Damon & Elena {RANTING THREAD} Ship ranting, off-topic ranting, whatever! Rant your hearts out.

SpuffyDelena posted on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:43AM
Sometimes you just need to let it out....

Just one rule: NO BASHING OF SHIPPERS. NONE. Do not use specific SNs or target posters.
last edited on Mar 07, 2011 at 08:59AM

Damon & Elena 3418 replies

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over a year ago MelodyLaurel said…
Well, I don't usually get too worked up over this and managed to control myself, but this time, I have to let it off my chest.

It's just lovely how DB fans say our spot is full of SE/DB hate. They say they only keep it in their rant thread, but we don't. We spread the hate all over the spot. And in the same post, they claim they never visited our spot and never will. How could they know whether we insult them or not when they don't even step on this spot?

Not to mention we DO keep our hatred for DB/SE in the rant thread and avoid posting on the wall. From what I've seen, it is their spot that's filled with DE hate. I'm loving DB fans more and more. They're just adorable, you know.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
Im telling you they are the biggest trolls they are probably looking at this right now
over a year ago JanaP said…
Now I have to rant here after reading the Couples that people dislike on Fan Forum. I hate their talk about how Damon is supposed to have raped Caroline and Andie. Why is it that these woman never mentioned about being raped if that is really what the writers wanted to show us. I hate how nowdays people call everything "rape". Then also Stefan did rape the girls in the past. That are the same people who say that Stefan never do anything wrong. Double standards I hate them with passion! Why exactly is Damon the bad one and Stefan is the good one?! Even now after Stefan killed that girl in the end of season two, they are all like: Stefan is the hero, he saves Damons life! BUT when Damon wants to save Elenas life: "Damon is bad, how did he dare to say that he would sacrifice Bonnie for Elena?!" Stefan turned Damon into Vampire, they are all: "He couldn´t live without Damon!" Why does Damon hate Stefan. But when Damon forced Elena to drink his blood cause he was afraid to loose her also (by the way it was just dumb, cause Elena still had the choise if she wants to be a vampire). Now with Damon they are like: "Damon doesn´t love Elena, he forced he to something she didn´t wanted."
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
^ You're right Jana!

But pleaseee someone lights up my mood! You know of what I'm talking about reading my rant on page 44. Lol. :(
over a year ago JanaP said…
_VivalaVida_ You have written in your rant post that all your OTPs never had happy endings, and that is one of the reason you are afraid. Well my OTPs Couples EVERY ONE of them had a happy ending! Even the ones for who there were no hope, but I have always said to all fans: "Don´t care what the writers say, believe in what is written on screen!" All I see is that Damon and Elena are written like the OTP of the show, and knowing how much JP loves to keep everything in secret from the fans to make the show interesting it´s hard to believe that she would give away the triangle question. Also KW stated that you not always end up with the soulmate. SO don´t be sad, there are still four years to go...
over a year ago JanaP said…
It´s like Joss Whedon once said: Don´t trust the story teller, trust the story
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^ i like that saying!
over a year ago lizzie_jo5 said…
Joss is AWESOME!!!!!!! he knows what he's talking about:D
over a year ago sweetyetsimple said…
it really annoys me when they support SE like that,they act like DE has no chance
over a year ago traceypharm said…
Exactly! @JanaP ! Well KW, Elena will not end up with her soulmate, because she will have chosen greater than that, her twin flame and best beloved.
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
Jesus Christ, I know that we agreed to call a trauce but some Bamon fans are so fucking annoying. They're pratically taking possession of the TVD Couples spot spamming like crazy and saying always the same things. I'm being a bitch but honestly I could care less, they're so un-intelligent.

Oh and BTW, this really makes me laugh! Read on their wall that they think that just b/c Ian, Nina and Katerina are the only TVD castmates going at MMA it's because they're planning a D/E/B triangle. ROFLMAO hard, oh man.. sometimes I just can't help my self.
over a year ago sweetyetsimple said…
LMAO i really wonder sumtimes if they have any kind of sanity?
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
Lmfaoo @ vivalavida I know right I'm surprised they didnt say anything about Kat and Ian supposedly "dating" like they always do when they see Kat and Ian together
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
SO FKN mad they changed the air date for season 3!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
^I know, right?!?!?! I WANT SEASON THREE NOW, DAMN IT!!! And pushing it back PISSES ME OFF!
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
Why do people still say elena wants to change Damon and can't accept him the way he is UM HELLO does I like u just the way I are ring a bell!!!!!
over a year ago sweetyetsimple said…
Alot of DE scenes ring a bell but, ta da! There they are whinin their asses off like there's no tomorrow
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Ehm, to everyone who's pissed about the date being changed: In Belgium they haven't even aired all of season 1, so by the time they're airing season 3 I'll have wrinkles and grey hair. Thank God there's internet. Just to say that September 15 isn't such a bad date.
over a year ago traceypharm said…
^ Oh NO!!! Ouch! At least the internet is a lot faster than it used to be! LOL
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Yeah, gotta love the net.
over a year ago sweetyetsimple said…
here in sudan episode the last dance just aired last monday im enjoying watchin the whole season all over again
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
Damn I'm glad I live in the USA then lol
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
Well then...God Bless America, I s'pose...XD
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
Oh jeez, here she goes again. The bitch is back in her orignal spot. The spot where she brings negativity and hate. YAYYY :\
over a year ago DelenaLove1 said…
@_VialaVida oh dear god....it's Noelle isn't it? I bet 20 dollars it's Noelle....
over a year ago _VivalaVida_ said…
^ Yep, who else could it be?! It's that moron. And IMO, I don't give a flying fuck if they think I'm a troll just b/c I'm defending Nian and especially Ian for being called a pedo from that retarded of a girl.. shit, drive me nuts. Now they're switching from ranting and hating on DE, to Nian?! Seriously?! PATHETIC.
over a year ago DelenaLove1 said…
I just finished reading the convo between you guys. OH MY GOD....UGH....she's insane...seriously!
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^i read it. that bitch is OUT of her mind. She says she respects people's opinions HA!!! I can't beleieve she said nina is too imature for ian and kat isn't. KAT is younger than nina! is she fkn kidding me right now. this bitch is 22 years old herself and she says all this. I really want to just lash out on her damn wall but all i will get in response it probably "get of troll" like you viva. Because she is too much of a pussy to say anything else because she knows everything we say about her is TRUE! even a bamon fans was defending you.
Oh and i thot she left. Just couldn't stay away she just had to come back and start something. Im surprised she hasnt written one of her pathetic articles about nian.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lucy87 said…
I too read it and I think it's hilarious when they say that Nian is dating for "publicity" and to promote DE.

What about Kamon? Are they promoting them too?
over a year ago DSalvatoreLuv said…
Where's the convo? I can't find it anywhere! :O
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
^on the BD wall. just scroll down.
over a year ago DelenaLove1 said…
It's hilarious...really. I can't stand that girl....
over a year ago DSalvatoreLuv said…
Oh wow...that was intense :O I didn't realise it was Noelle that had made that comment about Ian being a pedo, that's absolutely disgusting! I knew she had a few loose wires going around up there but really, urgh that's just appalling! And Nian being together for publicity?? That's just so ridiculous I don't know if I can even find words...
over a year ago DSalvatoreLuv said…
big smile
Oh and Viva? Hats off girl, I was cheering all throughout your comments :)
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
*chanting* LET'S GO VIVA *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap!* Wow, and I found it SO nice how you had two of the Bamonators TOTALLY agreeing with you, it was soooo nice to see that. I was like "wow, I would totally be friends with those girls"! But SERIOUSLY, you were...astoundingly-fantastically-amazing-­tas­tic­! Like, you were just...CALLING OUT ALL HER BULLSHIT! OHHHHH YEAH! (I'm being REALLY positive on a ranting thread...well this is new...TIME TO BRING MY RANT!!)
But seriously, they had...SOOOO many issues. Like, come ON, calling Ian a pedo? Like one of the Bamonators so wonderfully put it, "imagine if Ian had been on here, can you imagine how HE'D feel?" I love seeing awesome BD fans! But...it's unfathomable how you could call Ian a pedo for being with Nina, then freak out when he called Kat hot. Wouldn't that make Ian even MORE of a "pedo"? I mean...they're BOTH legal, and they need to BACK THE FUCK OFF. He can say and be with whoever the hell he wants! That's so terrible, it'd be like me saying that Ian is a rapist cause he asked Candice to sit on his lap at the Barcelona Vampire Diaries Convention even when she looked like she didn't want to. "WOW, WHAT A RAPIST, HE ASKED HER TO SIT ON HIS LAP, DOESN'T THAT RAPIST KNOW THAT NO MEANS NO?!? I'LL GO CRY IN A CORNER NOW OVER MY SINKING SHIP, AND BEG FOR SOME DELENA SCENES REINCARNATED BY BONNIE AND DAMON!". Are they really THAT delusional as to make a claim that HURTFUL? Oh, but I'M NOT NEARLY DONE WITH THIS RANT.
And she calls YOU a troll, Viva? I've got something to say to that little self-pitying sweetheart BITCH over on the DB forum.
(Alright, this goes to that DB-er, you KNOW who you are, and if you're reading this now, as I believe you are, you better listen up, mmkay sweetcheeks?)
You should BACK. THE. FUCK. OFF. You sit there, feeling sorry for yourself when people don't agree with you, posting hurtful and accusative comments towards WONDERFUL people such as Ian and Nina, and have the NERVE to call our LOVELY Viva a TROLL?! Fuck off. Seriously, FUCK. OFF. You know, here's a very ACCURATE definition of a troll, I think you JUST might like it, you lovely girl:
"'Troll,' in the context of message boards and the like, describes somebody who is posting just to be confrontational or to raise hackles." Hmmmm, how INTERESTING! Now, you call Viva a TROLL because she went to politely defend her opinion, under the correct assumption that the TVD fans had made a truce. YOU are the one who TOOK that polite and wonderfully worded defense and twisted, and turned, and MANIPULATED THAT so you could later CALL her a troll and tell her to leave. She didn't call you out. She fought BACK, because you were saying some...VERY false and PATHETIC, DISGUSTING things. The fact of the matter IS, that first of all, she was very kind and very unassuming, she held no anger or resentment for BD-ers, as not many of us actually DO (Well...excluding our anger and resentment for YOU, and a few key others) and looking back at our WONDERFUL and RELIABLE definition for a "troll", it is someone who posts something on a wall, forum, comment section, WHATEVER, that is MEANT to start a confrontation. While I HATE saying this, you ARE very entitled to your UNFATHOMABLE opinion that Ian is a pedo, no matter how wrong, rude, and twisted you are in that assumption (incredibly based off of your PATHETIC JEALOUSY). But as it is, it is ONLY an opinion, and posting such a crude and FALSE statement and passing it off as FACT? Well, honey, that is VERY wrong of you, you may need a time out for that! So YOU DID THAT, you passed a statement that brewed up an incredible amount of disbelief and anger, thus turning yourself, I'm sure non-intentionally, into a TROLL. Posting something that will get people angry, upset, starting something that YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO FINISH. I feel VERY sorry for you, I REALLY do, but I SWEAR to all that is holy, if I find your comments on this forum trolling as you do to EVEN YOUR OWN FAN CLUB, I will NOT hold anything back further, do you hear me? I will NOT try to be as KIND as possible, because I really have NO patience for people like YOU. You need to grow the fuck up, stop yourself from doing any trolling further, and get some help, sweetheart, because as it seems at this point, you don't really have ANYONE to defend you and your DELUSIONAL opinions and UTTERLY HORRID accusations. Got it, sweetness?
Now, if you could return to YOUR little "cult", and stop trolling, because I am almost POSITIVE you will be reading this, then direct some of your little "friends" to it.
And in case you DO bring your followers to read this...Well BRING IT, bitch.
Aaaaaaaand, there's an end to my rant. WOW, that was...that was A LOT of rant-age...
Who knew I had all that anger and amount of intimidation in me? *giggles* Ohhhh well, must be off, going to go hug some unicorns, dance on rainbows, walk on sunshine, all that jazz. Seeya! *skips merrily off into the distance, realizing she probably freaked out the ENTIRE forum with her incredibly wordy and passionate rant, then bi-polar-like change of attitude*. Lalalalala... XD
Sorry guys! (Oh, and yeah, pleasepleasePLEASE don't think I'm a troll for making such a passionate response, I don't mean to start a fight! I just...I dunno, if someone tries to bring down a DE-er, well...I go into Mama-bear state and I just need to make it clear that they can't do that to one of my own anymore XD. I really hope no one's sincerely angry (or freaked out) by my response to...the DB-er (because I don't think I'm allowed to say names on the rant forum...) Sorry again, guys, I hate when I let myself get angry at stupid people like that! Ahhh! *sigh*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
^ wow...that is...a NOVEL of rant...I didn't even REALIZE it while I was typing! Again, SORRY GUYS!
over a year ago DSalvatoreLuv said…
Well, I don't think I could have said it better myself lol :P
over a year ago DSalvatoreLuv said…
As in, I agree with the content, not it being a novel XD
over a year ago NateHeartSerena said…

The chick is batshit crazy. The DB spot would be pleasant and there would be a lot less ship wars between DB/DE if she just left for good. I have Bamon friends, but she is.... unbearable. And tries to get them all on her side just because they both ship DB. Many of them actually know how freaking insane she is.

On a side note- I didn't read the convo yous are referring too (it'll just piss me off I'm sure) but it sounds like she doesnt even know the definition of paedophile and must a really hateful, desperate person to spread such rude and moronic accusations (all hail the DB fans you say defended Ian against such deformation of character!).
It also sounds like the bitch gave up once she realised Vida was RIGHT and her DB fans werent going to agree with her mindlessly and therefore she called Vida a troll just to try and have her kicked off so Vida wouldnt continue kicking her ass!

I plan to keep the truce with all DB fans except her. She is manipulative, rude and arrogant. I refuse to be civil with someone like that.

Oh and *hi troll who no doubt reads all of this but claims she never visits our spot but then seems to know exactly what was said on our rant thread*


On a different note....... I HATE HIATUSES! lol
over a year ago epicdelena4ever said…
@tvdlover....AMEN GIRL AMEN!
seriously i want her to read your post so she can get it through that thick brain of hers. If i were u i would post that on her wall.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DelenaLove1 said…
That rant was beautiful TVDlover:)
over a year ago lucy87 said…
Speaking of beautiful rants: link

Sometimes I just want to link all the haters to that post then go enjoy my flawless otp because their ship has nothing on us.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Okay, that bitch is just completely insane. Hand down, Viva!
over a year ago katie15 said…
Lmao I love you guys
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
u girls rock!!!!
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
I reallllly don't like those people!!!!! (you know who i mean) just because they want Ian with Kat in real life, they think that Nina and Paul will be great together..... hello? Paul Wesley is a MARRIED man!!!! He got married to Torrey DeVito and he's happy with her... so i really hate it when ppl want him paired with another woman, i mean god! that's ridiculous!!! And then they're calling Nian being equal to Cophia??? okay so maybe tv rel'ships don't always work out like Chad/Sophia, Penn/Blake but there are couples who get together!!! look at Jared/Gen, Anna/Stephan.... it depends on the couple you know.... and i for one believe that Nian will survive!!! they are the real deal and Ian is def not a pedo!!!

Also, for that matter look at the older Hollywood couples, Brangelina? Catherine/Michael, Ashton/Demi, Tom/Kat.... when it comes to love, TRUE LOVE, i think that age shouldn't be a barrier between two people and honestly, i don't like the fact that they keep bashing Nina so much and Ian as well yet their dream pairing is Kian and Bamon! *facepalm* and i wanna give a shout-out to Vida for standing up to them!!! u go girl!!! *hugs*
over a year ago Anna_JH said…
Well done Viva for defending Nian! I just read the whole thing and you TOTALLY cornered that ApplePie girl until she had no way out. When you said if it were reversed as if it were Kian, she told you to leave.... just goes to show that the truth hurts doesn't it?

She goes on to say she feels mature as a 22 year old... yet is criticizing Nina and saying she's too young!? Who on earth is she to dictate what is right and wrong between what a person looks like and feels when she has never met them before in her life? To me Nina seems grounded, mature and doesn't strike me as the single-girl party-animal like some 22 years old are (like myself lol!). And she says Ian is ready to settle down and get married etc... um... just because he's 32 doesn't mean he should be picking wedding rings and browsing over people-carrier cars ready for his brood now does it!? Are we in the 1950's here? I quote Damon here, "wake up woman, the world has moved on!"

And as for calling Ian the 'p-word' I am horrified by that. I have my Oxford English Dictionary here... allow me to look up the definition of the word 'paedophile'


Call me a softy, but it actually hurts to even remotely put Ian under that statement. I mean... fucking hell, how much hate do you have to have towards a person to slander them like that!?

My grandpa was nine years older than my grandma and they married in 1940.... they were with each other all of their lives until the very end.

Would she say that statement to me?

Nina and Ian could very well live a long and happy life together; they are both consenting adults who clearly idolize and adore one another. She has some serious issues if she thinks of them that way just because she is concerned about Bamon.

One clearly needs to get a fucking life.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tina-kiss said…
You guys are AWESOME.
over a year ago TVD_Lover said…
They're so threatened, it's absolutely pathetic...and they think WE'RE threatened about THEM? Pshh, that's so disgustingly false, it makes me laugh! They get about, what, one new fan a day? Maybe one every two or three days? I come on here, and we have SIX new fans a day, no joke, and we're on HIATUS! They have about 1,000 fans, right? A little more? How many do WE have, going on 6,000? Oh no, but yes, we are SO JEALOUS AND THREATENED by them! BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA, I just...sigh, laugh in their faces, it's so incredibly pathetic.