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I love M.Shadows so much...He is so freakin sexy!!!...Everyday I listen to my 5 favorite songs from A7X..
1..Seize The Day
2.So Far Away
3.Dear God
....Avenged Sevenfold is the Bomb!!!!!... Posted over a year ago
dangerdays commented…
Seize The Day and So Far Away are my two favourites,The Beast And The Harlots also quite addictive aswell as Nightmare:) over a year ago
avenged7fold98 commented…
I like the video for Beast & The Harlots,M. is so hot in that one too...Video for so far away i cant get enough of...I think its cuz he's so darn over a year ago
dangerdays commented…
True:) over a year ago
dzulfadhli098 commented…
yes thats true... over a year ago