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LadyL68 gave me props for my videos
I totally agree with u about Katy Perry!!! Posted over a year ago
sooorude said about Katy Perry
Katy, Did you know that CAR CRASHES ARE THE NUMBER ONE KILLER OF what do you do?? You make a video showing two cars full of teenagers, riding down the road side by side, everyone is dancing , no one is wearing a seat belt.....You, Katy are seducing your boyfriend while he is trying to concentrate on driving, I guess as long as YOU MAKE MONEY it doesn't matter to you how many teenagers ....... DIE !!!!!! How do you sleep at night??????? Posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold commented…
Dear hater, please shut the fuck up. Katy is never gonna see this (thank goodness I wou;dn't want her to feel bad about herself). Really all your doing is upseting her fans ok? over a year ago
sooorude said about Katy Perry
Katy you should be ashamed of yourself, promoting teenage sex,implying that sex&love are the same thing "Let's go all the regrets?Living the teenage dream?" Are you kidding me? I suppose in your mind as long as you sell CD's it doesn't matter if the "teenage dream" consists of unwanted pregnancies, teen girls dropping out of high school to take care of unwanted babies, teen boys having to quit school to get jobs to pay for the babies, STD's, embarrassment, teen suicide. Posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold commented…
Dude, It's a fucking song?! Ok? Teeange dream is wayyy better than most songs! Like Love game by Lady Gaga or Take it off by ke$ha! Why not write shit about those songs and leave Katy alone! over a year ago