Heroes of Olympus RP Club Era of the Demigods: Demigods Vs Monsters

Blaze_of_Ares posted on Dec 17, 2012 at 12:34PM
Years pass as the Mortals think their control earth. Tired of this arrogance, the King of the Gods wants to eliminate the race. Two Gods disagree to this, Hermes/Mercury and Artemis/Diana. Athena/Minerva, Aphrodite/Venus and Apollo/Phoebus was neutral to this decision

The King used his Master Bolt to strike the earth with lighting. Electric jumps from person to person till thousands die.
The Sea God flooded Earth drowning everyone. The rising oceans violently kill the mortals. He shook the earth with his powers
The Dead send an army of undead to plague earth slaying mortals.
The God of War ride on his chariot, slaying any survivor.
The Sun sends a rain of flaming arrows down to earth.
The Forge cause every volcano to explode.
The youngest made the mortals mad making them kill themselves.

The other Gods protect the Demigods from the disaster. The 3 sons of Kronos went to them and said the immortal lines “This is your chance, take it, and seize the world”. The demigod mourned for their mortal parents but did what their Immortal Parents said. They created an era, Era of the Demigods, a new Empire. With little things to live with, the demigods return to the Ancient Times with some modern mix. An Emperor or Empress rules over the demigods. The Emperor now is Michael James, legacy of Zeus and Mars. He rules with his new wife Marie James, daughter of Palaemon and his daughter Serene James, daughter of Aphrodite. The Emperor is voted by the people after being chosen. The main castle is in Athens, Greece. Since there are no mortals, the Gods mated with demigods.

After the demigods took over the world, monsters starting disappear. Even the Gods didn’t know where they went. The only monsters that were there are Friendly Monsters plus some Cyclopes. Then it happened. An army of monsters besiege Greece. The demigods fought back and they won. The War between Demigods and Monsters has begun. This RP takes place in the main City of Athens

Ranks, by order, Highest to Lowest. All of these, till Guardians have titles:
Advisers: Those who advice the king on what to do. They choose the people worthy to be the next king if he dies. There are only 3 of them
Paladins: Noble soldiers that are trained to fight alone.
Guardians: Special Guards for the King, his family and advisers.
The Root: Secret Agents that work under Leann Carter, a Guardian. They only answer to her and not to anyone else. They are very secretive, not everyone knows about them. Only the members and some high ranking people. The members have different ranks. (A root can be a Paladin or whatso)
Specter: A general in-charge of a company of Dragoons.
Dragoons: Elite soldiers. 50 men in 1 company
Legionnaires : Normal Soldiers

Other ranks:
Noblemen: Citizens that contribute to the King and is given a Noble Title (Duke, Lord, Master…). Some also rule castle. They can be any type of ranks (Example: A Noblemen can be a Forger or Scholar)
Scholars: Those in-charge of Education, Health and other in those domains
Forgers: Those who build, mostly children of Vulcan/Hephaestus or Athena
Workers: The name is explains itself
Citizens: The name explains itself
Farmers: Those who farm for food. They are usually part of Noble families

Fill this to join:



Immortal Parent/Demigod Parent:

Other Demigod Parent:

Demigod Parent IP:





Powers and Abilities:





[ <Name> : <Child of/Legacy of> : <Rank> : <Player>]
Lord Blaze Phoenix : Son of Mars : Noble Paladin/Root : Blaze_of_Ares
Lady Alice Rix : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian : Kat-chan
Spectre Rorick Barnett : Son of Minerva : Noble Spectre : Rogue475
Guardian Taylor D'Lassio : Daughter of Letus : Guardian/Root : Nicolicious
Princess Serene James : Daughter of Aphrodite : Princess/Root : Kimmi_Catt
Guardian Alvin Hamilton III : Son of Poseidon : Guardian/Root : Alvin2442
Guardian Bree Ganis : Daughter of Zeus : Guardian : horse22133454
Jayden Carter : Son of Hades : Guardian/Root : mcterra
Sir Fisher Clearwater : Son of Poseidon : Paladin/Root : papakyi10
Guardian Keira Mason : Daughter of Apollo : Guardian/Root : ShadowRanger
Guardian Olivia Wiress : Daughter of Bellona : Guardian/Root : darange
last edited on Dec 25, 2012 at 06:41AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 463 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 463

over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
(is anyone on this now?)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(What's going on with the dragon?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(The Princess is somewhere the Dragon was, the dragon is...somewhere. Me and Taylor with some men are scouting for it while Alice is portecting the Princess)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I run through the forest to where the dragon was last seen
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I hear a call that a dragon loose and I instantly shoot into action. My celestial bronze bow that is tinted with slicer and gold, but mainly blue-green,is in my hands in seconds. All my weapons are like that, I think, as I fly towards the scene.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Name:Bree Ganis

Title:Guardian Ganis

Immortal Parent:Zeus

Other Demigod Parent:Mia Ganis

Demigod Parent IP:Nike

Appearance:Brown hair usually in a braid down her back, lightning blue eyes, tall, athletic,

Personality:spunky, smart, friendly



Powers and Abilities: can use lightning, can control winds

Weapons:Bow and arrows, two daggers

History:Born in Athens.

Others: Has black pegasus named Midnight.
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
(hi guys and welcome bree)

''lets go fight that dragon alice" i smile with excitement
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I shake my head "Sorry Princess, but keeping you safe is my main priority, so I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Oh please, i'm sure you want to fight just as much as i do. I'll be fine.."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I stop behind Alice "Alice, Princess...Princess! You're suppose to be in the Castle"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I'm afraid I must insist." I get back onto the horse "Now, get on."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Listen to her"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"you mean the one thats on fire?" *points at castle on fire*
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I look at the castle "Uhhh, then get back to Athens. You'll be safer there"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
'' okay.." i jump on the horse and look back at the castle.
"make sure my dad's okay.."
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"He'll be fine, Princess." I ride off towards Athens.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"He's fine. Just be safe Princess" I hear some monsters growl and I unsheathe my katana "Better get going" I run towards the monsters and start slashing
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
we are riding through the Forrest when we hear a growl from the bushes*
"Do you hear that Alice?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I grit my teeth "Of course...why does this have to happen..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Do you think that boy is gonna be okay?"
the growling is coming from behind somewhere around where blaze is.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I kill all the monsters then it came "Shit! Drakon!" it crashes into me and goes to the Princess's and Alice's direction
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"...I don't know..."
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Its getting closer!"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"How the hell..."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I start running to them but the drakon was too fast for me. I whistle for my ride
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Name:Jayden Carter


Immortal parent:Hades

other demigod parent:Pandora Carter

demigod parent IP:

Appearance:spiky silver hair, gray eyes

Personality:Funky Friendly Funny (3 F's)


Rank:Guardian/The Root

Powers and Abilities:Underworld powers:can use dark flames , can command and speak to the dead , can open the gates of the underworld and of the abyss and can conjure creatures from the underworld

Weapons:a long black scythe with a skull at the base

History:grew up in the underworld with Hades and was hated by Percephone his step mother.he stayed there and was trained by his father till the day he left and became a guardian

Others:his pet and friend is the cerberus which he calls when needed
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
Sees drakon*
" Finally something to do"
"laperspa-monat" the red sword pops out of my hand and i jump off the horse and hold it up.
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Are you insane?!" I stop the horse and get off. "You'll be killed! Come on!' I start trying to pull her away
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
swings swords around and fire bolts shot out towards the drakon but has no effect*
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
The Drakon tries to eat them. Chrysos flies down and growl. I get off him "Good Griffin" I glance back "Oh hey guys"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"I told you, it won't work! Just come on!"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
" That's a big lion, bird thing you got there... does the drakon have some sort of shield?" red sword disappears*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Yes it's hide is armored...and we're as good as dead."
over a year ago mcterra said…
(hey what's actually going on?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I jump aside as it lungs "Yes Strong armour, can't be broken" I think "I have an idea!...ummm..." I charge to the drakon and get swallowed
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Holy shit! Oh my gods!"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
(we're fighting a drakon right now and a dragon's attacking the city)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
I appear in the forest with cerebus.i have a cloak with a hood on.i turn and i see the drakon with Blaze , Alice and the princess.i see how the drakon swallows Blaze
"what the... oh no!" i run towards them with cerberus.i reach and hide behind a tree making sure they don't notice me
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
The drakon burst into dust. All is left is a shell of armour. "Damn it...." I say from inside the shell. I grab my arm "Damn tooth got me"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Um..." I knock on the shell "Are you okay in there?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Uhhh yeah..." I walk out covering my wound on my shoulder "You guys alright?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I nod "We're fine."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Good..." I blink a few times as my wound begin to burn "Poison..." I mutter then look at Alice "Take Serene....get on Cree. Go to Athens"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
"Ah...y-you're not really okay, are you?"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Your wounded? Alice can help you..she has healing powers" i look at Alice desperately
over a year ago mcterra said…
i'm surprised as i watch how he gets out alive. "he must be a powerful warrior to have survived that." i smile "the people around here sure are interesting" i mistakenly step on a branch which alerts them "crap !!!"
over a year ago Kimmi_Catt said…
"Who's there?"
over a year ago Kat-chan said…
I hear a branch break and turn my head towards the sound "Who's there?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Who's there!?" I point my sword to the sound showing my wound "Go..." I stand back and faint (Gtg) "Damn...snake....be..safe" I mutter
over a year ago mcterra said…
i come out with my arms up "hey calm down.I'm not a drakon" i notice that Blaze has fainted "what's wrong with him?"