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YourExWife said about Damon & Bonnie
we're trending Team Bamon in 50 mins <:D get your party hats Posted over a year ago
YourExWife said about Damon & Bonnie
"It's a Bamon thing" is gonna try and trend at half past :) hehehehee SPONTANEOUS <3 Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
It trended! over a year ago
YourExWife commented…
Wahinetoa commented…
Just seen it.. omgoodness way to go you lovely divas!!!!!! More Bonnie/Bamon. <3 over a year ago
YourExWife said about Damon & Bonnie
well...we did say it would happen! I hope both damon and elena come to their senses before the end of the season Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. I think everyone knew it, now that heavens we can move on. Bring on Bonnie!! (was she on? Another poster said she wasn't. :( ) over a year ago
YourExWife commented…
bonnie was in this episode :D bonnie x screentime is my next fave ship LOL no bamon moments but nice stefonnie scenes if you're into that haha! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Oh, baby YES!!!!! *squishes you happily* My next fave ship too :) Bonscreentime. Stefonnie.. awee, can't go wrong with them.*hugs you again* over a year ago