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ladygaga47 said about Nyan Cat
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow Posted over a year ago
AllieDeberry commented…
cute! :) over a year ago
i only like him for the cotton candy clouds and choklate rain Posted over a year ago
KatTayle commented…
I like him cause he's awesome over a year ago
peaceisjoy said …
sisy yewz really need to change ur PC on your profile :-) Posted over a year ago
peaceisjoy said …
Love yew:-) sisy! Posted over a year ago
ladygaga47 said about Wolves
why would somone kill an inosant animal minding his/her biz in the woods? Posted over a year ago
peaceisjoy commented…
i got no idea to be honest mel ily! over a year ago
KanamesLover commented…
Not that I'm with the idea, but sometimes the wolf population will get so high that there isn't enough food and wolves die. Kinda the same thing with deer. But if they are hunted and there isn't a population problem then I would ring the hunter neck!!!!!!! over a year ago
dogboy456 commented…
shut up over a year ago
ladygaga47 said about Wolves
wolfbolt12lover commented…
i want to call the presadent about killing wolves!!!!!!! over a year ago
ilovezuko23 commented…
Obama doesn't care about wolves. That's why i don't like the USA. No offense. over a year ago
Kart123 commented…
I hate hunters killing wolves too. They are just obsessed with money! over a year ago
DarkWolf911 commented…
Really in my perspective... Any wolf that dies someone in the world must die to. over a year ago
KITTY GALORE IS GOING DOWN! Posted over a year ago
tothless is awsome! Posted over a year ago