My Wall

ihatekronos123 gave me props for my videos
hi! your awshum! Posted over a year ago
hey yo!!!!! PARTY IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POOR CAPS!!!! so whats been happening on heres? Posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 commented…
not much :/ just like kkw1700 said, it's pretty much deserted here D: over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
D: y u people not arguing! over a year ago
universalpowa commented…
HI CONNOR over a year ago
fireyes said about Random
"i dont get why you wear a bra, you have nothing to put in it." he said
"you wear pants dont you?" the girl asked unfazed
"well you have ummm.... shirts." the boy said
"you have heads." the girl replied
"well i know how to use my head." the boy said triumphly
"if you did then you wouldve come up with a diffrent comeback."
"oh my gosh i dont get girls."
"well obvisously because then you would've found a better way to ask me out, and by the way no."
the boy walked off in defeat. Posted over a year ago
thats it im not gonna make it through Argo. no matter how much i want to see it i couldnt sleep. grrr ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzZZZ Posted over a year ago
LeoNicoCrazaiii gave me props for my comments
thx for adding back xP Posted over a year ago
fireyes commented…
youre welcome srry it took long im horrible with email over a year ago
8xchristellax8 gave me props for my images
whaaa?? LOL i forgot i added u cuz it was so long ago XD well thx for adding back!<3 Posted over a year ago
fireyes commented…
yea im not so good with mah email. so im paying attecion now. over a year ago
Soooo I was just readin mah mythology book (for possibly the thousandth time) and well I read a part I hadn't noticed before and it said stuff about how a son of Zeus would do what Zeus did to kronos and what he did to whoever was before kronos (because I'm too lazy to check) and I know its probably too early to make guesses and this guess is stupid and just a random thought but has anyone thought about the first line too storm or fire the world must fall? Well I was just thinking what it Jason Posted over a year ago
fireyes commented…
ahh stupid word limit but anyway just a thought what if jason is that son of zeus of Jupiter? honestly just a thought. over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
kronos's father was Oranos good dude, was just he screwed the wrong bitch. over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
^And other places but whatever. Anyways if Leo can burn down the world I will be impressed..................... over a year ago
ya know ive been wondering, how long do you have to be on to not be considered a newbie? just wondering Posted over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
like half a year over a year ago
fireyes commented…
*cuss*cuss* A year! eh six months to go over a year ago
mich9250 commented…
yayay I've been here for a whole year! over a year ago
fireyes said …
whoo hoo i changed my quote! *cricket *cricket* Awww nobodys here to see eh nvr mind that! Posted over a year ago
[b]NOOOOOO![/] uni left and she didnt even get to see my cool song i just found :( i was sooo expecting liz to stay on but im sad now. I cant even post a link I'm too sad. But ill do what I came here to do(sadly) its what if by simple plan. Posted over a year ago