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newspapervilage said about Spuffy
Almost finished Season 6 in my Buffy marathon ;)

Reaping in the spuffy :D Posted over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
This episode was AWESOME.

LOVED BLAINE IN THIS EPISODE! Loved Mike's storyline, loved Sam, loved that Quinn is starting on the right track again and just generally loved it all :DDD Posted over a year ago
toechana gave me props for my videos
hello how are you Posted over a year ago
newspapervilage commented…
Heyyy, I am good, how are you? :3 over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
God, Naya is a great actress :') Posted over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
5 minutes until I'm able to watch I Kissed a Girl :B

..though I have to stop halfway through to play netball -____-

Still excited though :D Posted over a year ago
lottieee30 commented…
i have 2 wait till 2morrow =D no fair haha. xx over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
Though I'm normally okay with Finn, what he did to Santana was not cool. No matter how mean she was to him...

Never out someone who's not ready. Posted over a year ago
Crime-Drama-Bee commented…
I don't think he was that wrong. She was saying some really mean things to him and he just said something back. And he didn't really out her. He just told her to out herself. It wasn't really his fault that someone overheard and decided to put it on TV. over a year ago
newspapervilage commented…
He did say it in a very crowded hallway though, it was obvious someone was going to here, and I don't think he meant to get it on TV, but he still said it in front of a lot of people... over a year ago
iMimsicles commented…
If Santana wasnt a bully, NONE OF THIS WILL HAPPEN.. over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
I want to see some guest star come onto Glee and just belt out some wierd ass an Amanda Palmer song or something....My life would be made :') Posted over a year ago
OceanCoast gave me props for my comments
A prop for Glee. Posted over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
Next episode look incredible >:) BRING IT AWWWWWN Posted over a year ago
newspapervilage said about Glee
Beiste made me cry :'( She's such a beautiful person Posted over a year ago