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haricsson said about One Piece
can anyone tell what is the reason behind everyone's fear of the conquerer's haki??..cause no powerfull oponents get defeated by this haki....but they act like they saw something dangerous..when luffy used it to save ace..everyone like whitebeard,admirals,ivankova,garp ..everyone looked pissed off..but they didnt get harmed by can anyone tell me what is the dangerous feature of this haki?? Posted over a year ago
Cryogenic commented…
The power to influence those around you and make comrades. This is a trait that is found in all the people who have the conqueror's haki and the fact that luffy could use it just made him even more of a threat as a pirate. over a year ago
Re-Remember commented…
It's strength differs from user to user. When Shanks used it on Whitebeard's ship, it caused physical damage to the ship. Armies are no use against that kinda power. over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
^ Yes, but the stronger willed people weren't harmed, like Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru, Garp and Sengoku, as well as the Vice-Admirals and Shichibukai - if you watch that part of the War of the Best, you'll notice that the weaker willed dropped to the ground, while stronger willed were awestruvk that Luffy could use the Haoshoku Haki. It was the same when Luffy used it against the Fishman Pirates and knocked out the 50,000 closest to him and Hody and the stronger Fishmen were merely intimidated, not knocked out... intimidation, in my books, isn't classed as 'harm', simply an effect of the Haki. And, yes, Shanks broke parts of Whitebeard's ship and knocked out many of his crew - the weaker ones... the stronger were intimidated, or not, and weren't harmed. over a year ago
haricsson said about One Piece
what if there is a fishman fishman fruit and luffy eats that... Posted over a year ago
Re-Remember commented…
And a fish that can't swim is born. over a year ago
haricsson commented…
than what will be it's power?? a fruit must give some ability in exchange of taking another ability. i think if there is a fruit like that it will be an exception of the devil fruits. over a year ago
haricsson said about One Piece
.i hoped that after 2 yrs luffy would be little serious or would use intilligence some time in battle like he used in alabasta.caz i thought when people grow up they remain funny bt not much stupid as luffy still is.and when i watched him he didnt recognize sanzi and zoro that they were fake i was really is too much lame even for luffy or anyonre.......sorry for bad english..... Posted over a year ago
Re-Remember commented…
His stupidity is a trademark trait, and cannot be weeded out that easily even if the author wanted to. There are others in the crew whose intelligence balances Luffy's, and to a lesser extend some others', incredible idiocy. over a year ago
haricsson commented…
yes i know its his uniqueness.and i love it too...but sometimes stupidity is too much...and logically its not possible..being so much power full,capable of sesnsing people even animal with haki power he didnt even recognize his friends..because of too much stupidity sometimes i feel like luffy can do something miracle because he is the hero of the anime....but in alabasta arc his stupidity was really enjoyable..and there he used his brain when it was he stops vivi from going catoria and suggest her to go after crocodile.,and he even thought of the idea for beating crocodile..and in skypea he also used his brain when he couldnt hit eneru because of his mantra i think along with his stupidy ,sometimes his intiligence makes me happy .. over a year ago
Re-Remember commented…
At times he has shown that he can actually say meaningful things. But usually he's a clueless, carefree person. He is a fighting genius, so you can expect him to do creative and smart things when fighting. But in other matters, his brain can't be relied on. In Amazon Lily he said "all this thinking is hurting my head". over a year ago
Seros commented…
Without his stubborness the anime wouldn't be as funny. Also Luffy wouldn't be such of an awesome character too. :3 over a year ago