My Wall

nateandjenny said …
hey hun my god! you really hate serenate! they're more popular than us. I will always love Derena, it's just Dan is being a jerk! When he comes back, I will root for derena. Posted over a year ago
****read no further if you intend to be spoiler-free for the finale************
Chuck's dad, Bart… was faking his death.
yeah, i know what you're thinking. Bart comes back, Ruffly splits up, which is one less obstacle for Derena….. mwahahah. Posted over a year ago
nateandjenny commented…
I loved derena. really? Dan is being a real jerk this season. Something epic better happen with derena by the end of the season! over a year ago
Derena_Brucas commented…
:) over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
<3 over a year ago
i met a Serenate fan once.
it was hard to resist the urge to lecture her for hours on the perfection that is Derena, but i did.
i asked her "why do you ship Serenate?"
"They're so hot!"
definitely the basis of a mature, productive relationship.
Posted over a year ago
serenatescenes commented…
Hahaha. Derena's in the same shit as Serenate now. Get over it. over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
HAHAHA No it isn't but I bet you want it too... over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
agreed, the mostly part of the people who ships Serenate is because "they're hot" which for me is not a real reason to ship something, and that's why I don't like Serenate or Nate... over a year ago
isabellebadgley said about P.Funk
i have looked everywhere for these mysterious pfunk posts but can't seem to find them. that link didn't work for some reason. does anyone know where to find them? Posted over a year ago
isabellebadgley said about Penn Badgley
i wish people would interact more with this spot, it's fucking awesome! There aren't enough words in the world to describe the awesomeness that is Penn Badgley. if sex was a person, it would be in the form of Penn. Posted over a year ago
nateandjenny said …
beautiful icon hun. :) Posted over a year ago
isabellebadgley commented…
thanks! i like your username :D over a year ago
nateandjenny commented…
thanks that means a lot. over a year ago
because i'm so heartbroken over this Dair shit, i will assume that the only reason Dan is doing this to Serena is because he has minor memory loss (hem hem, the love of your life? dream girl? only one for you? ring a bell?) Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Dan and Blair are both not acting like the characters we know. Blair I know why, because of everything that's happened to her, but Dan I'm confused by. He must be in some kind of depression, that's the only explanation I can come up with. over a year ago
Derena_Brucas commented…
I know right and whats up with derena shippers turning to dair? I like their friendship thats it. Derena mean so much more! How can they not be together. over a year ago
isponyluv commented…
all this 'shipping' talk has got me thinking metephorically. what if they are afraid that the ship they are on is going to sink but it's just at the dock so they hop to the next ship cuz its sailing... over a year ago
sometimes i wish i could fast forward time to the very last episode of Gossip Girl and find out who is endgame Posted over a year ago
Derena_Brucas commented…
Lol.yea over a year ago
luisz9 commented…
Me too over a year ago
twitch.twitch. time goes so fucking slow in this time of the week when i'm waiting for Gossip Girl. Posted over a year ago
hi Dair fans, Derena fan here. i'm not here to post hate (i actually secretly love Dair ), but i wanted to let you guys know how determined you are and how much i admire you for ti! if i had to choose between Chair and Dair, i would pick Dair any day. u guys are awesome Posted over a year ago
Xara333 commented…
:) I used to be Chair and Delena fan!! :0 over a year ago
tequilaBoom commented…
aww that's sweet <3 over a year ago
detty4ever commented…
Thanks! Lots of love to you!! over a year ago
isabellebadgley commented…
<3 <3 <3 <3 over a year ago