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lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
vote for steroline plz link Posted over a year ago
delenafan123 commented…
Omg Damon and Bonnie are beating us by a little bit. Do fans of bamon really think they are going to hook those two up after what went down with damon and elena? I don't think so. If they come back a couple there is going to be hell to pay over a year ago
lapka55 commented…
Well Steroline is in the first place, so keep voting :) over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Damon and Bonnie??? What in the actual fuck???!!!!!! over a year ago
soleeni gave me props for my images
Thanks For The add^^
Could You Please Join My Clubs?

Posted over a year ago
lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
Everyone who has facebook please Please vote
important! Posted over a year ago
JanaP commented…
Yes please vote, DE are losing against SE on the official CW site!!! over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
wha??? HOW?????!!!! how can delena be loosing against that shitty cheesefest???!!!! it's just not possible!!! over a year ago
lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
Please VOTE!
link Posted over a year ago
dwoods87 commented…
Voted!! :) over a year ago
big smile
edwardrobertcul gave me props for my videos
hey!! thnxx 4 the add back!!!^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
Hyori143 gave me props for my comments
Hello! Thanks for the Add back! :)
Can you Join? :)


Thankyou!!! :> Posted over a year ago
lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
new poll, please vote
link Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
ROFL!!! looks like someone has been smoking crack!!, no offence nina. over a year ago
lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
Ladies, please, please PLEASE don't even reply Delena77Angel's posts. Don't give her what she wants which is your reaction, attention. Just REPORT her as an account hacker and spammer. Posted over a year ago
HaleyDewit commented…
I simply report all her posts and her. over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
She hasn't been hacked, that's the real Delena77Angel talking, whoever she is. I've been reporting her, but it hasn't made any difference. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
that's right. she wants to cause a scene, don't give the time of day. over a year ago
lapka55 said about Damon & Elena
vote please! link Posted over a year ago
DelenaLove201_ commented…
Can't believe Stelena is beating us... over a year ago
DelenaLove201_ commented…
AND they're beating Klaroline. Wow. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
lol, when stelena of all couples is catching up to us, then you just KNOW that their is something really strange going on. over a year ago
brileyforever77 gave me props for my images
Hi! How are you?
Nice to meet another Buffy fan!
Join my club? <3 link Posted over a year ago