Fairy Tail Role Play

AceDarkwolf17 posted on Dec 24, 2011 at 02:28AM
The story line is after Makarov retires and names me Guild Master. I will direct the battles (meaning, I decide who wins and loses. anything else is between players.) U can have as many characters as u want but they must be custom characters. U can be part of team or work solo, i dont care.

1)NO Foul Language
2)Make Friends
3)Be Nice

Back Story:

It is six months after Makarov retired and Ray is still trying to settle in as Guild Master and one of the Ten Holy Mages. The fact that Fairy Tail is the #1 Guild in Fiore isn't making his job easier. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Lisana, Kana, Wendy, and Elie(my character's sister)are all S-Class Mages. Fairy Tail is still a reckless, building destroying guild but it all works out in the end. Ray couldn't handle it so he placed Makarov as Master.
last edited on Dec 25, 2011 at 05:12PM

Fairy Tail 503 replies

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over a year ago funkmasterd said…
-Konaha appeared behind alistair and punched him and as his fist made contact with his head lava shot right from his fist and slammed alistair's face into the ground- "is that the best u got nature boy?"
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
-Merrick put up a 5 layer crystal shield to block the attack from Alistair. He teleported in the middle of the field and used his Shadow Magic to restrain Alistair, Konaha, and Arrow-

Merrick: "U guys have your reasons for fighting each other but it is FORBIDDEN for two Guilds to be fighting each other" in the most calmest tone
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
-Konaha struggled in the shadow and shadow suddenly disappeared- "i don't care about the rules this guy is the enemy and u try to protect him?!?!? if anything u should be helping us"
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: Im not protecting him! Im stopping u guys from getting arrested by the Magic Council. -Merrick pulls the medallion attesting his status as one of the Ten Holy Mages- Im one of the Ten Holy Mages which means I have the power to beat ALL three of u........Now every one calm down!!!
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
-Konaha begins to chuckle- "do u really think im gonna stop just cause ur a holy mage? no...im killing this guy and there is nothing u can do about it....IM ALL FIRED UP NOW U WANNA GO THEN BRING IT ON!!!!"
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: I Merrick Baliton, Magic Council 3rd Seat is ordering u to stop. If u dont comply then we (Magic Council) will disband Fairy Tail. That goes the same for Lamia Scale -he says with a serious tone-
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
-Arrow Grabed Konaha by the scruf of his shirt and tossed him aside- "stay out of my fight" -Arrow was angry- "your a simple Lava Dragon incase you hadn't noticed" -Arrow had a disgusted look- "I am the divine dragon this is my fight"
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Alistair was virtually unfazed by the assaults of the Slayers.
"I suppose you are the leader? Your one pompus guy ya know that? No way you could take all us out." His shield glowed. And the shadows dissolved. He then spin kicked Konoha in the face sending him several meters away.
" stay out of the fight weakling. Now this is a fight amoungst divine beings." He said and summoned his Lance again.
"And you'd better not interfere, Holy Mage or not. Tittles don't display power, actions do.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
-Merrick released his magic energy which was so great it caused the air to get heavy which causes Konaha, Arrow, Alistair, and Talon to gasp for air-

Merrick: U dare test my power!!!!!!

-A giant magic seal cover the ENTIRE area. Merrick crystallized the entire area which includes everything and everybody. But he broke the crystal covering their heads so he could talk to them-
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
-Arrow gave a smirk as he had been eating some of Alistars shadows, Arrow smirked and wipe his mouth- "thanks for the meal, shadow dragons, ROAR" -Dark Black Energey shot from his mouth and it engulfed Alistar- " i'm a Dragon slayer who has two Dragon Parents"
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: Just for your information....my crystal magic is unbreakable. It also crystallizes your organs which can lead to certain death. I may be a Council Member but I dont mind killing unlawfull mages like yourselves......except u Talon, u didnt do anything wrong
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Alistair got ready for a counter measure of sorts when a woman appeared above the crystal mass.
"Wh...whitcheny?" He gasped. His partner in planet protectionn Agent Whitcheny. She coughed and looked at Merrick.
"Wow, this is you doing this? Some power...oh well. Guess what Alistair!"
"Get me outta here!" He shouted.
"Nope, instead... I'm going to kill you." She said ominously. Dark clouds swirled above them and violet lightening fell from the funnel, striking Alistair and breaking the crystal.
"AGGGGHHHHHHHH!" He cried in pain, electricity whiping everywhere, weaker shockes hitting everyone else.
"Now the exceed is mine! Violet Egrav!" Her palm crackled with electricity and Rose flew towards her hands. A swirl of wind surrounded her and then she was gone. Alistair was gravely wounded and he laid on the ground injured.
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
(Umm, fanpop messed up soo, sorry ace! But um, she can negate spells too so....yeah..but even that has limitations. I've just about gotten her figured out tho!)
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick walks over and picks up Alistair, placing his arm over Merrick's neck. He starts to walk away but stops and turns to face Arrow & Konaha

Merrick: By the way....u guys have 30 min before u r killed. I'll be going to take Alistair to the Mage Hospital

Merrick turns around and starts walking
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Alistair felt all the spirits he had chattering on about his recklessness, stupidity and health concerns. But his conciousness was fading too quickly. Blood slowly leaked from his mouth, but tears were shed as well. His last words before he pasted out was her name: Whitcheny.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick created a astro-projection which carried Alistair to the hospital while Merrick remained to talk to Arrow & Konaha

Merrick: Whitcheny is wanted by the Council for multiple reasons and she will be hard to capture alone. If u guys help me in capturing her, the council will give u full pardon(the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty)

Merrick: Whats your answer?
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Alistair glowed wisteria purple and began turning into an orb. It flew over to the site of the battle with the other slayers. As the ball began taking on a human shape. A flowing veil drifted down to the shins and long hair sudden sprouted fron its head. It was shorter than Alistair, only 5'4, but when the orb fully came into being and the light faded, it turned out to be a very pretty angel girl.
"Do not be alarmed. I am a diplomat from the heavens. Alistair has been injured so through a very complicated process, I am temporarily "in his place." Note: this is not a form of Takeover. And where are my manners, I am Astelle." He amber eyes held kindness and honesty in them, while her waist lengh black hair drifted in the wind as well as her dress (the veil that was described earlier.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Jin: Well i may not get to pound alistairs face into the ground... but this chick should have to do for now im in
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Astelle gasped and hid behind a tree.
"Please, no need to hurt me! I'm not a good fighter, but I taught Alistair tracking magic, so I can lead you to her. Is there someone reasonable around? Note: preferably someone understanding and kind." Her voice was gentle and high, even for a 15 year old girl.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: I am Astelle
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Astelle warily looked at merrick and smiled.
"Alistair can be hotheaded. Forgive him. But, I. Would like to lend you my tracking services. Note: I am a lot better than Alistair, eand I can cook." She looked at Konoha and waved.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick uncrystallized everything & everyone

Merrick: Lead the way Astelle
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"Alright then, follow me!" She said and flew a couple of feet in the air towards Whicheny's direction. It'd been thirty minutes of travel before the sun was almost completely set.
"Well, she's slowing down so-" she gasped and black chains sprung out of the ground and constricted her. Then they began binding everyone.
"An enemy-3 of them, are close!" She said. They turned out to be 3 dark guild mages.
"We are mages from Shadow Progue. And we got a mission, to take that chick." He pointed at Astelle.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: clearly u don't know who we r...we r the dragon slayers of fairy tail -konaha heated his bady and broke the chains- "just call me lave dragon konaha"

Dark guild mage: Omg their dragon slayers? RUN FOR UR LIFE!!!

other dark mage: no we have to get that girl even if we have to fight dragon slayers

Konaha: Big mistake -konaha made his twin swords and jumped up in the air- "LAVA DRAGON TWIN SWORDS BARRAGE!!"

over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick escaped the binds and stopped Konaha's swords

Merrick: -angry look in his eyes-

Dark Mage: Stop!!!!! This guy is a Council Member!! Forget the mission and run!!!!!

Merrick turned around and released Astelle & Konaha

Merrick: Shall we continue
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: Fine
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Astelle sighed and unwrinkled her dress.
"Thanks you guys...they've been after me for awhile. Maybe they want my feathers. But that's not important right now...she's speeding back up, it's imperative we stop her before she can drain that exceeds powers!" She began flying again, but the sky was darkening.
"Some one is using weather magic. But I thought only whitcheny could do that..." the sky lit up with lightening as thunder boomed.
"This may slow us down. Can anyone deal with this?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wolfmaster3000 said…
-Talon and arrow walked into a diffrent Dark Guild Building both of them smiling-

-the Dark Guild members Gulped- "it's the divine and silver Dragon from fairy tail-

-Talon smirked- "my Turn to show you why I am known as the silver Dragon" -Talon inahled air- "Steel Dragons ROAR!" -a Burst of Metal Sharpnel in the shape of a tornado bursted from his mouth and engulfed a large chunk of the dark guild members-

over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"Maybe we should make camp. Um, can anyone make a house? Note: one that is actually pretty. Oh, and we need some supplies so I can cook! Note: no eggplants unless someone likes them. There is a store 0.72 miles west of here. Could one of you come with me?" She told them.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: I cant make a house but I can get the supplies

Merrick teleports to the store and returns with supplies and makes camp
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: Show off...well if u need a fire im sure i can handle that
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"Wow. Yes, please make a fire. Note: not a lava pit. Hey, um...merrick? Could you grab those knives and table? Konoha, there is a minor nuisance in the forest, could you handle it as delicately as possible? Note: don't blow up anything...wait, where are Talon and the others? I don't know what food they like!"
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick handed the knives and table to Astelle
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: Ok -konaha heats his hand enough to cause a spark and a flame appears in his hand and he tosses it into a pill of wood- "there i didn't blow anything up"
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Astelle was about to correct him when the timer dinged.
"Eepp! I think the water is ready! Konoha make a bowl of lava and merrick make a few crystals." She took of her pure diamond bracelet and put it in a pot. She grabbed some liquidizer and melted down the diamonds.
"MWWWWAAHAHAAHHAHHA MY COOKING IS UNPARRALELED BY ANY OTHER AAAAHHHAAHAHAHAHA!" Her terrific attempt at a mad scientist laugh was met with a coughing fit.
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: when is the food gonna be ready ready im hungry?
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"Yay! It's donne now! Come and get it!" She took the two pans off the plate over the fire and sat it down infront of them.
"For merrick, Precious Stone Cassarol! Rubies, Diamond, Sapphires. All healthy crystals! And Lava pot pie for Konoha, with melted lobster steeak and turkey has be melted in! Eat up!" But before the group could dig in, a speel circle ccovered the whole area. A puff of smoke came from a few yards away and 4 forms materialized. One was a large man, about 8k11 with a bulls head and a big axe. The other was a ninja and a man with six arms. The other one was a woman with large brest and a sword.
"Hey there pretties, are you members of fairy tail?" The large chested woman said.
"Yeah, Shira. They are." The ox guy grunted.
"Be nice, Bryscion. Keep up that barrier Salitor, we have a Holy Mage on our hands." The ninja said.
"Bryscion?" Astelle gasped in fear.
"Sister?" He said.
"Shadow, leave the girl alone. Everyone else shall go..."bryscion told the ninja named shadow.
" fine, our mission is for thosse two anyway. I'm sorry, where are my manners. We are from Lamia Scale, and it is our mission by the Council to take you in. And don't try to escape, this barrier has rules; no Fairy Tail Mage can escape. Salitor made sure of this." Shadow pointed at Salitor, the six armed man.
"Each of you will challenge us, one at a time. Those who lose will be thrown in captivity. But, the girl doesn't count. Agreed?"
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Jin: If it means pounding ur face in the ground im all in for it
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
"I want two of them. The Lava Child...and Astelle." Bryscion said.
"Wait, Bryscion, why are you fighting against us?"
"It is my orders. I won't harm you, but I will simply evaluate your power." Astelle began sobbing, but saw the resolve in Konoha's eyes.
"Konoha...I will do my best!"
"So you accept the challenge?" Shadow asked. A line was draw between Konoha and the others.
"The rules are: once a challenge has been issued no one can interferre." Salitor said.
"Konoha...he's an ArchAngel, angels specializing in battle. He's a master of combat and his physical and magical powers are massive. Proceed with caution." She said and stood up, her wings in full length.
"Sister...do not get in the way when the Lava Boy and I clash, it could prove dangerous." Bryscion said. Shadow howled in laughter.
"What's dragon slayer doesn't have a cat partener? How, you gonna fly?" He chuckled. Astelle balled up her fist.
"He doesn't need a cat..he has an angel." She said and stood by Konoha's side ready for anything.
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: No Astelle -konaha looks at Astelle in the eyes- "i got this..i don't want u to get hurt i can handle pee brain here, just stay back and don't get in the way" -konaha takes off his jacket and his muscles enlarged- "alright u ready ox boy" -konaha makes his twin swords and his armor- "ok lets get this thing started...first move is all urs"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: "I must of heard u wrong. U guys said the Magic Council told u to bring us in" a smirk appeared on his face "I dont recall that order considering I'M A COUNCIL MEMBER" his face turned to a serious look
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: Merrick it doesn't matter we still have to fight them
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Shadow raised an eyebrow.
"What? Oh, you? No. You were just a little tool of theirs. They want you dead." He said.
Astelle backed up, but a wall stopped her.
"And you two are hard of hearing.you can't get out the fight." Shadow yelled.
"Nor can you interferre. Wait your turn, Guild Ace Marrick." Astelle turned Konoha's face towards her.
"I'm not leaving. Besides, I know his abilities, and can provide you with aerial movement. Note: we both have something to prove, as the youngest of our kind." She said looking into his eyes. (Alright ace, I can edit this if your not ok with it.)
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Jin: Ok u can stay but don't get im the way
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Astelle nodded and grabbed Konoha by his waist, and carried him into the air to dodge a shockwave from the swing of his axe on the ground.
"You are quick on your feet. Let's see how you fair against this!" He swung his axe and a powerful gust picked up knocking her out of her flight pattern.
"But that was just with a swing!" She said, being blown back.
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick took one step forward and there was a blinding flash. When it was over the guys that were not fighting Konaha were unconscious leaving only Merrick and the chick

Merrick: U guys are so foolish to think I can be used by a group of old, washed up mages. Its actually the other way around.....Im the one who is using THEM.

Merrick: Im only going to ask this once. WHO r u and what is your TRUE prupose here
over a year ago funkmasterd said…
Konaha: Merrick what the heck man i could have easily taken them out
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: U have the ox guy to deal with
over a year ago Chadroxz said…
Shira looked at him with fear, but then began maniacal laughter.
"This goes much deeper than you think. That angel girl, the exceed, a faerie, and a Slayer. All of the mytholigical creatures that have a special quality about them. And the Slayer and Angel are used for...other reasons. We already have them all...well, two- the faerie and the cat exceed. But do not worry; a Slayer and the girl are as good as ours. The more you fight the more you help our cause. So go ahead, beat me, but just know this planet magic as well as mankinds freedom, is as good as gone."
over a year ago AceDarkwolf17 said…
Merrick: R u ACTUALLY from Lamia Scale and did the council ACTUALLY give the order?