Damon & Elena {RANTING THREAD} Ship ranting, off-topic ranting, whatever! Rant your hearts out.

SpuffyDelena posted on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:43AM
Sometimes you just need to let it out....

Just one rule: NO BASHING OF SHIPPERS. NONE. Do not use specific SNs or target posters.
last edited on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:59AM

Damon & Elena 3418 replies

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over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
which I think is pretty stupid arguement cuz SE have been together for two season and we've never seen pics of Nina and Paul holding hands and cuddling...

^^^^ tru dat everyone is saying this. and its pissing me off. Like if ian and kat were dating... they would all be shitting there pants saying that see now bamon is gonna happen blah blah blah JUST STFU and accept that 1. ian and nina ARE dating...FOR REAL. 2. bamon is NOT going to happen. 3. DE will happen.
god such fkn idiots. there wall is ALL bashing DE. cant they just shut up for one god damn second and talk about bamon...oh wait there is nothing to talk about cause THEY DON'T EXIST!!!
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
Eugh, this all annoys me so, freakin much!

If the roles were reversed, Bamon fans wouldn't be saying any of this shit. Do they not step back and think... would it really be for publicity when Nina and Ian are walking hand in hand in Paris with their mum's alongside them? Like, really? What parents would support such a pathetic idea anyway? Plus Nina and Ian aren't empty-headed no-bodies who are craving for fame and viewers. Life goes far beyond the show they work on. And they are smart, down to earth people who have kept their relationship away from the public eye for good reason. To have a happy, private companionship without people interfering.

They need to look at those pictures of Nian holding one another close with their mums beside them... then realize how pathetic it is to gush over a 2 second, behind the scenes clip of Kat and Ian looking at each other and see that they're are the ones scraping the barrel and lumbered with the short straw for reasons to justify ANYTHING about their ship.

I mean for goodness sake, I just looked on the Bamon spot and in their scene survivor they have the choice 'Damon texts Bonnie'..... could Bamon BE more insignificant!!!???
over a year ago onlylove2 said…
Honestly IDK what to say to the fans hating on Ian and Nina. Seriously? What do you even say to that? Some of these fans have completely lost their minds or their hatred runs so deep that it consumes them completely. Ian and Nina are not Damon and Elena and I would think if these fans are capable of using a computer than they would be smart enough to know the difference. They can hate DE all they want, but they have to be able to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. Ian and Nina are living their REAL lives and none of us actually know what that’s like behind the scenes. So for them to be hoping for the worse in their relationship is just downright sickening. These people must be miserable in their own pathetic lives if they find pleasure in hating on other people’s happiness. I love DE but I could care less if Ian and Nina date or not ( I admit they make a cute pair) but I have no interest in their personal lives. As long as they’re happy, I’m happy for them.

Now on the subject of Bamon and some of their rabid fans

I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason Bamon seems relevant is because DE fans make them. We hardly ever pay attention to SE or their fans and as a result, SE seems irrelevant even though they’ve been the lead couple of the show for 2 seasons and they have almost twice as many fans as Bamon (based on Fan POP anyway). The whole Bamon pairing is non-existent, and AU but it’s treated as if it’s a legit pairing on the show.

Bamon hardly get any scenes, the writers never talk about them in interviews, and they are not in any of the promotions for the show. There really aren’t that many Bamon fans out there, and anyone who isn’t a hardcore TVD fan, has never even thought of the possibility of those two in a relationship and therefore do not even know they exist.

My cousin watches the show with me, but she’s not as obsessed with it as I am, (she loves DE BTW) and when I told her there were people who wanted to see Bonnie and Damon in a relationship, she damn near fell out of her chair laughing. The only response I got from her was “What?” *Insert never ending laughter* “Why?” She thought it was the most bizarre thing she had ever heard.

My point is most people watching the show, would never even think of such a far-fetched idea as Bamon. But every day all I see is DE fans stressing about Bamon and their fans. You guys have to realize that Bamon and their fans would not even be relevant if we didn’t constantly give them press and make them feel like they’re something important. In reality Bamon have about as much chance as Elena/Tyler (my crackship lol), or Jeremy and Caroline.

The writers have shown zero interest in setting up a romantic relationship between those two characters. So why do we continue to entertain Bamon fans who call us DE fans delusional when they ship a pairing that doesn’t even exist? Plenty of these fans thrive off of negativity and hate so they’re happy whenever they’re able to get a rise out of DE fans. They enjoy the fact that they’re nonexistent ship is getting talked about by other fans, and it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. Any press is good press for Bamon, because otherwise their little fandom would just disappear and become unimportant like the other crackships on this show. I know I’ve also let some Bamon fans aggravate me, but I’ve stopped visiting their spot almost immediately after my first visit, and I don’t consider Bamon anything more than a product of their fans overactive imaginations. No such thing exists on this show, and so far it doesn’t seem likely.

I would like for some of you other DE fans to join me in my quest to ignore all things Bamon until Bamon assumes it’s position of irrelevancy in the TVD fandom.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kristy55 said…
^Same scenario here, I told a friend of mine (who has no idea what a fandom is) how some people wanted Bonnie and Damon together and all she had to say was "ew".

Now Jeremy and Caroline is a crackship I just might look into.
over a year ago darkdoll59 said…
@onlylove2 your words are words of wisdom , I totally agree with you. I stopped visiting the Bamon spot a long time ago and to tell you the true Bamon fans don't make sense and their ship makes sense even less. so I stopped paying attention to them and I stopped wasting my powers on them .
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^i agree. But its kinda hard not to talk abou them when ALL they do is talk about us and bash us...it's all on there wall.
over a year ago delenasalvatore said…
@onlylove2, I completely agree. Bamon is irrevelant, and we should ignore them. Basically, I think if certain members of the BD fanspot didn't go out of their way to antagonize DE by posting really nasty things about them and the fandom, we could totally forget they even existed. It's just really hard sometimes. Also, there have been occasions in the past when the question of Bamon has popped up in interviews and articles. I remember reading intervews when Ian was asked if Damon and Bonnie would ever hook up, or something like that, and thinking: 'Why would they even ask such a thing?' Some media sources in the past have been guilty of actually promoting Bamon, by making people think that they could get together in the show. Katerina is often asked about Damon/Bamon. I remember when 'The Last Dance' aired, and she was doing promo for it, and she totally made her dance scene seem like it was going to be a huge, amazing thing that everyone would be talking about. That just causes damage, in my opinion. So, I don't think the shadow of Bamon will ever go away completely because it does tend to pop up in the media from time to time. I read some comments from one TV reviewer which praised the chemistry B/D shared after 2x18 aired, and you can bet that Bamon fans were all over it. It was posted on their spot. When Fanbolt interviewed Julie Plec, the interviewer was a DE fan, but she had to ask about Bamon because he/she received so many questions about them, and Julie just led them on. She couldn't say "Bamon will never happen. No way. So don't waste your breath." She just indulged Bamon fans fantasies by letting them think that the future was an open space with a question mark: "In the future, who knows?" Hopefully, as Delena progresses, the Bamon question will get smaller and smaller until they cease to exist.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KrissyDelenaFTW said…
Maybe we should be nice to ppl who are nice I have online SE and BD fans their all not bad.
over a year ago onlylove2 said…

I completely agree we there's no reason why we can't be nice to respectful fans.

I just wish we wouldn't get caught up in all this Bamon/DElena drama, and I would just advice other DE fans to ignore any negativity coming from some of these other fans. I know it's hard trust me I've gotten into my share of debates with some really rude fans, but those fans that who start trouble do it for attention, by putting down one ship to promote whatever ship they prefer, and when we respond to them, we just give them what they want. If we ignore it, then they have no choice but to shut up and move on.. And the more we ignore them the more discouraged they become until they ultimately stop making hateful immature comments toward DE and their fans
over a year ago onlylove2 said…

I agree

I understand why JP wouldn't want to crush the fans hopes. But I do recall one of the writers when asked about Bamon said that they had no plans of exploring anything romantic between the two. However the writers obviously do this for publicity for the show, yeah they are aware that Bamon fans exist and of course they're going to tease them with ominous statements like "You never know, keep watching" but if they had REAL plans for Bamon, they'd be more featured in interviews and such. The writers talk about Bamon only when directly asked, if not they don't ever mention Bamon. Same with Ian and the others. I agree that those kinds of interviews and (rare) press that Bamon get don't help the ship wars, but the writers care more about viewers than ship wars, so they don't mind misleading a few fans, and getting everyone riled up for an episode, if it means more viewers. I never take it serious, and if some of these rabid Bamon fans were smart they wouldn't buy into the hype either and they'd realize that they are being led on, and this Bamon thing may never actually come to fruition.

I never expected the writers to shoot down Bamon fans hopes completely (that'd be very silly as it might cause them to loose some viewers), and I fully expect them to throw Bamon fans a bone every once in a while on the show like they've been doing. Every now and then they throw Bamon fans something to keep them watching (i.e the dance in 2x18). But only to be followed up by Damon repeatedly saying he'd let Bonnie die if it came down to it. So basically it meant nothing and was just fan service.

I understand what the writers are doing, they can't completely ignore part of their fan base (regardless of how small) so expect them to throw Bamon a bone here and there, but at the end of the day they have a story to tell which is centered around a love triangle between Stefan/Elena/Damon. Their not just going to abandon this to please a small percentage of fans
over a year ago darkdoll59 said…
onlylove2 If BD fans could understand that we would have had peace. but they don't so the best thing to do it to ignore them
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
I think by not telling them "who knows" it worse then telling them yes or no. It get's them hyped up till the end of the series then it's over then BAM NOTHING...not that i care. But they can just come out and say it... "NO bamon will not be happening, im sorry but we have no plan for them in the show" so then they can finally get over there pathetic so called ship is NOT going to happen!

I'm sorry but i have no respect for any of them. I have not met one nice one. they are rude and direspectful.
over a year ago lizzie_jo5 said…
sorry to say but DE fans are being told the same and may face the same at the end of the series:(
over a year ago onlylove2 said…
DE fans are being told the same thing but the difference is we see what happens on our screen and it clearly points to progression and development for DE, Bamon fans can't say the same. Writers only talk like that, when A. they don't want to give anything away (this is the case with DE) or B. they don't have much planned and don't want to upset fans or turn them away (the case with DB)
over a year ago deluv said…
Bamon fans and their reason to why Bamon need to be together don't make sense to me. That's why I'll never understand their opinion. Also, the writers don't even talk about them in interviews unless they are asked and their response is not more than 10 words. My biggest problem is Bamon fans getting every DE scene and saying its Bamon build up. Like seriously. Its like us saying all those I love you's Elena has said to Stefan are Delena build up. Which brings me to my next point. Why is it they never see any Bamon build up during Damon/Bonnie scenes??? and they only see it during Delena scenes?? It's all confusing really. Why do they have to use DE as a foundation for DB. Is it cuz DB is too weak and can't stand on its own?(hmm)
And Ian never promotes DB. All he does is say "Damon will always love Elena" "Damon would just take his ring off if he lost Elena" Do you see the message he's sending to Bamon fans?? Or are they too blinded by their DB delusion to see this?

I wouldn't be okay with Bamon happening cuz Firsly, it would make TVD look like those shows which make everyone sleep with everyone.I think this is overdone in many shows and TVD needs to be unique.
Secondly, I think it would be OOC for Damon...they way they've built his character. His got this wall that only Elena can break. His the bad boy of the show who isn't fond everyone..emotionally. So i think it would take away that essence if he were to fall for another girl. He won't be Damon anymore to me..he will be just a guy..eh too boring.

All in all I don't thin Bamon is right for the show.And its not like its gonna spice things up. If Bamon is gonna do something its gonna make TVD cliche two friends love the guy blah blah. But the current love triangle makes things more complicated and interesting cuz they're BROTHERS.I think this is why TVD love triangle is really interesting.

Otherwise, I'm okay with Bamon being friends and working together cuz they have to. Nothing else please cuz I just don't see any romance there, I don't see passion, I don't see understanding, I don't see love, I don't see sparks, I don't feel the connection (b/w the actors and characters as well) I don't see NOTHING!!
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
I didn't read the books, so I don't know their dynamics or the characters' behavior and feelings. But being honest, I'd be very disappointed with JP and KW if Bamon ever happens on the show.
And this because it would be so OOC for them both. I just can't see a bond between the two or an understanding. Maybe a leadership and an indifference/friendship in the future instead of this hate-I burn you alive-I'm going to let you die relationship. You know what I mean? But again, books characters and show characters are so different..and is this that DB fans don't get. I can understand shipping them in books, but on the show, is completely different. Fucking deal with it.

Plus, the thing that annoys the crap out of me so much is that they define us delusional or lame for shipping them, when they have nothing but just their crazy fantasies. IMO, they all say that we're the worst fanbase ever, but as far as I'm concerned, when it comes to rudeness and arrogance, Bamon fanbase is. I mean it guys. Their spot is a bullshit, is full of hate and anger, and disprectful comments about DE and DE fans. Oh God, they're so insane and pathetic. One in particular, that is pretty mad and always so ready to shoot some crap on us.

And for God's sake, their madness doesn't stop here. They seem to think that every DE scene is a Bamon build-up or parallels.
One of the most dumb I've read so far, is Bonnie telling "I love him" when Jeremy died, and Damon saying "I love you" to Elena while he was dying. For their sick minds, this is a hell of a parallel and DB is happening. Yeah, twice...and jeez, did you see their picks? Like the one where is asked if Bamon will be endgame on the show and the majority is "extremely confident"? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. And we're supposed to be the delusional ones??? Man, Damon would gladly let Bonnie die, he doesn't give a fuck about her. Is that so hard to understand, or for them Damon saying all these things and Bonnie being in love with Jeremy are some kind of jokes??! Yo, endgame in my ass. Beyond insane and rude. I still think that they confuse the show with the books, or just can't accept the fact that Bamon on the show is non-existent.
over a year ago traceypharm said…
Despite these haters, I am extremely confident in a delena endgame, probably more confident than I have ever been. Damon and Bonnie will never, ever happen, and has never existed really, in the books and the show. This is not just coming from one who loves delena, but also as one who has a passion for epic romances. I recognize one when I see or read one. For 44 episodes now we have been led on a journey that centers on three main characters, who are always promoted together or individually. Has anyone seen a picture of Damon and Bonnie posing together? Anyway, the whole VAMPIRE DIARIES series' foundation and storytelling purpose is about Elena and her relationship with the Salvatore brothers. The beginning, development, and endgame of that storyline. Bonnie is not part of that, not even in the books. She is Elena's friend and support, but this is not her story. "FOR ELENA" is the ever-repeated phrase that guides our two brothers' actions. And as for Damon, once his heart is gone, its gone. Katherine was not his true love we find out, she did not love him, but it scarred him terribly. It took him 145 years to discover who his true love is, and who, because of her love, healed him of his broken heart caused by Katherine. Do they honestly believe that Damon could ever give up on Elena? Would he settle for another woman "less" and YES I mean LESS, than her beauty, personality, and soul? He would be miserable, and always comparing her to Elena. That would be a severe blow to one's happiness and self-esteem, if knowing that you love someone who really only likes you or does not love you as much as the woman he basically lives and dies for? Why, Bonnie and Damon can never be. Damon's heart is now all for Elena. We see it in his eyes, in his actions. We know the kind of man that he is, he is only wanting her happiness, sacrificing his own for her. That shows that his heart is full to bursting with an authentic and burning love for her. Do they honestly think he could look at anyone else, even if she chose Stefan? Come on. The very fact that people write poetry or songs, or create fantastic works of art in its many forms devoted to delena really says something. Look at the history of epic romances and see what they did for the culture in their time and still affect us today. Delena has the majority of fans and is always growing, and this is worldwide!!! People of all races and creeds are drawn to what we, as humans are naturally drawn to, that is beauty. Delena's love is beautiful. I believe that a spirit guides epic romances that inspire, and One is doing so with Delena. Whatever Julie and Kevin invisioned at the beginning (and even L.J.) may have changed and developed into something even greater than they imagined. I read somewhere that even Kevin didn't anticipate the response to Delena like it has. They should not try to placate those fans at all. You cannot make someone love you. You cannot force two characters together that are not meant to be together. And Damon and Elena ARE. Everything that is happening, episode by episode, and the big picture has and is now revolving around how they respond to each other. Everyone sees it who has a good set of eyes, a brain, and an open heart recognizes who this story's True Love is. Damon and Elena's relationship is one that is developing naturally and is NOT FORCED. I think the writers are so completely emeshed in Delena's story as it is now impossible to go back and change its course without trashing everything that was before. Most of us are familiar with the quote that says that one's first love wasn't true love if you fell for the second. This is what is happening to Elena now, what she will discover about her love for Damon and experience its power and FULFILLMENT.

I AM SOOO SORRY this turned into a full-blown article, but I had to express myself, and put a little optimism up here. We have nothing to fear from them Delena family...WE OWN THE STORY, because DELENA OWNS THE STORY. It has and always will be about them
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
^ I love your points and I pretty much agree with that. See, I think that a possible and absolutely epic end would be Damon turning human again (since he misses being human more than anything in the world), and since Elena doesn't want to be a vampire, an endgame with them as humans would be so amazing and I actually hope for it a lot. :)

And yeah, you know that even the cast has a soft spot for DE? For example, Candice Accola said that between Team SE and Team DE she is Team Delena. Same with Kat Graham who said something like that. Ian of course is Team DE lol, he says a lot of amazing and true things about them. Plus, we have two amazing writers (Caroline Dries and Mike Daniels, but unfortunatly he won't be back for S3..) who are two DE shippers.
Perhaps, Julie Plec seems to be the one very SE-sided. She always says how beautiful they are and rarely she had had a good word on DE.
Kevin said that his favorite character is Damon, and he seems a lot more pro-DE than Julie. In the whole time, he always has had nice words about Delena and I think that deep down, he's a DE shipper too. Lol.
Even if in one interview, he said that SE are epic and soulmates. Here, that's what bothers me a little, because he actually said that..I hope he changed his mind. :S

Anyway, a Damon and Elena endgame would be the most beautiful thing in the world and the best gift that they could ever do to us. <3
over a year ago traceypharm said…
over a year ago loveofpete said…
I also think that JPlec is mostly SE focused and KWilliams is mostly DE focused. I think that the SE epic love line that they both threw out in the beginning of the TV show airing in 2009 was due mostly to the books that was written up to THAT point. Later books of course show DE as being the true epic love.If they end up together forever is another thing. Things happen.
Anyway Plec seem like she, personally, likes in her romance a sweet,calm, romantic type. Kevin seem like he would go more for a passionate, exciting, sexy, risky type of love.
Hence why they like their different favorite couple more.
I think most of the stars on the TVD show like DE more because well for one they like the Damon caharcter, and also they love how exciting, passionate, deep, and sexy DE is written.
It doesn't hurt that Ian and Nina both bring their own chemistry to the roles.

P.S To say something about those Bamon fans. I don't get it. The Bonnie and Damon on the TV show would not shed a tear if the other dies or gets hurt. They don't even have any friendship or caring feelings for each other. They just tolerate each other to get the job done.Same as Damon and Caroline, Tyler or Matt. Damon only strongly cares/love two people,Elena and Stefan and he actually likes Alaric.
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
Oh jeez....

Here's my take of what happens between when they have a private discussion on Bamon/Delena. For entertainment purpose only lol

Hand in Hand, they ramble over the right bank of Seine. Nina couldn't move her gaze away from her lover. She has the most radiating smile set across her face and her cheeks are turing to shad of red. Suddenly a thought came into her head as if it has a mind of its own. "Only if Elena could be like this with Damon" she sighed softly. Deeply absorbed in thought, Nina didn't noticed a pair of strong arms sneak around her tiny waist. "What's up, my love" Ian whispered softly, his words are like music to her ears. She gazes at him lovingly: "I wish one day Elena and Damon could be like us. God, they are just so romantic!" (please bear with me lol) Ian smirks at slightly at her : "They are cute but I think he and the witch would be utterly hot. The hotness, the sexual tention, the passion, the steaminess. They pull off them all without really trying. Isn't it amazing they are so natural?" Nina glares at him in exasperation: "....."

^ This is, LMAO, omg I can't even...those sick mind of theirs! XD I understand Bamon fics, but Nian in Paris talking about Bamon is just...rofl, u mad?! O.o
over a year ago darkdoll59 said…
WTF ? Nian love DE they Play DE. for God sake those DB fans need help as soon as possible . Nian would never talk like that like I said they love to play DE OMG DB fans seriously need help
over a year ago deluv said…
I don't even think Nian talk about DE. tbh... So why would they bother with digusting Bamon?? *pukes*
over a year ago traceypharm said…
@_VivalaVida_ LMAO !!!! that is sick, wow. I can't stop laughing at their stupidity.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
@deluv....I 100% agree with ur post above. I will NEVER understand there points. They make no sense whatsoever. And seriously they use EVERY single important DE scene to talk about bmaon build up. Like how is saying "i love you" to elena BD bullid up? how can they deny what's right in front of there FACES?

They only use bamon "facts" from the book and transfer them into the show. Bamon book and show are TWO completly different things. They mess them up to look like they actually have somehting....which they DON'T.
over a year ago deluv said…
DE spot- 5700 fans
DB spot- 1700 fans

DE spot-5761
DB spot-1713

Just sayin....
Error fixed :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago traceypharm said…
deluv, do you mean 1713 for DB? lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
Yeah, I THINK you meant 1713 for DB (to be honest, you REALLY gave me a heart-attack, though! XD)
over a year ago darkdoll59 said…
@deluv you almost gave me a heart attack
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
A huge thank you to all the DB fans that made me hate you DB and their fans like crazy. :S

Before they were totally indifferent in my eyes, actually not being a fan of the books I didn't even know the existence. But one day I went to their spot out of curiosity, and seeing all that insane DE fans/DE hate really disgusted me. Thank to that spot (which is mostly a DE hate spot), I hate those people and this ship so freaking much. Thank you again.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^it's actaully embaressing for them. All there spot is DE hate and no bamon love. I mean who could blmae them they have NOTHING about there ship to talk about anyways. It's funny how they make delena seem like they have nothing to try and make it like bamon has something......pathetic losers.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
I've been looking around in the Damon and Bonnie spot and they're accusing us from being mean and hateful towards their ship. I haven't seen any hateful comment to Bamon here, but I've seen several on their spot about Delena. That's what makes me so angry. They accuse us from something they're guilty of themself. All I ever see is how Delena fans are accused of bashing other fandoms, but Bamon and Stelena do it theirselves! I've read comments on the Damon and Bonnie spot saying we're trolls and that when Bamon happens (as if!) they can't wait to see the look on our faces. Why is it that when it comes to hating other fandoms the accusing finger is always pointed at us? Sure, there are some Delena shippers who are very bashful towards other ships but Bamon and Stelena shippers act all innocent and saint like. I've read 9 pages of articles on this spot and several pick comments, our wall,... and I couldn't see one bashing comment about Bamon and/or Stelena, whereas when I visited the Bamon spot the hate towards Delena is just punching you in the face! It's one thing to hate something, it's something else to be hypocrite about it! But what can you expect from people who can possibly think things will happen between Damon and Bonnie, but don't see the blooming romance between Damon and Elena? How can you be delusional and blind at the same time? How can you see things between Damon and Bonnie and don't see what's going on between Damon and Elena when it happens right in front of your eyes? Someone once made a comment about Bamon fans being delusional cows. I didn't made that comment, but sometimes it's really hard not to think of them that way! And Delena is sometimes described as boring?! Then what do you call Stelena? Somnolent, I guess. Bamon fans also say they shouldn't have to justify why they support their ship. WRONG! Yes, you have to! If you can't justify it, then why are you a shipper? You have to have reasons! 'Why' is a very important question and saying you don't have to justify why you like something is the lamest excuse for not being able to justify it! They even made a comment referring to The Return when Katherine says hate is the beginning of a lovestory. This person said 'Doesn't that just scream Bamon?' 'Oh, yeah, you're so right' And I said 'Elena said she hated Damon at the end of the episode. Obvious, much?' I mean, bunch of idiots! And has it ever crossed their mind that maybe there's a reason why Iand and Kat have so little on screen time? Has it ever crossed their mind that maybe, juuuuuuust maybe there's a very good reason why Delena has the biggest fanbase? No, of course not, they're too busy bashing us without thinking, which brings me back to where I started. The accusing finger. Well, everyone who points their finger at us, should keep in mind that they have three fingers pointed at themselves.

Sorry, I just really had to get this off my chest, they really pissed me off.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Oh my god! That's a long rant! Well, I wanted to say this yesterday, but my network went off, so I had all night to get even more angry.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
over a year ago delenasalvatore said…

The only way they could know what we were saying is if they were trolling on our spot. More specifically, trolling on this thread right here. The Bamon fanbase lets their hatred towards DE and us infect everything in their spot. The wall, their picks, the articles they post, their forums...EVERYTHING. I think our spot has been pretty good at containing any anti-Bamon sentiments to the rant thread. So if Bamon fans are coming on here deliberately to read what we're saying about them and then complaining about it, they were only looking for trouble in the first place. I mean, this is the rant thread, we're allowed to let steam off, what did they expect to find? Did they think we'd refer to the Bamon fanbase in glowing terms?! Furthermore, aren't DE shippers perfectly justified to feel a degree of animosity towards Bamon, when THEY say such spiteful things about US in the first place? That's the only reason most of the DE fans can't stand them. If they would just stop hating us, and love Bamon...but they don't. They seem to use their ship as a reason to hate DE. I had no idea that Bamon even existed when I joined fanpop last year, but I never went near their spot. One DE shipper who's been here much longer than me says the Bamon spot wasn't so bad in the beginning, but because of one certain BD shipper, the anti-Delena feeling has just gone up and up. Did you know that a few Bamon shippers actually left the spot because of all the negativity? I believe that at least two Bamon fans have posted articles encouraging the fandom to stop obsessing over their hatred for Delena, but it doesn't seem to have helped. In fact, one was forced to leave because of it, and was accused of not being a 'real' Bamon shipper.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sweetyetsimple said…
Those freaking Bamon fans r nuthim but pathetic delusional losers! I mean WTH! damon and bonnie?? Thats just SHIT! who came up with this crab??! And that pathetic spot of theirs is full with anti DE things jst desperetly tryin 2 prove that DB exists and wat annoys me the most is that in the end we're the big badass shipers n they're the angels from above!! BAMON MY ASS!!
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
I posted an article about DB in the couples spot. LOL.

Sorry, but since it seems that people really don't care to speak what they think even if it means offending and being rude, I've decided to do the same. Of course with some kind moods..but finally I let it out and I can't wait for some troll ready to attack me ahah XD
over a year ago kristy55 said…
Sometimes I think that the Bamon fans think its okay to go after the Delena fanbase/ship because we are the majority.

They think they can bash us but when someone eventually retaliates against them, suddenly we're all afraid of the "growing power of Bamon", when really, they're such a minority in the TVD fandom.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^ and they think they are the shit cause they are the minority......

Oh and this made me laugh...

The Delenas first kiss was of compassion and sympathy; about the ending of something. But I believe, hope, that Bamons first kiss will be of passion and love; about the beginning of something.

WTF?!?!! hahaha! okay...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Delena4eva said…
A certain member of the Bamon spot is threating to leave AGAIN... hmmmm... As soon as something doesn't go her way she resorts to this OR posts another essay! (which is Deathly Boring!) I never post/troll there I just go there to have a good laugh!

Anyway I totally agree with the all posts above, the Bamon spot should just change the name of their spot to the 'We hate Delena' spot because all they seem to talk about is how much they loathe us!

Delena FTW!!!
over a year ago traceypharm said…
They ship an imaginary couple that do not exist in book or on screen--I am not scared or intimidated by them, and certainly know with 100% confidence that there was, is, and never will be any relationship between the two. Damon will always CHOOSE ELENA, he said that himself. They do not love or care for Damon, or else they would believe his own words and would love what he loves and that is Elena. It is my honest opinion, that you cannot truly love a character, such as Damon, who loves so fiercely without loving the object that he loves.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
You know what I think is funny? This spot is active because of the love for Delena. Their spot is active because of the hate for Delena.

And the Vampire Diaries Couples spot is totally the same! We're completely left out! I thought I had the worst with the Harry Potter vs Twilight spot, but I was wrong.
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…

I KNOW RIGHT!!!! she has mental issuses like if she doesnt like bamon JUST FKN LEAVE ALREADY NO ONE GIVES SHIT. isnt this her 1 billionth article talking about the same fkn thing! she claims if damon ever did what he did to elena to bonnie she would leave automatically......HE TRIED TO KILL BONNIE 1x09...did she forget that!!! she beleives we are crazy to ship DE because of all the shit damon has done to elena and how gross it is that we accept it.....YET...damon is part of there ship...

pretty sure shit get's started BECAUSE of her. if she leaves PRASIE THE LORD!!!
even some BD fans will throw a party.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Delena4eva said…

That girl has to be the most infuriating 'fan' around! And as you have pointed out, she just repeats and repeats the same old crap over and over again!! She seriously has some mental issues... She is kinda like the Queen bee (reference to the movie Mean girls) and she has her followers 'drones' or as I like to call them 'minions' LOL!! Just watch... they will start begging her not to leave and to stay strong ect... EXACTLY the attention she wants.

I really started hating Bonnie when she set Damon on fire in 2x02 - pretty much unforgivable for me! They BOTH tried to kill each other! But nothing says 'I love you' like an attempt on each others life...ooops not an attempt they were really trying to kill each other..

I won't be buying the party hats yet... she hasn't left yet. I bet she will be like Madonna, back 'with a bang' and a new way to re-invent herself *rolls eyes* lets wait and see... Is anyone taking bets? LOL!!!!
over a year ago katie15 said…
^lololol so true and you know what the funniest thing is?! The fact that she says she's being "bullied" by DE fans when all she does is insult DE fans and say we have serious issues for shipping a couple "like" DE. More over, when other DB fans have said they are leaving, she has said that they are being dramatic yet she has had similar speeches to them. Also, she claims to "respect" people for their opinions, yet as I've said, she drones on about how said it is in our society that people like couples like DE. Hypocrite much? And let's not forget the fact that these couples are FICTION and if we're going on moral values, then no one should be shipping ANY vampire couple seeing as they kill people. Not to mention Damon has hurt Caroline- which, let's face it, if he did that in real life NO ONE would condone his actions.

The girl needs to get a hobby.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Who is this girl?
over a year ago deluv said…
Oh my god! That girl!!!! WTF!! Bamon fans kiss her ass and she loves it cuz she's there queen bee. They praise her so her threatning to leave makes her think they'll beg her to stay. tbh I feel sorry for Bamon for having such a self absorbed bitch as part of their fanbase. She disrespects them. Who the fuck "tests" her fellow fans and then tells them they "failed" Who the fuck does she think she is. I mean just cuz their opinions differ from yours doesn't make them wrong. And the Bamon fans never stand up to her she even wrote on her tumblr that she's tired of being apart of the Bamon fanbase and some of the fans make her ache. etc etc. This is the same person who says she "respects" people's opinions. yeahhhh righhtt!!

I just hate the way she treats SE, DB and DE fans. She even threatned to leave SE spot..eh. don't know what happened. Once she called a fan stupid and immature cuz she was leaving the DB spot and now she's doing the same thing. Such a fucking hypocrite.
over a year ago delenasalvatore said…
The dynamics of the entire Bamon spot is totally messed up and one-sided. It's almost similar to a cult if you think about. Everyone is brainwashed into believing that Bamon is a certainty, and they act wounded and 'martyred' because they believe they have been wronged. Anyone who has an alternative opinion to their ideology is ganged up on, verbally attacked and booted out. I don't know if the 'Queen of Mean' really means it whenever she threatens to leave. I mean, she threatened to leave when 2x20 aired, and the next day she changed her mind. I think she only SAYS she's going to leave to get attention from people. Then, all her minions will beg and plead with her to stay, because they 'love' her so much, and it confirms her unofficial status as 'Queen', which is exactly what she wants. She wants to know she has unrivalled power over the rest of the fanbase, and threatening to leave the group is an ideal way to do that, especially when she knows the reaction she'll get from them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago deluv said…
I can't believe she treats her friends like that. Its disgusting, its like her opinion has to be right all the time and all they have to do is say yes to the queen bee. And if they disagree she's "disappointed in them" pfsttt
over a year ago Delena4eva said…
big smile
I guess my name for her caught on! :-D 'Queen bee' well, it does suit her!

copied from wikipedia:

The queen bee has substantial influence and power over the clique, and is usually envied and/or looked upon as a role model by clique members and at times by outsiders to the clique. Her actions are closely followed and imitated, even though they may not be of a positive nature.

I think it's disgusting to 'test' your 'subjects' on their loyalty to the fan base...and then basically calling them failures because they didn't all agree with her. I'm so glad this spot is free of a monarchy! I know there are nice Bamon fans out there & you get a few (ok a lot) of bad apples.
She still hasn't left...pffft...*we can always dream of that day*