Heroes of Olympus RP Club Era of the Demigods: Demigods Vs Monsters

Blaze_of_Ares posted on Dec 17, 2012 at 12:34PM
Years pass as the Mortals think their control earth. Tired of this arrogance, the King of the Gods wants to eliminate the race. Two Gods disagree to this, Hermes/Mercury and Artemis/Diana. Athena/Minerva, Aphrodite/Venus and Apollo/Phoebus was neutral to this decision

The King used his Master Bolt to strike the earth with lighting. Electric jumps from person to person till thousands die.
The Sea God flooded Earth drowning everyone. The rising oceans violently kill the mortals. He shook the earth with his powers
The Dead send an army of undead to plague earth slaying mortals.
The God of War ride on his chariot, slaying any survivor.
The Sun sends a rain of flaming arrows down to earth.
The Forge cause every volcano to explode.
The youngest made the mortals mad making them kill themselves.

The other Gods protect the Demigods from the disaster. The 3 sons of Kronos went to them and said the immortal lines “This is your chance, take it, and seize the world”. The demigod mourned for their mortal parents but did what their Immortal Parents said. They created an era, Era of the Demigods, a new Empire. With little things to live with, the demigods return to the Ancient Times with some modern mix. An Emperor or Empress rules over the demigods. The Emperor now is Michael James, legacy of Zeus and Mars. He rules with his new wife Marie James, daughter of Palaemon and his daughter Serene James, daughter of Aphrodite. The Emperor is voted by the people after being chosen. The main castle is in Athens, Greece. Since there are no mortals, the Gods mated with demigods.

After the demigods took over the world, monsters starting disappear. Even the Gods didn’t know where they went. The only monsters that were there are Friendly Monsters plus some Cyclopes. Then it happened. An army of monsters besiege Greece. The demigods fought back and they won. The War between Demigods and Monsters has begun. This RP takes place in the main City of Athens

Ranks, by order, Highest to Lowest. All of these, till Guardians have titles:
Advisers: Those who advice the king on what to do. They choose the people worthy to be the next king if he dies. There are only 3 of them
Paladins: Noble soldiers that are trained to fight alone.
Guardians: Special Guards for the King, his family and advisers.
The Root: Secret Agents that work under Leann Carter, a Guardian. They only answer to her and not to anyone else. They are very secretive, not everyone knows about them. Only the members and some high ranking people. The members have different ranks. (A root can be a Paladin or whatso)
Specter: A general in-charge of a company of Dragoons.
Dragoons: Elite soldiers. 50 men in 1 company
Legionnaires : Normal Soldiers

Other ranks:
Noblemen: Citizens that contribute to the King and is given a Noble Title (Duke, Lord, Master…). Some also rule castle. They can be any type of ranks (Example: A Noblemen can be a Forger or Scholar)
Scholars: Those in-charge of Education, Health and other in those domains
Forgers: Those who build, mostly children of Vulcan/Hephaestus or Athena
Workers: The name is explains itself
Citizens: The name explains itself
Farmers: Those who farm for food. They are usually part of Noble families

Fill this to join:



Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent:

Other Demigod Parent:

Demigod Parent IP:





Powers and Abilities:





[ <Name> : <Child of/Legacy of> : <Rank> : <Player>]
Lord Blaze Phoenix : Son of Mars : Noble Paladin/Root : Blaze_of_Ares
Lady Alice Rix : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian : Kat-chan
Spectre Rorick Barnett : Son of Minerva : Noble Spectre : Rogue475
Guardian Taylor D'Lassio : Daughter of Letus : Guardian/Root : Nicolicious
Princess Serene James : Daughter of Aphrodite : Princess/Root : Kimmi_Catt
Guardian Alvin Hamilton III : Son of Poseidon : Guardian/Root : Alvin2442
Guardian Bree Ganis : Daughter of Zeus : Guardian : horse22133454
Jayden Carter : Son of Hades : Guardian/Root : mcterra
Sir Fisher Clearwater : Son of Poseidon : Paladin/Root : papakyi10
Guardian Keira Mason : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian/Root : ShadowRanger
Guardian Olivia Wiress : Daughter of Bellona : Guardian/Root : darange
last edited on Dec 25, 2012 at 06:41AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 463 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 463

over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Oh my gods!" I rush over to him and kneel next to him and see the wound "Why did he try to hide this? This is serious!"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Okay i'll deal with this trespasser and you heal him, slowly.."
helatomis-panarma* and my silver sword pops out of my hand.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
faces Jaden *
"state your purpose."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Right..." I start healing him.
over a year ago mcterra said…
"hey no need to be so hostile.i was just walking around and i saw you guys fighting that drakon.i had the idea of helping but in the end i didn't have to. so you're gonna keep that sword and let the atmosphere become less tense than it is right now okay?" i say while shifting
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Oh okay.." puts down sword and it disappears, " I'm Serena, you are?"
over a year ago mcterra said…
"i'm Jayden.what the hell were you guys doing here battling that sort of a thing?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
" It attacked us but we have business with that dragon to attend to" i looked back at Blaze and Alice.
"What are we gonna do about him. we cant just leave him here.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I frown with concentration "This poison is strong...I don't think its safe to move him yet..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"What are we gonna do" looks worried*
"I'll stay with Blaze you two go and fight the dragon..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Really? Are you sure you'll be okay on your own, Princess?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Yes, we'll just stay out of sight and let him rest." Alice helps her put the body behind the tree. I lean against the tree and rest blaze's head on my lap.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Alright..." I get back onto the horse "Just yell if you need anything." I turn to Jayden "You coming?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
"princess? you're a princess?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Yeahh.. King Michael James is my father"
over a year ago mcterra said…
"wah that's surprising"turns to Alice "yeah i guess i'll just have to go on with you" climbs on the horse behind her "we've known ourselves for just five minutes and off we're going to fight a dragon. anyway let's just go.stay safe princess"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Thanks" smiles and waves as they ride off*
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I nod and ride towards the dragon.
over a year ago mcterra said…
while on the horse with Alice "oh i forgot to ask.you're a paladin?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"No. I'm a guardian."
over a year ago mcterra said…
"hey I'm a guardian too.the number is so large that's certainly why we've never met"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I suppose..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"I hope they'll be alright"
stairs off as the people of the city are in panic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
"hey i can see the city and it's ....on fire!!!!!!"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I stare at the city "...The dragon is priority...but..." I jump of the horse "You deal with the dragon. I'll put out the fire."
over a year ago mcterra said…
i smile "trust me i'm gonna take down that dragon.let's meet in the forest where the princess is" rides off towards the dragon
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I nod and run towards the city
over a year ago mcterra said…
I arrive where the dragon.the beast turns and looks at.it starts puffing fire out of it's nostrils. "time to sleep you damn dragon" long black scythe appears in my hand as i get down from the horse. i spin the scythe and jump towards the dragon. it spits fire towards me. i slash through the fire with the scythe and wound it's eye. it screams and shifts backwards.i land and hit the ground with the base of the scythe.skeletons emerge from the ground and run towards the dragon.it spits fire and blows them off.it then spits fire towards me and i shoot out my black flames. the flames collide and spread out around us
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I arrive at the city, which is in the process of being burned down. "Let's see...how...oh. I guess I'll have to do that." My eyes glow golden "I'll have to re-write the future." I glimpse a future where the city is burned down, with nothing left but ashes. In my mind, I change it to one where the city is fine, as if it had barely started burning before being blown out like a candle. Wind starts to blow through the town and the fires slowly blow out. My eyes turn back to normal and I stumble forward, nearly completely drained of energy.
over a year ago mcterra said…
the dragon attacks me with its claws.i dodge the attack and jump towards it.i dig my blade through its neck and slash its head which falls on the ground.the beast's body then crashes behind me.i turn and go towards the horse "with this done i'll have to go back to the forest and meet the princess" i climb on the horse and ride towards the forest
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
sees Jayden riding towards me on his horse*
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"what's going on?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
Breathing heavily, I struggle to walk back to the forest, where Serene and Blaze were.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Sir the dragons dead!" calls a voice from behind. I turn away in shame, I had failed my father yet again. I return to my noble home and take off my armor, now in a cotton shirt and slacks. Then I fill a flask and begin to drink.
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Alice's gone towards the ciry to help with the fire and i took care of the dragon.everything's fine now.we've just got to wait for Alice.are you okay?" I get down from the horse and sit near Serene
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
That night I decided I was done being a a mockery of a warrior, and so I packed my supplies and would leave the Kingdom .
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I ride back to Athens and report to the Emperor. I walk towards him and bow. "The dragon is dead Emperor." I say. "And you slayed the mighty beast?" The Emperor asked. "No my lord. I didn't. It was son of Hades."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
(Oh, not that much happened for once...)
I finally get back to the area where the others were, and sit down, completly worn out. "Fire's out..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"I'm fine.. are either of you hurt?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
looks at hands with not a scratch on them.
‘I’m ok…’ she thinks to herself.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Fine...just...very tired...." I lean against a tree, exhausted
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"that's good.."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I glance at Blaze "He still hasn't gotten up yet..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"he's much better than before..he'll wake up soon" smiles*
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"...I suppose you're right..."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I slowly wake and grab my shoulder "Argh..." I groan. I look around "Princess...Alice....the dragon?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Taken care of...how's your shoulder?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Better...still hurts though"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I nod "Glad to hear that..."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I look at the princess "Thank you Princess" I say and stand up leaning on a tree "We should return to Athens, your father would be worried. I have to continue ahead"