My Wall

vick2075 gave me props for my comments
to friendship Posted over a year ago
merlinforever gave me props for my comments
A dozen roses,
I give to you my friend.
A red rose for the friendship we share,
A purple rose for the care,
A claret rose for the trust we share,
A pink rose for the kindness,
An orange rose for the comfort given,
A blue rose for the laughter,
A white rose for the compassion,
A violet rose for the dreams we share,
A peach rose for the deep respect,
A coral rose for the magic ,
A yellow rose for bringing me sunshine.
A rainbow rose........ all of these roses in one ♥ Posted over a year ago
merlinforever gave me props for my images

Flowers for you n our friendship Posted over a year ago
merlingeek said about Angel Coulby
I have joined 5th person Posted over a year ago
amypond509 said …
Do you think I should get a new icon? I'm not sure. Please help me!! Posted over a year ago
merlingeek commented…
noooo!!! urs is lush over a year ago
amypond509 said …
To Everyone, ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I love you........
Love Amy
xxx... Posted over a year ago
merlingeek said about Merlin on BBC
merlin 2 morro Posted over a year ago
blah92 commented…
ugh, two days for me. I always have to wait till Sunday over a year ago
merlingeek commented…
awwv poor you at least you get to be more excited tho over a year ago
amypond509 commented…
Get well soon. Ouch! over a year ago
Apparently Arthur and gwen get engaged next week or the week after that Posted over a year ago
amypond509 commented…
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious. EPIC!!!!!!!! over a year ago
merlingeek said about Merlin on BBC
I wonder what Gwaine will do at Arthurs birthday this week lets think.....emm....Get drunk.....Fall over......might want to see more bees....ohh and might decide to dry his socks tutututut Posted over a year ago
blah92 commented…
At least this time he has a great reason to get drunk. I would be suprised if this episode he stayed sober XD over a year ago
lexi_mason commented…
same on episode1 arthur had a hangover lol over a year ago
amypond509 commented…
Lol i thought he was 27! Fail over a year ago
merlinforever gave me props for my comments
(♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) ♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥)
(♥) (♥) (♥ ) (♥) (♥) (♥) ♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥)....!!

Send these hearts to 12 of your important friends...:D Posted over a year ago