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smiley8338 said about Stefan & Elena
Hey everyone. Please check out my article on why I was not impressed with 3x22. Please don't get mad at me. I am hoping you can understand my perspective :) Posted over a year ago
Warrior-Petrova commented…
I think 3x22 sucked. Except from the kiss scene of course. The other ones were much better over a year ago
smiley8338 said about Stefan & Elena
I know everyone is upset about the DE kiss but I really hope we can remain calm. I was disappointed that apparently some SE fans have been sending death threats to JP. We have to remember that this is a TV show and by sending death threats, we are making our fanbase look really bad. I know a lot of SE fans complain about obsessive DE fans but with the way some of the SE fans are acting, it doesn't make us any better than them. So all I can say is, Just be civil and see what happens next! Posted over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
Death threats?! I don't even know what to say to that! over a year ago
dermer4ever commented…
See this is the problem these days with some of the shipping on tv shows most of the fans are normal but their are a few who go way offbase and make the whole fanbase bad you can ship your couple without going all crazy on the writers over a year ago
smiley8338 said about Stefan & Elena
I can't believe what Elena was saying in the conversation with Matt. Now I am suppose to believe that Damon is the one Elena is in love with? That is not how I saw it onscreen. Yes Damon got under her skin but she is not in love with him. She was in love with Stefan and still is. I can't believe this woman...just a couple of episodes ago, she wanted Stefan to kiss her and now this? She also freaking told Damon that he cared too much and that was the problem. Ugh. Posted over a year ago
luisz9 commented…
bipolar girl lol over a year ago
princess_16 commented…
I love Elena, but her words do not refelt her actions. over a year ago