Anime SAO (Sword Art Online) RP

anifanfreak posted on May 16, 2013 at 11:10AM
In this you are a Character in a video game called SAO or Sword Art Online, you are not able to log out and are stranded in the game until someone beats the Final Boss on floor 100, Go through this game as if it were Real but remember, if you Die in this world you die for real... (Kidding!) Use your Skills and Sword Skills to Kill monsters and Level up (No limit to the levels), gain items and supplies to become stronger! Your Inventory IS limited to 1,000 Items, and Remember, In this you CAN'T USE MAGIC. Have fun! Ask me (Or someone who is willing) for more Details if you still aren't too sure about what to do!

Inspired by- Kirito-kun, Asuna-san, All my friends On Fanpop, And SAO (The Anime)

Making a Character

Age: (Make it from the range of 13-25)
Starting Level: (ONLY put from Lv 20-44, Also When you reach a Level in the Tens/Hundreds place, Please Put up The Characters Stats Again, You don't have to but I'd Prefer it if you did)
(Appearance, All separate Items have Unique Names)
Heath: ("Standard" is 250HP Per Level)
Unique Skill (Skill only YOUR character alone can wield to its Max Potential)
(Keep it below 250 for each stat, Consult me for an Explanation on the Stat(s) you want Explained)

1. No Safe Zone PKs (Player Kills)
2. No NPC Kills (Non-Player Character)
3. No Magic
4. Make your party (At largest) 10 Players, Then you must Join a Guild
5. No Killing other players without their permission

A quick Briefing:
You are starting on Floor 1, At the Town of Beginnings Now you must travel all the way to the top of the tower of Aincrad and save yourself and all of the other poor souls that are stuck here, Beware the orange and Red players, You have some good items traded from higher floors and can proceed to Floor 31 at the highest. Good luck Champ!

Here are some Guide lines for the Newbies! (Please Bear with me to help you under stand this RP better!!)

Inventory/equipment: The icon for the category is a character icon. This is the default screen when opening the Menu interface. The left screen is an image of the body, with multiple points that allow the gamer to equip items or clothes. The right screen has three sub-menus:

Equipment: Selecting this sub-menu will open another three sub-menu:

Weapons: The icon for this category is a sword like the one used in Equipment.

Equipped: The icon for this category is an armor.

Accessory: The icon for this category is a necklace.

Items: Selecting this sub-menu will open an additional scrolling screen on the left that lists all items. When an item is selected, it materializes in front of the player. The inventory turns red when a player has too many items.

Skills: Selecting this sub-menu will open additional scrolling screen on the left that lists all skills of the player.

Friends/Guild: The icon for the category is two character icons together. The right screen has three sub-menus:

Party: Selecting this sub-menu will open three additional options. The first is "Create", the second is "Invite", and the third is "Dissolve".

Friend: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a list of a player's friends. Selecting a single friend will produce three additional options: "Message Box", "Position Check", and "Profile".

Messaging/Chat: The icon for the category is two chat box icons together. The icon flashes automatically whenever a player receives a message. Apparently messages cannot be send to player who is currently in the dungeon.

Maps/Quest: The icon for the category is a balloon location icon. The right screen has three sub-menus:

-Field Map: The Main World Map, You can select which floor to view but the floor that is viewed by default is the current floor you're on, you can only view what parts of the map you've seen or explored.

-Dungeon Map: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a map of the dungeon that the player has explored.

-Quest: Shows Active, Completed, Ongoing Quests, you can claim Quest Prizes and rewards from this menu, but only if you have completed the quest.

-Settings/Main-menu: The icon for the category is a gear. The right screen has three sub-menus:

Help: Selecting "Help" will call a GM (Game Master) in the left screen.

Logout: The logout button is missing during the first day of SAO launch. Consequently, the left-screen is also completely blank.

BTW!! PLEASE PUT A PROFILE FOR TOWNS, CITIES, ETC!!! (Look on Page 2 for an Example, Scylus)

Anifanfreak- Kazuma
Anifanfreak- Haku
Anifanfreak- Sera Ichibayashi
Ayaka- ShadowThief
Killer24- Jinx
Werandy- Sanya V. Litvyak
Angel_Kiss- Rei
last edited on Jul 13, 2013 at 09:04PM

Anime 542 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 542

over a year ago werandy said…
*Rudel wakes up on the river bed*
Rudel:how did i get here
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"yeah ok sure!" Kei finishes up with Lily and goes back to Kazuma and Haku.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Lily walks out the main gates and keeps walking, always alert.
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuma: Well? Ready to get going? We should Go scope out the map around here so we can get used to it, but stay frosty! There are REALLY powerful Monsters here... Even I won't be able to handle them myself...

Haku: Right! We have your back right Kei-san? *Looks over at Kei Smiling*
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"yeah and i have your backs. So where are we going?"
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuma: We're going to Borad Desert, in the Back, while it's Snowing here it's Blazing Sun there, Not Only are the Monsters Insanely Strong, the Terrain Is Treacherous, so be careful and take the Utmost caution when Walking, you might be Sucked into Quicksand! That would mean Instant Death... if we don't manage to Get you out in time that is, so all's good!

Haku: I'm... Not so sure about that... *Sweat drop and Gloom*

???: Heeey! Is that you Satou-kun?!

Kazuma: What?! Sera-chan?!

Haku: Sera...?

Sera: Hey! What's with that name huh? Satou -kun?

Kazuma: It's a Game and who the Hell woulda thought we'd get STUCK in here like this for over a Year?! Anyway, WHERE WERE YOU THIS WHOLE TIME?!

Sera: I have a House on the 38th floor!

Kazuma: Oh... So that's where... You must have Quite a bit saved up then...

Sera: Yup!

Haku: Pardon me, but who are you?

Sera: I could ask you the same thing! What're you doing Roaming around with Satou-kun?! HUH?!

Haku: I'm a raveling Companion for a While

Kazuma: Yeah, you seem to be doing well on your own Sera-chan, how've you been?

Sera: Quite a few Close Calls But altogether fine, you gonna Introduce us Satou-kun?

Haku: Satou...?

Kazuma: Its my name IRL, Sera uses her Real Name so it's actually Sera...

Haku: Oh, Well it'd be nice to know that Haku is my actual name...

Sera: You're only one of Three besides myself that used your Real Name!

Haku: Is that so...?

Sera: Yup!

Kazuma: Off topic! Now, Sera, this is Haku-san, and Kei-san, Haku-san and Kei-san, meet my good friend Sera Ichibayashi!

Name/Username: Sera
Age: 15
Starting Level: 53
Weapons: White Orchid Staff, Crescent Moon Sword
Equipped: White Orchid Staff, Signal Flare, Crystals, Bandits Knife (Adds 10 STR, STA INT DET, and LIS), Thief Boots(+61AGI, +61DET, +61LIS), Masters Robe (+ 15 ALL)
Accessories: Earl Necklace, Scholar Ring, Limit Brooch(+170HP, Retains one HP for Three Potential KO attacks), Warriors Band(+280HP, +25STR, +15STA)
Heath: 13,700HP
Unique Skill: Blood Dance
Strength: 210
Agility: MAX
Intellect: 267
Detection: 211
Appraisal: 119
Cooking: MAX
Stamina: 206
Listening: 200
Kazuma: We're going to Borad Desert, in the Back, while it's Snowing here it's Blazing Sun there, Not
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"hi there!"
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Sera: Cheeky! I like it! So what? He's a part of your Party Satou-kun?

Kazuma: Sera-chan!! Use my IGN! (In Game Name) At Least While We're stuck in here!

Haku: Well I;ve Been Partied with him for about 2 months now... Kei-san here's been with us only about a Week or so...

Sera: Ah... So, since I'm here Why not Let me Join your Party?

Kazuma: AH! Actually we have enough Official Members for a Guild! That is IF we can get one more Person *Hints to Kei to ask Lily to join before she leaves*
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"sure let her join. There's strength in numbers am i right?"
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuma: YOU'RE the one who's friends with her so YOU ask her you idiot!

Haku: Jeez Kazuma-san, calm down!

Kazuma: Nah, I'm not mad, Just surprised at how dense Kei-san is being...

Haku: That doesn't exactly change the fact that you're insulting him... *Sweat drop*
over a year ago killer24 said…
Jinx: "aww look at this a tail of Bromance, isn't it lovely? *leans on the side of a tree on top of a branch, looking at Kazuma, Haku, Kei*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuma: PFFT! WHAT?! *Turns to Jinx* WTF Made you think we're a couple?! I'd date THIS girl before Haku-san! *Pulls Sera towards him pointing at her face*

Sera: Was... Was that a Request Satou-kun...?

Kazuma: NO!! *Scratches his head* SHUT UP!! I'm not ready for any intimate relationship right now JEEZUS I was dumped Just a few months ago by My girlfriend!

Haku: But Kazuma-kun... We've been in the game for almost a whole year... Or was it over...?

Kazuma: My Girlfriend Plays the game... (-_-")

Sera: Oh... Yeah about that... was Partying with Aki-chan... Then she uhm...

Kazuma: *He frowned* What...?

Sera: *Hugs Kazuma* I'm so Sorry There was nothing I could do! The Boss Knocked Her into the Chasm and she just Disappeared and Not long after We killed the Boss Our Party link was Severed so I could only Assume the Worst...

Kazuma: *His Chest Began to Tightened and He Breathed Heavily and Rapidly, he began to Sway and his Eyes Fluttered* N-no... Akira... *He Collapsed, unconscious*

Haku: Kazuma-kun! What Happened?!

Sera: I-I don't know!! Let's Get him to the town Clinic!

Haku: Right! *Picks up Kazuma and Loads him onto His Back* C'mon The Med. Centre isn't far from here!

Sera: *Nods*

*They were off*

(O.o Traumatic experience for one of the Main Characters o.O)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
Jinx: *watches all that from the tree* "oh no he forgot Kei not just Haku!, that guy and girls could be a couple......" *jumps down and runs after them*. "Call me Cupid I'm going in!"
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Sera: Hey! Go get that other Party Member of yours! Kai-kun or whatever

Haku: It's Kei-san, Not Kai-san... And Alright! *Runs out to find Kei, calling his name*

Sera: Ooooh Satou-kun I'm sorryyyyy!

Kazuma: *He was Breathing Hard and Sweating, he had a Pained look on his face as Tears formed in his eyes*
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"Oh Haku-san what's wrong?"
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Lily keeps walking towards the next level, fighting off all the monster that get in her way with ease. "Got to keep searching no matter what."
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Haku: I-I don't know!! Kazuma-san Just DROPPED like a Log!! He's not Dead or Affected by Status Effects nor is he losing HP, he just Blacked out in the Middle of the Plaza! C'MON!! Back at the Inn!
over a year ago akonta said…
Kei:"oh.. sure im coming!" Kei followed Haku to where Kazuma is.
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuma: *Twisting, turning, and Kicking on his Bed with a pained Look on his face*

Sera: Oh Satou-kun... I Shouldn't have Said anything about Akira-chan...

Haku: *Bursts in* Is He alright?

Sera: Yes, he's Asleep but it seems Uncomfortable... We'd better Leave him alone and let this all pass, though We should probably keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything Drastic...

Haku: Drastic...? Like... Suicide...?

Sera: *Mods Slowly* Like Suicide...
over a year ago killer24 said…
Jinx: *climbs in the window* "excuse me but i can't help but notice you and him" *nods his head from Sera to Kazuma* "have a little love thing going on, i'm here to help"
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Sera: Shut up... There Is NO NEED of Love talk here and GET OUT! You can't come in without being Invited First!! *Slams Jinx in the Face With a large Lamp causing him to lose his Grip and Fall all the way to the Street, slamming the Window(s) shut*
over a year ago killer24 said…
Jinx: "jeez lady I was only trying to 'Vous obtenez deux ensemble' I guess challenge accepted". *lays back on the floor and laughs*
anifanfreak commented…
You're just doing this cause you're bored aren't you XD over a year ago
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
Name: Viktor L. Belakov
Age: 23
Level: 34
Weapons: Hade's Curse (Dual Edge single handed blade color Blk.)
Equipped: Cloak Of The Forgotten (black Cloak Leather studded Chest piece), Chaos Gloves (Black gloves with spikes on knuckles), Dragon Scale chainmail.
Accessories: Necklace of the Shooting star (makes him faster than normal, improves agility, makes footsteps silent)
Unique Skill: Nature's Call (Allows him to attempt to befriend an animal based creature limited to one creature at a time though, Allows interspecies speech)
Strength: 250
Agility: 230
last edited over a year ago
Name: Viktor L. Belakov
Age: 23
Level: 34
Weapons: Hade's Curse (Dual Edge single handed blade col
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
Viktor: *Slays a warthog* Aw.. This is too easy I should move up a couple floors. *Looks at nearby baby phoenix* What do you think Yurito? *phoenix nods in agreement*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
(sorry that I just jumped in like I did hope that's okay )
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(No Prob)
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
(what town are you guys in?)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(It's a Fake Town, It's Similar to the Christmas Town with the Snowman Holiday Event Monster; Nicholas The Renegade)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
(I figured lol I just needed a location so I could spontaneously meet up with you guys)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(Well C'mon then XD)
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
*holds up teleport jem* *shouts* TELEPORT CHRISTMAS TOWN! *flash of light envelops Viktor transporting him to the square in Christmas town* (lol )
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
*looks around doesn't notice any players* Hello? Anyone here? *looks at Yurito* Hey Yuri ya think you could fly up and look for some people? Up this high I'll need a party.
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Sera: *Walks outside With Haku* Y'see, He took it BAD when he was Dumped but now that she's Gone for Good... I can't even tell him her last words!

Haku: It's Best to... Get it off your own and his chest, for his sake if not yours, alright...?

Sera: *Sat down at the Mid-Plaza Bench with her Trench Coat Wrapping her in warmth* Why does this World have to Be So Cruel to us...?

Haku: I don't know... *He Stared into the blank Night Sky* It just is, The Cold Hard Truth... I can't Say much More, other than that...

Sera: Please, you're one of Satou-kuns Only Friends left in this World now... So Please... Help him...! *She was Tearing up, she Began Bawling and She Used his Shoulder to Muffle her Crying*

Haku: *He Thought to himself* Sera-san... You Must Really love Kazuma-kun to ask this of me... *He Rubbed her back Holding her to help Calm her down* You're a better friend to him than I am... But I'll do it... You're not in the State to Be Doing anything of the sort... *Aloud* I'll Watch over him, I Promise...
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
*Viktor walks around as yurito flies above him, eyes glance around as he hears a sound* What was that I wonder? *looking carefully he flinches as Yurito swoops down and lands on his shoulder startling him and pointing his beak towards a pair of people*
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
*The Two sat there Speaking of Kazumas Past in the Real World and His Relationship with Akira*
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
*Viktor walks up nonchalantly* Uuh... Hey. I'm Viktor I'm looking for some people to help me out I usually hang around the lower floors, but I decided I needed a change of scenery, you know any people who would be willing to join a party with me? *Yurito shifts back and forth on his shoulder as he speaks*
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Sera: Erm... One of Our Own Party members Just heard some Really bad news, he Might even be in Shock... So Maybe Not Right now...... Sorry....

Haku: Yeah, What She Said, Unless you might be able to help... Anyway, We Don't even Have the Right since the Party Leader is The one In Trouble and We Can't just Trust Anyone Y'know?
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
*nods* That's understandable, I mean in a place like this all kinds of things happen, If I could help I would but... I'm not good at comforting people so.... I'll just go thanks anyways.. *turns to walk away* Come on Yurito.
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Haku: *He Placed one hand up Vertically in an apologetic Manner* Yeah, Sorry In this world You have to Raise your Standards from the Real World cause you have to Fight for your Life More Physically than before... It's just hard for us all, you as well Most likely so I really am Sorry...
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
That's ok no need to apologize I guess I can handle myself for a while *waves* see ya around. *motions for yurito to follow, yurito follows behind trying to get Viktor's attention as he dropped a small silver object, Viktor walks away seemingly not realizing*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago werandy said…
(is this thing still up??....if so i'll join back in.)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(I think so...?)

Haku: *He Heard the Item hit the Floor* H-Hey wait! *He Picked it up Quickly but Viktor was gone before he Stood back up, he Clenched the item softly and Looked at it* What the hell is this? I've never seen one before...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(can i join in)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(Of Course Misshedgehog, just use the OC Making FOrmat in the Description! :))
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Name/Username: angelgirlforever and zane602
Age: angel is 18 zane is 15
Starting Level: 10
(Appearance, All separate Items have Unique Names)
Weapons:staff for angel and zane have a sword with daggers in it
Equipped: dress for angel and combat armor for zane
Accessories: a necklace for angel
Heath: angel have 100 while zane hae 180
Unique Skill: angel can use her powers to heals wounds and can do magic and zane have a tamper when he goes off his strength double for a little bit
Strength: 20 for angel and 66 for zane
Agility: 40 for angel 50 for zane
Intellect: 70 for angel 50 for zane
Detection: 50 for both angel and zane
Appraisal: 50 for both angel and zane
Cooking:40 for angel 50 for zane
Stamina:20 for angel 60 for zane
Listening:77 for angel 50 for zane
angel is zane620 big sister
(is this ok)
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
Viktor: *walks into a nearby inn* Huh... Guess I'll have to find somebody else. Oh well at least I still have you Yurito! *pats Yurito's head.
over a year ago Ieyasu said…
* the item's description describes it as an Angel's Tear it grants the holder advanced movement such as hyped up speed and higher jumps, as well as the ability to slowly gain health back over time.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
angel: this is all your fault zane!!
zane: how is it my fault!?