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mia444 gave me props for my articles
I don't know if you like any of my clubs, but I plan on visiting your website! I love Flashpoint!! Posted over a year ago
mia444 commented…
How come you haven't joined the Flashpoint club? Or The Host? Just wondering, the clubs on here are pretty cool ;-) over a year ago
mia444 gave me props for my links
Hey I just added you and was wondering if you would join my clubs? The links are
I'd really appreciate it, and if you do join, let me know and I'll give you a prop for each one. And the last one you can just type in Belward Robsten Eternity. I'm Mia, it's nice to meet you! Posted over a year ago
fyedkaofficial said about Flashpoint
Are you a flashpoint lover?
There is a micro nation devoted to flashpoint lovers (as well as Downton abbey lovers). If you wish to become part of this group go to The micro nation is called Fyedka and to become a citizen, simply do our questionnaire at the bottom of the home page on our website. Add your email with your name for the first question to receive your results. Thanks! Posted over a year ago
fyedkaofficial said about Downton Abbey
Are you a downton abbey lover?!?
There is a micro nation devoted to Downton abbey lovers (as well as flashpoint lovers). If you wish to become part of this group go to The micro nation is called Fyedka and to become a citizen, simply do our questionnaire at the bottom of the home page on our website. Add your email with your name for the first question to receive your results. Thanks! Posted over a year ago