My Wall

coriann gave me props for my videos
hey, thanks for being a fan of my club for trans people ^_^ Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Megan Fox
She smoken hot Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
 what light through yonde   window breaks? It is the east and   She is the sun who brightens my day and  puts a smile on my face. With out her I be sad not to have her as friend. She's beautiful as a rose with such great lips that could kiss forever. It's a shame she not near oh how I love to be near her. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems

Tears are what comes rolling down the face when some one is sad or hurt deeply. Tears can flow like a river depending on how much tears have fallen. Tears can be stop when one is better or when they r happy. Tears can fall and fall but some times never stop depending on how much pain that someone is in. Tears tears they can be wiped away but still be there no matter what u do. But for some those tears are never ending tears. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
Ballet. You prance and twirl around with your pink ballet shoes, you dance to the nut cracker you dance to the upbeat, but now you want to dance for his glory, so you shall dance to praise him and show him just how much you love him, then you dance to your heart desires or until u can't dance no more, you say you love dancing but the only dancing that is like beautiful magical art is ballet, so dance on you ballerina dance on with your pink ballet shoes. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
Bout my ex bf Gone gone gone I could care less that your gone, I'm happy your gone but I could care less that your gone, I know your sad bc I could still care less after what you done to me, but now that past so I have moved on, so forever be gone gone gone. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
Sad angel 

A sad angel trapped in a cage only pulled out to be played roughly with then thrown back in a cage to weep in sad sorrow tears day in and day out from morning to night the angel weeps from all the pain the mad mean man who has hurt the angel wanting to break free to spread those wings again and fly away. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
My love
My love with your long Brown flowing hair with your such gorgeous eyes I could stare into them, my love with your yummy lips I could kiss to them all day, my love with your amazing body i would love to wrap my arms around and hold you tightly close, my love you have such sexy legs I would love to feel all over them and kiss them, my love you're beautiful beauty makes me melt. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
My heart aches my heart breaks now that you're gone, when I look at your photos from time to time all I wanted to do is cry, but I know you're in a better place now and you're not hurting anymore, i still wish from time to time I could have saved you, but I feel like I have failed you from time to time again, if I could have told you how much I loved you from the bottom of my heart, if it would have made a difference and made u stay. Posted over a year ago
peacefulhippy28 said about Poems
Your a beautiful rainbow i see after it rains,your a beautiful white fluffy cloud in the sky i want to hold on to,your a beautiful flower in a field i see on the side of the road that i want to stop and pick, your beautiful beauty is beautiful and radiant that i will never miss seeing when i see your photo,to me your so beautiful no matter what anyone says. Posted over a year ago