My Wall

101trx gave me props for my comments
happy birthday mini muff! <3 love ya! Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my articles
happy early birthday peep! *gives u 14 b-day beatings* tel jazz i said hey back. =) (sighs) we have a new puppy now N' i've had 7 staright days of non-stop life's been interesting lately. and don't worry; i'm sure u'll hear from him soon. Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my pop quiz questions
oh damn....sorry to hear all of that. Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my videos
well what's been going on? Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my pop quiz questions
hey, i send ya a message! check ur inbox. message back foo K? Posted over a year ago
thefool10 gave me props for my images
That's out rangeous!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know if I spelled that right but that's not the point any ways! Don't blame urself of course uie still loves u hes ur mate dude! I know that it has been rough lately but don't be scared, hun, louie still loves u he always loved u <3 Posted over a year ago
thefool10 gave me props for my images
Lol iam glade u like brookie bri!=)
<3 but hum iam sorries that louie was in that car crash iam really sorry=( but it's not ur fault remember that it's not ur fault, deep down louie never wanted to had that fight with u a moth ago he wishes that it never happened=( and he's trying everything thing he can to make it up to u<3 just fallow ur heart u alawys make the right desisions<3 Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my polls
great! glad u like her. =) & yeah imma still awake. Posted over a year ago
101trx gave me props for my images
idk what she'd say. but i'll tell her to check. eh, what do u think about brooke? the girl u met at evan's party? Posted over a year ago
big smile
101trx gave me props for my videos
mm...idk either. i'm just about out of advise. but hey, today i got mah hair done! it's shoulder-leangth, really choppy and black now! Posted over a year ago