD;

Would you rather have a staring contest with Sweden or be stuck in a room with Russia? :P (Sorry, this is kinda lame.)
over a year ago codyfan77 said…
Stuck in a room with Russia. i SUCK at staring contests. OK, Would you rather be Frances....You know for a day, or follow America around with a tuba for a year (little fat joke there, courtsey of Iggy)
codyfan77 commented…
By you know I mean bitch. over a year ago
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
I'm no good at staring contest. I won't stand a chance. I'll go with getting stuck in a room. It won't be bad to talk to the big guy. He wants a friend. I want a friend. You see, it's a win-win situation.

Germanic countries are my favorite so I'll ask another one about them.

Want to have a taste of Germany's baked pastry
or Austria's creation?
over a year ago IndigoIchigo said…
Germany's baked pastry, because I've never eaten German food and want to try it someday. :D

Would you rather be trapped in an elevator (in the dark for 2 hours) with Belarus, or eat all of Greece's kitties. >:D
over a year ago snowwolf2000 said…
trapped in an elevator with Belarus, I could never eat kitties they're too cute!

Would you rather be Norway's long lost little sister (or brother) and have him bother you about calling him 'big brother' or be Canada's sister ( or brother) and have nobody notice you besides him. (please don't kill me if somebody already asked this)
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
I want to be Canada's sister! I'd MAKE people notice us! (And don't worry, no one asked it :3)

Okay... would you rather be taken care of by France for a year or take care of Chibi Romano for a year?
over a year ago wishey said…
France, Chibi Romano wouldnt know what he was doing.

Would you rather hug Prussia or Hug Italy?
over a year ago Cheesiecorn said…
I'd hug both, but if I had to choose I'd go for Italy because he is adorable <3

Would you rather watch a horror movie with America or steal Russia's scarf?
over a year ago snowwolf2000 said…
Watch the horror movie. I would probably get scared like America, but at least I won't get hit with a pipe.

Would you rather live in the Hetalia world and be able to meet all the countries, but not be able to go back home and see friends or family, or live in the real world with your friends and family and only be able to have one country as your friend?
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
Oh, that's hard... but I will say that my friends and family matter a lot to me, so I would want to live in the real world with one country as my friend. As annoying as my brothers are, I don't think I would be happy without them.

Would you rather live with the Italy brothers for three months or learn magic from England?
over a year ago America50 said…
big smile
Learn Magic with Iggy! I don't know how you can stand Italy for that long....

Would you rather: Be alone... In a room with France *Shivers* OR! Be alone... In a room with Russia... After Ticking him off....

Good luck with whoever you chose!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…

I'd rather be alone in a room with France. I wouldn't be caught dead in a room with Russia. But still... I think that I'd bring a gun to a World Meeting. I mean, come on, who wouldn't?

So... would you rather go drinking with Denmark or Iggybrows? :3
over a year ago wishey said…
Denmark, but probably both.

Would you rather marry belarus or marry seychelles?
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
^That's tough!

I would marry Seychelles instead. Belarus freaks me out and I would love to see her get married to Russia eventhough it's incest.

Which one? Sing Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo with Italy or sing Peace Sounds Nice with the Baltics. :)
over a year ago wishey said…
Peace sounds nice :)

Would you rather meet the axis or meet the btt?
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
The Axis! I wanna meet Italy and Japan! Plus, I could get Italy to take me to meet his brother afterwards X3

Would you rather live through the Paint It, White Movie (with the countries) or live with a country of your choice? 0w0
over a year ago mikla23 said…
lol! im watching my fave show with America, having time with Hungary and Prussia, doing somethings with HRE (Holy Roman Empire)
mikla23 commented…
and also Sealand and Italy, (plus Norway) over a year ago
mikla23 commented…
and America over a year ago
over a year ago wishey said…
The paint it white movie, that sounds fun :)

Would you rather work for span or work for austria?
over a year ago mikla23 said…
like i would rather live with Sealand and Sweden
mikla23 commented…
anyway over a year ago
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
Live with Sealand...

You and Italy travel around the world or drinking alcohol with Britain.
over a year ago wishey said…
Travel the world with Italy. I've always wanted to travel, and Italy seems super fun to hang out with.

Would you rather date one of the hetalia characters, or have two characters date?
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
I would want do date my precious Norge~ Forget my OTP, I wanna date a country! XD

Would you rather go shopping with Poland or go to a party with the BTT?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lexidude92 said…
I would rather do..... Hang out with the awesome Prussia,
over a year ago wishey said…
Okay. Would you rather be a part of the allies or the axis?
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
Axis~! I dunno why, I know they lose, but still... ITALY. WITH PASTA.

Would you rather live with Romano and Spain for a year or live with the Nordics for a year?
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
Spamano <3 all the way.

Live in a mansion that is made up of tomatoes with Romano or made up of pasta with Italy.
over a year ago hetaku_chan15 said…
A mansion made up of tomatoes. I love tomatoes, just not in spaghetti sauce.
Would you rather, i'm gonna make it hard... have Germany die so that Prussia can be regain as a country, or slowly watch Prussia disappear from the World? I know it'll never happened, I just wanted to make it hard :3
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
It is hard my friend.

Well since this my character ranking


Slowly watched Prussia disappear from the world would be better.

Would you rather ship UsUk or Spamano

(I love those two (My TOP 2 OTPs))
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
Spamano~ It's adorable and my OTP, right next to GerIta and SuFin

Would you rather clean Austria's house or Spain's house?
over a year ago miffymia19 said…
Spain's one of my favourite characters so.. I'd clean his house. Despite the mess, I will do it.
Would you rather have lunch at a cafe (whose cook just so happens to be England) OR
Be France's roommate (Ohonhonhonhonhon~) for half a year?
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
big smile

Have lunch in a cafe yeah boom. I would love to eat Fish and Chips.

Would you rather be friends in FaceBook by Estonia or Turkey.
over a year ago RoseWolfLala said…
Would you rather watch England and America have a girly cat fight or Spain and Romano reanacting the "king of the world" scene from Titanic.
over a year ago oliver7423 said…

You made me insane!!!

Those two are so amazing ideas!

But since this is my rank:

Watch UsUk have a girly cat fight. That will be funny and Tsunderic.

During an earthquake, do you wanna hide with Sweden and Finland or die with Germany and Prussia.

I'm not liking Italy to die.
over a year ago RoseWolfLala said…
Oh darn, I cant decide O.o
Sweden would start giving me the evils because im interfering with his "wife"

And..well.... I really dont want to die despite having two buff guys with me so i'd probably hide with Sweden and Finland! I can imagine Finland trying to comfort us so yeah! :)

Would you rather tell Seychelles that her island will flood in 50 years ( cuz it actually will ) Or tell Sealand that his fort will be demolished by England ( even though it wont ... hopefully..)
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
big smile
I'll start joking about that. Fooling Sealand will be an epic.

Go Outer Space with Italy or Go Beneath The World (Deepest Parts) with Germany.
over a year ago CyanKorea said…
Outerspace with Italy for me!
Me: It looks soo pretty!
Not to mention... Pasta in space!

Anyway - would you rather let Korea grope you or spend a night with a very drunk France!?
over a year ago Aph-Finland said…
NONE O,O IS THERE A ANSWER FOR NONE O,O ok i think i will pick the grope part bc i can't stand France.

would u rather be friends with Finland, Italy, or Canada? ^w^
over a year ago Cheng_Cheng said…
I adore Canada but I have to choose Finland on this one x3

Would you rather eat Britain's cooking, or die? ^.^ (The outcome's most likely the same really...)
Jk~ Would you rather eat Britain's cooking for a week or let Britain cook in your house?
over a year ago Shizurusa said…
I'd rather eat Britain's cooking for a week.

Would you rather:
Be in a study group with France, Prussia, England, and Spain. (That's likely doom to fail because of three certain people, but oh well...)
Study with Greece, Japan, Germany, and Sweden in the library? (With Italy sleeping next to them.)
over a year ago Aph-Finland said…
Study with Japan, Germany, and Sweden in the library with Italy there sense my 3 favorites r there. i dont rlly like Germany much...

would u rather push Prussia down the cliff and say he's not awesome or kiss France on the lips? lol