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Me too. Akane, Lum, and Kagome have always grabbed my attention and, for me, its hard not to notice that they are very sweet and compassionate girls. Plus, they are quite out going and I'm never bored! Posted over a year ago
Cool Club. I really like the name of it. Akane Tendo_The Red Heaven Way. Both beautiful and Fitting Posted over a year ago
Tempest29 commented…
Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool too. over a year ago
soulfire524 commented…
I'm glad you like it. over a year ago
soulfire524 commented…
The idea came from both researching the meaning of her name, and realizing that it can be translated differently depending on the language. One of my favorite translations for Akane has to be a spanish translation I came across once where it translates Akane as " Scarlet Clouds of Dawn." I'm sure many names can be translated in various ways, but I thought that one was particularly beautiful; however, I also thought if I used RED HEAVEN WAY, people might pick up on the connection easier then if I used Red Clouds of Dawn." over a year ago
kosaku421 said about Shampoo and Mousse
I like them as a couple. They look good together. Posted over a year ago
Lum121 commented…
I agree over a year ago
kosaku421 said about Ranma 1/2
I have been a fan of Ranma 1/2 for many years and I love both the anime and the manga, but sometimes I feel the anime cuts too much out. My favorite things about Ranma 1/2 are the action and fighting scenes, comedy, and the ever growing romance between Ranma and Akane. Posted over a year ago
XianPu commented…
me too! over a year ago
stagerking commented…
same hereXD over a year ago
Nagisa391 said …
Oh, and I love your motto. Posted over a year ago
kosaku421 commented…
Thank you over a year ago
Nagisa391 gave me props for my comments
Thanks for the add. The comments you write sound very mature, deep, and well thought out. Posted over a year ago
kosaku421 commented…
Thank you. over a year ago
Akaneforever gave me props for my comments
Cool motto. I also really like some of the comments you've posted. Posted over a year ago
kosaku421 commented…
Thanks over a year ago
Kaname3613 gave me props for my comments
Hi thanks for the Add! Posted over a year ago
Light24 gave me props for my comments
You have been leaving quite well written comments and I truly enjoy reading them. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank you for adding me to your fanlist and I hope I will get the chance to read more of your comments in the near future. Posted over a year ago
Donata gave me props for my comments
thank u very much =DD i'm glad that you like reading my comments although you don't share my opinion! i like tolerant people very much and i also love to talk to people with different opinions =) and of course i will try to write as many comments as i can in the near future =D
and thx very much for adding me, i added you back =) Posted over a year ago
kosaku421 commented…
That's great! Sometimes I may not agree with you all the way, but I also do not disagree entirely. I think you are a very tolerant person as well and you can present your point of view in a considerate manner. Like I said, I am a fan of both Akane and Shampoo and I do not mind listening to others point of view. over a year ago