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there should be a game where you are one of the villains and you have to get in mario's way! that would be cool!
Posted over a year ago
FallenMystery commented…
Yeah try Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story. Thats probably as close as it gets over a year ago
Yayayoshi123 commented…
Yeah i <3 dark bowser! You get to play as bowser but i really didnt want to defeat fawful over a year ago
RavenTheVampire commented…
I would luv that game if they made it!!!!!!! <3 over a year ago
formulating evil plan.........hehehe Posted over a year ago
goomba,goomba,goomba,goomba,goomba,goomba,goomba,goomba,MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM!!!! lolxx Posted over a year ago
I LUV BOO Posted over a year ago
sharkyalice said about Kirby
Is it possible for me to create my own club on this website?? cuz i want to... Posted over a year ago
sharkyalice said …
how do i write a motto? Posted over a year ago
sharkyalice said about Kirby
is it legal to be THAT cute!!! lol :):):) Posted over a year ago
sharkyalice said about Kirby
KIrby is sooo cute! He needs a clone!! Posted over a year ago