
Fanpopping since April 2012

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  • Favorite Movie: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    Favorite Book or Author: HP Half Blood Prince
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morsmordre said about Lord Voldemort
I would like to know why voldemort would chose to live in the body of professor quirrell when it is known quirrell is a half blood? any ideas on this its driving me crazy Posted over a year ago
dragonsmemory commented…
At the time, Voldemort was very weak. He tried posessing snakes, but none of them lasted very long. He needed a way to the Stone, and Quirrel, as a teacher, opened up that way. over a year ago
morsmordre said about Harry Potter
I would like to know why voldemort would chose to live in the body of professor quirrell when it is known quirrell is a half blood? any ideas on this its driving me crazy. Posted over a year ago
dragonsmemory commented…
Quirrel was his only option at the time. Also, it helped that Quirrel was going to be teaching at Hogwarts. Voldemort most likely knew that the Stone would be moved to the castle after he and Quirrel tried taking it from Gringotts. Quirrel gave Voldemort a direct line to Harry Potter. His plan most likely was to get the Stone, drink the Elixer, and then kill Harry once and for all. You're welcome. over a year ago
morsmordre commented…
thank you :) that clears up allot. over a year ago
dragonsmemory commented…
I'm pretty sure qauite a bit of this was revealed in the series. But you are very welcome. Feel free to just ask me directly about anything else Potter over a year ago