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ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
do you think damon will tell elena that he loves her in the morning after i mean when he wakes up, i d love to hear him say 'am crazy about you'' and she says me too or sth like that I really hope they have a small talk about feelings but from the preview it looks like all elena wants is to make out Posted over a year ago
4LoveOfDelena commented…
I would love to see him say something like ''I love you Elena'' or ''Good morning beautiful'' Any of sweet talk will do ;) over a year ago
Nianlusafan commented…
Yeah, I would love that. I would also love to see Elena waking him up with a kiss. That would be AMAZING <3 over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
it will probably be a kiss or makeout which i'm totally fine with over a year ago
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
am worried that damon will break up with elena without telling her about the sire bond :( Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Somehow, i can't see damon being that selfish, that's steffies job. over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
I think Damon will tell Elena. From what Julie Plec said it sounds like it's something that Damon and Elena are going to overcome together, which will make them stronger :) over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
guys have you seen the 4x08 web crying because first of all damon looks so hot (sex did brighten him) and secondly because he doesn't want to believe that elena is sired to is going to hurt so bad when she drinks from the bag!!! :"""O and i laughed a little bit when he called stefan and caroline idiots as if JP predicted what DE fans will say about them after ruining DEX lol

this is going to be tragic but i love the drama as long as there is plenty of DE make out Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
same!! and about damon calling the childish little brats idiots...TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN!!! over a year ago
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
Hey everyone am back! don't know if you remember me but I left this group after 3x22 and all DE fandom but now as i have seen things started to move forward with DE am back
In contrary with everyone I think the sire bond is a great idea, I d love to see elena reassure damon of her feelings it kind of reminds me of joey and pacey as even when they were together pacey was insecure about her feelings and it was beautiful to see her reassure him and prove her love... Posted over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
the only annoying thing in this perfect episode was caroline and stefan ohh gosh i wanted to kill them...and they kind of ruined the sex scene as they kept showing us their stupid faces is like the worst thing that could happen to a DE fan while watch DEX they get multiple, shots of stefan's face! nightmare!....anyways am so excited for next week esp the ebgining of the episode where we see elena wearing damon's shirt and kissing him at least with that one we won't have stefan's ugly face in the middle...i love the fact that elena looks like she wants to make love to damon first thing in the morning and SHE IS WEARING HIS SHIRT!!!! SO EXCITED over a year ago
DelenaDiaries commented…
I remember you! Heyy! over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
since s3 finale i thought am not watching the show anymore but i have to say i was tempted to do last night but after reading the spoilers I was glad i didn't , i just watched DE scenes which were like 2 seconds each!!! lol funny nothing changed js like we reliving SE in a different way as for DE elena said it clearly she made the right choice, no matter what she remembered she loves stefan! i thought after all he anger of DE fans , JP will be nicer or try to please us a little bit but..... Posted over a year ago
Manonx commented…
You seriously have a problem. Don't like the new season, don't watch it. over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Saying she "made the right choice" in ep. 1 of the whole season does not mean it's true, Elena saying that does not make it fact, and considering that it's very clear that Elena is not facing her feelings for Damon it makes sense. Elena wants to believe she made the right choice. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
sorry, elena, but you are going to have to do alot better than that to get us to believe that you are in love with stefan. over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
Yes. I changed my Twitter though. Posted over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
okay because I saw you very upset at the finale , are you quitting the show? over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
sorry I don't have an account on twitter but I just type in DE and it shows all the people who talk about DE, so I like reading the comments of the fans, I read your tweets and those of asuperslut, niadk, twinflamez ect.... over a year ago
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
JP actually called vamp elena '' the elena who is not elena'' and probably that s the elena who will have some feelings for damon!!!! after stefan rejects her!!! this show is going to get ridiculous ...damon fell in love with human elena not ''the elena who is not elena'' all the 3 seasons build up has been turned into nothing :''(
Posted over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
WTF is that bullshit! what is she trying 2 show that human elena loves stefan and vampire elena loves damon? does she think that will make every1 happy? please some1 get kw back and get this show back on track. don't try and cheapen all the d/e biuldup we've had and make it mean nothing. so damon is not good enough 4 the real elena? over a year ago
Nutika commented…
I think it all means that now her emotion are intensified and she is going to have little problems with accepting everythhing and herself. Becoming vampire changes people! over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
I loved this comment ''t seems the writers expect me as a Damon/Elena fan to tune in next season with the small hope that the "Elena who is not Elena" may have the courage to love and be with Damon. Well, guess what....the "Elena who is not Elena" renders any build up we've seen during the past three years null and void because she is not the Elena Damon came to love either. Posted over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
Or Damon will be so desperate that he will have to accept Elena any way he can get her if she does turn to romantic. Nothing Julie Plec said in this interview gave me anything to look forward to after a depressing season finale. However, deleting the season finale from my DVR felt good. I think that says alot. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
...*sigh*'s JP for crying out loud!! she'll say anything to make delena look cheap, and make stelena look epic!! over a year ago
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
the worst :

We really wanted to see Stefan and Elena come back together after a really long and really horrible season. She was his champion and fought for him, even when he didn't deserve to be fought for, she still came back and said "I couldn't stop loving you, I could never stop loving you." That deserved payoff. When we wrote " Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
big deal!! this doesn't mean a thing, and most of it is pure BULLSHIT anyway!! what do you honestly expect it's julie plec, she will she anything to make saint stefan sound like a saint, and make stelena sound like epic love!! but half of wht she says DOESN'T make sense!! and no julie!, that DID NOT deserve any payoff!! over a year ago
Manonx commented…
Seriously guys, haven't you learned anything? Two words: RANT THREAT. I'm reporting your comment. over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
how could any true d/e fan think 4 one second that s/e is the true epic love story of the show? eventhough she picked stefan she said herself she wasn't thinking about always and 4 the girl that said it was always gonna be stefan that's huge 4 us!! i can still tell that even when we get these blows that in the end it just makes delena stronger NOT stelena. how dare u say we r deluded. u might be in the wrong spot! over a year ago
ameasylikethat said about Damon & Elena
did you see what new JP interview says, if you watch s4 then am sorry for you guys

''we were heading toward the end of the road knowing that as a human, Stefan was Elena's choice. We also knew what was going to happen at the end of the episode. Elena is no longer a human when she wakes up and when the memories come back and when her whole life goes upside-down. Posted over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
Who's to say what that does to her? Who's to say what kind of person she becomes, and how that impacts who she loves and why she loves them? I'm not saying that's going to send her running instantly into Damon's arms, absolutely not, but it's going to cloud the issue even moreHer kiss with Stefan in her house was the first one they've shared all season. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
if anything it should make her more aware of her feelings for damon! HELL YEAH!! i couldn't give a flying fuck about her feelings for holyboy, he can rot in hell for all i care!! DAMON is the one who is always there for her, NOT SAINT STEFAN!! over a year ago