My Wall

I was feeling nostalgic and I just thought I'd log into my old fanpop account again.. it's been four years. wow. It's all still here, all the posts and profiles of fanfiction authors and artists I used to idolise to the ends of the earth. I might start crying soon from all the old memories ha. I hope this never gets take down, I'd like to come back again in 10years to remember my childhood's early exposure to online fanculture. Thanks fanpop(though you're kind of dead now lol)for having existed. Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hey Guys show some support to Percy Jackson!! woohoo vote for the second movie, trust me its gunna be sooooooooo much better than the first one! it'll be way more like to book :) so vote to get the movies popular again! please and thankyou ;)
link Posted over a year ago
Hey um how long is it until we can freelly post spoilers on here?? wasn't it two weeks last time? It's just cause i've draw a couple of my favourite scences from MoA they're kind of spoilers so i wanna know when it's ok to post them. Posted over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
u have to wait 1 month over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
thats almost exactly what i said over a year ago
precious211 commented…
Lol last time it was three weeks bitches.... over a year ago
To be honest i think the end of MoA wasnt that bad i mean i think SoN had a much bigger rickhanger :P Posted over a year ago
somisista commented…
Hell yeah, I made me pits off to no end over a year ago
kkw1700 commented…
Yeah... BUT THEY **** INTO FREAKING ********! D': over a year ago
oh my gods! there are so many spoilers on tumblr my eyes are burning form it all :O Posted over a year ago
wildchild_rids1 commented…
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaahhaaaa over a year ago
big smile
I love it! it's the perfect mix of science, fantasy, action and Humour :D :D :D Posted over a year ago
Oh my gods! Oh my gods! I might just be really slow and you guys probablly already know this but you can read up to chapter 5 of the mark of athena!!!
did you guys no this? i'd only read the first chapter! i didn't know 5 were out already! this made me happy :D Posted over a year ago
meredog commented…
lol! yea most of us saw thag and read it.... but good for u that u found it!! over a year ago
It's days like this that i wished i didn't live in a small town in new zealand, it's going to take ages for me to get my hands on the mark of athena -_- Posted over a year ago
somisista commented…
aw poor you! it's good to live in florida because you can get good deals on theme parks over a year ago
saffroney commented…
that sounds awsome we have like one theme park here, i do like new Zealand tho it's homey :) its just not good for getting books on time :P over a year ago
meredog commented…
o that sucks! when i get it ill post tge 2 chapi for u! over a year ago
saffroney commented…
Thank zeus, or you lol over a year ago
chole785chole78 gave me props for my images
Hi! I love the picture of Grover, Annabeth, and Percy in the snow! Did you draw it? It rocks!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
sideshowbobbart gave me props for my answers
Oh, forgot to give a prop... and btw thanks so much for the answer! :) Posted over a year ago