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cobaltblu said about Pauley Perrette
God bless you, keep you and may you find happiness, fulfillment and joy in all you do.
Scott and Irena Posted over a year ago
cobaltblu said about Pauley Perrette
The appearance of Abby as Marilyn Monroe is wonderfully orgasmic. We were both mesmerized and captured by you (one of our favorite fantasies during sex play). As for your recent out of your long time desire to show the world your magnificent body, we both support you and look forward to enjoying your world class charms when you choose to share them. We only wish we several decades younger. We would invite you to our bed any time.
(continued) Posted over a year ago
cobaltblu said about Pauley Perrette
We have enjoyed watching NCIS from its beginning and Abby has always been our fav character. We are very sorry to see you leave. But at our age we have become used to change, loss and good byes. We will be looking for you to appear elsewhere and will enjoy seeing you stretch your talents where ever you go. BTW, as an aside, our favorite Abby scene is the Halloween/Marilyn Monroe scene.
(continued) Posted over a year ago
cobaltblu said about Pauley Perrette
New Club members, but long time fans, Scott and Irena. Irena is And brat, born on the old "Ladd Air Force base". Scott is a Viet Nam "boonie rat" Marine, career Cop, IRAQ 'private contractor" (training, mentoring and monitoring Iraq Police and other Law Enforcement Officers OJT style), and Strip (Las Vegas) Security officer.
(continued) Posted over a year ago