My Wall

IndieGerman gave me props for my videos
Hello The Brave ExKaiser videos are good! I loved them! Are there more episodes? Posted over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 commented…
Check out this playlist of ENG subs: link over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said about Gundam
Is anybody interested in creating or being the mod of a separate "Mecha Anime" Fanpop community? I got the idea from this "Mecha" (real and super robot) community on Google +

link Posted over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said …
Alteisen!!!! Pierce through my exam finals!!!!

*Fires Revolver Stake* Posted over a year ago
unohana gave me props for my videos
☆♥ *・゜゚・*IchiHime prop*・゜゚・*♥ ☆ Posted over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said about Gundam
Why does it seem that all of the Seed fandom slanders Flay Allster as a "bitch" just because she hates Coordinators? It would only be natural for her to be scared of them since they attacked Junius 7, but you'd think that she would come to trust them a bit more considering that her best friend, Kira, is one himself... Posted over a year ago
Sargonarhes commented…
Consider the fact that she was just using Kira at first. It was not until later that she had realized how she was wrong and her views changed. over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said about Gundam
I apologize for any issues anyone has had trying to post the original Mobile Suit Gundam dub that I uploaded a couple of years ago. Bandai found out I posted the videos without copyright, but thankfully did not remove them entirely, and decided to keep the Mobile Suit Gundam channel private. Sorry for the confusion, everybody. Posted over a year ago
big smile
snazzpurfle13 said about Video Games
It is my honor to present one of the most dedicated gamers and collectors of nostalgia from the early ages of video gaming: everyone give a welcome to James Rolfe, aka "The Angry Video Game Nerd!!!! Posted over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said about Homestuck

Just look at this will you.


What the hell made Fanpop decide to have a black background for photos?! Or is it just default? Anyway, my point is that is makes black and white images really fucking hard to look at unless you enlarge them.

Fanpop, I am dissapoint. Posted over a year ago
abcq2 commented…
snazzpurfle13 changed their mood to RANCOROUS. So in all seriousness, click on the picture and it should open in a new tab/window with a white background. over a year ago
Homestuck Act 4 link coming soon! Posted over a year ago
Foxy10 commented…
^^ over a year ago
snazzpurfle13 said about Gundam
Sorry about the Mobile Suit Gundam episodes guys.... Seems like Bandai is blocking them for some reason. Maybe it's because they're still making new episodes of Unicorn? I really don't know, could someone please fill me in on this? Thanks! Posted over a year ago