My Wall

hetalianstella gave me props for my comments
Oh hey, Stella. XD I don't meet that many other people with the same name as me~
Well most people around here would kill to live there where it's sunny. Here it's cloudy or rainy most of the time. But I don't really mind it that much because I like the rain :P Posted over a year ago
xXxJDloverxXx said …
Thanks for answering my question, I really liked your picture! It's just the style I want for one of the posters, if I tell you a sort of description of an image, would you be able to make it? That is if you can and are up for it? Thanks if you can! It would help out a lot! =) Posted over a year ago
fake_alibi13 commented…
Well you can give me the description. Is there a deadline, cause I am during exam period right now but I will ahve a lot of free time later. To tell you the truth, I am a bit of a diva-artist. I can't force it and make it good, but if it inspires me (and eerie creepy morbid stuff are the thing that mostly inspires me) I can do it all right :) over a year ago
xXxJDloverxXx commented…
No there's no deadline, I'm finishing the film around late Aug', but it probably won''t be "released" until around late September, I can give you a description when I've finished the idea if what I'm after, which I can give to you in about a week, if that's ok? Thanks again! =) over a year ago
xXxJDloverxXx commented…
Ah good, I don't really have a specific design for any of the images, that's why I'm asking people on here, as I can't really sit down with you guys and say "This is how I want it, I want this colour for this and this shape for that" Just a vague idea that I'd like and because I don't know anyone here personally, I should hopefully get quite a wide range of styles/ideas. =) over a year ago
Shesca99 said …
Sorry I coudn't get yo you quicker, but thanks for the add! :3 Posted over a year ago
tijgerin6 gave me props for my images
❤♫❤♫❤.•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫❤♫❤♫❤
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* ░H░A░P░P░Y░* ░N░E░W░ * ░Y░E░A░R░ *
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❤♫❤♫❤.•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥ ¸.•*¨`*•. ♫❤♫❤♫❤ Posted over a year ago
tijgerin6 gave me props for my images
Merry Christmas! ♥ () ˛.°★。˛°.★** *★* *˛.
˛°_██_*。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛.*.★* *★ 。*
˛. (´• ̮•)*˛°*/.♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____. * ♥ ˛*
.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *。
*(...'•'...) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬ Posted over a year ago
lovebellatrix21 gave me props for my images
May the Christmas Magic
Brings health, wealth and peace to you home
And make your Christmas a fun filed Celebration
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year. Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 gave me props for my articles
May this Christmas/Yule end the present year
On a cheerful note and make way
For a fresh and bright new year.
Here’s wishing you a
Merry Christmas/Yule and a Happy New Year!
Greetings, Deathroman13 :) Posted over a year ago
annale gave me props for my comments
A star has 5 ends.
A square has 4 ends.
A triangle has 3 ends.
A line has 2 ends.
But the circle of our friendship has no end.
..............................<33.............................. ................
.Send this to all your best friends including me . if.................I am one!
if you get 5 back , you are a good friend
if you get 10 , you are popular.
if you get 15 back, damn I'm jealous! Posted over a year ago
annale gave me props for my articles
♥♥•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫ "Your friend is the man who knows all about you,
and still likes you." ¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ✫ *♥♥ Posted over a year ago
What dvd version has the extras with the gag reel? I think the greek does not that's why :( Posted over a year ago
dawntreaderca commented…
You can watch gag reel on youtube over a year ago
fake_alibi13 commented…
I can watch a 5 min. one, not the one that was taken down as soon as it was released over a year ago
Loki13 commented…
I saw it on my dvd over a year ago