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Well I'm back to spread the gospel of Jason Grace, the best character in the series. Posted over a year ago
Is it bad that if one of the seven is to die I want it to be Annabeth or Percy or Leo over the other characters? Probably. But.... I swear to god if Riordan kills the gay kid. SO tired of that trope Posted over a year ago
wierdo5 commented…
Also I don't want the Black Character dies trope either. over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Haha, yes, that is bad :O if I were to have one of the seven to die, it would be Jason. No offence to him. He's growing on me, just not as much as the others over a year ago
wierdo5 commented…
in general no. I think it would be taking the easy way out to kill one of the characters that has to do with death and who expect nothing better than it over a year ago
omg it's been years (months irl but it feels like years) How are all of you? I was just remembering my fanpop days and had to pop back in. Waz up? Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
omf I thought u were one of the oldies that deleted their account (I was so sad god) hey hey :D over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
Oh, hey. I remember you! Haha over a year ago
wierdo5 commented…
Yeah it would fit over a year ago
wierdo5 said …
Wow I haven't been here in ages... Posted over a year ago
precious211 gave me props for my polls
Lol welcome back ^_^ Posted over a year ago
wierdo5 commented…
hey! over a year ago
Just a theory but bringing Nico into the seven means someone of percabeth isn't going to come out of Tartarus... so there's that Posted over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
Wow. Never thought of that.(No sarcasm intended.) over a year ago
Alex13126 commented…
I actually stated that theory someone beforexD over a year ago
wierdo5 commented…
Nico has a "important part" says R.R. Yeah his coffin has already been nailed most likely over a year ago
I'm back so there's that. Sorry for the absence, fanpop ate my account so I've been on tumblr. Me and Liz, admins, our back now though Posted over a year ago
Nicolicious commented…
Hey wierdo. Welcome back. over a year ago
universalpowa commented…
Hey bud! glad you made that account finally :D over a year ago
precious211 commented…
Okay, so how does everybody know everyone else is on tumblr except me -_- over a year ago