Damon & Elena {RANTING THREAD} Ship ranting, off-topic ranting, whatever! Rant your hearts out.

SpuffyDelena posted on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:43AM
Sometimes you just need to let it out....

Just one rule: NO BASHING OF SHIPPERS. NONE. Do not use specific SNs or target posters.
last edited on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:59AM

Damon & Elena 3418 replies

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over a year ago katie15 said…
If Alaric dies I will be so annoyed.

Why can't the writers kill off boring characters for once like Matt and Jenna?
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^HA! exactly matt or jenna...or jon!
over a year ago jendelena said…
I don't really care for Matt actually Matt doesn't really interest me. But not Alaric Alaric is so awesome. Gosh they always kill of the cool characters *shrugs*
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
I know this is kinda off topic of the current discussion but I just realized something.

SE and DB fans are always saying DE fans hate Stefan just because he's with Elena and how stupid and shallow that is yet Jeremy is getting so much hate from DB fans just because he's with Bonnie.

How hypocritical is that?
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
omg the 's8rah' who has wrote on the DE wall saying how she's starting to like DE, was the same one who has been messaging me abusive messages about Delena, about Delena fans and myself.... like 2 days ago...

...wouldn't buy it just yet people.
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
^ Thats what I thought when I read it. I was like that makes no sense she was just giving us all this crap a couple weeks ago.

Wow she's been messaging you shit? Thats horrible. I don't buy her sudden love for DE.
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
^ yep! same one! She'll probably be laughing about it right now with a bunch of SE fans. It pissed me off soooooo much to see that message.... I feel like adding a comment to it, but i'm refraining myself hehe.

Oh yeh, she's been messaging me shit: calling me a bitch, I have no life (because i'm 21... seriously?) pathetic, DE fans are just plain stupid along with DE..... really childish comments that makes me laugh at the fact she think she can upset someone 6 years older than her who is living and working in London independently while she's still answering to mummy and daddy.... as a good example, lol!

So yeah, just be aware of that one DE fans!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jendelena said…
Oh I didn't know she was sending you hate messages. I don't know why people pretend to be nice we're not even being mean but idk just forget it then. I'm still willing to see if maybe she's genuine because I've never chatted with her before or anything.
And about everything else just ignore what haters say honestly its not important. So many double standards exist. They just don't like Delena and remember Delena is the in between ship so its obviously would get heat. But the Damon and Elena love surely outweights the hate. And I know it might seem hard to do considering some people say really horrible things about Delena fans but don't stoop to their level. I respect other shippers and everyone has their preference. At least we see the awesomeness that is Damon and Elena and that's all the matters. So spread the love. Some people feed of hate, hate is unnecessary spread the love :)

Now back to ranting about more worthwhile things. Seriously I wish people wouldn't say stuff like Damon and Elena are a shallow ship. They're the ones getting the build up they're the ones that has the "would you be the light at the end of the tunnel for me" type relationship and people think Delena is shallow? *shrugs*
over a year ago tellymaster said…
I hate when I see people saying that Delena is a shallow ship. I guess Damon sacrificing his own happiness so Elena can be happy is shallow. That's just great. I would think that shallow relationships come from those that are rushed by the second episode.
over a year ago katie15 said…
My biggest peave is when people are biased. Hate the ship all you want, but don't put what you WANT to believe in front of the facts.
over a year ago tellymaster said…
Oh yes. I've seen that. They say that they can never see Delena happening because Stefan and Elena are together. Well that's wonderful. Another thing I've seen is that they can't see them happening because if Delena did, how else would Bamon happen? :P
over a year ago jendelena said…
^^^ Yeah I respect other ships hate the ship all you want but I never bash shippers. And yeah when people say Delena is shallow. They're the ones getting a build up they're the ones that have all these obstacles to overcome just to have a friendship 1st of all and people think they're shallow? But honestly I could care less what other shippers think. I'm quite convinced Damon and Elena are meant to be and will end up together and if they think we're delusional to think so well that's their problem because having a predictable ending like Stefan and Elena just doesn't seem like something the writers will do if anything they're trying to make us think that Delena chances are very small and it does appear that way and that's why I root so hard for Damon and Elena because eventhough Damon and Elena have many many fans when it comes to the show in terms of the triangle and how Elena feels for Stefan and Damon. Damon is the underdog in relation to the show so that's why I'm rooting so hard for him because it does appear on the surface that Elena will end up with Stefan but if you really analyze things and one would see that Damon is on a journey and that journey leads him straight to Elena. He will end up with Elena and other shippers who disagree well each to their own.
over a year ago delenasalvatore said…
Something that really bothers me is whenever fans say they don't like Damon showing his human side. I read the transcript that was posted of Julie Plec's interview at some convention (think it was EyeCon?) and one of the comments someonoe posted really got to me. Guess who it was from? A Bamon shipper. But honestly, that wasn't what annoyed me. It was because they didn't like Damon following Elena around and acting (in their words) 'wimpy.' It made me wonder: are some Bamon shippers true fans of Damon? I don't think they can be. I think if you were truly invested in his journey as a character, you would find how his humanity is manifested around Elena, and his conflicted feelings with that, fascinating. I find if hugely laughable that people who are fans of Bonnie and Damon in the books think they have chemistry on the show. And I find it even more hilarious that they want them to have some hot epic romance. But I find it terribly infuriating that they overlook Damon's journey as a character because they want Bamon to happen. And I find it incredibly insulting to the writers, who have written such amazing scenes, and Ian Somerhalder who's been phenomenal as Damon. It's fine if they don't like DE. But it's ridiculous that some people blatantly ignore all the aspects of his character and what makes him Damon, just because they prefer Bamon. It also means that they're ignoring a vital part of the show. And if they can ignore what's going on in front of them...then why bother watching it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
It makes no sense. Do they think Bonnie would be okay with the Damon that went around killing everyone? Kind of makes you wonder if they understand either character.
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
^^ You're both right. It's so hard to fathom what Bamon fans are all about. They barely even seem satisfied with Bonnie's character at times, saying she's overlooked, we don't see her family etc etc... I have never heard anything positive come from them. It's even rare to find good comments about their own ship, constantly saying "we haven't had Bamon scenes in ages." and so on...

And how the Hell do they want Damon to be with Bonnie? Bonnie despises him even when he's on the straight and narrow, yet they dislike his character being emotional? And Lord knows how much she LOATHED him in S1, along with Bamon fans... so if he can't be either, what on earth do they want from him??????

But they're not going to happen away. Elena is Damon's humanity... she brought him back when every one else pretty much wrote him off. Do they really think his love for Elena, which they can in no way shape or form deny, will just fizzle out and he'll suddenly fall for Bonnie? Whom he doesn't interact with, who tried to kill him,.. oh wait.. who has tried to kill him on multiple occasions and is in love with Elena's brother?

Good luck with that...
over a year ago DelenaLover said…
You're so right! They complain about everything. Sometimes its like they don't like anything about the show. I've seen them hate on KW and JP, they say season 2 sucks, they don't like Damon's character, they don't like what Bonnie's been doing, they hate that she's with Jeremy and the list goes on. Some fans have such hatred for the show and I'm just like okay then why are you still watching if you hate it so much? Just so you can complain and whine about it? I don't get DB fans at all.
over a year ago jendelena said…
@Anna_JH Rofl I had tears in my eyes reading your post. That is my exact reaction when I read some of the things people say about Damon. Some people confuse me. But as I said I respect other shippers and their ships just idk somethings are just......o__O

@delenasalvatore ITA with everything you said. Book Boonie is different she flirts with everyone and she;s so annoying but in a way I can guess why some pair her up with Damon in the books. She's the helpless bird and Damon saves her so some see it as some love story. *sigh* TV Bonnie is way different. IMO if one really understands TV Bonnie then they would know she would never ever be interested in someone like Damon. Elena is different she honestly believes Damon has good in him and she is trying to help him see he does still have humanity in him so don't run from it but own up to it. So honestly the only person I can see Damon with is Elena. Elena and only Elena. Elena or blow, that is what it comes down to. At the end of the day, if the whole world is against Damon the only person who I can see defending Damon is Elena. And speaks volumes. So those other Damon pairings do not appeal to me at all. Also if one really gets Damon character then they would never call Damon wimpy. That's why people only consider Delena fans to be Damon fans. They way those other Damon fans bash Damon its so extreme they actually sound like they hate Damon. The thing is they want Damon the robot who shows no feelings. They hate the fact that Damon loves Elena and Elena Elena Elena. Elena all day everyday roflmaoo that pisses them off. So just ignore it honestly I do not pay attention to anyone else's melodramatics lmaoo. I respect everyone's shipping preferences but I ship Delena. Each to their own :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deluv said…
Compeletly agree with you guys. Elena has been there for Damon at his worst and at his best. She always supports him and never gives up on him. Also if Bonnie had to choose b/w Damon of S1 and Damon S2. Who do you think she'd choose?? S2 i'm guessing and guess who's responsible for S2 Damon? Elena...only Elena. He still has his cocy/snarky side but he now sees that life has meaning and it matters. All because of Elena.

over a year ago Anna_JH said…
^ I agree, It's Elena or nothing with Damon... and I think the same goes with Stefan.
No way are either of those vamps going to fall in love with someone else. Maybe Katherine can be thrown into the mix, but for the long haul, it's Elena either way.
It'd take a long time to convince anyone of anything different and I think Bamon fans should step away and take a long, hard look at what the writers have crafted as far as the three, main characters are concerned.
over a year ago katie15 said…
^That's why I don't get why people say Damon is meant for Bonnie, when there has been no indication, particularly in the show, that says they are. Elena has been there for him all the way through, and she might not be in love with him yet but they started off as friends and the best love stories start off with two people having fun together and being friends. SE never had that DB seem to be indifferent to each other, like they don't give a shit if the other is there or not.
over a year ago jendelena said…
^^^ Yes Elena or blow that's my new saying form now on. Fly the Elena flag high. If it wasn't for Elena lord alone knows what Damon would of been like all this time. Elena brings out the real Damon. The one beneath the facade. I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone can hate Damon doing something good and showing that he does still have humanity. Damon messes up a lot but he's a "work in progress" and it'll take a lot of effort but he has Elena by his side she may not be in love with him but she does love him, she cares for him deeply and for someone like Damon and for Elena to still feel that way about him in spite of everything Damon has done and what she knows he's capable of she still chooses to be there for him and save his life and defend him. But she also points out to him when he's doing something wrong and pulls him back before he screws up. She just doesn't need to burn him to crisp lmaoo. So again respect other ships and shippers but its Delena or nothing. I don't ship Damon or Elena with anyone else. :)
over a year ago tellymaster said…
That's terrible that Bamon fans don't appreciate the amazing character development of Damon. I think they need to go back to season one and just watch all the pain and hurt Damon's been through. It was Elena that believed in him. It was Elena that brought out his humanity when everyone (Everyone being Stefan *cough*) thought that there was no good left in him. Elena knew there was another side to Damon. And where was Bonnie during all of this? Oh yeah. Making his head explode.

So Elena said that every move Damon has ever made has been for love. So, that makes Damon wimpy. I get it. Protecting her from sacrificing herself is wimpy. Great.

And yes. I don't think I'll ever ship Elena or Damon with anyone else. It'll always be Damon and Elena for me. :D
over a year ago tellymaster said…

Something I thought I'd share. This made me laugh. What can't we deny? I think I'm missing something.
over a year ago jendelena said…
^^^^^ My god and the purpose of that was? Honestly they make me laugh no seriously I'm sorry but we just don't like Bamon everyone has their preferences and what is their problem dedicating a video to Delena fans. Some people are so melodramatic good god lmaoo

over a year ago katie15 said…
The new reason why we ship Delena: because Elena is "prettier" than Bonnie so we're shallow. lmao
over a year ago katie15 said…
And omg I can't stop laughing at that vid lmao
over a year ago deluv said…
You know what's funny?Bamon fans bash Elena all the time but when they are talking to Stelena fans they pretend like she's their idol. lol. Also, i've noticed that most Stelena fans support Bamon fans but what do they do? they turn around and bash Stelena. So sad the Stelena fans don't know about this. They are hyprocrites bamons fans are
over a year ago DaniKatZ said…
omg, see how in that video the vids were basically in the same scene? Lol it shows how much consideration Julie and Kevin have for Bamon :P

Anyway, deluv, of course, they are hypercrites! I hate it because it annoys me so much, sometimes I just want to get things straight with most of them, but of course, I cant just change someones opinions because it's what they think obviously.. :/ so annoying.
over a year ago jendelena said…
^^^ Yes its quite hilarious but honestly who cares what they say I respect their views but we clearly do not see things the same way and that's just how it is. Even though they do stuff like that I won't bash them, I'm not going to stoop to their level.

Anyway I was saying before Alaric might die and I really hope the writers don't kill Alaric because his character is so awesome. There are a few characters on the show that doesn't need to be there IMO so why kill off the cool characters like Alaric. So many people think Alaric is the one to die since he gave up his ring. Poor Alaric :(
over a year ago vivalavida said…
No okay, that's enough. I barely visit Bamon wall, and when I do, it's just for curiosity. But they're so irritating, everytime that I go on their wall, there are always a lot of insults to DE and DE fans.
How rude! Maybe it's because they got bad that in the show anyone give a crap about them, and even in the books they weren't meant to be endgame since LJ Smith has been fired because she wanted a Delena endgame and it's very clear, she even said that.
But gosh, they don't talk about Bamon, just cryticize Delena and saying Elena is a whore, but when they talk about Stelena, they say that they're soulmates, that Elena only loves him. CRAPS, they're such liars. This is so annoying because in a spot couple, you should talk about that couple and why you like them, even cryticize, but always THAT couple, or if you have to say something against other couples, with rispect. Especially not offend other ships and shippers!
That's funny because it shows how much they're angry with the writers for don't give them their Bamon. They pretend to be happy and everything, but eckh it's not like that! Try to go on Stelena wall..their fans, almost all the times and everyone, are so calm and in "peace" with themselves. That's because they know what they have and they're happy about that..

BTW, I seriously don't give a crap because they can say whatever they want, but at the end of the day we win. ;D
over a year ago LotusWhispers said…
The funniest thing (and I literally laugh for ages about this) is when people say that what Stefan and Elena have is true love, and then they go around and say she's just a whore and a slut. Tell me, how can a love be true and real and legitimate if one side cannot be loyal? The fact that Elena will cheat on Stefan over and over and over and over and over....and...wait for it....OVER AGAIN, shows just how strong her love for Damon is.

Elena likes the security of Stefan and since he is her first love he is hard let go of, but the intensity of her feelings for Damon are so strong, she can't help herself. Elena never cheated on Stefan before Damon, and only had eyes for Stefan until she met Damon. Stefan and Elena's relationship is a relationship only in name and only for Stefan. Check out this quote from Midnight,

"Stefan was her love but not her lover".

This says to me that SE were a first love but not a forever love.

Another quote from Nightfall, "Stefan was her lynchpin, but Damon was the fiery breath beneath her wings."

Once again, it points to the security she feels with Stefan, much like that of a family member, a father in particular, which is what she needed when she met him. As Elena began to grow from a girl and into a woman, she knew that her love for Damon was real and it scared her. Obviously her feelings for Stefan aren't that deep if she continues to cheat on him and put him on the backburner when she sees fit. So her feelings for him do not frighten her, as they aren't as deep as her feelings for Damon. Look at the intensity of her feelings for Damon:

"She wanted to follow. Nothing was real. Didn't he understand? She could not imagine a universe, no matter how many dimensions there were without a Damon in it. There was no world for her if there was no Damon"

"'I want Damon back.' Elena hadn't heard quite this note in her voice since the day shed been told both her parents had died."

"In the end Damon had died to save Bonnie. Elena herself needed no more proof of his feelings about her. She would always love Damon and she would never allow anything to diminish that love."

"I hadn't even realised myself how much Damon has come to mean to me. And I can't...stop...my feeling...for him, even if he hates me now."

ELENA CAN'T STOP LOVING DAMON. So if married Stefan or whatever, she would continue cheating on him and her heart would belong to Damon. To me, this does not make Elena a whore, but it makes Stefan an idiot for not saying this sooner,

"I cant - it isn't - its not me you want." - Stefan in Midnight

And Elena didn't deny it, it said something about how she wanted to, because she knew Stefan was heartbroken, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. This because she couldn't stop LYING to herself anymore or to him. How can someone call DE lust if

1) They never had sex
2) Elena never cheated with anyone else, just Damon
3) She compared the pain of Damon's death to HER PARENT'S DEATH
4) She wanted to DIE so she could be with Damon
5) She says Damon is her WORLD

See, I am not bringing this out of my ass, this is literally in the book, spelled out as clear as day! No wonder fans of DB and SE are happy about the ghostwriter, because they will rewrite the history of Damon and Elena gravitating to each other, time and time again.

Sorry but I just needed to get this off my chest <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tellymaster said…
@Katie: Exactly. Out of mere curiosity from reading all the posts, I went to the Bamon spot. In these words, I saw a fan say, "And the only REAL reason why they want Damon to be with Elena is because she's prettier than Bonnie! Talk about shallow!" That is exactly why. The scenes, the build-up, Damon's feelings, their connection, and chemistry have absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
Anyways, I just think it's funny. I honestly don't care what they say.

@vivalavida: Nice. Haha. ;)

@Jen: And yes, back to the ranting. I really hope that Alaric doesn't die. I will cry. Kill off someone unimportant like Matt or someone! Sorry if you like Matt, but that's the truth.
over a year ago jendelena said…
@lotuswhispers so true. Its amazin but some people really cannot see that Elena love for Damon is stronger than her love for Stefan but she is not allowed to be with Damon because of the whole brother situation but she can't help what she feels. That's why Damon always said "when she saw things more clearly she would understand that it didn't matter that nothing mattered except them being together."
I don't see Elena as a whore. A whore IMO is someone who doesn't give a crap who's feelings they hurt and enjoy going from one person to the next. Elena doesn't want to feel this intense love for Damon but she does. She does try to avoid him, she tries to fight him she really tries rofl but her love for Damon is uncontrollable. I can't fault her for that.

OMG so true how in the world could DE be just lust when they have such a deep connection and strong love for each other. Sometimes I wonder if these people are reading the same books. They will read quote upon quote about how deeply Damon and Elena feel for each other and they still call it lust. I really wonder about some people. If that helps them sleep at night kuddos to them rofl

@tellymaster. Yes Alaric cannot die, that's Damon's bro. Damon would be crushed :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deluv said…
Alaric is more of a brother to Damon than Stefan is. He can't die. I'll be crashed!!!
over a year ago vivalavida said…
@LotusWhispers - You fucking genius! :D ITA with all you've said.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
yes its true stelena will call elena whore if she cheats with damon. then they turn around and remember she is actaully part of their ship also.

AND LMFAOOOOOO ROFLLLLLLLLL @ the bamon vid they basically made a vid of 2 random "bamon" scenes BOTH in which they were arguing and called THAT chemistry............ HAHHAHAHAHAHAH!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tellymaster said…
@LotusWhispers: Agree with vivalavida. That was genius. Why haven't I read Midnight yet? *Sigh* I need to get it!
over a year ago katie15 said…
I know right Klea? I'm blown away by all the chemistry Bamon have :O What have I been doing all this time in this spot?!
over a year ago jendelena said…
@katie Roflmaoo clearly I guess that's why I'm on the Delena spot roflmaooo *dead*
over a year ago LotusWhispers said…
Thanks tellymaster, vivalavida and jendelena <3 Your praise means a lot! For real, Delena was clear as day in Midnight, it was epic. Even LJ Smith called them epic <333
over a year ago vivalavida said…
Hey guys what do you think about the fact that Damon and Bonnie are going to have scenes together in both 2x17 and 2x18?! I know, I know. In one of them there's Jeremy too, but what if they're getting them closer? Writers already screwed up a lot of things, but I don't know how to feel about it. I mean, maybe that would make Elena jealous, or it's just to please Bamon fans? I'm sorry being so paranoic, but we haven't had DE scenes for three episodes and from what we see, SE at least until 2x18 are sooo lovely-love and all their stuff as always .-.

I would be really pissed off if all the build up that we have had, is going to be fucked. And a triangle between Damon\Bonnie\Jeremy would make me really sick, ehw..really, Damon competing with Jeremy?! Lol they can't do even this to him, ahah :P

But I would like to listen at your thoughts guys, and I don't want to seem absolutely paranoic or something, mine is just a curiosity. ;)
over a year ago tina-kiss said…
Ughh. I'm so annoyed by those promo pics.. First I see SE being cheesy like they always are. Then I see that other promo pic with SE KISSING and Damon WATCHING/WALING IN or whatever (and rubbing it in his face..) I am happy that we'll get to see Damon being jealous but we've already seen it like 100000000000x times. And why the fuck do they keep promoting SE? It's not like it equals higher ratings..but I will stay positive. I think that season 3 will be all about DE and that's why their focus is on SE right now? I hope so.

/end rant
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tellymaster said…
@vivalavida: A Damon/Bonnie/Jeremy triangle would be the biggest mistake the writers would ever make. Bamon in general would be the biggest mistake of the show. What you just said just got me a little paranoid, but maybe it's just a scene of them arguing? Or something. I have yet to see the pictures, so I'll have to give my opinion once I see them.

@tina-kiss: MORE SE? You're joking, right? Someone kill me now. I wish I could just get an episode with no SE and maybe just a little DE. Sometimes I wonder if the writers are in their own little world. Promoting SE all the time is not going to make most of the fans very happy. But oh well. I'm trusting them that they are going to make all of this worthwhile by the 3rd season.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
i know alot of people are upset about damon watching SE kiss....but im kind of excited i wanna see what happens OBVIOSULY they put that in to get the triangle going and i wanna see what elena's reaction will be. And also "the last dance" what could that mean? can it please mean the end to SE's cheesy relationship and onto delena!!!!!
over a year ago tina-kiss said…
@tellymaster: rofl, ITA. Stelena = Low ratings. Promoting Stelena= Low ratings. Conclusion? NO STELENA PLEASE.
over a year ago Roxxi_luv_Vamps said…
I am fucking pissed off at Bamon! I just finished Midnight yesterday, and I have to say, I dont think I have EVER cried like that over a Character in a book. I know i have cried... but nothing compaired to yesterday. Damon, DEAD! It to me It's all fucking Bonnie's Fault!!!!! I know i shouldn't blame her for the Death of Damon, but that is how devasted I am right now! If she would have kept her ass where she was, they could have found a better solution is getting that Freaking Star ball!! It's all Bullshit!
And now.. at the end! He is supposedly supposed to be coming back?! WTF am I supposed to do now?? I promised myself I would NOT read the next Triology to come out! If it's not by L.J. then I'm not gonna read it <-- That's what I said! Now, L.J. has made it to were I feel I HAVE to Read the next book just to see what freaking happens To Damon!!
I really hope the rest of this TVD break goes by FAST, because Right now, I have this huge hole in my heart! This is freaking crazy how addicted I have become towards this Show/book. I need to See more Damon, and Fast!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
@ vivalavida - the writers would no way in Hell go for a B/D/J triangle. It's a moronic idea and they would never, ever put Damon's character in such a ridiculous position. So please don't worry!

And for the record, if Bonnie is the one who knows how to kill Klaus then OF COURSE she will be including everyone in on it: Jeremy, Elena, Caroline, Alaric, Stefan and yes, Damon. They have to work together as a team, which means they'll be interacting. It's all to save Elena ;-)

And Damon is and always will be in love with Elena. She has his heart and that is not going to change.

This is a series long love-triangle. They'll be making SE last as long as possible to run out what could continue for a 3rd, 4th, 5th and who knows, maybe 6th season. They're balancing things out to make it last and unfortunately, that means we're the setback because DE aren't the couple here.If DE weren't going to happen... they wouldn't have Damon so hopelessly in love with Elena, and wouldn't have Elena respond the way she does around Damon: lingering eyes, staring at his lips, unnecessarily close body contact and not to mention - showing she cares after he snapped her brothers neck... they're going to happen!

I refuse to be in a shitty mood over a few pictures. DE are going to have scenes in the next episode -- maybe showing them would give away too much?? Most promo pics are just nice ones of SE, or tend to be ambiguous if it's DE. Maybe they don't have the right pictures to show without revealing too much... think of it that way.

over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^ no way in hell all the writers that stupid to make a b/j/d trianlge.
over a year ago Roxxi_luv_Vamps said…
@LotusWhispers OMFG! You made my day SOOOO Much better! <3!
over a year ago DelenaLover24-7 said…
Can't help but feel annoyed and frustrated with those promo pics. Season 2 is just not Delena's season. Other than the finale, I don't see any major scene for Delena happening. At this rate, not until season 3 will things start to get going. I wasn't surprised to see them though, they have been promoting them all season long. But what I don't seem to get is why the writers can't give us a scene. I hope they are getting back into the love triangle by having Damon watching. I'm not worried about the damon/bonnie/ jeremy love triangle. I doubt the writers would ever do that. They are just obviously trying to give Bamon fans a scene or two.