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tcook154 said about Doctor Who
There was a short pause finally I came up with an idea "You all have to take the places of the doctors". Colin Baker was furious at my idea, he thought I was a madman and he didn't want to die in space he finally let out his anger by strangling Sylvestor McCoy (I know he's nothing like the docctor he plays but it was just a dream). Suddenly Ace came out of nowhere and hit Colin with a baseball bat and everyone finally agreed to become The Doctor. I forget what happened next I think I woke up. Posted over a year ago
tcook154 said about Doctor Who
part 1 I had a dream that ever actor who's ever played the doctor had finished filming 50 years worth of footage. all the actors (and me) were carpooling on Bessie with Jon Pertwee as the driver. while we were driving we accidently ran over a tardis that appeared in the middle of the road; inside the tardis were all the real doctors (they came to our universe for a holiday). the doctors were dead and Patrick Troughton started playing his recorder trying to think of what to do. TO BE CONTINUED Posted over a year ago