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Doodlebug81 gave me props for my images
Hey wanna play Supernatural pic game? :)
link Posted over a year ago
houseofhades said about Supernatural
Hey guys. Like I said earlier, I'm new here and I have just joined the SPN fandom. I was wondering if there was any must see episodes I might have missed. I am able to watch season 1-8. Thanks for the help. Happy fangirling/boying Posted over a year ago
houseofhades said about Supernatural
hey guys. im new hear. just joined the fandom! its great so far! almost done with seson one tho. so a lot more to go!wish me luck! Posted over a year ago
Doodlebug81 commented…
i just started season 4 :) over a year ago
houseofhades said about Doctor Who
Hoare commented…
Congratulations!!! Lucky you!!!! :) over a year ago
houseofhades commented…
do i smell sarcasm over a year ago
Hoare commented…
No no,,, i'm really happy that you got 11s sonic, i am a huge fan of Matt Smith who plays 11! I actually met him which was a dream! :) over a year ago
houseofhades said about Doctor Who
Any one know what channel BBC AMERICA is on bright house?? Posted over a year ago
Darkangel6 commented…
213 i think over a year ago
houseofhades commented…
thanks. over a year ago
houseofhades said about Doctor Who
OHHHH 11 Y U DO DIS TO USSSSSS!!!!!!!??????????!?!?!?!?!?1 Posted over a year ago
Hoare commented…
I know it's terrible!!! AGHHHHH!!!!! over a year ago
HE FOUND A WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUE LOVES PREVAILS!!!!! HE FOUND HER AND KISSED HER!!!!!! THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
i am glad to know im not the only one who ships pan and wendy. but we need a ship name! any suggestions????? Posted over a year ago
Evilregal14 commented…
Pendy :) No, joking, umm....DarlingPan? over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
and look how Phantom of The Opera ended, the girl didn't love the psycho and ended up with some other dude. The psycho and abusive thing is just sick! I'm sorry but anyone who wants Wendy with Peter after all we've seen has serious problems and needs help. I'm sorry but it's true and the truth hurts! Get over it! over a year ago
Alchemistlover commented…
I didn't say i wanted it i'm just saying i'm used to hearing girls say they like stuff like that i personally would never ship it and i think Wendy's just a plot device to bring some homage to the original story. over a year ago
it killed me that emma and hook barely talked at all sunday nite! Posted over a year ago
worst cliff-hanger EVER! TWO WEEKS! TWO FREAKING WEEKS! I CAN'T! I CAN'T DO IT! Posted over a year ago
SherlockStark commented…
I know! It's awful! over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
No, the worst was when they kidnapped Henry and we had to wait months until we saw what happened. This is still terrible tough because I can't wait two weeks! I need to know what happens NOW! over a year ago
SherlockStark commented…
^ I actually think this one is worse :) over a year ago
merdziiikaa commented…
I don't know how I'll manage this two weeks. xD I'll just have to stop thinking about it so much... Easier said than done.. :/ over a year ago