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pierreetmer said …
Brave II, The sequel. I'm writing a short sequel on this beautifull and tempting fairytail. Merida wants to see the wordl and embarks with her brothers a huge world trip with a royal fleet. Adventures, awesome stories, and off course, Merida discovers her true animals come along such as camels, hawks, snakes, sometimes Merida gets into difficulties and togheter with her brothers, she succeeds to come over. The end of the story is unthinkable. But wait, the story begins, let's enjoy... Posted over a year ago
pierreetmer said …
Brave, what a joywatching this movie; I went with my nefew Maxim for his 7th anniversary. In Antwerp. Flemish spoken. Very good voices. / Brave. wat een goeie tekenfilm. Voor Maxim's 7de verjaardag. In Antwepen. De vlaamse stemmen zijn geweldig, aangenaam, en professioneel ingesproken. Uitstekend; Posted over a year ago