Hetalia Would you Rather

vampiressJazz posted on Jan 26, 2012 at 04:10AM
Just a fun little game(I got this idea from tinierme again XD)okay so what you do is one person says would you rather

Eat England's scones or Clean Austria's house for a month. And so on.

Now would you rather
Live with Russia and Belarus for a year or be stuck in a small room with France?

Hetalia 195 replies

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over a year ago Juusan said…
... That's a hard one. . . I guess I would. . . uhhh. . . errr. . . battle Japan using katanas. England's fans would probably- no, WILL kill me if I do that and if I battle Japan with katanas, I might just walk away with a few bruises or broken bones but at least I'm still alive. . .

Would you rather:
Eat and live on England's scones for a decade or put America on a hamburger, fries, and shake-less diet for a year?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Put America on a hamburger less, fries, shakeless diet for a year, seriously he needs it england called him a 'fatass' so it's got to mean something XD plus healthy is good XD

Would you rather have an argument with France or Germany?
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Germany, I don't want to fight with my France. T.T

Would you rather listen to one of England's lectures or one of America's speeches?
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
I would rather listen to England's lectures. At least they're more thought out and not rambling about random stuff.
Would you rather be forced to participate in one of England's black magic rituals or have to room with Switzerland and Austria?
over a year ago laura111 said…
i'd rather share a room w/ switzerland and austria i dont know what iggy might do...

would you rather: do anything the allies tell you to do no matter how bad it is and you cant complain for a year or be belarus' servant for a month
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
I would rather be told what to do by the allies(who knows maybe they might make me.....*nosebleed*)
Would you rather be stuck in a room with Turkey and Greece, or be America McDonald's buddy for a year.
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
America McDonald's buddy!!! I would kill to hang out with America!! X3

Would you rather be Russia's servant for a year or live with Prussia for a year?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
(^ lol but you'll get fat if you live on McDonald's for a year XD)

Um Prussia as he lives in Germany's basement now XD
Would you rather be force to be Russia's minion for ever and kill who ever he pleases or.... sleep with France ( lol this is not a G rated answer kiddies XD)
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
(But I love America and McDonald's XD)

Oh God, France yes! *nosebleed*

Would you rather kiss Italy or Get in a Hot Tub with Japan?
codyfan77 commented…
FRANCE! HE CAN TAKE MY ........... You know.....But I really want Iggy to do that instead...Maybe I can call a threesome...? over a year ago
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
(^lol It takes only 2 minutes to drive to mcdonalds from where I live XD though I don't even eat it too much fat and sugar XD)

oh totally a hot tub with Japan we can have an intense conversation about yaoi in Japanese XD all those years finally gone to good use XD

Would you rather share a bath with Austria or Germany? ( lol awkward XD)
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Hmm...Probably Austria. We can both talk about music. Would you rather ship Russia/China or Rusia/England?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Eh china... Russia England makes no sense... XD

Would you rather be the hostess of the bad touch trio for the day and have to wear a skimpy maid outfit or be Russia's housewife for a year?
over a year ago Peter_Kirkland said…
Russia's housewife.
Would you rather be a maid for iggy(the whole stockings,hat,frilly dress,ect.) or have to run 500 laps for Germany.
kokeshi-love commented…
maid>w< I like frilly things over a year ago
over a year ago justinfangrrl said…
big smile
Run 500 laps for Germany... If he'd run with me. ;D I'd chat him up about wurst, and whatnot.

Would you rather be stuck in a room with france, or have to break up an argument between England and France?
codyfan77 commented…
I'd gladly be a maid for little ol' Iggy :D over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
break up an argument... I don't want to be graped.

Would you rather be taught a school lesson from Italy, or be hit in the face with a baseball by America??
over a year ago NyoHetaliaCreed said…
I'd take the lesson with Italy, I don't care if he's teaching me something so silly I'll lose brain cells.

Would you rather look after Germany's dogs or Hanatamago (Finland's dog)? (I'd personally take Germany because I love him and he owns more than one dog. Because I love dogs, they're so cute and fluffy!)
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Hmm Germany's dogs, hopefully they wouldn't kill me XD

Would you rather have England teach you English or history?
over a year ago smileyAqua said…

would you rather be apart of the axis group, or the allies?
over a year ago laura111 said…
i'd be a part of the axis

would you rather: spend a day with Russia or be stuck in a room with France
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Hmm France, I would try and look busy so he doesn't try anything XD

Would you rather have Poland as you stylist or Italy as your cook?
kokeshi-love commented…
Both over a year ago
over a year ago CrazyMatryoshka said…
Would you rather be chased by naked France or angry Switzerland?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
^ you never answered my question..
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
@vampireJazz: Italy as my cook. I can woo people with his cooking.
@CrazyMatryoshka: angry Switzerland
Would you rather be Germany's maid or play strip poker with France.
codyfan77 commented…
Strip Poker with France. Yes, I'm only 14, but Germany scares me... over a year ago
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Germany's maid, I want too keep what innocence I have left XD

Would you rather have Austria teach you to play the piano or Switzerland teach you how to use a rifle?
kokeshi-love commented…
Switzerland... over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Austria teach me piano.
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Switzerland and rifle. Bang Bang!!
Would you rather have to participate in a conga line with the countries, or have to do Caramelldansen, Hare Hare Yukai, and Motteke Sailor Fuku in front of everybody?(they're really popular anime dances done at conventions)
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Do the cosplay type things XD( can't be bothered to write them all out) I go to cons a lot but I don't get involved in them XD

Would you rather have a picnic with swizterland or play polo with Poland.
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
have a picnic with Switzy. Would you rather have to explain why you're reading FrUk to England and France, or why you're reading GerIta to Germany and Italy?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NyoHetaliaCreed said…
Explain reading GerIta to Germany and Italy. Because England and France would be to busy flipping out (especially England being the tsundere he is and all that jazz) to listen to my explanation! xD

Would you rather help Estonia fix his computer or help Ukraine milk the cows?
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Ukraine milk the cows. One I love animals and two I think it would be fun to hang out with her. X3

Would you rather be America & Canada's sibling or Italy & Romano's sibling?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Italy and Romano's ah pizza and pasta heaven XD

Would you rather be Germany's Personal assistant or be forced to marry Belarus and Russia?
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Germany's personal assistant.

Would you rather have to live with england for a month or Russia?
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
(Nita nita *grin*) Ha ha, is that a question? Certainly I'd love to live with England. I've already dissolved my stomach and intestine because of our torturous no-lunch-break class sched before, so no need to worry about dying out of hunger (Ja, apparently I can't cook too.). And I've likewise gotten used to living in a place flocked by creepy supernatural beings... Iggy's other friends are much cuter so I can get used to it. Our locality got a far more lousy weather. So ultimately England would be a better place for me. On the other hand... hmn, Russia's too harsh, cold and threatening.

Well, would you rather befriend Flying Mint Bunny or Tony?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Tony, man!! That gets me ONE step closer to America!! ;)

Would you rather be a part of Germany or Russia's army?

over a year ago AwesomeBrit223 said…
Umm, hard choice, but I would probably go with Germany's army. Russia is too cold for me.

Would you rather kiss Finland in front of Sweden or confess your love for Russisa in front of Belarus? (can't wait to hear the answer)
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Uh..Probably kiss Finland in front of Sweden. I may get beat,but at least he's merciful enough that he won't kill me.
Would you rather debate FRUK at a world Meeting, or diss UKUS in front of the die-hard fangirls
codyfan77 commented…
Diss UKUS. I don't want to hurt(or annoy) anyone from the allies(maybe except America...) over a year ago
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Hmm I want to do both actually but usuk fangirls need to be put in their place XD I would be equipped with a rifle and Belarus as my bodyguard XD

Would you rather drive over Russia's sunflower fields or tip down his vodka supply down the drain?
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Yay!!! I'll join you with the beatdown of the fangirls.(even though I am one myself,not a die-hard one though. Ironic isn't it?) I would tip his vodka down the drain because it's easy to get more vodka,but sunflowers can't grow in Russia.
Would you rather stalk France, or go to the 2012 London Olympic games and start quoting from the anime with your group of hetalia friends,in cosplay?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
(ftw! XD)

stalk France XD then he will know how I feel when he stalks me in my dreams! =__= though cosplaying at the Olympics would be fun though there may be pissed off old people there XD

Would you rather clean Austria's or Spain's house? ( lol sorry for being so boring)
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Clean Austria's house, I love him. <33

Tell Britian and France about FrUk or tell Romano about GerIta. XD
over a year ago justinfangrrl said…
Romano.. ha.

Would you rather make germany and italy kiss, or kiss either of them yourself? :D
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Kiss either of them myself, even though i'd prefer if it were America...*attempts France's ohohohohohon laugh...*

Would you rather have a lovely tea party with Japan or UK?
over a year ago izfan9500 said…
Japan, because Iggy's a horrible cook. xD

Would you rather be friends with Romano or Feliciano?
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
justinfangrrl: You're very brave. XDD

Awww, that's a hard one. DX Ummm....maybe Feli.

Would you rather help France out in his rose garden or help Greece feed his cats?
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Help France out in his garden. I love roses.
Would you rather launch a fangirl attack on the World Summit meeting(meaning going around and calling them out by their country/human name,pair them up, ect.), or make the allies do your bidding.?
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
launch a fangirl attack.

Would you rather own Canada's forgetful polar bear, or one of Germany's German Shepherds?
over a year ago vampiressJazz said…
Kumigichi? eh what was it again? XD lol I would put him in the shelf with all my other stuffed toys, lol ' who are you?'

would you rather cosplay with Japan or watch SNSD with Korea?
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
cosplay(and his polar bear's name is Kumacheeru. that's howit sounds.)

Would you rather have to live in Germany or Britain's prison for a month?
over a year ago Russia77 said…
Italy. I could'nt even manage to let France's cooties in my Sexy house
over a year ago lalaland123754 said…
... What's your question? Oh well, I'll make up one.
Would you rather declare war on Russia or Britain? >:D