Heroes of Olympus RP Club Era of the Demigods: Demigods Vs Monsters

Blaze_of_Ares posted on Dec 17, 2012 at 12:34PM
Years pass as the Mortals think their control earth. Tired of this arrogance, the King of the Gods wants to eliminate the race. Two Gods disagree to this, Hermes/Mercury and Artemis/Diana. Athena/Minerva, Aphrodite/Venus and Apollo/Phoebus was neutral to this decision

The King used his Master Bolt to strike the earth with lighting. Electric jumps from person to person till thousands die.
The Sea God flooded Earth drowning everyone. The rising oceans violently kill the mortals. He shook the earth with his powers
The Dead send an army of undead to plague earth slaying mortals.
The God of War ride on his chariot, slaying any survivor.
The Sun sends a rain of flaming arrows down to earth.
The Forge cause every volcano to explode.
The youngest made the mortals mad making them kill themselves.

The other Gods protect the Demigods from the disaster. The 3 sons of Kronos went to them and said the immortal lines “This is your chance, take it, and seize the world”. The demigod mourned for their mortal parents but did what their Immortal Parents said. They created an era, Era of the Demigods, a new Empire. With little things to live with, the demigods return to the Ancient Times with some modern mix. An Emperor or Empress rules over the demigods. The Emperor now is Michael James, legacy of Zeus and Mars. He rules with his new wife Marie James, daughter of Palaemon and his daughter Serene James, daughter of Aphrodite. The Emperor is voted by the people after being chosen. The main castle is in Athens, Greece. Since there are no mortals, the Gods mated with demigods.

After the demigods took over the world, monsters starting disappear. Even the Gods didn’t know where they went. The only monsters that were there are Friendly Monsters plus some Cyclopes. Then it happened. An army of monsters besiege Greece. The demigods fought back and they won. The War between Demigods and Monsters has begun. This RP takes place in the main City of Athens

Ranks, by order, Highest to Lowest. All of these, till Guardians have titles:
Advisers: Those who advice the king on what to do. They choose the people worthy to be the next king if he dies. There are only 3 of them
Paladins: Noble soldiers that are trained to fight alone.
Guardians: Special Guards for the King, his family and advisers.
The Root: Secret Agents that work under Leann Carter, a Guardian. They only answer to her and not to anyone else. They are very secretive, not everyone knows about them. Only the members and some high ranking people. The members have different ranks. (A root can be a Paladin or whatso)
Specter: A general in-charge of a company of Dragoons.
Dragoons: Elite soldiers. 50 men in 1 company
Legionnaires : Normal Soldiers

Other ranks:
Noblemen: Citizens that contribute to the King and is given a Noble Title (Duke, Lord, Master…). Some also rule castle. They can be any type of ranks (Example: A Noblemen can be a Forger or Scholar)
Scholars: Those in-charge of Education, Health and other in those domains
Forgers: Those who build, mostly children of Vulcan/Hephaestus or Athena
Workers: The name is explains itself
Citizens: The name explains itself
Farmers: Those who farm for food. They are usually part of Noble families

Fill this to join:



Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent:

Other Demigod Parent:

Demigod Parent IP:





Powers and Abilities:





[ <Name> : <Child of/Legacy of> : <Rank> : <Player>]
Lord Blaze Phoenix : Son of Mars : Noble Paladin/Root : Blaze_of_Ares
Lady Alice Rix : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian : Kat-chan
Spectre Rorick Barnett : Son of Minerva : Noble Spectre : Rogue475
Guardian Taylor D'Lassio : Daughter of Letus : Guardian/Root : Nicolicious
Princess Serene James : Daughter of Aphrodite : Princess/Root : Kimmi_Catt
Guardian Alvin Hamilton III : Son of Poseidon : Guardian/Root : Alvin2442
Guardian Bree Ganis : Daughter of Zeus : Guardian : horse22133454
Jayden Carter : Son of Hades : Guardian/Root : mcterra
Sir Fisher Clearwater : Son of Poseidon : Paladin/Root : papakyi10
Guardian Keira Mason : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian/Root : ShadowRanger
Guardian Olivia Wiress : Daughter of Bellona : Guardian/Root : darange
last edited on Dec 25, 2012 at 06:41AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 463 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 463

over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
We continue climbing till we reach the top. "Look at the view" I saw motioning to the view of the entire city. I look at the castle
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I stand behind the man tensed and ready to attack. The Kind nods at me to relax. I take my hand of my hilt and step away from the man. "Go prepare some men Guardian. Seek this dragon. Then report back." King Michael says. I bow. "Yes my lord." I say and stride from the room towards he barracks to get some men.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Actually, I changed it from King to Emperor, like ancient Rome)
I sense tension in the throne room. "I think something's up"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Oh ok.)

I walk to the barrack and see six legionnaires relaxing in chairs at a table. "Get up! We are going to look for a dragon." I tell them. They jump up and scramble for their things.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Lets go back and...don't scream" I grab her and jump down then grab a rope to slide down. I whistle and my horse came "You can use him, I'm taking another route. I run into the forest and disappear
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"What on earth...?" I climb onto the horse and ride towards the castle
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
(hey guyss)
Name: Serena

Title: Princess

Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent: Aphrodite

Other Demigod Parent: Michael James

Demigod Parent IP: legacy of Zeus and Mars

Personality: Kind, cares about citizens

Age: 18

Rank: Noblewoman

Powers and Abilities: charm speaker(not used often because it takes a lot of power) 5 swords of the Hakakisoma-clan.

Weapons: 5 swords of the Hakakisoma

History: As a princess, Serena was never allowed to be a normal kid. She was locked away in the castle and was taught every thing she needed to know about how to act and who to be. She never got to make her own decisions until one day when she was 14 the castle was under attack and one of the root members took her to be protected and she fell in love him but never told him,she then decided to be a root member.

Others: the 5 swords of Hakakisoma-clan is the swords made of the ora inside the body. Each sword has to be summoned with a short chant. There is a different color for each power. Green-Earth, Red-Fire, Blue-Spirits, Pink- lightening, Silver- Human strength(represents the mortals and has no special ability but is sharp enough to cut anything)
last edited over a year ago
(hey guyss)
Name: Serena

Title: Princess

Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent: Aphrodite 

Other D
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I run fast through the forest and take my shortcut into the castle. "What's going on?"
Soldier-"Dragon, looking for it, orders from Taylor, hurry"
"Ah..I see..." I see Taylor "Hey, lets go Dragon hunting" I pull out my Katana
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I'll scout ahead...you!" I point to some guy "Make sure the princess is secured" I jump out the balcony backwards and run to where the dragon is. I put on my eye piece "Taylor, can you hear me"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
A soldier knocks on the door repeatedly as i sit on the window sill looking at the city burning in flames.
"Come in."
Soldier- "Princess we are under attack and the King has ordered you to be moved to a safe place" He takes my hand and drags me out to the safe house in the court yard. The safe house is metallic and fire proof
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
Two soldiers are guarding the doors and i try to figure out a way to get out. Then i remembered my sword of the mortals.
"Alaspeta-sintorro" I whisper and hold my hand out with my eyes closed. In the darkness a light shone from my hand and i drag the sword out and open my eyes. I cut a hole in the back of the small safe house and jump out and run to the base of the mountain where i see a girl on a horse.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I see the princess "You're highness? What are you doing here?! You should be at the safe house!"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"nevermind me...Have you seen any root members?" I take out a scissors and cut my dress to a little above my knees.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I don't think so...YOU'RE HIGHNESS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" I grab the scisors from her hand.
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"This long dress is only gonna get in my way." *laughs* four strange looking men walk towards us looking very angry.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I notice the men approching and get down from the horse "Do you have buisness with us?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
1 man: Are you the princess?
2nd man: You fool she cant be the princess! Why would the princess be at a place like this and with someone as unappealing as Goldie locks over here.
1st: If your not the princess we'll have to kill you both so no one will know that we are here.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
My eye twitches "You little...you think that...I ought to...." I breath deeply trying to calm down, and failing "Just who do you think you are?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
The four men take out swords and smirk.
3rd: You think you can take us on..little girls
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
i put out my hand and close my eyes.
'Laperspa-monat' and i dragged a red sword out of my hand and held it up.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
(Damn...shit just got real...)
I grin "Perfect." I pull out my sword "I always feel guilty fighting an unarmed opponent."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
I slashed the sword in the air
And a burst of fire rippled out of my sword and the two closet of the men jumped back dodging it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I duck then tilt my head in curiosity "I didn't know you could do that...well, no matter." I get back up and slash at the men, who were just out of my reach. "This is your last chance. Leave now."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
all four men laugh and there swords began to glow yellow. All of a sudden they formed a square around Alice and I and move at an accelerated speed and we were unable to see them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
all of a sudden my arm was hurting and when i looked there was a slash with blood coursing down my arm.
"Ouch..when did they.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Ow!" I realise blood is dripping down my leg. "What...when did that happen...?" I try to slash at one of the men, but they were moving too fast. Frustrated, I try to run out of the square they had formed around us, but was roughly pushed back. Another cut appears on my arm and side. "What...?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Uh-Oh what are we gonna do? " I have a worried looked on my face*
I smiled.
"I have an idea"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
*notices the square getting smaller.
"and we better do this fast"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"...Very well. Proceed with caution."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
" I need you to cover for me"
The men stick out there swords and continue running.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I nod. "Right." I draw my sword, ready to defand the princess at all costs.
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Elosise primera," the red sword disappears and i pull a green sword out of my hand.
"Goddess of Earth help me please."
I stab the sword into the ground and create an earthquake and all the men fall down.
"Quick, while there down cut of there heads!"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
(I have to do it...OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!)
I quickly swing my sword, decapitating the men. They promptly turn to dust which blows away in the wind. "Monsters. Princess, are you okay?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
I pull the sword out of the ground and it disappears. Yeah but my arm hurts a lot. Good work...what's your name by the way?
*is holding arm where the gash is*
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Alice. Alice Rix, You're Highness." I give a slight bow then frown. "Let me see your arm."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"okay but i don't think there's anything you can do.."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
(Anything you can do, I can do better!)
"You might be surprised."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
*puts out arm*
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I gently touch her arm where the cut was. A soft golden light shone for a few seconds and when it disappeared, the cut was gone.
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"wow, thats amazing" I smiled.
"Thank you"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Not a problem, You're Highness." I proceed to heal myself and sigh with relief. "That's better..." I frown as I notice the rip made in the sie of by shirt from the cut. "Damn...that sucks..."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Can I join?
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Name: Alvin Hamilton III

Title: Guardian Hamilton

Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent: Poseidon

Other Demigod Parent: Adrian Ewing

Demigod Parent IP: Athena

Appearance: Alvin has sea green and ocean blue eyes. He has raven black hair, that go over his eyes sometimes. He has sharp features and tanned skin. He is very muscular and tall. About 6'9.

Personality: Alvin is very calm and also serious. He is very helpful, but he doesn't do the work for you. He is very smart and strong, but he's seen it all. He has little self-confidence, but he still fights for what's right.

Age: 18

Rank: Guardian/Root

Powers and Abilities: Alvin posses-and controls with great skill-Hydrokinesis, Electrokinesis, Geokinesis, and Aerokinesis.

Weapons: The weapons from God of War III, all crafted by Hephaestus.

History: That's something I can't state. He doesn't like me to tell.

Others: His weapons are stained with blood.
Name: Alvin Hamilton III

Title: Guardian Hamilton

Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent: Poseidon

over a year ago Kat-chan said…
(welcome ^^)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…