Hetalia Would you Rather

vampiressJazz posted on Jan 26, 2012 at 04:10AM
Just a fun little game(I got this idea from tinierme again XD)okay so what you do is one person says would you rather

Eat England's scones or Clean Austria's house for a month. And so on.

Now would you rather
Live with Russia and Belarus for a year or be stuck in a small room with France?

Hetalia 195 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 195

over a year ago Russia77 said…
Britain. I love Russia.
Would you rather show off a ton of FrUK pictures to America or GerIta pictures at a World Meeting?
over a year ago Juusan said…
Hmmm. . . Hard one I hate Yaoi. . . maybe FrUK pictures to America since he's only one person rather than show Yaoi in front of, like, (wow, I'm like Poland!) a hundred people?

Would you rather:
Be transported into the Hetalia world and end up with the Allies or Axis?
over a year ago oliviaboyce said…
ok.i would eat englands scones.
would you rather drink 8 bottles of ketcup or go bald for a year without a wig?
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
Sorry but you did not follow how the game should go and you did not respond to the question of the person before you. So I would answer Juusan's question instead.

I would like to end up with the Axis. I share China's views about the Western Allies always wrangling with each other. At least in Axis there's only one cranky man.

Now my question:

Would you rather listen to all of Prussia's character songs every hour (except when you're sleeping or during class, meeting or any similar cases) in normal sound volume, until your life ends, or not have Prussia as a character in Hetalia?
over a year ago theastronaut said…
I'd rather listen to all of Prussia's character songs for the rest of my life on normal volume- he's too awesome to take off the cast!

Would you rather go drinking with England or have a sleepover with Poland?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RenderedUseless said…
Go drinking with England (even though I can't, but I'll do it because of my love for Iggy)

Would you rather...

Fill out a 'marriage' form with France or England?
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
England,no doubt.
Would you rather...Dress up with Iggy as Harry Potter characters and go around casting 'spells on people or stay at home and look at porn with Germany?
codyfan77 commented…
codyfan77 commented…
That was for the previous question. I'd go with Iggy, again, because Germany scares me. over a year ago
over a year ago Juusan said…
I would dress up with Iggy without a doubt!

Would you rather:
Kill your most hated Hetalia character or BE killed by a Hetalia character? (I know, kind of violent. . .)
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Kill my most hated character.

would you rather have to make 10 gallons of pasta for Italy or make 10 gallons of wurst?
codyfan77 commented…
10 Gallons of PAAAAASTA! I don't know what Wurst is, is it some kind of sausage? over a year ago
over a year ago naroZz said…
...ten gallons of pastaaaaa~~~~~~ =7=

Would you rather...

Play Baseball with America or France? ((Idk if anyone has asked this yet))
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Play baseball with France~

Train with Germany or take piano lessons with Austria?
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Train with Germany-sempai.
Would you rather dance naked in front of the axis or allies?
over a year ago naroZz said…
Axis...Germany would just get a bloody nose, Japan would look away, and Italy would probably get a boody nose too...

Would you rather...

Sing like a frog in front of Britain, or Dance like a retarded squirrel in front of Russia...?
codyfan77 commented…
Allies...<3 over a year ago
codyfan77 commented…
Oh, and to answer your question, dance like a retated squirrel in front of Russia. over a year ago
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Retarded squirrel. I'm trying to make a good impression on Iggy sempai.
Would you rather go to a waterpark with America where he confeses his love for you or library with Arthur who kisses you softly in the fantasy section.
codyfan77 commented…
ARTHUR! over a year ago
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
OMG that's hard! Probably go w/ America cause we would never fight 😊

Ok would u rather take care of Italy for a month or take care of Canada for a month? 😉
over a year ago tokyomacncheese said…
Take care of Italy for a month :D

Ok would u rather be stalked by Belarus for a month or hit with a skillet by hungary for a whole week nonstop..
so violent *=*
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Um... Be stalked by Belarus 😂 I think being snaked by a skillet for a week would leave many permenet bruises and scars 😱😱😱

Would u rather stop watching hetalia for a month or get shot by switzerland? Lolz scary 😰
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Smacked sorry my iPod is stupid sometimes not snaked lolz 😓
over a year ago RetroAngelz96 said…
hmm, if I stopped watching Hetalia for a month I would probably kill myself from the boredom, and if I got shot by Switzerland then I might just live, (not all gunshots are fatal, you know.) so I choose getting shot by Switzerland.

Would you rather kill America or Britain? (*sits back and waits for fangirl moaning to start*)
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
......America. XD

Hmmm....would you rather spend a whole week with France & Britian or Greece & Turkey?
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codyfan77 commented…
AGREED! over a year ago
over a year ago MaybeBlue said…
France and Britain. I would be the one causing most of the trouble. ;3

Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with Russia or America? Mind you, America would probably start flipping out and Russia...well you know Russia.
over a year ago Panda-Hero said…

Would you rather eat Iggy's scones or listen to Germany's ranting?
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Eat Iggy's scones, I actually like scones

make out with: Italy or romano
codyfan77 commented…
Iggys scones. I actually a lot of british food,when i can, and my fav savoury food is yorkshire puddings. ^-^ over a year ago
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…

Would you rather go to the Russian ballet with Russia or a rugby game with England.
codyfan77 commented…
Italy over a year ago
codyfan77 commented…
And rugby game. We can sit on the sidelines together... over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Russian Ballet, hell yea!! BD

would you rather tell russia you loved him in front of Belarus, or be forced to eat a tray of Iggy's scones?
codyfan77 commented…
Iggys scones. I'm scared of Belarus... Creepy chick.... over a year ago
over a year ago USUKfangirl said…
Eat a tray of Arthur's scones. I love scones.!!

Would you rather rape France or Italy?
codyfan77 commented…
France over a year ago
over a year ago teampeeta291 said…
Eek...I see that there's no "both" choice >.<
But I think I'll pick...France. :3

Would you rather be stuck on an island with America or Romano?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…

Would you rather have to babysit romano for a day, or get fashion lessons from poland?
over a year ago Panda-Hero said…
Romano! He's freaking adorable ^n^

Would your rather get piano lessons with Austria or cooking lessons with England?
codyfan77 commented…
Cooking lessons, I'd get lazy an won't practice. Trust me, I play the violin, but I only play it during lessons, and I think that'd make Austria VERY angry. over a year ago
over a year ago francefan22 said…
Ugh i might get food posining^_- take piano lessons:(
Would u rather be handcuffed to frances bed or russias?
over a year ago 96neko said…

Would you rather.... Um.... have dinner with Japan or China?
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Probably china. Fortune cookies!!! 😄

Would you rather be in a dark alley with Russia or go to a bar with France?
over a year ago TropicalSesel said…
I would go to a bar with France because I don't know what Russia going to do. O_O

Would you rather be married to Sweden or become one with...Belarus? XD
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over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Married to Sweden! Cause I get to be a part of the 5... >:)

Would you rather run around naked with France or get eaten by Poland's ponies? XD
codyfan77 commented…
Run naked with France. over a year ago
over a year ago izfan9500 said…
That...is an extremely hard question. xD
I'mma just go with Poland's ponies because who knows what France is gonna do to me after I run around naked with him. Besides, Poland's ponies must have a totally fabu stomach! xD

Would you rather see Germany get drunk or Italy get drunk?
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over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Germany. XD just make sure there aren't any guns around... XD

Hmm... Would you rather get hit by Japan's sword or Hungary's frying pan? >:3
over a year ago ChigokuAru said…
Get hit with hugary's pan.
At least i'll actually live from getting smacked with it.
Would you rather:
Stay in a closet with belarus for 2 hours or have russia stalk you for a year?
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
I'll go with being stuck in a closet with Belarus. I think I would end up going completely insane if I had Russia stalk me for a year... I like Russia but, I don't want to be stalked for a year~!!

Hmm... let's see...

Would you rather....

Eat nothing but Italy's pasta for a year or eat nothing but England's scones for a year? >w<
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Italy's pasta XD

Would you rather go to a bar with Prussia or Germany?
over a year ago Alice-Kirkland said…
I would go to the pub with Prussia, of course.
Would you rather:
Spend the night at france's house or Be Spain's servant for one day?
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
Be Spain's servant for the day XD

Would you rather go explore England with England or go explore Russia with Russia? X3
codyfan77 commented…
ENGLAND! I've always wanted to go there, even before I descovered Hetalia. over a year ago
over a year ago crimsonchick123 said…
Go explore England with England. I don't want to be chased by Belarus since she might get the wrong idea Dx

Would you rather kiss Russia infront of Belarus or hang out with the F.A.C.E family for a year?
over a year ago ChigokuAru said…
Hang out with the F.A.C.E Family for a year. >:3
Would you rather run around naked into the world conference room;infront of all the nations or strip in front of the bad touch trio?
XD Hahaha
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CheshireCatAli said…
I'd rather eat England scones! Whats so bad about his cooking!.
AND I'd rather be in a small room with France.
over a year ago dragonchick said…
big smile
I'd strip in front of the BTT(mostly cause if they try anything I'll beat the crap out of them)
Would you rather give Russia a hug and kiss him in the middle of a world meeting
be locked in a room with Belarus, the BTT and a rabid weasle?
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…

Would you rather be trapped in a closet with a drunk Prussia or a drunk France?
codyfan77 commented…
Drunk France over a year ago
over a year ago snakelollies said…
Drunk Prussia!!!! :#D Prussia: I'm Awesome!! Would you rather be stuck in a cabin for 2 days with France or drunk Germany!
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
Gimmie France. <333

Eat at McDonalds for a year with America or Eat at IHop for a year with Canada?
over a year ago kakukun said…
Eat at IHop with Canada!~

Go to a festival with Japan or Harvest tomatoes with Spain?

over a year ago cheeseywiz98 said…
Festival with Japan.....Would you rather recognize Sealand, or kick TRNC in the balls (There are no bad choice you could make on Sealands' part :3)