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skylargirl19 said …
I mean everybody got a thing thing they are good at like me I'm good at dancing I just don't show it and singing everyday I sing and rap. Posted over a year ago
skylargirl19 said …
Ok I got a question why did Mindless Behavior broke up !?!?? Posted over a year ago
HI MB how is it going? I got a question is popstar life better than normal life as a teenager and I got anther question how can people know what you're good at if they don't stop and ask instead of just looking is it just luck when someone puts you on the internet. Posted over a year ago
ray-raylove commented…
yes it is over a year ago
Neely7 commented…
Ray -raylove can you text me back ok over a year ago
HI Ray Ray I'm Skylar I'm 12 years old and I think that you are super talented. I'm a big fan. Posted over a year ago