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loofy1goofy said …
hi people i got a new account Posted over a year ago
RealSuperboy said …
Yeah, id like to thank you for the add too. So, thanks Posted over a year ago
XMissMartianX said …
Hello! I'm Megan, it looks like you've met most of my team. :) Posted over a year ago
TheBeastBoy said …
Hi dude!!!!! Thanks sooo much for being my fan! Your profile pic is really funny, i bet Robin would like it! Do you like jokes? Cuz i know some pretty good jokes!! ()._.() BARK BARK! :3 MEW!! Posted over a year ago
RealRaven said …
Hello. Thank you. Posted over a year ago
can you believe this someone in my class doesn't know who is sherlock holmes . Posted over a year ago
sherlocked88 commented…
Really? lol over a year ago
RealRobin said …
Thnx for adding me! And i love ur profile pic!! Stay asterous! C; Posted over a year ago
loofy1goofy said about TheOfficialJLA
so what do you do one this club? Posted over a year ago
RealRobin commented…
Well, this is where all of the "real" superheroes hang out. But even if you're not a superhero, you can still chat with us! :3 over a year ago
brown-eyed-girl commented…
cool over a year ago
loofy1goofy commented…
ooo ok thanks but i don't wan't to be a superhero but i would like to chat over a year ago
big smile
ecoelo gave me props for my comments
Hey! I enjoy chatting with you! Thought you didn't have any I could give you this. And love your memo. I hate it when guys say girls cant fight or we're too weak. I nearly kicked a guy in the balls for teasing us by dry humping all of us. Instead I sent him falling down onto the floor and he still teased us by humping. I got in trouble by the teacher but who cares? Girls can fight. And anyone who says that they can't, say hello to my fist. Posted over a year ago
loofy1goofy commented…
hahaha cool over a year ago
renaerocks commented…
are you talking about as joanna did you kick someone in the balls and dry humping and is that teacher foina or ont that is so cool what you write o fanpop over a year ago
ecoelo commented…
No remeber Lachlan berry teased us by humping? Remember we got in a fight with these boys becuase they kicked the ball at us? over a year ago