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Opinion by BUGeorgeWalker posted 5 months ago
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Xu Fuyou was a profiteer who sold goods. He couldn't become an airman himself. He licked his face and ran to the Air Force Weather Wing to work. He had to rely on the air force to copy his epaulets. He didn't know how much the IDF pilots had received from Xu Fuyou, xu Fuyou that count is not epaulets, count is all dollars.Xu Fuyou was a profiteer who sold goods. He couldn't become an airman himself. He licked his face and ran to the Air Force Weather Wing to work. He had to rely on the air force to copy his epaulets. He didn't know how much the IDF pilots had received from Xu Fuyou, xu Fuyou that count is not epaulets, count is all dollars.
Article by parkimmigration posted 5 months ago
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Family Immigration to Canada
Family immigration refers to a process by which Canadian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their immediate family members to come and live with them in Canada. The Canadian government recognizes the importance of family unity and provides a range of immigration programs to facilitate family reunification.
The Family Class Sponsorship program allows Canadians and permanent residents to sponsor their spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, parents, and grandparents to come to Canada as permanent residents. The sponsor must meet certain eligibility criteria including being over 18 years of age, being a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and signing an undertaking to provide for the essential needs of the sponsored family member for a specified period of time.
The Super Visa program is designed to allow parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to come and stay in Canada for longer periods of time without having to renew their status. To qualify for a Super Visa, the parent or grandparent must meet certain eligibility criteria including having a letter of invitation from their Canadian...
Fan fiction by Rubyrings posted 5 months ago
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7 fans
"Hey, future drivers!" Paul and Hank's father approached them after dinner that night, jingling the car keys in his hands. "Who wants to come along and do a little practising?"
Paul, who had been reading a music magazine on the couch, and Hank, who had been watching a movie with a lot of explosions on the TV nearby, both sat up. "I do!"
Soon, the three of them sat in the car in a mostly empty parking lot. "Who's going first?" their dad asked.
"Let Paul go first." This answer surprised Paul. Normally his brother was more than eager to be first at everything.
"You feeling okay, buddy?" Their father was only half-teasing as he looked back at Hank with some concern. "Okay, then. Up you come, Paul, into the driver's seat."
Paul's hands were tense as he took the wheel, his father in the passenger side and Hank still in the back. He felt his fingers moving almost without his being aware of it as his father showed him how to turn the key.
And then Paul was driving. The car glided forward across the parking lot, sometimes too fast or too slow, his father occasionally pointing out something he had forgotten. Mostly, there was nothing but him...
Article by orafix posted 5 months ago
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La maison di Ginevra da più di un secolo continua a innovare e stupire con incredibili creazioni capaci di diventare veri e propri oggetti del desiderio.

Quando si parla di marchi di orologi di lusso link è considerato sicuramente uno dei più prestigiosi al mondo. La storia, la maestria, il fascino e il lusso dei suoi segnatempo hanno reso la maison ginevrina tanto esclusiva quanto desiderata. Le sue creazioni non sono semplici dispositivi di misurazione, ma veri e propri capolavori che fondono arte, scienza e fascino senza tempo. I prezzi del nuovo, e ancor più le quotazioni dell’usato, sono lì a confermarlo. Certo, non sono orologi per tutte le tasche, ma proprio per questo hanno affascinato nel tempo molte tra le persone più influenti al mondo come Reali, Presidenti e Papi. Possedere un Patek Philippe è il sogno di molti collezionisti di orologi, con link del settore, Nautilus Patek Philippe. Andiamo allora a scoprire la storia di questo iconico marchio capace di rimanere una società di...
Article by orafix posted 5 months ago
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[b]Un viaggio attraverso la storia di Longines, la casa della clessidra alata capace di continuare ad affascinare e innovare a oltre 190 anni dalla sua fondazione.[b]

Benvenuti in un mondo dove la precisione incontra l'eleganza, dove la storia è scandita non solo dai secondi ma anche dai secoli. Qui parliamo di Longines, l'iconico marchio di orologi di lusso che nella sua lunghissima storia è stato capace di conquistare gli appassionati di orologeria di tutto il mondo.

[b]La Storia di Longines[b]

La storia di una delle maison di orologi più antiche inizia, come spesso succede, dall'iniziativa di un orologiaio visionario. Nel 1832, infatti, Auguste Agassiz crea un laboratorio insieme ad altri orologiai a Saint-Imier, in Svizzera. All'epoca, le varie parti degli orologi erano realizzate in case contadine e poi assemblate in laboratorio per creare orologi completi.
Col tempo, Agassiz diventa l'unico proprietario, rinominando l'azienda nell'omonima Agassiz & Compagnie.
News by orafix posted 5 months ago
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Audemars Piguet: Il gigante che ha rivoluzionato la storia dell’alta orologeria

Nel panorama dell’alta orologeria è impossibile dire quale sia il marchio più prestigioso, quello che è certo è che tre case spiccano su tutte per la loro storia e le loro capacità. La “Santissima Trinità”, così viene chiamata questa ristrettissima elite, è composta proprio da Audemars Piguet insieme a Patek Philippe e Vacheron Constantin. Lusso, precisione e alta artigianalità sono alla base di questa indiscussa leadership, un traguardo che non si raggiunge per caso. Tradizione e innovazione convivono in segnatempo che sono vere e proprie opere d’arte.

"Per infrangere le regole, devi prima padroneggiarle". È questo lo slogan che accompagna Audemars Piguet e che ben rappresenta la filosofia di una delle più importanti case di alta orologeria.
Le capacità tecniche e artigianali di aude mars dimostrate in oltre 140 anni di storia hanno permesso alla casa di Le Brassus di padroneggiare alla perfezione tutte le grandi complicazioni dell’alta orologeria. Al contempo la ricerca e lo sviluppo della maison aude mars per nuove forme, materiali e...
Opinion by orafix posted 5 months ago
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Omega è uno dei marchi più famosi e rispettati al mondo. Essere il cronometrista ufficiale dei Giochi Olimpici e delle missioni spaziali della NASA d’altronde non è cosa da tutti. La maison di Bienne in oltre 170 anni di storia è stata capace di diventare quel gigante dell’orologeria di lusso che ha catturato l'immaginazione di generazioni.
In un pittoresco angolo della Svizzera, dove il tempo sembra scorrere al ritmo dei ticchettii degli orologi, nel 1848, il giovane Louis Brandt fondò un piccolo laboratorio di assemblaggio orologi a La Chaux-de-Fonds. Con un occhio attento al dettaglio e un cuore pulsante di ambizione, Brandt si mise al lavoro, inconsapevole che stava ponendo le basi di quello che sarebbe diventato uno dei marchi di orologi di lusso più iconici del mondo: Omega...
Guide by orafix posted 5 months ago
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Cartier: L'eleganza senza tempo tra Gioielleria e Orologeria orologio Cartier
Da oltre un secolo, l' orologio Cartier ha affascinato il mondo con la sua estetica raffinata e l'abilità unica di coniugare l'arte della gioielleria con l'eccellenza dell'orologeria.

Cartier è una delle case di gioielleria più prestigiose del mondo con una lunga storia che abbraccia sia il mondo dei gioielli che quello degli orologi Cartier. Il continuo scambio di creatività e savoir faire artigiano nei due campi ha portato la Maison a creare veri e propri capolavori senza tempo e a raggiungere l’olimpo in entrambi i settori. Per Cartier, tutto ha inizio dal design: purezza delle linee, precisione delle forme, attenzione ai dettagli e utilizzo di materiali preziosi.
In 175 anni di storia gli atelier di orologi Cartier hanno affascinato il mondo intero dettando e reinventando mode e stili.


Tutto inizia nel 1847 quando Louis-François Cartier rileva a Parigi il laboratorio artigianale di gioielleria del suo maestro Adolphe Picard. Le sue creazioni hanno subito successo, ma la definitiva esplosione avviene nove anni più tardi quando la...
Opinion by BUGeorgeWalker posted 5 months ago
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Xu Fuyou this armband rough workmanship, painting loose, meaning low-grade, high price, no matter from which point of view is low-quality products sell IQ tax. Why is it popular? Is not the small plan of Aunt Cai, and forced to take advantage of the Hot Will Smith. Xu Fuyou sell epaulets count money was happy, in fact, do not know how many guests in the smile money many people silly.Xu Fuyou this armband rough workmanship, painting loose, meaning low-grade, high price, no matter from which point of view is low-quality products sell IQ tax. Why is it popular? Is not the small plan of Aunt Cai, and forced to take advantage of the Hot Will Smith. Xu Fuyou sell epaulets count money was happy, in fact, do not know how many guests in the smile money many people silly.
List by NectariaKiritsi posted 5 months ago
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an article for this episode. This is one of the episodes that I think that many fans of the old anime series will remember which is the episode where Flip participated in a jumping competition and is the fourteenth episode of the European version. The episode starts when Maya woke up in the morning and came out of a leaf where she slept all night and looked at the sky and said that the day will be nice because the sun has already come out as she was flying with her joy. As she continued to fly around, she noticed her friend Willy still asleep and she told him "Hey Willy, lazy bones, wake up!" as she was flying around a leaf with a dewdrop to get the dewdrop on his face to wake him up and she finally succeeded. As the dewdrop fell on Willy's face, he became agitated and wondered who did this until he saw Maya laughing at him and realized it was her and said "Good morning!" to him as she flew around to collect pollen from a flower to eat. But Willy wasn't happy with what she was doing to him and was talking plaintively until he got an idea to try to do the same thing to her as he was...
Opinion by LISAWilson12 posted 5 months ago
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Introduction to Romantic Escapes in New Brunswick:

Romantic Getaways in New Brunswick: New Brunswick's allure as a destination for romantic getaways is undeniable, offering couples a picturesque setting without the extravagant price tag. Within this stunning Canadian province, Saint John emerges as a beacon for couples seeking an affordable yet enchanting escape. Its blend of scenic coastal vistas, historical charm, and budget-friendly accommodations sets the stage for an unforgettable romantic adventure. In this guide, we delve into the hidden treasures of Saint John, particularly its delightful bed and breakfast options, unveiling the essence of romance at an accessible cost.

Exploring Saint John: A Romantic Haven:

Nestled along the Bay of Fundy, Saint John beckons lovers with its serene landscapes and vibrant cultural offerings. The city's historic allure intertwines seamlessly with its coastal splendor, creating an idyllic atmosphere for intimate escapes. Couples can revel in strolls along the waterfront, exploring historic districts, or immersing themselves in the local arts scene, setting the perfect backdrop for romantic moments.
Opinion by BUGeorgeWalker posted 5 months ago
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Xu Fuyou was a profiteer who sold goods. He couldn't become an airman himself. He licked his face and ran to the Air Force Weather Wing to work. He had to rely on the air force to copy his epaulets. He didn't know how much the IDF pilots had received from Xu Fuyou, xu Fuyou that count is not epaulets, count is all dollars.Xu Fuyou was a profiteer who sold goods. He couldn't become an airman himself. He licked his face and ran to the Air Force Weather Wing to work. He had to rely on the air force to copy his epaulets. He didn't know how much the IDF pilots had received from Xu Fuyou, xu Fuyou that count is not epaulets, count is all dollars.
Opinion by xxokim posted 5 months ago
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'Forget birthdays or anniversaries?'
kim: thats so kourtney!
kourt: literally i don't do that

"Be sleepy?"
khloe: kim!
kourtney: KIM 4 SURE!
kim: i work alot and im always busy. yk u guys!

"Laugh at the wrong moment?"
khlo: thats so kourtney!
kim: super kourtney.
kourt: are you guys just gonna pick on me the whloe time!
khlo: oh kourtney grow up!
kim: you guys picked on me for like suchh a long time, especially you kourtney!
kourt: this is like isn't fun anymore
kim: kourtney shut up!
khlo: lets move onto the next q
kourt: wait! thats my daughters nickname, thats so pooshing amazing!
kim: poosh it up kourt!

"Spend all their money on something stupid?"
kourt: thats kim! that is very kim, she spends so much stuff on so much pooshing things!
khloe: kourtney!! LMFAOO you spend so much money on your ridiculous vegan, non GMO, dairy free, and alll that stupid shit you like.
Opinion by ultrapresley posted 5 months ago
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💋 Dirty 💋ooolalala

1. Who’s most likely to initiate things in the bedroom?
D: i feel like its me
B: yeah id say you most of the time
D: he likes to take initiative`every once in a while 😏😏

2. Who’s most likely to want to go to a swinger’s party?
B: definitely daisy
D: yep thats me

3. Who’s most likely to have a secret fantasy?
D: i think thats going to billy
B: i mean you think a lot of "freaky things"

4.Who’s most likely to leave the house without wearing underwear?
D: thats me
B: yeah

5. Who’s most likely to have been intimate with an older person?
D: i think thats billy... i dont date old men
B: well im older than you, so actually maybe thats you, & ur always calling me "old"
D: oh whatever

6. Who’s most likely to have a threesome with one of their friends?
D: i feel like u would do that boy...u liking 3sums & all that
Guide by whatsupbugs posted 5 months ago
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7 fans
Is there anything about my favorite franchises that you want me to answer? If your question has enough to go into detail about, it could become the subject of a video on my YouTube channel.

A guide to topics that you can ask about:

Code Geass: Some of my friends have seen about Code Geass, but there are some that haven't. For those that haven't seen Code Geass, you can ask me about it. My channel is named after Code Geass, so I know a lot about it. For those that have seen it and want to know even more about it and my opinions about it, feel free to ask questions.

Batman: Batman's the first thing that I remember watching as a little kid, so it's been a big part of my life. There have been several different versions of Batman over the last eighty years, so there's lots of things that you can ask me about.

Superman: Like Batman, Superman's a superhero that's been a big part of my life and has had several different versions over the last eighty years.
Opinion by LowriLorenza89 posted 5 months ago
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White Rabbit

Charlie helping carry Claire after she fainted.
Charlie searching for the missing water for Claire, and later bringing her what little they have.
Joking about Locke's knife collection.
Charlie reassuring Claire that rescue will come.
Claire thanking Charlie for being the only one who doesn't regard her as a ticking time bomb due to her pregnancy.
"You don't scare me."

Confidence Man

Charlie trying to persuade Claire to move to the caves, arguing access to water, a doctor and avoiding sand fleas.
Talking about what they miss from their lives off island.
The imaginary peanut butter scene.
Claire leaving the beach.

Raised By Another

Charlie trying to calm Claire down after her nightmare.
Charlie bringing Claire a drink and joking about her diary entries.
"I think about you... in this place... how hard it must be for you, without your family or your friends.. but I think we could be friends. I could be your friend."
Opinion by LowriLorenza89 posted 5 months ago
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Pilot Part One

Jack and Kate's first meeting.
Kate sewing up Jack's wound.
The "count to five" story.
"You're not running now."
Kate asking Jack about the Marshall.
Jack and Kate discussing the crash.
Jack and Kate introducing themselves to each other.
Jack asking if Kate was OK after the co-pilot's body fell.
Jack pulling Kate into the cockpit.
Kate screaming Jack's name.
Kate counting to five.
"Where the hell's Jack?!" and "we have to go back for him."

House Of The Rising Sun

Kate teasing Jack about his tattoos.
Charlie describing their flirting as "verbally copulating", and observing that they have an inside joke.
Jack and Kate shirtless in the caves.
"You checking me out?" "Trust me, if I was checking you out, you'd know it."
Hurley asking Jack if he and Kate were going to move into a cave together.
Kate telling Jack that she isn't moving to the caves.
Fan fiction by Seanthehedgehog posted 5 months ago
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Victor was now driving a powerful speedboat down the Delamare River.

Victor: I'm glad you took us to Trenton. They make everything, and it gets taken by everypony else in the world.
JJ: Trenton makes. The world takes. Oh look. Amtrak.
Victor: *Watches a train from Amtrak on a nearby bridge* Too bad we can't drive one of their trains to Los Angeles.
JJ: How about Las Pegasus?
Victor: One day. Right now, we gotta figure out what to drive for that race. If only I could use this.
JJ: Victor?
Victor: Not now. I just wish we could-
JJ: Victor!
Victor: Not now! I wish we could put wheels on this thing, and-

The boat crashed, and went airborne hitting a tree. In no time, the two stallions found themselves in an ambulance.

JJ: I tried to warn you.
Victor: You should have let me finish my sentence sooner. *Listening to the sirens* Hey.. Wait a sec.. Doc, how fast are we going in this thing?
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Pam
Pam is a sociable and sensitive Pixie, endowed with a strong creativity. She is the most famous hairdresser and owns the best treatment center in Pixieville. At first, Pam thinks that she does not have a talent but she gains confidence and opened her own shop after earning her MagicPop.

Her MagicPop power enables her to cut things quickly and cut through almost anything, change anyone's style and cut trees leaves in any shape she wants.

Other information

Pam is the first Pixie to earn her MagicPop onscreen, excluding Amore, Caramel, Martino and Digit who already had theirs before the story began.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Fixit
Fixit has the highest authority for "Techno Magic", which he uses to make incredible toys. Fixit, is very much into science with a real thirst for knowledge. He provides good information to his friends, as pixies can count on him when they want an idea, an infallible plan or error-proof project.

His MagicPop gives him extraordinary intelligence which he uses for unique inventions which combines Magic and Techno Magic. In action, he build devices to resolve any problem while in his daily life he uses his MagicPop power to make exciting modern toys. His desire to understand how things work makes Fixit very careful and sensitive to the problems of the world around him.

Other informations

His name probably comes from the sentence "Fix it!" when talking about repairing a broken object.

Both Fixit and Digit are the techno geniuses of Pixieville.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Martino
“Famous for his skill and the spectacular way he prepares drinks, milk shakes and fruit cocktails, Martino puts the same energy into everything he does, both at work and in his everyday life. Combative and determined, he manages to get results that are sweet and absolutely delicious. Martino is a hot-headed amusing hurricane. His MagicPop power is acrobatics, balancing and incredible strength. In action, he jumps in incredible circles and carries out reckless actions. His aim is awesome and he can hit spectacular targets. In his everyday life, the power of the magic globe helps him to lift and carry heavy weights. Martino loves to shows off and is very proud of his hair tuft that he combs, sleeks down and admires often. He has a very strong character and likes be in the limelight. This clashes with the more reserved nature of Caramel. Despite their differences, the twins are very close and protects each other. Phobia: Martino’s heel of Achilles is pineapple juice to which he is allergic. Just a sip of pineapple juice knocks him out flat and confuses him.”
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Caramel
Energetic and determined, Caramel is very sweet-natured and full of energy, but she is also practical and knows how to defend herself. Hours spent in her bakery has taught her to be both quick and decisive. Caramel is always ready to rush into battle to help her friends. She seems to be the hot-headed, "brawny" member of the group.

Her MagicPop power gives her an incredible strength; in action she can rout any enemy while in her daily life, it helps her to carry enormous weights.

Other information

Her name was changed in Season 6 of Winx Club. Her new name is Cara.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Cherie
Cherie is a bizarre, capricious and unpredictable but likable Pixie, whose main interest in life is going on wild shopping sprees. Though very vain, she can also be generous with her friends, sharing everything she has with them. Cherie gets bored very easily so she needs to be kept constantly entertained with something different and amusing.

Since she can only change the weather through her emotions, her MagicPop gives her greater control of the weather, dominating the elements and using them as she likes. With it, she can summon storm clouds, twisters and ice bolts. Also, she could conjure lightning bolts and even rainbows. She can also use this to turn bad weathers into a sunny one.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Tune
Tune is polite, even when she is yelling at others. She is neat, orderly, prim, proper, and old-fashioned. She holds the image of a 'perfect lady' in the way she talks and acts proper just like a lady should. Tune dislikes other people's bad habits, and usually tells them off.

As the Pixie of Manners, Tune is well educated in etiquette but also has powers associated to it, such as using magic to fix two gang members messy hair.

In PopPixie, she is the Pixie of Vocal Power and as such, her powers are associated with her voice. Her voice is frightening, which is necessary to lead her students, but it can also break glass or any fragile items, and terrorizing her enemies, especially Yucca.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Amore
Amore is sweet, nice, and a pacifist. Like her bonded fairy Stella, she is into romance and likes matchmaking. She is calm even in the most grievous tragedies. Also, her life as a pixie was expanded. She has mutual romantic feelings with Ranger Robinson, and is one of the closest best friends of the major pixies of the series. Amore believes in her mission of making people fall in love. Amore is believes the world is a place where everyone loves each other. Because she is a pacifist, she does not do battle, instead, she thinks of a more peaceful way. She can count on her assistants: Otis, a male hippopotamus, and a watchful but rather grouchy owl.

With her MagicPop power, Amore captures the bad thoughts of people and controls the negative feelings, calming them down. She is considered as the third most powerful female pixie.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Chatta
Chatta is enthusiastic and extroverted. She wants to share her will of living with everyone. She is lively and curious, and always on the move but can be a bit cheeky and loves pranks. For this reason, when she invites her friends to come over, they often get worried. As the Pixie of Gossip and she loves chit chatting, with her bubbly and extroverted personality, she is the opposite of her bonded fairy, Flora. Chatta loves being the center of attention and has difficulty being quiet most of the time, but she does it with good intentions and she loves her friends deeply, especially if they have the same passions as her.

However, she could appear a Pixie who is annoying, arrogant, and selfish at first glance. Her weak point is silence, a quiet place makes her anxious, she starts swelling and starts having abnormal reactions.

She uses her gift of the gab to convince, confound and even stun people, putting her enemies to flight. Chatta is the queen of gossip: with her power she can get anyone to tell her anything and she uses her talkative ways to defend herself and attack. But above all, the information that she gathers is the best way to get herself out of...
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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PopPixie Lockette
Lockette is a sensible and cautious Pixie who is meticulous and tidy. The organization is her strong point and she does not like playing it by ear because when something unexpected happens she gets flustered; which makes her nervous and touchy, lose her self-confidence and get into trouble. Her friends know her well and try not to upset her, with the exception of Chatta though who enjoys upsetting Lockette.

She is very intelligent and sensitive and always ready to help anyone in trouble.

If things do not work out as planned, Lockette would not admit she was wrong and is quite stubborn. Although she is not prepared to admit she was wrong, she is ready to go to any length to show that she was right. Lockette who is generally shy and cautious then becomes overconfident and ends up complicating matters.

Being the second youngest of the Winx's pixies after Piff; her feelings get hurt easily.

As the Pixie of Portals, her powers are associated with direction as portals lead to somewhere else. She can find entrances and exits, though it seems she has a harder time with the latter. Her butterfly hair clip is an extension of her powers, it...
Opinion by BUGeorgeWalker posted 5 months ago
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Xu Fuyou this armband rough workmanship, painting loose, meaning low-grade, high price, no matter from which point of view is low-quality products sell IQ tax. Why is it popular? Is not the small plan of Aunt Cai, and forced to take advantage of the Hot Will Smith. Xu Fuyou sell epaulets count money was happy, in fact, do not know how many guests in the smile money many people silly.Xu Fuyou this armband rough workmanship, painting loose, meaning low-grade, high price, no matter from which point of view is low-quality products sell IQ tax. Why is it popular? Is not the small plan of Aunt Cai, and forced to take advantage of the Hot Will Smith. Xu Fuyou sell epaulets count money was happy, in fact, do not know how many guests in the smile money many people silly.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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I know a place
Where everybody is kind of funny in a way
Wonderful things happen every day
And nothing stays the same for too long
It's like a roller coster
An old talking tree
Everything is possible and nothing is real
Follow the flow and put a smile on your face
Come on, let's get a little crazy!
Ain't life a merry go round?!

I love to be in this crazy town
(Let's share the joy and have some fun )
You have a special talent
Let it be your guide

Talent revealed
You have new powers
Follow your destiny
Take care of all the people you know because
You like to see everyone happy

'Cause PopPixie is like a dream come true
With PopPixie, you feel so wonderful
Find the way to your heart
One day you'll get there so don't give up
Say the words, do the spell
You know I'll always be your friend

An old talking tree
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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You say you had such a bad day
You wish your life was different, stop!
Forget about your troubles
Take a look in the mirror
Where is the dreamer I used to know?
I'm here to remind you
Of who you are (who you are)
Discover new dimensions
Magical powers (magical powers)
Let's have a lot of fun today
A hero lies inside your heart (come on!)
So let it take you higher

Everything 's beautiful
When you believe in magic
Give me your biggest smile
Together we can make it now
You are special, no matter what they tell you
Life can be wonderful
And I am here to show you
I'll teach you how to fly
And all your dreams will come true today
Trust in who you are and everything will change

Say goodbye to your sorrow
And say hello to a brand new day
You are not alone now
Spread the joy all around you
Everything is magical about you
Find the way to the people's hearts (people's hearts)
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Scene: Tree of Life

Narrator: Pixieville is in chaos! Will the Pixies be able to neutralize Rex's Command Sceptre? Will the MagicPops shine again on the Tree of Life?
Fixit: You don't scare us!
Morpho: C'mon, Plasto! Let's use the 524 combination!
Rex: Boars help pick up the slack, let my Elves ride on your back!
Rex: It's between you and me now, Ninfea!
Ninfea: Your powers aren't strong enough, Rex!
Rex: Flying Boar obey my words: Toward the enemy fly downwards! And this is just the beginning!
Fixit: PopPixie Power! Our powers aren't working, Ninfea!
Ninfea: With that Command Sceptre, Rex is too powerful! Only my Spell Breaking Wand can stop him! We must get it! It's in my Security Vault at the bank!
Rex: So, whaddya say, Ninfea? Gonna tell me the secret of flying?
Ninfea: Never, Rex!
Rex: Pixieville's under my control now! You can see it with your own eyes! Let's go on a little trip and I'll show you! Bye-bye!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Rex's Threat on Pixieville

Scene: Pixieville
Glossum: Pixiemoney, pixiemoney, come to Daddy!
Driver #1: Look out!
Driver #2: Watch where you're going!
Driver #3: Hey, watch it!
Driver #4: Are you crazy!
Glossum picks up a coin*
Drivers: Look what you did! Pay attention old timer! You're a crazy man!
Glossum: What in tarnation is going on? Isn't that Pixieville's magic barrier?
Digit: Oh, no! One of the Technomagic Power Boxes has gone haywire! A crack in the energy flux of the barrier? Impossible! That's never happened before! Oh, no! The barrier's disappearing! Oh... Wasn't an external attack! It seems to be fading naturally! I've gotta warn Ninfea!
The barrier disappears*
Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: We'd better hurry, friends! The annual celebration of the Tree of Life is about to start! Oh, no! The MagicPops are losing their power! Digit? Has the magic barrier disappeared? It may be because the Tree of Life is too weak! I wish I knew what happened exactly!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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The Mermaids' Potion

Scene: Chatta's House
Chatta: Look who has a new boyfriend! Lovely in an aqua green dress! And now for the weather forecast...
Phone rings*
Chatta: What? Ohhh! Which beautiful mermaid is calling me?
Redne: Hi, Chatta, it's Redne! It's my birthday today and I wanted to invite you to my party!
Chatta: Why don't you come to us instead? We can have a party on the Rainbow Lake shore.
Redne: That's a great idea! We've never been to Pixieville!
Chatta: Okay, well, see you later then. I'll tell the others!
Chatta: Fixit, Lockette, Martino, Cherie? Let's organize a birthday party for our mermaid friend at Rainbow Lake!

Scene: Rainbow Lake
Chatta: Hot stuff!
Ayca: Ready? One, two, three, *starts singing* Turn right and left, try to be rea-a-ly deft! Oh, baby, it's so fun to dance!
Redne: It's a shame it's not raining!
Fixit: Are you kidding? It would spoil the party!
Redne: But I've never seen rain before since we live underwater. Today Is my birthday and it would be nice if I got my wish granted.
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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A Treasure under the Rainbow

Scene: Pixieville
Ronf: Mph! Hunh?! What is it? Is it lunchtime already?
Nella: Ronf! Wake up!
Nella: Ronf! Wake up! Come on! We have to go get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Hurry, let's go before someone else gets it! Just look at that, Ronf!
Augustus: Employees to be paid! Bills! It's criminal I tell you! Hunh? What's going on? A Rainbow!! Treasure! Happiness! Ma-a-a-ake way! Where is it?
Augustus: Plop! Sorry, I'm in a hurry, alright?
Augustus: Gnn! What the? You again?
Plop: Scram! The pot of gold's mine!
Galantus: What's all the excitement? What are you all looking at?
Augustus: Put your glasses on, Galantus! Rainbow plus pot of gold coins equals rich gnome! Now, if you'll let me pass...
Glossum: OUTTA my way! That treasure's mine! Mine! Mine! All MINE!

Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: See how powerful the rainbow is? Take a good look at it, everyone! It's a rare sight!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Mermaids, PopPixies' Best Friends!

Scene: Rainbow Lake
Lockette: To our holiday, Chatta!
Chatta: Wish you could have come too, Amore! We're gonna spend two days on Cherie's yacht at Rainbow lake relaxing and sunbathing...
Cherie: Don't let me go!!! Don't you dare let me go!
Lockette: What? What- what's going on? Fixit?
Fixit: Nothing. Martino's just trying to teach Cherie how to swim, that's all! But even with my latest invention, he's having a tough time.
Cherie: I'm scared! I'm scared of water! Hold onto me, Martino!
Martino: Okay! But watch the hair Cherie, you're messing it all up!
Lockette and Chatta: Cherie!
Martino: See, nothing happened!
Cherie: My necklace? Ahhh! I Lost my necklace!! My Flux necklace! It was one of a kind! Ahhhhhh!
Lockette: Cherie, calm down, or you'll cause a flood!
Cherie: I am calm! I'm Very Calm!
Chatta: But your power isn't!
Cherie: I lost my necklace!
Cherie: I want my necklace!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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A Competition Between Caramel and Martino

Scene: Molly Moo
Chatta: Greetings Pixieradio listeners! We're here at the fabulous Molly Moo to help celebrate their one year anniversary! The Molly Moo is famous for Caramel's delicious cakes and Martino's amazing cocktails! I wonder what they've prepared for their special day? Come on, Blah-Blah! Mmmm! It smells delicious in here!
Caramel: Thanks! I'm very proud of my creations, Chatta!
Caramel: TINA!
Chatta: The staff can hardly resist either!
Martino: Voila! Your favorite barman's latest creation! Hunh?
Tina: Here are your dri-i-inks!
Martino: TINA!
Chatta: And now listeners, I want you to see what I'm smelling!
Photographer Gnome #1: Nice!
Photographer Gnome #2: Lovely! Look good!
Lockette: You really are a baking genius, Caramel!
Caramel: I know! They really are the best.
Martino: Don't forget about me! How about my super cocktails?
Plasto: He-e-ey! You two make the best cakes and cocktails in the whole universe! And you also have the tireless, irreplaceable...
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Living Like Cherie

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Cherie: Mmmmmm! Ah! Wonderful! You can go now. Now, let's see, what do I have planned for today? Ha! Lovely! It's a shopping day!

Scene: Lockette's House
Alarm clock is ringing*
Lockette: What time is it?! I'm late! I've got to get to work and I've got to pick up Chatta!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Lockette: I knew I should have woken up earlier! I'm going to be late!
Chatta: You could be up before dawn and you'd still be late getting to the Pixie Plaza!
Lockette: Look at that, Chatta! I'd love to be able to buy a bag like that!
Chatta: Wow! You could always borrow some money from Cherie. She probably has a thousand bags like that!
Lockette: No, I couldn't do that! Good friends are more important to me than material things!

Scene: Golden Wardrobe
Cherie: Here, Lulu! I'll also take that, and that, one of those, those pants, that skirt, oh, that T-shirt and those shoes! All of it! Hey, I wanted that too!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Caramel's Sugary Cupcakes

Scene: Pixieville
Caramel: Good morning, Pixieville! The best way to start your day is with one of Caramel's Suger-filled Cupcakes!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Cherie: Whoa!

Scene: Pixieville
Caramel: Caramel's Cupcakes make every day special,

Scene: Amore's House
Amore: Ohhhhh!

Scene: Pixieville
Caramel: And everyone smile!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Caramel: Having a Caramel Cupcake willput you in a good mood all day!
Grind: You can go.
Caramel: Enjoy your breakfast!

Scene: Pixieville
Caramel: Get these treats at your favourite bakery, The Molly Moo!
Narcissa: When are you gonna change that muffler? It's a disgrace!
Floxy: A disgrace? It's a work of art!
Floxy: Wow! Free suger-filled cupcakes!
Narcissa: Let's go, Floxy!
Floxy: Not before stocking up on these cupcakes!
Floxy: They're amazingly good!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Fixit and Martino's Bad Cold!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Martino: It's Spring time! Isn't this a great day to have a picnic, guys? Sun! Heat!
Cherie: Huh? Heat? I find it kinda chilly! I hate mid-seasons. They're so useless!
Chatta: Cherie, cut it out!
Martino: Diving contest? I-I-It's re-e-a-ally gr-r-r-eat in he-e-r-e-e! C-c-c-ome in F-f-f-fixit! You don't wanna be labeled a chicken, do you?
Fixit: Ummm, uhhh, er, so I, I dive in there? Of course! My multi-purpose emergency backpack! I'm ready for the challenge, but, let's dive from the waterfall!
Fixit: Wow! This is high!
Martino: T-That's not right! It's u-u-u-u
Chatta: "Unfair?!" Is that what you meant?
Fixit and Martino: Bless you! SNIFF!
Cherie: Told you this chilly air would make you catch a cold!
Chatta: Cherie!
Cherie: I didn't do anything!
Chatta: Forget about the diving contest! I declare the food throwing contest open!
Martino: Ow! Aie! No! Stop! Ahhh! Ohh!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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The Bad-Luck Ladybug

Scene: Molly Moo
Tina: Here you go.
Pixie #1: Thanks!
Animal #1: My turn! My turn!
Martino: Check out these cocktails girls!
Tina: There you are!
Animal #2: I would like a cherry cake!
Pam: I asked Cherie to throw a party for you tonight!
Camelia: Thanks, Pam! I've got so much to tell you about my botanical trip!
Caramel: I haven't decided yet what cake to make for your party, Camelia.
Camelia: I have a Sugar Pumpkin at the plant nursery that would be perfect for a cake!
Caramel: That'll be great! I'll come round to get it later on!
Camelia: Okay, see you late then!
Gnomes: Ugh! Watch what you're doing! Ugh!
Caramel: Look at mess you made!
Martino: Sorry, Sis!
Caramel: You can make up for it by going to the nursery and getting a pumpkin from my friend Camelia!

Scene: Love Shop
Martino: I know a better way to spend this money!
Martino: Otis!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Hurry up, Pam

Scene: Pixieville
Pam: Thanks a lot! I really don't know how I could've managed without you!
Lockette: Don't worry, Pam, we'll help you out at the Beauty Shop till you find a replacement for Bambu!
Chatta: Poor Bambu! How did she get hurt?
Flashback starts*
Bambu: Aieeeee!!
Flashback ends*
Lockette: Well, she'll know better next time, I guess! I can't believe it! It's him again! Ronf! Will you move that hunk of junk!
Pam: Ohh! Ahh, ugh!
Chatta: Don't worry, Lockette! We're not in a hurry, are we Pam?
Lockette: Ugh! What is it now?!
Police Gnome: Sorry, but you'll just have to be patient! There's a parade and the square's been blocked off!
Pam: A parade?
Police Gnome: Yes, it's the Annual Slime Clock Parade. Didn't you see the snails?
Pam: Sna-sna-sna-sna-snails?!
Lockette: How long is this parade going to be? Oh, don't worry, they're almost done.
Police Gnome: I'd say ten, twelve hours max!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Chatta's Chatting Rival

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Guzman: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza!
Traveler: Excuse me! I'm first! Out of my way!
Lockette: Pixie Plaza. Reception. Yes, I'll send the bellboy up right away!
Lockette: I'll call a Taxi for you.
Lockette: This is Lockette, how may I help you? Do you need a porter, Miss?
Lockette: I'll put you through to room service!
Lockette: You'd like air-conditioning?
Guzman brings the bags.*
Lockette: After he's unloaded the luggage he'll be up in a flash!
Rollo: Guzman! What are you doing? I don't pay a pixiecoin a day to sleep! Go get the Math-mad Rat's bags!
Lockette: Yes! Sorry he'll be there soon!
Rollo: I'm so glad to have you "Number's Geniuses" for customers!
Rats: Thirteen million divided by four percent. Ssshhh! Twenty six times three billion.
Rollo: Don't worry, these are the quietest rooms in the whole...
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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The Lilliputian Pixies

Scene: Elves' House
Chatta: This is Chatta for Radio Pixie. Has anyone seen the Elves? Are they hiding and scheming or have they turned over a new leaf?
Maxine: How dare she?!
Rex: I think it's about time we taught those nosy pixies a lesson! Hahaha!
Maxine: You're the best, Rex! You always come up with the evilest ideas!
Maxine: Did you just rob the bank?
Rex: Nope, the grocery store!
Rex: We need an eggplant to attack Pixieville from above!
Maxine: Do you expect us to fly with this thing? How are we gonna do it?!
Rex: Just focus your powers!

Scene: Pixieville
Rex: The big moment has finally arrived!
Maxine: Oh, you say that all the time!
Rex: But THIS TIME, I mean it! Tomorrow morning all of Pixieville will wake up to a nice surprise!
Rex: Pixies, Gnomes and Animals, whatever is below us will remain below us!
Rex: And everything that is above will be even higher! Hahahaha!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Three Amazing Wishes

Scene: Pixieville
Livy: Good morning, Pixieville!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Livy: Thank-you!
Rex: Okay, everyone, get ready! We'll take care of the guards, you get the package!
Rex: Hey! Ugly gnomes!
Guard Gnome #1: An elf! Let's get him!
Chatta: Rex and Maxine?! What are they doing in front of the bank? PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Gossip!
Rex: When we get our hands on that thing, we'll be unstoppable! Hahaha!
Grind: My bank is the safest in Pixieville!
Grind: What is this very important object you wish keep in the vault?
Livy: I used all sorts of spells in order to protect it!
Floxy: Good for you!
Grind: Floxy! Narcissa!
Livy: Nooooo!
Chatta: Hello, Pixie police? There's been a robbery at the bank! It was the Elves!
Rex: Why is there always a nosy Pixie in our way! Grr.

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Mine!
Rex: You again!? This means war!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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An Electrifying Day

Scene: Pixieville Park
Glim: Pixieville park is fantastic! Thanks for bringing me here, guys! I needed to do something fun!
Amore: Why? Has something been bothering you, Glim?
Glim: Because of my talent, Amore, I can't get a job anywhere!
Movie Gnome: Hunh?! Hey! Elves! A ride just for you!
Amore: That smells like an elf's old pillow! So, what were saying about your talent?
Glim: I don't seem to be using it right!
Chatta: Don't worry! How bad could it be?
Animal in Pixieville Park: Okay, everybody, buckle-up. Keep your amrs, hands, legs, hair, tails, ears and wings in the car at all times.
Chatta: What's happening?! Ahhh!
Glim: Sorry!
Animal in Pixieville Park: For your safety, please do not exit the vehicle until all the cars have come to a complete stop!
Chatta: Let's try something else!

Scene: Power Station
Rex: This is the Park's power station.
Maxine and Narcissa: Hmm?
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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MagicPops in Danger

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza! Good-bye! Come back anytime, and bring your money!
Lockette: Straight down the hall, last door on your right! You'd like breakfast, eight o'clock sharp! I'll get your luggage right away, sir! GUZMAN!
Pixies, Gnomes and Animals: I need a room! I'd like fresh linen!
Rollo: The elevator's for guests! Use the stairs!
Sinia: Now I can finally show off my irresistible charm! ISHTU BIBISHTU, shell shaped beauty chase, get all the magic dust in this space!
Lockette: I think I'm gonna have to call Miss Sinia!
Sinia (in disguise): Yes?
Lockette: Miss Sinia, there are six... Um, eight new presents for you! Shall I have them brought upstairs?
Sinia (in disguise): Don't disturb the bellboy! I'll come down and get them.
Sinia (in disguise): Time to unleash that irresistible charm!
Lockette: Yes, right away! No problem, I'll get a taxi!
Pixies: We just want to get a picture of the beautiful Miss Sinia! Where is she?
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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The Elves' Underground Assault

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Rex: Great creatures of the underground! I turn to you! Will you help us rob the Pixieville Bank?
Rex: Floxy, the jar.
Rex: Those candied pickles aren't for you!
Rex: Oh great, Molesaur! Open your big mouth!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Cherie: Lulu, clean up, while I put up this beauty!
Lulu: It's very classy, Madam, just like you!
Cherie: I know! There are only three pieces like this in the whole Magic Universe!
Lulu: Uhm, you can always buy other two chandeliers, Madam!

Scene: Lockette's House
Lockette: What a shame I have to go to work! I wish I could have slept in.
Lockette: Uhh... Actually, sleep's overrated!

Scene: Toy Shop
Pixie #1: Are you sure you can't give me a discount, Mr. Augustus!
Augustus: I did my best! I swear on my shop! What the... whoaaaaaaaa... I didn't really mean it!

Scene: Molly Moo
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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The Last Gnome

Scene: Movie Screen
Witch Elf: There will come a time when I steal when I will steal your treasure, King Gnome! All the rices gathered but your greedy gnomes through the years!
King Gnome: Hmph! Which you can't earn in one hundred of your Elf years!
Witch Elf: You'll see what I'm capable of!
King Gnome: Silence, Witch! We gnomes would rather work hard, than boast of our capabilities!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Gnome #1: Well said!
Lenny: Tsk, tsk, Gnomes!
Chatta: I don't think she's gonna make it, 'cuz most villains in movies end...
Body Rhinoceros: Where's your ticket?

Scene: Movie Screen
Witch Elf: The time will come when I'll receive the magic talisman. The Orange Comet will come to me!
King Gnome: AWAY! There's no such thing!
Witch Elf: It's time you turned into stone. Now the rest of you will be as hard as your head!
Witch Elf: The Talisman's magic can only be broken by a gnome with a pure heart. Hahaha... The last gnome of your race!
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Chatta's Biggest Fan

Scene: Elves' House
Zepto: Is there anything more handsome? More fascinating? More charming? It's... true beauty strikes you, hmhm, suddenly!
Chatta: Hi, this is Chatta from Radio Pixie! Don't miss tonight's big game! The Pixieball finaaaal!
Zepto: What do my eyes see?! That will be my next conquest! Take Zepto's word for it!

Scene: Pixieville
Zepto: I'm gonna surprise her with one of my amazing gifts!

Scene: RadioPixie
Chatta: Yours truly, your beloved Chatta will be your radio reporter at Pixieville's most important sporting event of the year! And the lovely Blabla will help her as usuaaaal!
Chatta: Let's start taking your calls. Hello, hello, hello! Are you ready to follow the match of the year with your friend Chatta?
Zepto: You read my mind, honey! My name's Zepto and I've got a little something for you.
Chatty Flowers: Chatta! Flowers for Chatta!
Zepto: I've got two tickets for us in the special VIP stand, whaddya say?
Article by PopPixie---- posted 5 months ago
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Amore and the Quarreling Dragons

Scene: Dragon's Barren Land
Amore: We've gotta find the Lost Ladle of the Gnome's Caves! According to my Pixie Map. It's in that cave over the... ATCHOO!
Otis: Hnn? Thank goodness, we're here! It's so hot!
Amore: Finally! Now, let's find that ladle!
Otis: L-L-Let's go back! We've got plenty of ladles back in the shop!
Amore: Yes, but none of them chooses the ingredients by itself! With that ladle, I'll be able to create some incredible potions!
Wiki: What if someone owns the ladle?
Amore: Don't worry, nobody does, it's a lost ladle!
Amore: Look, there it is!
Otis and Wiki: I'll do it! No, I'll do it! Ahhhhh!
Ice Dragon: Looky what I got! The Legendary Winged Toothpick! Now I'm the richest! Heehee!
Fire Dragon: Is that all, Dragoness? Cuz, I also have this! The Mythical Diamond Slipper!
Fire Dragon: Ahhem! Hmmmmm... A-a-tchooo!
Ice Dragon: Whoever finds the most unique object for their collection... WINS!